Chapter 36
Wang Ning said to Lin Zhixiao: "This housekeeper, even if Li An is at fault, you can just punish him. What is wrong with his son Li Wen? If you torture him, even if he is your family's slave, it is too much. After that, the imperial court will also take care of it. You must know that the imperial court has laws, and if you injure your servants without reason, you will also be exiled."

Hearing what he said, Jia Ke was afraid that he would favor Li An's family, so she said angrily, "What is your relationship with them? You dare to ask me about the family affairs of Rongguo Mansion. Do you know what mistake Li Wen made? You little Li Zheng, you dare to meddle in the affairs of our house, I think you don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Lin Zhixiao stepped forward and said to Jia Ke: "My lord, calm down. Although this Li Zheng is not a person, he still represents the government. Why don't you just tell him and see how he enforces the law fairly."

Jia Ke thought for a while, she was still in vain now, but she was just taking advantage of the power of the Rongguo Mansion, if she forced a conflict with him, it wouldn't make sense, why don't she explain the matter and see what he will do, if he still stops it for no reason at that time, If you turn against him again, the government will have nothing to say.

So he nodded to Lin Zhixiao.Lin Zhixiao understood, stepped forward and said to Wang Ning: "Old Li is not aware of something. Li An's mistake was nothing more than embezzlement of land rent and disaster relief funds. The crime is not fatal. But Li Wen is different. He was going to shoot our uncle just now, and he fought with our uncle. According to the law: the crimes of ethics: children murder their parents, younger brothers murder their elder brothers, wives murder their husbands, and slaves murder their masters. They are all Lingchi. This Li Wen wants to shoot our uncle. , If this is in the government, it will be Ling Chi, our uncle is just hitting him, which shows our uncle's kindness. I'm afraid these old men don't know it yet."

Li Zheng was timid when he heard that they were from the Rongguo Mansion just now, but he was just trying to save face.Listening to him now say that using a servant to conspire against the master is the heinous crime of treason among the ten heinous crimes.Even if no one can excuse them, not to mention he is a small Lizheng, it is better to just push the boat and get the matter over, so he said: "I really didn't know the situation just now, so I offended you, since Li An and his son belong to your mansion The domestic servant has committed such a crime again, and I naturally have to deal with it impartially, their business is your family's business, I will not participate in it, I have offended you just now, so I will take my leave." Lin Zhixiao bowed, waved to the servants, and left together.

At this time, Li Wu also wanted to sneak away, but was stopped by his own soldiers. Li Wu hurriedly shouted: "Grandpa Wang, help me?" The servants walked faster.

Seeing that Li was leading the team away, Jia Ke said to Li An: "Now it's time to recruit. You have also heard Lin Zhixiao say that it takes Ling Chi for a slave to murder his master. Please tell me the truth. I can forgive you. It took his life away. If you don’t say anything, you will know what the consequences will be when I hand him over to the government.”

Li An was completely desperate at this time, he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, and he didn't have the thought of apologizing for Lai Da.Now I just want to save my son's life.Yu Shi readily confessed, telling all about the plot between him and Lai Da.

As soon as Jia Ke heard his confession, it was as he had guessed that Lai Da was playing tricks in the middle, so he ordered Lin Zhixiao to record it, and then asked Li An to draw a pledge.

After these matters were dealt with, it was already dark, so Lin Zhixiao suggested to Jia Ke: "Master, it's getting late today, I don't know if we should rest in the village or camp outside."

Jia Ke said, "Go to Li An's house to rest, and copy his house by the way."

So everyone carried Li An and his son to Li An's house in the village.

When they arrived at the place, Jia Ke looked up. The house also had a black-painted gate, which looked very grand.Like an ordinary country gentleman's house, it is a place where a servant should live.

Entering the door is even more gorgeous, and the houses everywhere are exquisite, which is several times better than Jia Ke's residence in Xiacaozhuang.

Jia Ke couldn't help being jealous, and said bitterly, "Just looking at this house, Li An deserves to die."

After speaking, he walked into the hall and sat on the main seat, while Lin Zhixiao stood aside, waiting for orders.

Jia Ke said to Lin Zhixiao: "Be careful tonight. Everyone is resting in the courtyard, and all Li An's servants are gathered in a few rooms. Li An and his son must be strictly guarded. The rest will be discussed tomorrow. Jia Ke thought for a while and said, "That's it for today. You go and prepare dinner. Everyone is tired today. After eating, go to bed early. There is still something to do tomorrow morning."

Having nothing to say all night, Jia Ke got up early the next day and sat down in the living room.Lin Zhixiao and Liu Yu made amends on both sides.

Jia Ke said, "Steward Lin, you have given up your mind today, and will search Li An's property later to see how much he has been greedy over the years."

Lin Zhixiao bowed and said, "My lord, we still need to borrow our own soldiers for this matter." "

Jia Ke said: "Just use it, Liu Yu, you lead the team to cooperate with Steward Lin. If he needs someone, you just send someone, don't reply to me everything."

After that, Lin Zhixiao and Liu Yu went to search for Li An's house.

Jia Ke called Liu Hong again and ordered him to visit the village.See how Ang Lee managed Zhuangzi before.Li An used to pay the land rent on time, but he built such a magnificent house, and there was nothing tricky about it, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

In the afternoon, news from everywhere came back.

After Lin Zhixiao checked Li Anguang's family property, he found that Li Anguang had more than five thousand taels of silver, many antique calligraphy and paintings, and gold and silver jewelry.And some other table and chair furniture is not counted.

The most valuable property in Ang Li's family is this mansion.This house was built and decorated by Li An over the years.

After liquidating Li An's family property, Jia Ke was very surprised how Li An disposed of these properties.

But at night, the mystery was revealed.After Liu Hong visited the villagers in the village, he came back to report the results to Jia Ke.

Liu Hong said to Jia Ke: "Grandpa, this Li An is really nothing. Our family is sympathetic to farmers' difficulties in life, and they all charge [-]% of the rent, but Liu Hong, do you know how much he charges?"

Jia Ke said curiously, "Isn't it because he charged [-]% more and filled his own pockets?"

Liu Hong said angrily, "Master, you think too much of him. He collects [-]% of the rent from the villagers, and even tells the villagers that this field belongs to him."

Jia Ke heard his words and said seriously: "This slave is so courageous, he dares to embezzle the master's property secretly."

At this moment Lin Zhixiao ran in and said to Jia Ke, "My lord, great joy, great joy."

Seeing that Lin Zhixiao was so happy that he forgot the rules, Jia Ke knew that the matter must be serious, so he smiled and said to Lin Zhixiao, "Steward Lin, if there is something happy, please take your time and take it easy."

Lin Zhixiao stabilized his emotions, and then said to Jia Ke with a smile on his face: "Li An's manager, confessed that Li An bought a large amount of land nearby in the name of Zhuangzi, which should be more than 300 mu. Now these lands are all under the name of Wangjiatun Zhuangzi.” Said that he took out some land deeds from his arms and handed them to Jia Ke.

(End of this chapter)

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