Chapter 37 Returning to the Palace
Jia Ke took over the land deeds, there are three in total.Looking at these land deeds, Jia Ke asked strangely: "How did Li An get so much property?"

Liu Hong said: "I think it was accumulated slowly with the [-]% rent money from the owner."

Lin Zhixiao retorted: "That's not right, the land and jewelry add up to dozens of times the land rent he privately increased. It cannot be the land rent money."

Liu Hong continued Lin Zhixiao's words and said: "That is, someone gave Li An the money to buy the land on his behalf, and put it in the name of Jia's house to avoid taxes."

Jia Ke said: "No matter who this person is, this land is mine now. Let him steal the chicken and lose the rice."

Lin Zhixiao said: "It's better to clarify the problem. Let Liu Yu ask Li An again. Let's see what he has to say."

Jia Ke said, "What you said makes sense. Liu Yu. You can ask again later."

Liu Yu replied: "I'll do it right away." Said that and went out.

Jia Ke said to Lin Zhixiao: "You take a careful inventory of the confiscated property, and don't miss anything. We will go back to the house tomorrow, and don't let others find any loopholes."

Lin Zhixiao agreed.After saluting Jia Ke.I went out to check it out.

Liu Hong said to Jia Ke: "Master, I will also help Lin Zhixiao."

Jia Ke said, "Go ahead. Be careful and careful."

After a while, Liu Yu came back and said to Jia Ke: "Master, do you know what's going on, it turned out that Lai Da paid for it, and Li Anbang bought the land, and Li An helped Lai Da take care of these lands. "

Jia Ke said, "I guess it's his family. There is no one else in Jia's mansion except his family."

After dinner, Lin Zhixiao talked back and forth.

"My uncle has already checked it out. There are 320 and 1320 taels of silver in total. The land is 120 mu. There are [-] pieces of gold and silver jewelry."

"I didn't expect there to be so many. You can go and ask you later if Li An's statement is complete. If it is complete, you can all rest. We will return home tomorrow morning."

Lin Zhixiao said: "I have read the confession just now. There is no problem, it is very clear, don't worry, sir."

Early the next morning, Jia Ke called Lin Zhixiao.Asked: "The property that was picked up yesterday. Have you loaded it into the car?"

Lin Zhixiao replied: "Don't bother me. The truck has been loaded, and there is nothing missing."

Jia Ke said. "Call Liu Yu in, I have something to ask." Lin Zhixiao went out and brought Liu Yu into the hall.

Jia Ke said to Liu Yuyu: "Leave two corps of people to guard the house. The others will press the vehicle and follow me back to the house."

Liu Yu agreed, and went out to order.

After a while, Lin Zhixiao came in to report and said, "Master, everything is ready. Do you want to leave now?"

Jia Ke said, "Now that you're ready, get ready to go on the road after breakfast, and try to get back to Jia's mansion before dark."

After eating some breakfast, Jia Ke walked out the door and saw five or six cars parked at the door, Jia Ke still got into the first car.Lin Zhixiao sat on the edge of the car with the coachman as usual, and the convoy began to drive towards the official road.

The convoy came to the official road and walked all the way in the direction of the capital.

Because the departure was early and there were no obstacles along the way, we returned to Jia's mansion in the afternoon.

The motorcade stopped in front of the west corner gate, and a servant hurried forward to ask,
Lin Zhixiao stepped forward and explained: "This is the uncle's return. Quickly make way for the convoy to enter."

But how dare the servant let so many strangers go in casually.The two sides were entangled, when Jia Ke got out of the car, the servant immediately went up to salute him.Jia Ke said to him: "I have something to see my father, you open the door and let us in, don't worry about things without you."

After the motorcade entered the west corner gate, Jack said to Lin Zhixiao: "You wait here first, and arrange for everyone to rest first. I will go to see my father and explain the whole story to him first."

Lin Zhixiao said: "Master, just go, I will arrange that nothing will happen here."

Jia Ke said again: "Give me Li An's testimony and the financial statement from Li An's family."

