The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 309 Speech at Rongguo Mansion

Chapter 309 Speech at Rongguo Mansion

Not to mention that people in the world are currently in turmoil, but Jia Ke is still honest and honest as his military chief minister, and he has not deliberately targeted the emperor, but often points out the emperor's mistakes from a fair standpoint.This also made the emperor very disgusted. He just discussed with the Supreme Emperor several times and wanted to dismiss Jia Ke, but the Supreme Emperor strongly refused.

However, the emperor's distrust of Jia Ke deepened the Supreme Emperor's trust in Jia Ke.In this way, although Jia Ke seems to be precarious, it is actually as stable as Mount Tai.

And the officials in the capital also noticed that now Jia Ke's power is not much less than that of the emperor. As long as the Supreme Emperor does not die, the emperor really has nothing to do with Jia Ke.

Besides, the obvious turmoil brought about by the emperor's pardon of criminal officials this time directly affected the vicinity of Yangzhou.Now many criminal officials in Yangzhou have started to interact with each other, thinking that through the relationship, they can be on the emperor's list, and they look forward to being able to recover again.

However, it is said that in Lin Ruhai's mansion, inspecting Yan Yushi, white sails have been laid out these few days. It turned out that Ruhai's first wife, Jia Shi, died, and Lin Ruhai's only daughter, Daiyu, who was five years old, was originally serving at her mother's bedside. Decoction and medicine, mourning with all ceremonies, but too much mourning, already weak, so the old disease relapsed.

This Lin Daiyu is the only heir of Ruhai. When Jia was alive, the husband and wife loved each other. Seeing that she was very intelligent, they invited Mr. Xixi to teach her poetry and books.But due to Daiyu's illness, her homework was delayed.From this, Mr. Teacher had a leisurely life.

This gentleman was not an ordinary person, his surname was Jia and his name was Yucun. He was also a Jinshi in the second list, because he was very greedy and cool when he was the county magistrate, so he was ginsenged and dismissed from office and returned to his hometown.So I can only send the eunuchs accumulated over the years back to my hometown, and travel around the world to find opportunities.It happened that Ruhai needed a teacher, so he applied for it. In fact, he wanted to cling to Lin Ruhai's power.

In the past few days, because his female student was sick in bed, he was free to travel around Yangzhou.

One day, when I came to a wild village, I found a hotel in the village. Drinking a few cups of wild wine helped me enjoy my trip.

He thought of being grabbed by someone as soon as he entered the door. He looked up, and found that it was an old acquaintance, but he met an antique dealer Leng Zixing when he was in the county.

The two of them had been in contact with each other a few times before, and Jia Yingchun benefited from this Leng Zixing's hands.

Now that Jia Yucun saw Leng Zixing, he hurriedly said, "Brother, why are you here?"

"I'm going to Beijing after the business is done this time. I don't want to meet Brother Yucun here." Leng Zixing said with a hearty smile.

So Leng Zixing pulled Jia Yucun to his table, asked someone to add a pair of wine chopsticks, and they drank together.

The conversation between the two started, and they couldn't help but talk about the strange things in Beijing. Leng Zixing said to Jia Yucun while he was drunk: "If you want to talk about the strange things in Beijing, you can't talk about the Jia family in Rongguo Mansion."

"If you want to talk about this Rongguo Mansion, it has something to do with me." Jia Yucun said with some reserve.

Leng Zixing didn't believe him, "Impossible, the Rongguo Mansion is so prominent now, my brother can have something to do with them."

Jia Yucun said with a sneer: "Since the restoration of Jia in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Jia family's branches have flourished, and they exist in every province. Who can examine them one by one? If we talk about the Rongguo Mansion branch, they have the same genealogy."

Leng Zixing patted his thigh, and became more and more enthusiastic towards Jia Yucun, "Brother Yucun, if he can establish a relationship with his family, that would be really lucky. His family is now so prominent, no one in the world can compare to it."

"I've never heard of this, but I only heard that these years, it has become more and more down." Jia Yucun shook his head in disbelief. Jia Yucun didn't know that Jia Ke was actually from the Rongguo Mansion. He just thought it was one of Jia's clansmen who became Wuyang Hou, otherwise, how could he be so calm.

Leng Zixing hurriedly said to him, "I'm afraid it's because you don't know the inside story, bro. I'll discuss it with you. After the death of Duke Rong, he left behind two sons, named Jia She and Jia Zheng. Now Mrs. Tai is still alive. The eldest son, Jia She, took over the official position, but he is also a mediocre man, and he does not manage family affairs. Only the second son, Jia Zheng, loves reading since he was a child. Unexpectedly, as soon as Daishan's last copy was published, the emperor felt sorry for his former ministers, and immediately asked the eldest son to attack the official. He asked how many other sons he had, and immediately introduced him. Now he has been promoted to Yuanwailang."

When Jia Yucun heard what he said, he couldn't help laughing, "If that's the case, it can't be considered prominent." Thinking to himself, if he had been an official for these years, he might have surpassed the Rongguo Mansion.

Leng Zixing drank a glass of wine unhurriedly, and then said, "Brother Yucun doesn't know. Although these two masters have no skills, Mr. Zheng can have children."

"It's getting more and more nonsense, how can a man give birth to a child."

"When I say having a child, I mean that he will be able to raise a child. The political lord now has an elder son——Jia Ke. You may have heard of this name." Leng Zixing said proudly.

Jia Yucun was shocked when he heard this. He was obsessed with official career, so he naturally understood the court affairs clearly.He may not know much about others, but he knows Jia Ke clearly. This is the current head minister of the Military Aircraft Department. He can be regarded as the chief assistant of the cabinet. .

