The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 310 Daiyu enters Beijing

Chapter 310 Daiyu enters Beijing
After listening to Leng Zixing's words, Jia Yucun was inexplicably excited. He was in Lin Ruhai's residence during this time, and he was treated favorably by Lin Ruhai, so he was very congenial with Lin Ruhai. If he asked him himself, there would be no problem.According to the relationship between Lin Ruhai and the Jia family, as long as Lin Ruhai sends a letter to Rongguo Mansion, his official position is not easy to get.

So Cheng hurriedly bid farewell to Leng Zixing, rushed back to Lin's mansion, rested at the mansion overnight, and went to find Lin Ruhai early the next morning, and told him the farthest thing about the old court officials during this period.

Lin Ruhai laughed after hearing Jia Yucun's words: "What's so difficult about this? My eldest brother-in-law is a first-class general in Beijing. Although my second brother-in-law is only a member of the Ministry of Industry, he has a great ancestral style. Jun Ji, I will write a letter to my second brother-in-law, presumably I will plan everything for my virtuous brother."

Lin Ruhai was also quite proud when he said this, because since Jia Ke became the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, his job as the inspector of the salt censor was much easier than before, and many obstacles in the past seemed to be easily resolved.

Hearing what Lin Shuhai said, Jia Yucun was not happy, and bowed to Lin Ruhai again and again.

Lin Ruhai went on to say: "This time my virtuous brother is coming to Beijing, I still need my virtuous brother's help."

Jia Yucun hurriedly said, "Don't hesitate to ask Dong Weng if you have something to do, Wan Sheng will definitely do his best."

"It's nothing else. It's because Zhuo Jing died of illness. My mother-in-law missed my little girl very much, so I sent my nephew to pick up my little girl and go to Beijing for a reunion. It's just because the little girl is sick, so there is some delay. My little girl will arrive on the second day of next month. If I want to go to the capital, even though I have my nephew to take care of me, I still feel a little uneasy, so I would like to ask my virtuous brother to go with me, wouldn't it be convenient?"

Jia Yucun hurriedly bowed to accept the order, it was just a trivial matter, and he could get the favor of Lin Ruhai and Jia Zheng because of it, how could he not be willing.So Jia Yucun went back to his room to rest, and only waited until the second day of the next month to enter Beijing with Lin Daiyu.

When it was the second day of junior high school, Jia Yucun followed the crowd to the pier. At this time, there were already three official ships parked on the pier, and there were still many yamen servants patrolling back and forth. It seemed that the yamen everywhere were flattering Jia Ke. .

At this time, Lin Ruhai took Lin Daiyu to the pier in a sedan chair, and there was a suave young man sitting on the horse in front of him, who was Jia Lian.

Seeing this, Jia Yucun hurried forward to greet Lin Ruhai and Jia Lian.

Lin Ruhai got out of the sedan chair, first helped Jia Yucun up, and then said to Jia Lian next to him, "This is my nephew Jia Lian." Then he introduced Jia Yucun to Jia Lian.

It was only now that Jia Yucun and Jia Lian met each other by greeting each other.

Then Lin Ruhai waved to the sedan chair that Lin Daiyu was riding behind, and the little girl was directly carried onto the official boat by several strong women.After boarding the official ship, in the wind-shielding pavilion in front of the official ship, Lin Daiyu got out of the sedan chair with the help of her maid and nurse, and then entered the inner cabin of the official ship and never came out again.

Seeing that Lin Daiyu had already made arrangements, Lin Ruhai turned around and said to Jia Yucun and Jia Lian, "I'll trouble you this time. Be careful along the way. When you get to the capital, let someone call me back, so I can rest assured."

Jia Lian and Jia Yucun said yes again and again, and they all agreed.Afterwards, the two of them also boarded the official ship, so the three gorgeous official ships went straight along the canal to the capital.

