Chapter 38 Choices
Jia Zheng sent Jia Ke away and looked at the evidence carefully.The more I look at it, the angrier I get, these slaves are really lawless.No wonder Jia's income has been decreasing during this time. At first he thought it was a natural disaster, but now he knows the reason. If the master gets full points, they get half points.If it is not rectified, the Jia Mansion will definitely decline in the long run.This matter must be severely punished.Because Nanny Lai is involved, some matters are still decided by Jia's mother.

Jia Zheng took these evidences and went to the back house to look for Jia Mu. There were a few girls in red and green sitting on the steps in Jia Mu's courtyard. gone."

When Jia Zheng entered the room, he saw Mother Jia playing leaf cards with several old mothers, and Mother Lai was among them.Seeing this, Jia Zheng had to stand aside and watch.

When Jia Mu saw Jia Zheng came, she knew that she had something to discuss, so she said to everyone, "Let's come here today." She said that she gave them the rest of the money.

So all the old nuns withdrew, and only Nanny Lai was still serving Mother Jia. Jia Zheng glanced at Nanny Lai and said to her, "If our mother and son have something to say, you should go out first."

Nanny Lai knew that what she said might have something to do with her.Although I really want to know, I still back out.

Mother Jia asked Jia Zheng, "Nurse Lai has been my maid for many years. Except for that matter, there is nothing in our family that we can let her listen to."

Jia Zheng said to Jia's mother: "It's her business. That's why she can't listen."

Jia Mu said, "What can she do?"

So Jia Zheng told Jia Mu again what Jia Ke said.

Jia's mother has been in charge of Jia's family for decades, and she has never experienced anything. Once she heard Jia Zheng's words, she knew what was going on.This is a slave who buys fields and land outside under the guise of the master's name, and detains the tenants.There have been several times before, and she was forced to rectify them.Unexpectedly, this happened to Nanny Lai. Mother Jia didn't believe that Nanny Lai didn't know about it.So his face sank.

Jia Zheng said angrily to Jia's mother: "This matter must be rectified severely. Apart from this matter, there are so many dirty things down here, otherwise our house will be emptied by these slaves in the long run."

Jia's mother said: "Recently, we need to rectify and rectify, but we can't go too far. After all, we are a charitable family, and we respect the elderly most."

Jia Zheng said, "I don't know what mother thinks?"

Jia's mother said: "The Lai family is just greedy in other villages, it shouldn't be done in Jia Ke's Zhuangzi. I gave the Zhuangzi to Jia Ke in front of me, and they made troubles behind my back. You must teach them a lesson, don’t worry about this matter, I have my own way.” After pondering for a while, he regretfully said: “It seems that Lai Da will not be needed anymore.”

Jia Zheng said: "I think this matter should be dealt with seriously. Give Ke Geer an explanation, and we can't let him have a grudge with our Jia family."

Jia Mu said: "Go down, I know, and call Brother Ke in by the way. I have something to ask him to do. I don't bother the second master. Let him do it."

Not long after, Jia Ke came in and kowtowed to Jiamu, who asked him to get up, and Jiamu said to him: "I already know what you said. I have been a housekeeper for decades. Yes, but after being rectified by me many times, I thought they would restrain themselves, but I didn't expect to be deceived by the most trusted person in the end."

Jia Ke comforted Jia Mu and said, "Old lady, you are just being charitable. He just sees you as charitable and won't punish them too much. That's why he deceived you even more."

Mother Jia said to him: "Good grandson, you still know me well, but our charity can't be bullied anymore. I called you here today because I have a few things for you to do."

Jia Ke said, "If you need anything, just tell the old lady."

Jia Mu said, "Have you brought back all your soldiers?"

"Go back to the old lady and bring them all back."

Jia's mother said: "Since you have brought them all back, it's easy to handle. Tonight, you bring your own soldiers, and ask your father for some young men who are familiar with the road, and ransack Lai's house."

