Chapter 35 Li Zheng
Jia Ke pressed the crescent moon of Fang Tian's painted halberd on the big man's neck, and said to the surrounding soldiers, "Tie me."

The personal soldiers rushed forward, wiped their shoulders and folded their arms, and bound the big man.

Jia Ke put away Fang Tian's painting halberd, returned to the stage and sat down.Asked the big man: "Who are you, dare to assassinate me. Don't you know the court law?"

The big man didn't speak, but just stared at Jia Ke fiercely, as if he was going to eat him.

Seeing that he didn't talk to Jia Ke, she was also a little embarrassed. He didn't know his status as a big man, so he couldn't use the same punishment as Li An.Li An is the son of his Jia family, and it is not a violation of the law for him to torture his master, but this big man is different. If he is a commoner, Jia Ke's punishment for him is lynching, which is a crime.

At this moment, Lin Zhixiao walked up behind Jia Ke, and whispered to Jia Ke, "Master, this is Li An's eldest son, Li Wen, and Li An also has a second son, Li Wu."

When Jia Ke heard this, she was furious, and said: "What a slave who betrayed his master, dared to attack me secretly, and even dared to fight me. It's not bad, let me fight with you for fifty minutes to vent your anger."

The guards below immediately pushed Li Wen to the ground and raised him up with wooden sticks.

And that Li Wen, who was also stubborn, didn't say a word under the stick, but just stared at Jia Ke fiercely.

Seeing his son being beaten, Li An shouted regardless of the pain: "One person does the work and the other is responsible. Let my son go." But no one paid any attention to him.

Jia Ke could see clearly from the stage that this Li Wen was rebellious and might cause disaster in the future.He didn't want to be like other traversers, or the Virgin would have a heart attack, and he would let him go because he was a man, leaving trouble for the future.Seeing that he has some martial arts skills, he stepped forward to untie him, persuaded him to surrender with good words, and then everyone settled down.None of this is possible.

Jia Ke called Lin Zhixiao and asked him, "This guy is good at martial arts, do you know who his master is?"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "I come to Wangjiatun every year but I haven't heard that Li Wen knows martial arts."

Jia Ke said, "You only come here once a year. It's natural for you to leave when you come. You go down and choose an old man from among the villagers, and I'll ask you questions."

Not long after Lin Zhixiao went down, he brought an old man up to the stage, and the old man saluted Jia Ke tremblingly.

Jia Ke hurriedly got someone to help her up, and asked with a pleasant face, "Old man, I want to ask you something."

The old man hastily replied: "Excuse me, my lord. If I want to know, I will tell the old man."

Jia Ke asked, "How does Li Wen usually behave in the village?"

The old man replied: "Li Wen, a small official, is still a very good person. We owe rent, and if we ask Li Wen, a small official, we will probably be able to extend the time."

Jia Ke thought to himself that although Li Wen seemed to be rebellious, there was still merit in him, and asked him, "Then who did he learn his martial arts from?"

The old man said: "It's been a long time. When Li Wen was a ten-year-old official, a Taoist priest dressed in rags came to the village. Li Xiaoguan saw him pitiful and took him home to serve him well. The Taoist priest looked at him. Little official Li Wen has a kind heart, so he began to teach him martial arts, and he didn't leave until more than a year after teaching."

Jia Ke understood, this Li Wen is a protagonist, if he picks up a Taoist priest and returns home, he will be a master, if he treats people nicely, he will be taught peerless martial arts.

Jia Ke asked Lin Zhixiao to send the old man away, and told him that next year's rent would be waived, and the old man left gratefully.

Jia Ke saw that Li Wen was a bit lucky, he was aggressive towards his superiors and considerate towards his subordinates, if he didn't get rid of it, he might cause trouble in the future.

Jia Ke called Liu Yulai and whispered in his ear, "Smash this fellow's kneecap."