Lin Zhixiao hurriedly took out a stack of papers from his arms and handed them to Jia Ke.

Jia Ke held it in her hand, looked through it, and saw that there was nothing missing, so she put it in her arms.

Seeing that there were no omissions in everything, Jia Ke went to Jia Zheng's outer study—Mengpozhai.When I arrived at the servant outside the small study, I was surprised to see that it was Jia Ke. It was rumored that Jia Ke had been driven to the countryside, why did he appear here?But he still went up to salute and say hello.

Jia Ke asked him, "Is father in the study?"

The servant hurriedly replied: "Master is playing chess with several gentlemen in the study."

Jia Ke said, "Go in and let me know. Just say that I want to see my father."

The boy didn't dare to neglect, so he went in to report immediately.

Not long after, the door curtain was opened, and Jia Zheng walked out quickly, followed by his cleaners.As soon as Jia Ke saw Jia Zheng coming out in person, he immediately stepped forward, knelt down on the ground to salute Jia Zheng, and said: "Unfilial son Jia Ke, please knock on your father and ask him how he is."

Jia Zheng didn't see Jia Ke for several months, and he missed Jia Ke very much. Seeing Jia Ke knelt down to salute, he stepped forward to help Jia Ke up.Said: "My son is in good health. Are you used to it in Xiacaozhuang?"

Jia Ke stood up and replied, "My son is all well and well in Xiacao Village. He practices martial arts and trains his own soldiers every day. He is living a very fulfilling life."

Seeing their father and son talking non-stop outside the study, Qing Ke Zhan Guang stepped forward and said, "Dong Weng, it's not a place to talk in the courtyard, and it's not too late to talk before entering the house."

Only then did Jia Zheng wake up, took Jia Ke's hand, and entered the study.

Seeing that their father and son hadn't seen each other for several days, Jia Zheng's guests from the Four Clean-ups left. They must have something to say now, so they left.

In the study, Jia Zheng took the main seat, and Jia Ke stood beside Jia Zheng.At this time, Jia Zheng calmed down and returned to his original seriousness. He asked Jia Ke with a straight face, "You are not going to Caozhuang to practice martial arts. What are you doing when you come home? Let me tell you, if you are greedy for the prosperity of Beijing, If you can't bear it, I advise you to accept this thought, or you will see me break your leg."

Jia Ke hurriedly said, "Xiwu is the path chosen by the son himself, no matter how difficult it is, the son will go on. I really have something important to come back today, and I will report it to my father."

Hearing what he said, Jia Zheng didn't come back out of greed for glory or fear of hard work, and nodded in satisfaction.He also heard Jia Ke say that he had something important to report, so he said: "You are a young man, if there is anything important, go back and see your aunt if you have nothing to do, she misses you very much these days when you are not here."

Jia Ke hurriedly said, "Father, something is really wrong with my son. I don't know my father, but I remember that a few days ago, my son's Zhuangzi Wangjiatun reported that there was a drought this year."

Jia Zheng thought that Jia Ke was worried about Zhuangzi, so he said, "You don't need to do this, I've already done it for you, you just need to concentrate on practicing, and don't worry about other things."

Jia Ke said to Jia Zheng: "Son, it is because of this incident that my son found out that the stewards of Wangjiatun, Li An and Lai Da, jointly deceived the government. Wangjiatun did not suffer any disaster at all."

When Jia Zheng heard this, he was surprised and said: "How is this possible? Lai Da has been serving our family for many years without making any mistakes. How could it be possible to do such a thing against the Lord."

Jia Ke said to Jia Zheng, "Father and son, how dare you lie to father." He said that he took out the evidence from his bosom to Jia Zheng, and said, "Father, this is Li An's confession, and it is the same as the testimonial from Li An's house. the property of."

Jia Zheng took it over, looked it over carefully, and was furious when he saw only half of it, and said, "This dog slave has no law? See if I don't skin him."

Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke: "You go back to rest and reunite with your aunt. This matter must be explained to the Jia family."

(End of this chapter)

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