Chapter 381
Jia Ke comforted Jia Baoyu a few more words, and then bid farewell to Jia's mother again and left the Grand View Garden.

After Jia Ke returned to the Marquis of Wuyang's Mansion, she discovered that Qin Keqing had returned.

As soon as Qin Keqing saw Jia Ke coming in, she immediately stepped forward to greet him, placed him on the main seat, and then accompanied him on the side seat.Since the two met in Jia Baoyu's room, they haven't spoken a word.Now the husband and wife can say some intimate words.

"Grandpa, you didn't know that you scared me to death today. I didn't expect such a strange thing to happen in the world." Qin Keqing felt a little terrified now. Although she accompanied Jia's mother to take care of Jia Baoyu just now, her heart was in her throat My eyes are gone, and now I think about it, I still feel cold behind my back.

"What is this? There are more strange things than this." Over the years, Jia Ke has seen countless strange things, so she has long been familiar with them, not to mention that there are really ghosts and ghosts in this world of red chambers.

"Could it be that you know something else strange?" Qin Keqing asked curiously.

"What's the matter? Isn't that piece of precious jade in our house just from a strange source?" Jia Ke said indifferently.

When Qin Keqing heard what Jia Ke said, she immediately looked a little unnatural. Although Jia Baoyu's psychic jade pendant was auspicious to her, it was also a curse.

Jia Ke saw Qin Keqing's worry, and immediately comforted her a few words: "What's there to worry about? If this matter is a taboo, our family would have been in trouble for a long time. We still have to wait for today."

Qin Keqing didn't want to talk about this matter any more, so she changed the subject and said, "Master, you are really not afraid at all if you encounter that strange thing today."

Jia Ke said indifferently: "Over the years, I have seen more dead bodies on the battlefield than you have seen people. Not to mention these little ghosts and sprites."

Qin Keqing felt relieved when she heard Jia Ke say this, but she still had lingering fears and said, "Master, do you think someone will use this method against our family?"

After listening to this, Jia Ke knew that Qin Keqing was really scared today, so she quickly comforted him and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, if it's someone else who may suffer from such a demon, but you and the old lady are absolutely right in this mansion. It's all right."

Please see clearly that after listening to it, I feel a little disbelieving, "How is this possible? Could it be that people with magic really recognize people?"

"You don't know that this spell can't be used by anyone, and you and the old lady are of the highest rank in this mansion. If you want to use a spell to deal with the two of you, you may be backed by the luck of the dynasty before you cast the spell."

Qin Keqing is only now relieved. If you want to say that these women are most concerned about these gods and ghosts, even people like Qin Keqing are unavoidable.

While the husband and wife were talking, Ruizhu came in from the outside and asked, "Master, is it time for Grandma to prepare dinner?"

Qin Keqing looked at Jia Ke first, and saw him nodding his head, and then said in admiration, "Then let the kitchen serve dinner."

After Ruizhu went out, Jia Ke asked again: "Isn't Lan Xiang always by your side? How come you don't see her today?"

Lan Xiang is from a rich family and can speak.So she has always been Qin Keqing's right-hand man, and outsiders seem to get along with Qin Keqing like sisters.

Qin Keqing frowned first, and then said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, Sister Lan Xiang was upset, so I stopped her errands and let her raise her baby in my own courtyard with peace of mind."

Jia Ke is a little embarrassed now, one is because he actually asked about the concubine in front of his eldest wife, and the concubine was pregnant, but he didn't know it.

Jia Ke touched her nose helplessly, and then said to Qin Keqing, "I've been too busy these days, so I didn't notice that there was another import at home."

Qin Keqing also knew that Jia Ke was busy with official duties during this time, so if Jia Ke didn't ask about these matters, he wouldn't bother Jia Ke either.

After Jia Ke finished her meal, she went to Lan Xiang's yard to visit the pregnant woman who had worked so hard.

As soon as Jia Ke entered Lan Xiang's courtyard, she saw Lan Xiang's maid waiting there.Looks like it's been a while.This Lan Xiang was smart, knowing that Jia Ke would definitely come to visit her today, so she sent a maid to wait at the door early.

Seeing Jia Ke coming, the little maid hurriedly stepped forward to salute, and then let Jia Ke into Lan Xiang's main room.

Lan Xiang was lying on the bed at this time, stroking her abdomen with her hands and giggling.

You must know that it has been more than a year since the drug was stopped, and Qiaolian has also given birth to a son, it has been such a long time.And she has no news, she was already anxious, but now she is finally pregnant, this child is the capital for her to gain a foothold in Wuyanghou Mansion.

How could Jia Ke understand these women's thoughts? When she saw Lan Xiang giggling there, she thought she was happy when she had a child.

"Don't worry now, it was my fault for letting you take those medicines back then, or else each of you would have taken them early."

At this moment, Lan Xiang seemed to realize that Jia Ke had come in, and hurried to get up, Jia Ke immediately went over to hold her down, and let her continue to lie on the bed.

"Since you already have it, don't mess around with it."

Lan Xiang lay on the bed and said happily: "It is only today that I feel relieved. Otherwise, I thought I would never be a mother in this life."

When Jia Ke heard this, she felt guilty again. Back then, because she was not officially married, she let the three concubines take the medicine of tiger and wolf all the time.So much so that their bodies are a little corrupt, and thinking about it now, they are a little indebted to the three of them.

