Chapter 311 Jia Zhu
Jia Ke still came to Rongguo Mansion through the Moon Gate, passed through Jia Mu's courtyard, and came to Jia Zheng's residence next to Rongxi Hall. First, he went to Mrs. Wang's courtyard to greet Mrs. Wang, regardless of whether Jia Ke had feelings for Mrs. Wang or not. , which are indispensable.

As soon as Jia Ke entered Mrs. Wang's courtyard, she saw maids delivering food in a steady stream. It seemed that Jia Zheng was eating at Mrs. Wang's place.

When Jia Ke came to the door, a little maid opened the curtain and let him in. When Jia Ke entered the room, he saw Jia Zheng sitting at a round table in the center having a meal, and Mrs. Wang accompanied him. Unexpectedly, Jia Zhu also exist.

When Jia Zheng saw Jia Ke coming in, he quickly greeted him and asked him to sit down and eat together.

"Father, you don't need to greet me. I just ate at the mansion." Jia Ke hurriedly said to Jia Zheng.

"Since that's the case, you can wait by the side first. I have something to say when it's over." Jia Zheng knew that he was well-clothed and well-fed in Wuyanghou's mansion, so he didn't persuade him much.

Jia Ke sat on the chair next to him and waited for about half an hour before Jia Zheng finished his meal and brought Jia Zhu over.

Jia Ke hurriedly stood up to greet each other, and then the father and son greeted each other again, and then sat down again.

It was Mrs. Wang's maid, Caixia, who came in dragging a tea tray, put a cup of tea in front of the father and son, and then left.

"Is there any difficulty in the government recently?" Jia Zheng asked bluntly. It seems that he also knows that Jia Ke is now in the court and is isolated by civil servants.

"Father, don't worry, what can happen to me, it's just some clowns coming out to play, and they can't touch me at all." Jia Ke answered Jia Zheng with a smile on his face.

Jia Zheng felt at ease in this way, "Then you have to be careful and don't take it lightly. You must know that you have been the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department at a young age, and I don't know how many people are waiting for you to make mistakes."

Jia Ke saw that Jia Zheng really cared about him, so he told him a story or two, "Father, don't worry, these people are just pawns pushed forward by the emperor. As long as the emperor is safe, I will be as stable as Mount Tai."

Jia Zheng heard his words, not only did not feel at ease, but became worried, "Even so, the Supreme Emperor will collapse sooner or later. You have to think about the future. Who said that Yuanchun is still in the palace, but he is not favored now. In the future Whether it can help us or not is up to two.”

Jia Ke still agreed with Jia Zheng's words, but he couldn't tell Jia Zheng that everything was already ready and he owed Dongfeng. As soon as the Supreme Emperor died, he would no longer play this cat-and-mouse game with the Emperor. The reason why he is so forbearing is just to repay the trust of the Supreme Emperor in him.

Regarding this matter, in Jia Ke's heart, whether it is true compassion or false compassion, there is always a knot in Jia Ke's heart. The Supreme Emperor is really good to Jia Ke. Although there are still some doubts, as a monarch to his subjects, the Supreme Emperor has treated Jia Ke with the utmost benevolence. up.So Jia Ke kept thinking in his heart that as long as the Supreme Emperor didn't do anything to him, he would let the Supreme Emperor be a peaceful emperor until his death.

So Jia Ke quickly changed the conversation, "I don't know what the father is calling me for in the future?"

Jia Zheng was a little stunned at this moment, and talked with Jia Ke about the court affairs for a while, but he forgot the business to be done today.

"To wake you up, I really have something to do. Your uncle Lin Ruhai wrote a letter, basically asking us to help his teacher, Jia Yucun, with a certain position." Jia Zheng is all his own family, and he didn't hide it.

"Father, what do you think of this man?"

"From my perspective, this man has a round waist and thick arms, a broad face, a square mouth, sword eyebrows and star eyes, a straight nose and cheeks. He is really good-looking. I think he must be a talented person. That's why I asked you to help him." Him." Jia Zheng still praised Jia Yucun's elegant demeanor till now.

When Jia Ke heard what he said, he only felt that this appearance was a traitorous figure, but he didn't take it to heart, he didn't care what kind of traitorous hero you are, as soon as he saw me, he would turn you into a bear.

So Jia Ke said to Jia Zheng: "That's it, I will meet him at the Marquis Wuyang Mansion tomorrow afternoon. Father told him to go."

"This won't affect you, right? After all, you have just refuted the emperor's will, but you yourself want to recommend criminal ministers." Jia Zheng was a little worried about Jia Ke's reputation.

"Father, don't worry, those people in the Military Aircraft Department, which one is not a large number of recommenders, I only recommended this one, is it still a small number? How dare they say this." Jia Ke said this is not true To be honest, since the emperor ordered the reinstatement of the old ministers, several people in the Military Aircraft Department arranged for more than a dozen people to be reinstated.

Now, if Jia Ke arranges for people to recover, it will also reassure them. After all, a swan suddenly appeared out of a bunch of crows, and the crows are still very stressed. Now that the swan has also turned into a crow, they are naturally happy.

Seeing Jia Ke's generous promise, Jia Zheng knew Jia Ke's ability, so he no longer cared about it.

Seeing that the two of them had finished talking, Jia Zhu, who was sitting by the side, hurriedly said to Jia Zheng: "My lord, my son has been recuperating for a while and his health has improved quite a bit. This year, spring will be held soon. Father, please allow your son to participate."