Liu Yu agreed and got off the stage. When she came to the audience, she asked someone to turn Li Wen over and hold him firmly. Liu Yu personally fetched the wooden stick, and hit Li Wen's knees a few times. Wen was beaten twenty or thirty times just now by a tough guy who didn't bite, and now he is crying out in pain.

Liu Yu handed the wooden stick to the guards next to him to continue the execution, and then returned to the stage to report to Jia Ke.

It is true that Li Wen was able to suffer without a gnaw just now, but now that his kneecap has been shattered, he will no longer be able to practice martial arts, nor can he ride a horse, and he has become a useless person.The defensive line in my heart has collapsed, and now I am crying loudly without being beaten, and I can't help myself by crying bitterly.

Li An looked at his most valued son, crying loudly after being tortured.

At this moment, someone outside the crowd yelled loudly: "Stop it quickly, there is no law for lynching in public."

When he said yes, the crowd was separated, and he saw a strong old man leading a young man and a dozen yamen servants rushing in. The young man saw Li An and Li Wen and was about to pounce on him, but was stopped by the soldiers.

The old man stepped forward to pull the young man away, and with a wave of his hand, the yamen servants came forward to rescue Li An and Li Wen, but the guards naturally refused, and confronted the yamen servants after a dozen or so went up.

Jia Ke could see clearly from the stage that this boy must be Li An's second son.

It turned out that this morning, Li An's eldest son Li Wen took his younger brother Li Wu to go hunting in the back mountain, and when he came back in the afternoon, he found that something had happened at home.Then he secretly watched from a distance, and saw that Li An was about to be beaten with a stick, and immediately ordered his brother to go to the front office to ask for help, and he watched the situation here.I didn't want to see my father being beaten twice, and I couldn't bear it anymore. I thought that my martial arts would be enough to save my father, and then I made plans.I didn't want Jia Ke to be so strong in martial arts, and he was captured with just one move.He also shattered his kneecap.

And Li Wu went to the next village to find Lizheng, and it happened that Lizheng and the Yamenmen were collecting this year's autumn grain. Li Wu approached Lizheng for help, saying that his father had somehow offended the son of a wealthy family and was being beaten severely.

The real name here is Wang Ning, and he has been here for decades, and he is usually respected by the villagers. Now Li Wu heard that his father was beaten by a wealthy son, so he brought the yamen servants here.

When Wang Ning saw that he had arrived with the yamen servants, the other party did not stop, and was even more furious. He stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Young master, I don't know how Li An and his son offended you and let you execute the law without permission. I advise you to let him go, otherwise the government will pursue it, and I am afraid that the young master will not be able to explain it in front of the elders."

Jia Ke was delighted to hear what he said, looked at him and said, "You know what he did wrong, so you dare to save him."

Wang Ning said angrily, "I also ask this young master to give me advice."

Jia Ke said: "He reported the drought privately and defrauded him of food relief. Do you think he should fight or not?"

Wang Ning said: "Li An is a well-known squire in the neighborhood. He has never done such illegal things. Besides, if there is such a thing, it will be punished by the government, and the young master can't control it."

Jia Ke laughed loudly after hearing his words, and said to Lin Zhixiao next to him, "Tell him, can I take care of my business?"

So Lin Zhixiao stepped forward and said: "Lao Lizheng, I'm afraid you don't know that all the land in Wangjiatun belongs to my son, and Li An's family is the son of our family."

Wang Ning was shocked when he heard that, but he still refused to believe it and said: "Li An's family has been here for decades, and they have never heard of such a thing, don't lie to me."

Lin Zhixiao said to him contemptuously: "This land originally belonged to the old lady of the Rongguo Mansion, and it was only given to our uncle this year. I didn't want Li An to be deceived by the lard, and reported to our son that he had suffered a drought, not only did he not pay a catty Ren Zi cheated five hundred dans of grain and 300 taels of silver from our mansion instead, do you think he should hit him or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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