Let's not talk about Lin Daiyu's entry into Beijing, let's talk about Jia Ke's own actions during this period of time, which have greatly hindered the new emperor's governance.

However, relying on his orthodox position among civil servants, the new emperor still slowly began to grasp the situation in the court, and his power began to grow.It seemed that he had already gained the upper hand, but the Supreme Emperor was in the harem, watching the new emperor fighting with Jia Ke, and did not intervene. Only when Jia Ke was at a disadvantage, he spoke a few words to help him save the situation.

Although Jia Ke is now the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, due to the support of the emperor, most of the power has been divided among several other ministers, and the emperor's power in the court has rapidly expanded. The chief minister of the military aircraft department has already existed in name only.But Jia Ke didn't do nothing. Because of Jia Ke's strict defense, the emperor had almost no foundation in the army.

The emperor was very satisfied with how quickly he gathered power, and did not further provoke the emperor, and he was also afraid that the emperor would become angry from embarrassment.After all, the Supreme Emperor now controls the army of the whole country.

And Jia Ke is not as powerful in the Military Aircraft Office as it used to be, but Jia Ke can still form a balance with several other Military Aircraft Ministers by virtue of the right to take over all the memorials in the world and refute the emperor.

Even so, Jia Ke's right to deal with specific affairs began to be weakened, which forced Jia Ke to concentrate all his energy on the army in the capital under his control.

Now Jia Ke only goes to the military aircraft office every morning, and then leaves on leave.Going to the various military camps in the capital to patrol, this is his foundation, and there is no room for loss.

Jia Ke's behavior made many upright ministers in the court feel helpless, feeling that the emperor had already disregarded face in order to fight for power and profit.And now Jia Ke no longer has the humility of his courtiers, and the two of them are like fighting cocks whenever they meet. Therefore, during this period of time, there will never be a day of peace in the dynasty.

That day, Jia Ke had just returned from the Xishan camp, and saw it as soon as he entered the house.Qin Keqing greeted her with a wide smile.While tidying up Jia Ke’s clothes, she said to him, “A new younger sister came to our family today. She is so handsome at such a young age. Compared with the three in our family, Baoyu met because she almost took Yu fell."

When Qin Keqing mentioned Jia Baoyu, a disdainful smile appeared on his mouth, which showed that he had seen enough of Jia Baoyu's foolishness today.

Jia Ke was taken aback when she heard her words, "Who is here to make you so happy?"

"It seems to be my aunt's daughter who rushed over from Yangzhou."

Hearing this, Jia Ke suddenly felt as if he had passed away. He was so busy fighting for power every day that he almost forgot that he was living in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Hearing Qin Keqing mention it today, he suddenly woke up as if in a dream. It was the Dream of the Red Chamber. It's time to start.

Qin Keqing packed Jia Ke's clothes, put him in the casual clothes at home, and ordered Lan Xiang, who was waiting on the side, to prepare dinner quickly.

Jia Ke sat on a rocking chair, picked up a book and flipped through a few pages, then casually asked Qin Keqing, "Who brought Auntie's daughter here?"

"It seems to be a gentleman of the second master Lian and Miss Lin. Our master personally received this gentleman."

Jia Ke thought that this must be Jia Yucun. He frowned and thought carefully for a while. Although he is quite powerful in the army now, among civil servants, there are no decent people to join him.There may be some hindrances in the future.

This Jia Yucun's character is not very good, he is a typical white-eyed wolf, but I have to say that this person judges the situation and is quite talented.Otherwise, he wouldn't have gone from a guilty minister to the prefect of Jinling, and then quickly climbed to the position of Da Sima (Shangshu of the Ministry of War) in just a few years.

This person can still use it himself. As for Jia Yucun's loyalty, he didn't take it to heart.As for his poor character, now that he is employing people, he can't control so much. Besides, as long as he doesn't betray himself, these problems of his are no big deal.

So Jia Ke sent someone to call his servant Zhang Gui.

