Chapter 297
This time, the third prince was fully awake. He saw a familiar golden dragon, and it rushed towards the Jia family with its teeth and claws. At that time, the third prince still had some hope in his heart. He felt that this was the golden dragon of good luck in this dynasty, and he began to declare war on the Jia family. , if they can win this time, maybe the dynasty can continue.

At this time, Jia's mansion still flew out two golden dragons, but these two golden dragons did not block the golden dragon that the third prince was familiar with, which made the third prince feel confused for a while. After entering a room, and then submerged in a baby.

The golden dragon made a circle in the baby's body, then flew out of his body again, and then flew to the side of the other two golden dragons, so the three golden dragons entangled with each other in the air and played back and forth, and then stopped and flew over Jia's mansion.It seems that there is no more hatred between them.

Seeing this situation, the third prince was furious. It is not clear where it is now. Jinlong gave up and chose his own master again. It seems that it should be the newly born baby. Float forward and regain control of the golden dragon.

And at this moment, there was a sudden force, as if it was going to pull him somewhere.He struggled hard, but he couldn't break free, for a moment he seemed to enter a black hole, and then he felt his eyes light up, when he opened his eyes again.He has already returned to the small courtyard in the mansion.

The third prince looked around, trying to find that strange man to give him a solution.Suddenly, I felt a smell of blood on my body, and my body was very sticky and uncomfortable.

He touched it with his hand, and knew it was human blood without thinking too much, because he was no stranger to human blood, and had even been in contact with it countless times.

He took advantage of the moonlight to look around, and saw that there was blood all around him, and the strange man was lying beside him, and now he was motionless.

Seeing this situation, the third prince seemed to know something, and suddenly rushed towards that strange man like crazy. Now he no longer dislikes that strange man covered in rot.

He held the strange man in his arms and said, with tears streaming down his eyes, he called loudly: "Mother, don't leave me, what should I do if you leave?"

" are finally...willing to speak me mother." The strange man woke up while he was swaying. When he said this, the strange man also began to shed tears. He was waiting for a call, and he had already waited. 20 years.

Seeing that the person in his arms had woken up, the third prince immediately smiled, and regardless of the tears still on his face, he hugged the strange man in his arms and burst out laughing.

Just when the third prince thought everything was fine, the weird man suddenly said something that terrified him, "I'm running out of time, tell me what you saw just now? I'll give you a final explanation." The weird man Suddenly he got better, and his tone of voice became fluent.

But the third prince was not only unhappy, but started to panic, he knew this was a flashback.

Just when the third prince was at a loss, the weird man scolded him: "If you don't say anything, I will lose the chance I bought with my life."

Hearing his words, the third prince choked up and said, "I turned into that golden dragon again in my dream, and finally a red light seemed to fly over, helping me break free from the taboo."

"Okay, this is the dragon's veins breaking free from the suppression. When the time comes, it will soar into the sky. Even if it can't compete with the Jia family, it can still protect you." The weird man's voice was filled with joy.

But what the third prince said next shocked him, "I turned into a golden dragon and just flew into the air after breaking free, but the golden dragon's body seemed to be repelling me. I struggled hard, but it was useless. In the end, I was ejected by the golden dragon." Body. Then I saw the golden dragon flying towards Jia's house, and finally submerged in a baby's body. When the golden dragon flew out of the baby's body again, Jing and the other two golden dragons of Jia's house were entangled with each other, as if they had already merged into one. "When the third prince was sent here, he felt a burst of sadness.Although he is not a cultivator, he can still guess one or two things about such a simple situation, and at the same time, he feels extremely hated for his indecision a while ago. If he could make up his mind at that time, maybe that child would not have been born. I still have a ray of life.It's just that I missed this opportunity because I was looking forward and backward, and I was afraid that the forces behind that person would retaliate, which caused me a catastrophe.

Hearing this, the weird man suddenly seemed to understand something, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It's God's will, it's God's will. God's will cannot be violated."

After saying these few words, he stretched out his hand towards the third prince's face, this time the third prince didn't dodge, the weird man stroked the third prince's face and said: "This is the arrangement of heaven, there is actually a baby in Jia's mansion today When it was born, Heaven will arrange for you and me to practice the Dharma today to help the baby get the dragon vein, since it is his own family who got the dragon vein, there is no reason for the two golden dragons to stop him." He coughed a few times, and then let the baby get the dragon vein. Spit out a lot of offal meat.

When the third prince saw it, he hurriedly stopped him from continuing, "Mother, stop talking, I don't want to hear it, you should take a good rest, I will find Mr. Wang for you, his medical skills will definitely save you. "

But his hand was tightly held by the strange man, "Don't go, it's useless. My internal organs are all broken, and now I'm just relying on my mana to temporarily suppress my injury, you Listen carefully to my last words here."