Jia Ke hesitated and asked Mother Jia, "What about Nanny Lai?"

Jia's mother said: "Her? You bring her to me. I want to ask her personally. Jia's family treated her wrongly. They want to collect money like this."

After Jia Ke obeyed, seeing that Jia's mother had nothing to say, she resigned.

Seeing Jia Ke leaving the room, Mother Jia looked at the ceiling and was thinking about things, about Nanny Lai's loyalty to her over the past few decades, about the hardships the master and servant had gone through over the years, and about the two of them when they were young. Hiding in a quilt and crying, she couldn't help but shed tears, and because of this, Jia's mother turned a blind eye to Lai Da's arrogance and greed.It would be fine if he was greedy for others, but he never expected that Lai Da dared to extend his hand to Jia Ke.

Now Jia Ke is the hope of the Jia family's future, and there can be no mistakes.But that's fine, let's bury the secrets of these decades today.This is good for him and the Jia family.It can also keep the remaining minions honest for a while.

Besides, Jia Ke came out of Jia's mother's courtyard and went to Jia Zheng's small study—Meng Pozhai. Jia Zheng was also waiting for Jia Ke at this time.It turned out that when Jia Zheng came out from Jia's mother, he knew that Jia Ke would come to report to him again, so he never went back to the back house.

When Jia Zheng saw Jia Ke coming in, he didn't need him to salute, and just let him sit across from the desk.Then asked him: "What does the old lady mean?"

Jia Ke replied: "The old lady asked me to borrow a few people who are familiar with geography like my father, saying that they copied Lai's house tonight. I don't know what my father means."

Jia Zheng shook his head and said, "Let's do what the old lady wants. But Nanny Lai is the old nanny of our Jia family for many years. She watched me grow up and took good care of me when I was young. Now that I think about the past, I still feel quite emotional, how did it get to this point?" After finishing speaking, he remained silent.

Jia Ke knew that Jia Zheng was still very emotional.So when Jia Ke saw that Jia Zheng was thinking about the past, he didn't bother.

After a while, Jia Zheng seemed to wake up, and then said to Jia Ke: "I have nothing else to say, the only thing is to treat Madam Lai with courtesy, she has done us a favor."

Hearing that there was something in Jia Zheng's words, Jia Ke couldn't help being taken aback. What is meritorious service to us, shouldn't it be meritorious service to the Jia family?It seems that the Jia Mansion still has many secrets that he does not know, but this has nothing to do with him now.

Jia Ke hurriedly stated: "Mother Lai is from my grandma's generation, even if Lai is wrong, it has nothing to do with Mother Lai, besides, the old lady has also confessed that I sent Mother Lai to her, son How dare you be rude to her."

Only then did Jia Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Go."

Jia Ke didn't leave immediately, but continued to prophesy there.

Seeing his appearance, Jia Zheng said angrily, "Tell me if you have anything to do, and show me how you look."

Jia Ke blushed and said to Jia Zheng: "Father copied Li An's house in Wangjiatun, what should I do with the money?"

Seeing his hopeless appearance, Jia Zheng said angrily, "Find a place in the outer house to store it first, and let two people guard it. After finishing the business of Lai's family, you can move to your aunt and let her take care of it." You put it away first, so that you don’t spend it indiscriminately.”

When Jia Ke heard what Jia Zheng said, it meant that he rewarded himself with all these, and happily said to Jia Zheng: "What the father said is that the son is confused, so let's do it."

Seeing Jia Ke going out happily, Jia Zheng smiled and shook his head, saying that he was very talented, but after all he was still a child and had never seen anything in the world.

Unbeknownst to him, Jia Ke was a poor ghost in his previous life. He had never seen so much money. When he came here, he was like a bank escort. No matter how much money he had, it was not his own. But now that Jia Zheng has spoken, the money is all his. Can you not make him happy?
(End of this chapter)

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