Chapter 298
The third prince saw the strange man who was no longer breathing in his arms, at this moment he only felt a fire burning in his chest.What kind of country and society are there to care about there, there is only one thought in mind, that is, from now on, the Jia family will be at odds with each other, and the first is revenge.As for his own life, he has long thrown it out of the blue.

Whether it was my mother who was killed back then, the woman in the palace who had to use the technique of leaving the soul to survive, or the Jia family now let her mother's soul fly away, I will definitely let them pay with blood, even if I risk my life, I will never Let it go.

But he didn't know that as soon as he had this idea, there was infinite black energy gathered in his body, and at this moment the third prince's expression was ferocious and fluctuating, and it took him a while to calm down.If someone is looking at him at that time, they will find that the third prince has lost his usual gentleness, elegant demeanor, and looks a bit gloomy. The current third prince has completely abandoned his previous ambitions, and what he thinks about now is fellow enemies perish together.

The third prince did not leave the small courtyard that night. He dug a grave for this strange man in the small courtyard, and then found a sarcophagus that this strange man had prepared for himself in the backyard.

This is what the weirdo told the third prince when he was alive. He told the third prince to use this sarcophagus to bury him in the middle of the yard after his death, because there is an air hole in the crypt in the middle of the yard. It is the ancestors who are buried here, which can bless the younger generations, and this is also why this strange person will also increase some luck for the third prince after his death.

The strange man also told the third prince that the jade ring was a great treasure. If something happened to a person, he could use this jade ring to perform the method of leaving the soul and transfer his soul to a person who had just died.Although you will be condemned by God in the end and will live in pain for life, but if you have any unfulfilled wishes, you will be able to make the final struggle at that time.This is also that weird person, afraid that the Jia family will not let the third prince go in the end, so he left this jade ring to the third prince, so that he can escape his soul with this magic at the last moment, even if he can't take revenge, he can still survive , Live for another dozen or 20 years.

The Third Prince came out of the hut when the sky was bright, holding a disc-shaped thing wrapped in cloth in his hand.The door behind him was locked, and the door has never been opened since then.

Besides, Wuyanghou's Mansion is now in a state of jubilation, because the Wuyanghou's Mansion has given birth to a young master.Even the three aunts were very happy, because from now on, they don't need to eat that soup, and they can conceive and have children as long as they take care of it for a while.As long as they have a child, their future can be guaranteed, and with Jia Ke's current power, his son will definitely not be white in the future, even if he is not as good as the eldest son, he will definitely have an official career in the future, and These people will also be the old ladies of the whole family in the future.

And Jia Ke was not stingy, and directly ordered all the servants in Wuyanghou Mansion to add a meat dish to their meals this month, and double the monthly money for this month, making everyone in the He Mansion happy.

But Qin Keqing had other orders. She ordered Ruizhu to tell the porridge staff outside that from today until the young master's full moon, the size of the porridge will be doubled.I thought the young master was praying for blessings.

Qin Keqing is now obsessed with giving away porridge. Since she became pregnant because of giving up porridge, she thinks it is a good thing to accumulate merit and do good deeds to pray for blessings.Therefore, the Marquis of Wuyang not only gave away porridge in normal times, but also doubled the number of porridge in any New Year's festival.

Qin Keqing did not expect that her invisible act would bring practical benefits to the Wuyanghou Mansion. Now both the capital and the world know that the mistress of Wuyanghou Mansion is a kind person who has been giving porridge to the poor people in the capital all year round. Therefore, Jia Ke also benefited virtually, and the hearts of the people all over the world began to gather in Wuyanghou Mansion.

Such happy days lasted until the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, on the night of the fourteenth day of the first lunar month.News came from the palace that the grand banquet between the emperor and his ministers on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of this year has been cancelled.The specific reason is unknown, but it was rumored that the emperor was seriously ill this time and was no longer able to host the banquet. Now that the emperor did not have a prince, so there was no one to host the banquet, so the banquet had to be cancelled.

And on the fifteenth night of the first lunar month of this year, the Rongguo Mansion held a family banquet by itself.This year's family banquet was very lively. Last year, there were several happy events in Rongguo Mansion.Jia Zhu Zhongju, Jia Lan was born, and Qin Keqing also gave birth to Jia Zhi on the tenth day of the first lunar month.Coupled with Jia Ke's prosperity, last year can be regarded as the most glorious year for Rongguo Mansion, almost all the year was happy.

Therefore, on the [-]th day of the first lunar month this year, the Jia family not only invited the church, but also sang continuously for three days from the [-]th day of the first lunar month.Even outside Rongning Street, a small troupe was invited to sing a big play there for three consecutive days, so that passers-by and servants of Rongguo Mansion who had nothing to do could also watch the play.Therefore, Ningrong Street has been crowded with people these days, and poor people from all over the capital come here to watch this free show.After all, watching a theater was also a luxury in ancient times. The poor people couldn't even eat enough to eat, so how could they have the opportunity to watch a theater.Now several theaters are set up outside the Rongguo Mansion, so that the common people in the capital can enjoy themselves for a few days.

On the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.The entire Rongguo Mansion held a banquet. Under Jia's mother's own hosting, all the clansmen from the Rongning and Ningguo Mansions gathered together to eat, drink and have fun in front of the Rongguo Mansion's stage.

The current table is Jia Mu, with Jia Baoyu and Sanchun, and the next two tables are Jia She and Jia Zheng, and Jia Ke is sitting next to Jia Zheng. Cultivate in your own room.

