Chapter 290 Production
The Chinese New Year is coming in a blink of an eye, and this year Jia Ke's affairs are relatively smooth. Since the beginning of the year, the emperor cleaned up all the ministers, and no one dared to stab him in front of him.

And this autumn, he issued military orders repeatedly, requiring all places on the nine borders to strictly guard against death. At the same time, he ordered Xuanfu Town and Liaodong Town to seize the opportunity to go out to attack the Tatars.

With the cooperation of the Eight Banners of the Manchus, these two forces restrained most of the energy of the Tatars, so that the Tatars did not have the energy to invade other places this year.

However, Jia Ke took advantage of the heavy losses of the Tatars last year and ordered the Eight Banners of the Manchus to fight fiercely with the Tatars on the grasslands, forcing the Tatars to move north this year.The Manchu Eight Banners rapidly expanded their territory, and the territory under their command was almost the same as that of the Tatars.Become another superpower on the grassland that can compete with the Tatars.

Just a few days ago, the Manchu Eight Banners sent people to the capital in the name of a race, apparently paying tribute to the Central Plains Dynasty.Secretly, a large amount of money and horses were sent to Jia Ke.These people were secretly arranged by Jia Ke in the capital troops under his control, thus Jia Ke's control over the troops was further strengthened.

The only bad news for Jia Ke this year is that the emperor's health is getting worse and worse. Jia Ke even sent a few Ganoderma lucidums in his collection to the emperor, but it seems that the effect is not very great.

The purpose of Jia Ke doing this is to delay the time for the new emperor to ascend the throne, so that he can more safely and quickly place his forces in the army.

Jia Ke has long been disobedient, but the time is not yet ripe, there is no army that can absolutely control the court, and Jia Ke is also a relatively nostalgic person. This old emperor can be said to be very kind to Jia Ke Rushan has nothing to feel sorry for him, so Jia Ke still thinks about waiting for the old emperor to die before doing big things.

But now it seems that next year when the new emperor ascends the throne, it is inevitable for the old emperor to abdicate as the Supreme Emperor.The time left for Jia Ke is running out, he doesn't want to be He Shen.

So Jia Ke began to speed up his actions, taking advantage of the opportunity when he was still the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, the commanders-in-chief and Jiedu envoys from all over the country came to Beijing to report on their duties, and met them one by one, making them all become his loyal followers one by one. men.

Although Jia Ke had begun to expand his influence, the people in the court did not find anything wrong. After all, Jia Ke, as the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, met the officials who came to Beijing to report on their duties, which was a matter of course.

In this way, Jia Ke began to control the military power of the court step by step. Almost half of the current army has been secretly controlled by Jia Ke. As long as the army in the capital is also under control after a while, then slowly control the rest of the army. The local army can guarantee that nothing will go wrong.

Time passed slowly as Jia Ke prepared. A few days before the new year, the emperor held a grand court in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and received the Manchu envoys who came to pay tribute.And promised the Manchus, as long as they pay tribute every year, they will become ministers every year.It is guaranteed that the border market between him and the Central Plains Dynasty will last forever.

And the tribute envoy who came this time was none other than Jiya. This person was quite wise. He represented the Manchu lord on the spot in the hall, agreed to all the requirements of the Central Plains Dynasty, and called the emperor Tian Khan on the spot.

This look made the emperor very happy. Since the Tang Dynasty, the Central Plains court's control over the grassland has been very weak, and it was even invaded by the grassland several times, almost destroying the country.This time, a people from the grassland paid tribute to the Central Plains and called him Tian Kehan. This was something that did not happen in the previous dynasty, even the Emperor Taizu of this dynasty did not do it.

The emperor was so happy that he naturally gave out a lot of rewards, and he made a statue-the treasure of the Manchu Khan, which was rewarded to the Manchu envoys who came to pay tribute.And personally issued an imperial decree that the Manchus can trade in the border with the Central Plains Dynasty.

That can be said to be the greatest reward from the Central Plains Dynasty to the grassland people. Generally speaking, as long as the grassland people submit to the Central Plains Dynasty, the Central Plains Dynasty will definitely open a mutual market. In this way, the forced prairie dynasty had to invade the south and plunder the Central Plains dynasty to meet its own needs.

But the invasion is not so easy to do. As long as the Central Plains Dynasty is a little bit aggressive, it will definitely strengthen its defenses, making the invasion of the grassland people more worthwhile, and finally weakened slowly.

Just like the current Tatars, under the attack of Jia Ke, they have failed several times. Although they plundered some finances from the Central Plains, they lost a large number of people. In the end, the gains outweighed the losses, which led to the rise of the Manchu Eight Banners , able to share equal shares with the Tatars on the steppe.

After the Manchu tribute envoys left, the emperor began to seal the seal, and the ministers had already started a vacation of more than 20 days.

During this new year, Jia Ke lived in fear, because Qin Keqing was about to give birth.In order for Qin Keqing to give birth safely, Jia Ke invited four or five well-known stable women in the capital to live at home in advance.And let the nuns invited from the four palaces be divided into several groups to follow Qin Keqing non-stop.