Although Jia Zhu recuperated his body during this period, he did not forget about the imperial examination in his heart.After all, being born in such a family, although on the surface it is said that he doesn't care about the size of the official position, in fact, he can't let go of it in his heart.As a concubine, Jia Ke is already a high-ranking official, but as a concubine, he has been considered the hope of the family since he was a child, but he is still just a juren. If he wants to be an official, he may only be a seventh-rank Officer Zhima, there is not much hope of promotion in the future, this is not something Jia Zhu can tolerate.

Jia Zheng's face became ugly when he heard his words. Since Jia Zhu was seriously ill and nearly died last time, Jia Zheng forced Jia Zhu to rest in the mansion. He had just recovered in that scene, so he had to think about the imperial examination.

"You bastard, how long has it been? You don't want your life. Even if you want to die, you have to think about your parents' worries about you. Think about how much your mother has worried about you over the years. Can you continue to make her worry about you?"

Jia Ke was there when Jia Zhu was seriously ill, and knew that Jia Zhu's body would only last for another year or two. If she took the imperial examination at this time, she might not be able to last for another year or two.

Now that Jia Ke heard Jia Zheng's reprimand to Jia Zhu, he felt that it was very reasonable, so he also comforted Jia Zhu.

"Second brother, why should you be so persistent? It's just a matter of being an official. I'll take care of the matter of Jia Yu Village with you this time. Let you put a county magistrate near the capital first. What do you think?" Jia Ke wanted to come to Jia Zhu was yearning for officialdom, so he studied hard, so he thought it would be better to follow his wish and let him taste the joy of being an official at the last moment.

When Jia Zheng heard this, he stared at Jia Ke, wanting to reprimand Jia Ke.But Mrs. Wang came out of the room suddenly, came to the three of them, father and son, and asked Jia Ke with red eyes, "Is what the elder brother said true?"

Jia Ke hurriedly got up to salute Mrs. Wang. When she looked up at Mrs. Wang, she saw her eyes were red and her body was trembling slightly. She thought she felt sorry for Jia Zhu and wanted him to live happily in his final days.

Jia Zheng originally wanted to reprimand Jia Ke, but as soon as he saw Mrs. Wang's appearance and the words came to his lips, he felt a sense of resignation, and there was also a hope in his heart, hoping that once Jia Zhu's mood was brightened, his body would recover. Then he recovered slowly, and even if he couldn't be as good as before, he could last for a while.

Jia Ke thought of Mrs. Wang's pity for her son, so she said solemnly: "Don't worry, mother, I can still do this, otherwise I, the chief minister of the military aircraft department, will be in vain."

Jia Zhu watched the conversation between Mrs. Wang and Jia Ke. He deliberately refused, hoping to become an official on the right path of the imperial examination, but he also knew that his body might not be able to withstand the spring, so he also remained silent beside him.

Mrs. Wang finally had a smile on her face at this time. The previous dissatisfaction with Jia Ke has begun to fade now. Although Jia Ke kept making troubles for Aunt Zhou about this matter, now she wants to come, but that is after all. Jia Ke's biological mother, Jia Ke should take care of him more.This time, as long as the price can handle Jia Zhudan's affairs well, she will not pursue it anymore.

Jia Ke sat there and thought about it carefully. The county magistrates near the capital have always been the world's fattest jobs.But it has nothing to do with it, so I really can't be an official here.But for him, the chief minister of the military aircraft, it was just a matter of effort.

"The county magistrate of Daxing County has made a lot of contributions in the past few years. It was time for promotion, but it was delayed due to the turmoil last year. I will find a chance to transfer him away. The second brother will be the county magistrate in Daxing. , it’s only a dozen miles away from the capital, and it will take an hour or two for the second brother to come back.” Jia Ke said her way, and then looked at Mrs. Wang and Jia Zheng and asked them to make a decision.

Mrs. Wang's face was full of joy when she heard Jia Ke's words. Being a county magistrate in Daxing County was no different from staying in another courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing.It doesn't delay Jia Zhu's recuperation, and she can send someone to take care of her from time to time, so there's nothing wrong with it.

This is not the best, the most important thing is to settle Jia Zhu's worries, and he will have no regrets from now on.

Mrs. Wang's face was full of blood, but she dared not promise to keep looking at Jia Zheng. After all, Jia Zheng is the master of the house in this house, and she can still decide on trivial matters, like this kind of man who wants to go out to be an official. How dare she decide what to do.

Jia Zheng didn't want to agree at first, because Jia Zhu was just a juren. If he became the magistrate of Daxing County directly, someone in the court would probably talk about Jia Ke.But when he thought that Jia Zhu would only be in the past two years, he couldn't refuse.

Jia Zheng sat there silent for a while before saying: "Since you still have some ability, then let your second brother finish this matter so that he won't have to continue to work hard. His body can't stand this."

Jia Zhu stood aside and heard his father say that his body was also very ashamed. If he hadn't used the medicine of tiger and wolf for quick success, he wouldn't have the result today. Now he looks in good health, but in fact he knows in his heart that his body may be It can't be done.This time I want to take the imperial examination, but I just want to break the boat. If I can succeed, I can leave some shadows for my wife and children after my death.

Madam Wang saw that Jia Zheng did not refuse, so she couldn't wait to ask Jia Ke: "When will the complaint from the Ministry of Officials arrive?"

As soon as she finished saying this, Jia Zheng scolded her angrily: "Ignorant woman, where do you think the Ministry of Officials is? Those who should come will come naturally, don't hurry up."

Although Mrs. Wang was reprimanded by Jia Zheng, she was not angry, but went out with a smile on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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