Now that the third prince knew that it was irreversible, he cried bitterly while hugging that strange man, and he couldn't make a sound.

"Listen, you are not a barbarian. I am the saint of Miaojiang. Because the dynasty is powerful, we Miao people are powerless to resist. In order to put an end to the war between the two families, I was dedicated to the emperor of the dynasty. The palace is really dangerous. I was innocent at the time. When you were one or two years old, I was framed for using seedling Gu to frame others, so I was given death by the current emperor. But I still have some skills, so I used the method of leaving the soul to escape to the This jade plate is in this jade plate. Afterwards, this jade plate will be taken in by you. You will know what happened after that.” The strange man told the story of the year intermittently.

After the weird man said this, his eyes became blurred. He thought about the suffering he had suffered in these years, and he became like this man and woman, and he was neither strange nor strange. In fact, he had long wanted to leave this world. , but I really can't worry about my only child, so I gritted my teeth and lived until now.

Only at this time did the third prince know what happened back then.It's not what I imagined, and his mother is not a lowly barbarian, but a saint of the Miao nationality. Back then, his mother didn't put any Miao Gu, and someone must have framed his mother.

Thinking of this, the third prince gritted his teeth and asked, "Mother, who framed you? As long as I live, I will avenge you."

Hearing what the third prince said, the strange man showed a gratified smile. It seemed that his position in the third prince's heart had never been shaken.But he didn't want the third prince to avenge himself, because that would only bring him a bigger disaster.

"Let him pass what happened back then. You don't have to ask any more. The most important thing now is your future. Even the last emperor may be treated kindly to a good death." When the weirdo said this, his tone became hurried , it seems that he can't hold on any longer.

"I already understand everything that happened today. But if I say it, I will be out of my wits, because this is the calculation of heaven, and if I break it, I will be killed by heaven." The strange man explained the funeral with his last strength.

When the third prince heard that he might be out of his wits, he hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't say it, I don't want to hear it. What's the use of you telling me such nonsense? Anyway, I am destined to be the last king, and I am destined to die."

The weird man pinched his hand fiercely, and said to him with a ferocious expression: "Listen, listen carefully, and don't forget a word. There is no hope for this dynasty. The Jia family has three dragon veins to help, and the luck is rising." Faster, the results will be seen within five or six years. No one can stop them now. Because this is the arrangement of heaven. As early as seven or eight years ago, the dragon veins of this dynasty were sealed. I am afraid that heaven has already counted today. I'm afraid we will wait for our mother and son to unseal the seal and add a dragon vein to the Jia family. I think that child must have the blood of this dynasty, and dragon veins are also meant to seek good fortune and avoid evil, so I am willing to let you go to that child."

The third prince just listened numbly at this moment. At this moment, he felt that there was no hope. He just hugged the strange man and looked out of the hall numbly.

"Your only hope now is the woman from the Jia family. From now on, you should pamper her more. It is best to let her give birth to your heir. In this way, this relationship can also guarantee your safety in the future." , the bloodline itself can also be continued." When the weirdo said this, he couldn't go on anymore.He felt that there was a powerful force that wanted to pull his soul out of this body.

No wonder people know that their time is running out, but he still wants to leave the last retreat for his children.

"The girl from the Jia family is the key. Although she is a woman, she must also be blessed by the Jia family's dragon energy. She is the woman in your room now, and you will naturally be nourished by some dragon energy. Remnant, this will at least allow you to be emperor safely for a few years." The weirdo tried his best to speak out his final plan.

When the third prince heard this, his face was full of tears, but he kept nodding. He knew that this was his mother's last plan for him.

The weirdo used all his magic power to fight against the force that would pull her out of his body, but this force was so great that he couldn't even imagine it. Later, he couldn't even bear the heart of resistance , there is a feeling of wanting to blend in.

He knew that this was heaven's punishment for him, and he said to the third prince with all his strength, "You must remember that the woman from the Jia family is the foundation of your life." Then he lost everything intuition.

The third prince discovered the death of the strange man in his arms in an instant. At this time, he felt heartbroken, and his eyes kept flickering every bit of this strange man in his life. This is a mother's love for her child, no matter the child Whether she likes her or not, she will silently dedicate without asking for it.Even in the end, for the sake of his child's survival, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and let his soul fly away.

And thinking about how I have disliked him for these years, I can't help but feel infinite guilt, and I miss this mother who has been silently dedicated to me even more.

(End of this chapter)

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