Fortunately, nothing went wrong during this time, and Qin Keqing finally activated it on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

At that time, Jia Ke was chatting with Qin Keqing in the room, talking about what the child's name will be in the future?Is it male or female?These are topics that Qin Keqing cares about.

Suddenly, Qin Keqing's stomach ached unbearably, and the nurse Zhang who was serving beside her knew that Qin Keqing was about to give birth, so she quickly ordered the little maid to carry Qin Keqing to the delivery room prepared in advance.

Then Nanny Zhang recruited all the stable women, but instead of letting them into the delivery room, she drove them into another room, each with two little maids, and began to bathe them.

Looking at the situation, Jia Ke was inexplicable, Zhang Nanny next to him saw Jia Ke's doubts, and explained to him: "But this is also some way of guarding against villains in the palace. In order to seize the throne, In order to give birth to a prince, I can do anything. Just like this Wenpo, it is the most difficult hurdle for every concubine to give birth to the end."

Jia Ke had also read various Gongdou novels in his previous life, but these were all guesswork by the authors, and he had no idea of ​​the real situation at all.He hurriedly asked Madam Zhang to explain to him.

"When these people deliver babies, there are people from our house standing beside them. They can't play ghosts, but they can't guarantee that there are some shady medicines hidden between their fingers. You only need to dab these medicines on the baby's umbilical cord to get rid of them. If it’s not good, both mother and child will die.”

"Furthermore, the clothes they wear may have been washed with some kind of potion. If the mother or baby gets stuck, it may be life-threatening. But these clothes are worn by those who have the plague, not only The mother and son are two, I am afraid that the whole mansion will suffer."

"It may also be that they also have medicine in their mouths. As long as they try to hurt themselves, say a few words casually in the delivery room, and spray out the medicine, they may kill the mother and the baby."

After listening to Nanny Zhang's explanation, Jia Ke was horrified. He didn't expect that there would be such secrets in the palace. It seems that every baby born in the palace has great fortune. They have always been born in the mother's womb. It will be attacked by all kinds, and it will be able to live until it is born. The good fortune in it is really indescribable.

These words reminded Jia Ke of Song Renzong. This emperor had many princes in his life, but none of them lived to adulthood, and they all died when they were young.This is simply impossible in the royal family. Jia Ke would not believe that there were no shady activities involved.

Besides, these women, after being forced to take a bath, each of them had their nails cut to clean all the dirt from their nails.In the end, they combed their hair again, brushed their teeth again, and finally put on the new clothes that Jia's mansion prepared for them.This was the end, and finally the four of them were allowed into the delivery room.

At this time, Qin Keqing was already in pain, crying for her father and mother. Fortunately, there were several other nuns who had risen from the palace in the delivery room. Although they were not stable women, they knew a thing or two about it.

When Jia Ke was in a hurry, Aunt Zhou came running quickly with her maid, and when she saw Jia Ke, she asked anxiously, "How is it? How long have you been in? Did you give birth?"

Jia Ke was also very anxious at this time, but she didn't know what was going on inside, so she could only say to Aunt Zhou, "Auntie, but Qing has been in for a while, and Po Wen just went in, so I don't know what's going on inside."

So the mother and son could only stand outside the door and wait anxiously. Qin Keqing's crying continued for nearly half an hour, and she still didn't intend to stop.

At this moment, Nanny Zhang, who was next to her, suddenly walked up to Jia Ke, "It's time for you to prepare something, sir."

Jia Ke was very irritable at this time. Hearing what she said was unclear, she asked angrily, "What are you going to say?"

Nanny Zhang said calmly: "I heard that a few days ago, my uncle sent a thousand-year-old ginseng to the neighboring mansion. I think we still have it in our mansion. Please take out one and cut it into slices. Let's let it go." The grandma swallowed one piece. Then use three or four slices to make soup. Serve it to the grandma, and I think it will ensure the safety of the mother and child."

As soon as Jia Ke heard it, he also remembered it. He has described such a scene in some novels now. The mother was unable to give birth to a child due to exhaustion, and finally regained her vitality with the help of an aged ginseng. In the end, the mother and child were safe.

So he immediately ordered people to quickly go to the warehouse to get a ginseng, and immediately cut it into slices in Qin Keqing's room, and sent two or three slices to the delivery room for Qin Keqing to swallow.For the rest, let Qin Keqing's personal maid, Ruizhu, boil the medicine immediately, and then send it to Qin Keqing after it is finished.

Don't tell me, this is really a way.Qin Keqing, who was exhausted and unable to cry out just now, gradually regained his strength in his cries.

After a while, Qin Keqing suddenly called out loudly, and finally stopped.Immediately afterwards, the baby's cry was heard.

When Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou heard the cry of the child, they felt relieved.At this time, the door of the delivery room opened, and a stable woman walked out from inside, came to Jia Ke and knelt down, "Congratulations, my lord, congratulations to my lord, I was in charge of giving birth to a little boy for you, and now the mother and child are safe. May I ask if your lord will take care of the child?" Take it out for adults to take a look at?"

(End of this chapter)

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