Jia Yucun hurriedly asked: "Could it be Mr. Jia, the chief minister of the Military Aircraft Department?"

Hearing his question, Leng Zixing slapped his legs and said, "This is Lord Jia."

After Jia Yucun heard this, his face was full of shock. He didn't expect that Rongguo Mansion, which had already fallen, would now have such a character, who brought Rongguo Mansion back to the level of the top family.

Leng Zixing looked at the shock on Jia Yucun's face, and with a smug smile on his lips, he continued: "Compared to this eldest son, the children born to Mr. Zheng's concubine are also extraordinary. Jia Zhu entered school at the age of 14, later married a wife and had children, and now she is less than 20 years old, and now she has passed the exam, and her future is boundless."

When Jia Yucun heard what he said about Jia Zhu, he didn't take it seriously, just because the eldest son of the concubine was so shocking. Compared with Jia Ke, Jia Zhu's achievements were nothing.

"The second child gave birth to a young lady. It's strange to be born on the first day of the new year, and this eldest lady is now a concubine in the emperor's palace. She is also promising."

"This political lord is really good at having children. With these children supporting the Rongguo Mansion, at least it can continue to prosper for a few more generations." Jia Yucun continued to compliment Leng Zixing from time to time while Leng Zixing was speaking.

"I don't think that after more than ten years, another son was born. It's even more strange: as soon as the twin was born, a piece of colorful and crystal-clear jade was held in his mouth, and there were many handwritings."

After listening to Leng Zixing's words, Jia Yucun's tone was also flattering: "Thinking about this third young master, he also has a background."

Unexpectedly, Leng Zixing said with a cold smile: "This time, brother, you guessed wrong. Compared with his two elder brothers, this one is really the root of the prodigal. This little boy drew lots when he was one year old. What was caught was the rouge box, so Mr. Zheng thought he was a drunk and lustful person, and he had to be strictly disciplined. But his grandmother loved him like a jewel in the palm of his hand, and she took him to her side to raise him personally. Mr. Zheng has nothing to do with him. Now only Knowing that he was hanging out among the pretty maids, he also said: "Daughters are made of flesh and blood, and men are made of mud. When I see a daughter, I feel refreshed, and when I see a man, I feel stinky." Now Mr. Zheng has two Cheng Qi's son, now he has been left alone."

Hearing what he said, Jia Yucun wanted to cling to him, so he said in a sharp voice: "No, since he can be born with jade, he is very smart. As long as he is taught to read and learn etiquette, he will have a bright future."

At this time, Leng Zixing also realized that he had made some mistakes in what he said just now. If it got to the ears of the Jia family, Mrs. Wang would have to peel her own skin, so he quickly made amends, "Yes, I think so too. Those ordinary people outside, It must have been wrong."

After Leng Zixing finished speaking, he quickly changed the subject, "In addition to this Mr. Zheng, Mr. She also has a son, Jia Lian. But this son doesn't like to study, but he is really proficient in general affairs. Now he has donated a colleague, Helping his uncle with housework. Later, Mrs. Wang made the decision and married her niece. Now this young mistress is in charge of the entire Rongguo Mansion's internal affairs. She is shrewd and capable, has a distinctive appearance, and speaks frankly and neatly. Madam Jia's favorite."

When Jia Yucun heard this, the desire to cling to him became stronger, but he had no way out, so he couldn't help sighing repeatedly.

"Hey, I have met this second master Lian. He came to express condolences for our wife a few days ago. I saw him from a distance in the lobby. He is indeed a handsome and suave talent. He really deserves to be from everyone. Pity me It’s just a poor family, so it’s a lifelong regret not to be able to get to know him.”

Seeing him like this, Leng Zixing asked him about the situation during this period of time. Jia Yucun was so bored that he drank alcohol and told him about the frustration of this period of love, weeping while talking.

"To tell you the truth, brother, I have really had bad luck during this period. I was framed by someone for my good official position, and now I can only be a teacher for his daughter-in-law at the mansion of Yangzhou Xunyan Censor Lin. Now I think I can't gallop. It is really sad that the officialdom is all over the world." Jia Yucun said here and drank the wine on the table glass by glass, and now he is really using wine to drown his sorrows.

Leng Zixing laughed out loud after hearing what he said, and looked at Jia Yucun with mocking eyes while laughing.

Such a move annoyed Jia Yucun. Although this Leng Zixing had a lot of money, he was a Jinshi after all. How dare he laugh at himself like this. Although he has no official position now, there are still many in the same year. Just pulling his face down can make him bankrupt, so Jia Yucun said angrily: "Brother, what does this mean? Could it be that you are gloating at my misfortune, and you want to bully each other when you see me in trouble?"

Jia Yucun is already furious now, as long as Leng Zixing says something wrong, he will immediately write to everyone in the same year to show Leng Zixing some color.

Seeing that Jia Yucun was annoyed, Leng Zixing quickly stopped his laughter, handed Jia Yucun his hands and said, "It's not that my brother is making fun of me, but it's really that you have something to do with the Rongguo Mansion, but you don't know it."

Hearing what he said, Jia Yucun put away his angry expression, showed a curious expression, cupped his hands and said to him: "I offended you a lot just now, please forgive me, and show me the way."

"Don't you know, your employer, Lin Ruhai, is the son-in-law of the Rongguo Mansion?"

Leng Zixing's words, like a bolt of lightning, broke the darkness in Jia Yucun's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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