Jia Zheng and Jia Ke talked and laughed happily, looking like a loving father and a filial son.But Jia Lian was a little sad at this time, he was fidgeting next to Jia She.Fortunately, Jia Amnesty didn't take him seriously anymore, and went to dinner and theater on his own.Only then did Jia Lian let go of his uneasy heart.

When everyone was busy, someone outside suddenly reported that a young eunuch had come to the palace and wanted to see Jia Ke, Marquis of Wuyang.

When Jia Ke heard that the little eunuch wanted to see him, her heart beat faster.This year, it was rumored that the emperor was seriously ill, so he has been careful, and the entry and exit of the army he controlled near the capital has become more stringent.There is no holiday even for the Chinese New Year, but in the military camp.Jia Ke was afraid that something unexpected would happen, and the emperor's princes had all grown up, so if someone forced the palace, it would not be a big deal.

Now I heard that the little eunuch announced him into the palace. At this time, Jia Ke remembered those powerful officials who were recruited into the palace alone in ancient times on the earth, but they all disappeared forever.

Just in case, Jia Ke wore soft armor inside, and wrapped a soft sword around his waist as a belt.He did this so that in case something unexpected happens, he also has the ability to break out of the palace, and then lead the troops to counterattack.

After Jia Ke got dressed up and down, she took a picture in the mirror and found no flaws.And quietly issued an order to his subordinates, so that the people everywhere are ready, once he is in danger, ignore others, and immediately control the capital and surround the palace.At the same time, he sent someone to send news to Xiao Kun, who was in charge of the imperial guards, and asked him to take the imperial guards to keep an eye on the situation in the palace at all times. Once there was a civil strife in the palace, they would immediately invade the palace and respond to him regardless of the reason.

After Jia Ke arranged these things, she followed the little eunuch out of the Rongguo Mansion, mounted her horse and headed straight for the palace.

After arriving at the palace, all the way was unimpeded.However, he was not led to the emperor's bedroom, such as the Qianqing Palace and the Yangxin Palace, but passed through the Jiaotai Palace and went directly to the Queen's bedroom, the Kunning Palace.

When Jia Ke arrived outside the Kunning Palace, he found that the other four military ministers had been waiting for a long time.Jia Ke breathed a sigh of relief seeing this situation, it seems that it is not the rhythm to get rid of him.

Jia Ke walked up to the four military ministers, apologized and cupped her hands and said, "My lords have come here earlier, do you know if there is anything to call us?"

Pan Yong hurriedly cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke: "Master Jia, although we came early, we have been waiting outside and don't know the inside story."

After Pan Yong finished speaking, the other three also shook their heads again and again, it seemed that everyone didn't know what was going on.

So the five military ministers stood in front of Kunning Palace and waited for the call.

After a while, another eunuch came out and called them in.Everyone entered the Kunning Palace, led by the little eunuch, and finally came to the emperor's dormitory, only to see that there were imperial physicians standing in the room, and the emperor was lying on a bed with his eyes closed.The empress sat on the side of the bed and held the emperor's hand tightly, her eyes were red.

Jia Ke didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and immediately brought the other four military ministers to pay homage to the emperor and empress.

Hearing their voices, the emperor opened his closed eyes, looked at them, and then said to the imperial physician and the court ladies and eunuchs: "You all step back, only the queen and a few military ministers will be left here. .”

After listening to the emperor's order, everyone left the house immediately.Now the emperor is only left with the empress, Jia Ke and other military ministers.

At this moment, the emperor stretched out his hand and waved to Jia Ke and the others, telling them to come and talk.

Jia Ke hurried forward and knelt a few steps to the emperor's bedside.

The emperor didn't say anything, just pointed to the queen, the queen immediately understood, turned her head and said to the five military ministers: "The emperor is very sick this time, and I'm afraid he won't be able to work on state affairs in the future, but the country can't last a day." No master. What do you think should be done?"

Pan Yong knelt a few steps ahead of Jia Ke, and said to the emperor and empress: "Since the emperor is seriously ill, it is impossible to straighten things out. It is better to abdicate as the Supreme Emperor and recuperate safely in the harem. Other matters will naturally be handled by the new emperor. "

At this time, Jia Ke has already seen that Pan Yong has taken refuge in his new master, and the first one to stand up at this time is to charge for his new master.Jia Ke didn't intend to express any opinions on this matter, because he knew that the object of his allegiance could only be the emperor, and no one who ascended the throne as emperor would trust him, so there was no need for him to stand out.

The emperor lying on the bed heard Pan Yong's words, and the hand holding the queen suddenly became tighter.The empress obviously sensed the emperor's change, but she only glanced at the emperor out of the corner of her eye, without any change on her face.

The queen then asked several other military ministers: "What do you think of what Pan Yong just said?"

Lei Ying, Tian Ye, and Liu Yu glanced at each other, then knelt down on the ground together, "I wait for a second opinion."

The queen looked at their expressions and was a little disappointed. It seemed that these people no longer had an emperor in their hearts.

The queen saw Jia Ke kneeling there without saying a word, so she said, "Jia Ke, you are the chief minister of the military aircraft. They have all expressed their views. What do you say?"

Jia Ke felt that these civil servants had already stood in line. I am afraid that their masters behind the scenes could not wait any longer. If you think about it from the perspective of conspiracy theory, the emperor's body deteriorated so quickly, it may have something to do with them.

While Jia Ke was thinking, he suddenly heard the queen ask him. At this moment, he knelt there without any hesitation and said sadly, "I don't agree with their opinion. .” Jia Ke lay down on the ground after saying a word, wailing.

(End of this chapter)

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