Chapter 291
When Jia Ke heard Granny Wen say that the mother and child were safe, and whether Granny Wen carried the baby out, she naturally had no doubts, so she ordered Granny Wen to hug the baby immediately, and he had a look at what his first child looked like.

The steady woman promised to go into the delivery room to pick up the baby, but it was the nurse Zhang who was next to her who suddenly shouted, "Come on, take this desperate woman down for me."

The maids on both sides were stunned for a moment, and then immediately reacted.It seemed that there was something wrong with the Wen Po. Although they didn't know exactly what was going on, they still rushed up to take down the Wen Po according to Mammy Zhang's wishes.

After Jia Ke heard Zhang Nanny's shout, she knew that there must be something tricky in it.So the actions of the subordinates are not blocked.

Although the Wen woman struggled desperately, she was still caught by everyone, but she kept yelling for grievances, "You are wronged, what have I done? You officials and officials can't bully others, so let me go, or I will be wronged." Go beat the Dengwen drum and report to the emperor."

Nanny Zhang took two steps forward, came up to the steady woman, and said coldly: "Since you know Dengwengu, you seem to have some knowledge. Then why did you take the young master out of the room? I don’t know that it’s going to be a few days of cold weather now, when the young master catches the wind and cold, I’m afraid he won’t be able to save his life.”

The steady woman was stunned for a moment when she heard Zhang Nanny's words. She thought that this move would be safe against Jia Ke, who was a new father. She was seen through on the spot, but at this moment, she absolutely couldn't admit it, she rolled her eyes and then cried again: "I just forgot for a while, you people catch my little problem, and you will take human life like a fool!" , I don't agree, let's go to the government to judge." It seemed that she was confident and hoped that Jia Ke would send her to the government.

Seeing her look like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, Jia Ke looked gloomy as if it was going to rain. It seemed that this steady lady was confident, and there must be some power behind it manipulating all this.

Over the past year, Jia Ke has focused mainly on controlling military power, and has not interfered too much with the civil servants in the court, so their power has not been damaged in the slightest.The two parties seemed to have reached a tacit agreement and did not interfere with each other, but it did not mean that these people had no hatred for Jia Ke. If they sent this stable woman to the yamen in a serious manner, I am afraid that nothing would happen in the end.

As for who will take action against a newborn baby, in Jia Ke's mind, there are only a few, Mrs. Wang can count as one, Aunt Zhao can also count as one, maybe the old lady Jia Mu can also count as one, and maybe the big house can also count as one. Count one.But these people didn't have that ability yet, so they sent this Wen Po to his mansion silently. You must know that before these Wen Po entered the mansion, Jia Ke sent someone to conduct a detailed investigation of their details, and there was not even half of them. Moreover, Wei Kun in Jia Ke's mansion has secretly sent a lot of people to protect Wuyang Houhu's plants and trees in secret. How can ordinary spies be sent in.

The other one is probably the prince who has been against him all the time, among which his energy is the greatest.He didn't understand, why did the prince keep fighting against him?
However, Jia Ke suspects that the prince will be the new emperor, and the most likely one will be the third prince, because this third prince married Jia Yuanchun as his side concubine.According to the Red Chamber, Jia Yuanchun finally became a virtuous concubine. Although he came to this world and had an impact on the things in this world, according to the automatic correction of this world, Jia Yuanchun may still become a virtuous concubine. The third prince may be the new emperor.

Originally, the two were supposed to support each other, and then control the court together, but now that something like this happened, it seems that the in-laws have become enemies.But that's good too, so I don't have to tie my hands and feet in the future, and in the end I have to think about it for the sake of family affection, and let the emperor be lenient.

But this mother-in-law can't let her go lightly, although Jia Ke thought that there must be a lot of people watching outside his house now, as long as he dared to act rashly, there would be a snowflake-like impeachment memorial sent to the military plane, It's time to make him ugly.Although you can't touch her clearly, if you want to kill someone with your own skill, it's not like crushing an ant.

So Jia Ke said to the people below: "Untie her rope and let her go. Our Jia family is not a bullying family with no evidence, just let her go."

The steady lady was untied from the rope, and she didn't dare to stop any longer. She walked past Jia Ke in a dejected manner. Suddenly, Jia Ke patted her on the shoulder and said, "You are safe from us now." Get out, and if you have anything to do in the future, don't come to my door."

That Wen Po thought that Jia Ke was going to send someone to deal with her secretly, she was scared out of her wits, but when she thought of the person behind her this time, her courage strengthened again, she didn't talk to Jia Ke, and hurried out of the Marquis of Wuyang's mansion .

Looking at Jia Ke's appearance, Nanny Zhang next to her was a little puzzled. She knew Jia Ke was a human being, so she was definitely not so timid.There must be something hidden in it that she doesn't know.But she didn't dare to pry into the secrets of these wealthy families.