At this time, the dinner was ready, Jia Ke sat on the seat, and Qin Keqing sat beside her.The two began to eat.

Lan Xiang, as Qin Keqing's current confidant, stood beside them serving wine and serving dishes. Jia Ke's eating habits are almost the same as Jia Mu's.Jia Ke only tasted a bite or two of each dish on the table.

When the couple were eating, Rui Zhu came in from outside, and after saluting Jia Ke, she said in her crisp accent: "Master, your servant Zhang Guier is waiting outside, should he wait or what?"

"Let him in."

Rui Zhu went out immediately after hearing Jia Ke's order, and brought a handsome young man of fifteen or sixteen in after a while.

When Zhang Gui came into the room, he didn't dare to raise his head, so he quickly knelt down and kowtowed to Jia Ke, "The little one kowtowed to the master."

"I have something for you to do. You go to Rongguo Mansion and ask the young man in front of the master where the gentleman who sent the aunt and the girl lives, but what is the problem? Find out and come back to me .” Jia Ke casually gave orders while eating.

After listening to Jia Ke's instructions, Zhang Gui left Wuyanghou's mansion without daring to be negligent, and came to the foot gate of Rongguo mansion (since Zhang Gui is the moon gate where men cannot go through the inner gate, if you want to go to Rongguo mansion, you can only go to Rongguo mansion. Because the two houses can be said to be one family, and everyone at the door knows Zhang Gui, knowing that he is Jia Ke's servant, they don't stop him.

When Zhang Gui was about to reach Jia Zhengwai's study, he was stopped by someone.The people who came over saw him and recognized him as Jia Ke's man, so they asked, "Why are you here when you are not in the mansion to serve the uncle?"

Zhang Gui looked up, only to find that it was Jia Zheng who had just come out of the outer study with four or five people.

How dare Zhang Gui hide it?Immediately knelt down and kowtowed to Jia Zheng, and then said: "Uncle heard that there is a guest in our house, and it is the daughter of my aunt's family. There is also a Mr. Xixi who came to see him off, so he ordered me to come and see it first. Do you need any help sir?"

After hearing what he said, Jia Zheng stroked his beard and nodded, thinking that Jia Ke was still very sophisticated.It happened that he also had something to say to Jia Ke, so he told Zhang Gui: "Let your uncle come over after dinner, I have something to discuss with him."

After speaking, he turned and left. Zhang Gui knelt there and didn't dare to get up until Jia Zheng's figure disappeared.There is no need to inquire now, let's hurry back and report to Jia Ke.

When Zhang Gui returned to Wuyanghou Mansion and reported to Jia Ke, it was getting late.Jia Ke and Qin Keqing were teasing Jia Zhi at this moment.

Jia Zhi has been able to open his eyes now, and is now curious about everything.No, now that he opened his eyes, following the bell in Jia Ke's hand, he turned around, and gave birth to two chubby little hands, which kept swinging in the air.

The father and son were having fun, so Ruizhu came in to report, "Master, Zhang Gui is back. He said he ran into the master. The master sent a message to let you go over to the house after dinner, saying that there is something to discuss."

As soon as Jia Ke heard that Jia Zheng asked him to go to the house to discuss something, he knew what was going on. Thanks to the blessing of seeing the Dream of the Red Chamber, Jia Zheng was trying to find a way to arrange for Jia Yucun's recovery.

In the Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Yucun was able to regain his official position because of Prince Tengbao's performance. The second reason was that Jia Zheng was unable to help Jia Yucun at that time. Now it is different.Jia Ke is now pretending to be the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department, and it is only a matter of one sentence to get Jia Yucun back.

Because all the list of recovery must go through Jia Ke, if Jia Ke disagrees, the decree cannot be passed on, so no matter what the emperor's faction dare not offend Jia Ke too much, he will add one or two people to the list. No one dared to object.

(End of this chapter)

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