Jia Ke comforted Lan Xiang a few words, and ordered someone to bring a lot of food and clothing to Lan Xiang. After everyone retreated, Jia Ke took out something from her bosom and quietly stuffed it into Lan Xiang's hand.

"You take this thing, make up for it during this time, even on the day of delivery, this thing can save lives."

Lan Xiang held the item in front of her eyes and saw that it was a red cloth package.She gently opened it, only to see a ginseng that had already formed inside.

Lan Xiang often helps Qin Keqin with housework, and has been to the warehouse countless times, so she knows where the ginseng comes from just by looking at it.This thing is precious, and even the life of Master Zhu in Rongguo Mansion next door is at stake, and Jia Ke only sent one such ginseng.

In the next few days, Jia's mansion was calm on the surface, but it was turbulent in the dark. This time, Jia's mother mobilized all her power in Jia's mansion, and she must find out who was going to attack Jia Baoyu.

However, this trend only lasted for seven or eight days, and then ended quietly, and Jia Ke didn't know much about the specific results.I don't know if Mother Jia found out the reason.

However, Jia Ke prefers that Mother Jia already knew the whole story, but because of Jia Zheng's face and his reputation, she pushed the matter down.

But he didn't take these house fighting matters to heart. What he was most worried about now was whether the grain storage road could raise grain.

One or two months passed, and these days, Jia Ke sent a letter to the Ministry of Households almost every day to ask about food.However, the receipts given to him by the Ministry of Household Affairs were all ambiguous, and they did not say whether the grain could be transported to the capital on time.

It has now entered May, but there is no news from the Ministry of Finance.

Jia Ke felt that he could not wait like this any longer, otherwise no matter how many officials were dealt with at that time, the lives of millions of people in Shaanxi would not be saved.

So Jia Ke said to several other ministers of the military aircraft at the military aircraft junior high school on this day: "My lords, it has been more than five months now, and there is no news from the household department. I think we can't wait any longer, we must Ask the Ministry of Households to give a clear time, can the grain be transported there?"

Liu Yu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, immediately retorted, "Lord Jia, is this inappropriate? The emperor has issued an order, saying that it can be shipped on the fifth day of June. It is only May now, and there is still a month to go. What's the rush?" .”

"Master Liu, are you really confused or fake? At this time, there is no news from the Ministry of Households. Is this normal? If there is grain in the warehouse of the Ministry of Households, it should be transported to some anyway, and in the water transport There should be some news. But it's quiet everywhere now, don't you find it strange?" Jia Ke's words made Liu Yu speechless.

In fact, Liu Yu was also during this time, scratching his heart for his old friend. Regardless of whether he took the money or not, he was ultimately responsible for this matter.

Lei Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, said: "The matter is already obvious. I am afraid that the Ministry of Households will not be able to provide these grains. We should make plans early."

The old Hanlin Mengming said: "We should send people to search the grain storage and road warehouses immediately, so that everything will come to light. If we wait like this, there will be no grain in Shaanxi in September. What shall we use to relieve the disaster?"

Among them, only Zuodu Censor Tianye didn't say a word. In fact, he already knew something tricky from his experience, but seeing Hubu Shangshu's confident appearance, I'm afraid there are bigger figures behind them to support them.

Jia Ke thought for a while and said, "Who do you think it is appropriate to send to investigate thoroughly? Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment, or let the people from Yushi Yamen go."

When Liu Yu saw that Jia Ke really wanted to send someone to conduct a thorough investigation, he immediately became anxious. He knew in his heart that the Ministry of Household Affairs could not stand up to the investigation, and never had the money and food paid out of the Ministry of Accounts been paid in full.

Now if he wanted to save his old friend, he could only get rid of this old face.

"Lord Jia, can you show me a few more days? I think Liu Wan, Minister of the Household Department, will definitely give you an explanation." Liu Yu said to Jia Ke, clasping his hands.

Jia Ke stared at Liu Yu for a long time, only to see that Liu Yu's face was pale and covered in sweat.Then he said: "I can't wait long, and neither can the imperial court and the victims in Shaanxi. I'll give Liu Wan another five days, and he must give me a satisfactory explanation, otherwise he will not be dismissed from office." Let him touch his neck first to see if the head is still there."

When everyone heard what Jia Ke said, they couldn't help but look serious. Jia Ke said this very seriously, but everyone thought it was not too much. After all, such a big event is rarely encountered once in many years.

Liu Yu's heart was also pounding in panic now, and he couldn't help feeling a little regretful for taking the blame for Liu Wan, but he knew the seriousness of this matter.But now he has no room for repentance.

Liu Yu decided to go to the Ministry of Households to find Liu Wan in a while, and ask him clearly.See what's going on in his house?And the person behind him, can he come out and take this matter down.

Liu Yu bowed to Jia Ke and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jia, for this time, I will keep it in my heart. I will definitely repay you generously if I have the opportunity in the future."

Jia Ke was able to give him five days this time, which is considered a great kindness. During these five days, Liu Wan can do a lot of things, such as introducing a scapegoat, or supplying food. There is a chance to make amends, and the operation is good. , this time can save the lives of many people.

(End of this chapter)

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