In fact, Jia Ke didn't want to use the hidden power of his subordinates to deal with this little stable woman. This would only expose the forces he had built up with great difficulty. You must know that these forces have been hidden by him all the time. Once they are activated, they will be overwhelming. It is to change the dynasty, there is no need to completely destroy one's plan for such a person.

Just now Jia Ke slapped that woman Wen, but this time it was done with vicious energy. The meridians all over the woman Wen's body are already ready to be broken.Once strenuous exercise is about to break out, I am afraid that I will be paralyzed in bed for life, and I will suffer from the torment that I cannot survive or die.

This is the lesson Jia Ke taught her, and let the people behind him see what kind of ability Jia Ke has, and consider the fate of offending him.

At the same time, Jia Ke also winked at a servant next to him, and the servant immediately left with understanding.This person is Wei Kun's liaison officer who stayed in Jia Ke's mansion. Jia Ke gave him a wink to make people follow this stable woman. He wanted to see if it was the third prince who planned this in the end, as he guessed. everything.Fortunately, there is a clear enemy, so that it is not just speculation like it is now.

Jia Ke intends to stop today's matter. Even if he knows who did it, he doesn't plan to do it. After all, this is a means of privacy. Even if he sues the emperor, the emperor can't dispose of himself for such a trivial matter. Most valued son.But Jia Ke didn't intend to forget about this matter, and wait until the day when there is revenge and revenge.Now he is not sure of victory, so he can only endure for the time being.

Aunt Zhou witnessed the whole process just now, but she didn't say a word. Seeing that after all these things were dealt with, Aunt Zhou hurried into the delivery room, anxious to see her grandson.

At this moment in the delivery room, Qin Keqing was lying on the bed exhausted, next to her was a small person wrapped in ordinary cotton cloth.

As soon as Aunt Zhou entered the room, she came directly to Qin Keqing, "Keqing, it's really hard work for you. Just tell me what you want to eat, and I'll get someone to cook it for you."

Qin Keqing was smart and knew that Aunt Zhou's mind was not on this, so she said to her: "Auntie, don't be so troublesome, I just had dinner, and I'm just a little tired now." Then she stretched out her hand and hugged the child in her arms , "Auntie, come and see if our young master is handsome?"

Aunt Zhou had been waiting for this sentence for a long time, and immediately leaned forward, and stepped forward to support the baby in Qin Keqing's arms.He took the child from her hand and held it in his arms, then carefully watched the baby's appearance.

It's just that the child has just been born, his whole body is flushed, and his skin is wrinkled like a monkey.But Aunt Zhou fell in love with her more and more, and said to Qin Keqing while watching: "This child is really handsome, ten times stronger than when his father was born."

Aunt Zhou couldn’t pull her eyes out of her eyes when she looked at the baby. While gently stroking the baby’s delicate skin, she kept admiring her. She also compared Jia Ke with this child, degrading his father to ten miles. Extraterrestrial.

Qin Keqing lay on the bed, listening to Aunt Zhou's non-stop praise, she was also very happy.At the same time, the stone in my heart was also put down.I finally gave birth to an heir to the Wuyang Hou Mansion, and my position has been considered stable since then.

At this time, Jia Ke also entered Qin Keqing's delivery room. Although some people said that it was unlucky for a man to enter the delivery room, Jia Ke didn't take this matter to heart.But I don't know, the old man's words still have some reason, especially in this world where there are immortals.

As soon as Jia Ke entered the delivery room, a cold and bloody aura rushed towards her.But before this breath reached Jia Ke's side, it was completely evaporated by the blood on Jia Ke's body.This is not to mention that another invisible wave swayed on Jia Ke's body, sweeping the delivery room back and forth.In an instant, the delivery room became very warm.

Qin Keqing also saw Jia Ke at this time, and felt that she felt at ease as soon as he entered the delivery room.

Jia Ke came to Qin Keqing's bedside, and reached out to touch Qin Keqing's face, "Thank you for your hard work, this time you scared me to death."

Qin Keqing stretched out her hand to hold Jia Ke's hand, feeling extremely at ease, and didn't answer Jia Ke's words, just closed her eyes, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that Qin Keqing fell asleep, Jia Ke was afraid that he might be in danger, so she turned her head to look at a few women, and one of them was smart, and immediately stepped forward and said to Jia Ke, "Master, don't worry. I fell asleep, and I will be safe and sound when I wake up tomorrow morning."

Only then did Jia Ke feel relieved, and went to look at the child in Aunt Zhou's arms, thinking that it was very small and cute.This was the first time in Jia Ke's two lives that he felt like a father.This made him feel more responsible and made his fighting spirit stronger.

Looking at her son, Jia Ke felt that he was very blessed.From birth, Jia Ke has become the head of the Wuyanghou Mansion, not the bastard of the Rongguo Mansion.If the child is lucky, he may even rule the world in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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