Chapter 382
After leaving the office at the Military Aircraft Department, Liu Yu went straight to the household department without any delay. Now Liu Yu also felt a little annoyed by this old friend, why did these things happen to him.

When Liu Yu came to the household department, he didn't let anyone inform him. He went directly to Liu Wan's study where he handled official business, and Liu Wan was holding a few ledgers and doing calculations there.

Liu Wan heard the sound of the door opening, looked up and saw that it was Liu Yu, and quickly stood up to meet him.

Liu Yu didn't care about his etiquette, stepped forward a few steps, grabbed his hand, and immediately asked, "My dear brother, what's the matter? Can the food be collected?"

Liu Wan was still smiling, but when he asked this question, the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

"Brother, can't we not mention this matter? You also know my difficulties, brother. If I had food, I would have transported it to the capital long ago."

Liu Wan was also a little helpless, he really didn't dare to investigate this matter further, as everyone in the household department counted one by one, and there were more or less corrupt behaviors.If this is checked, there will be no one in the entire household department.

Liu Yu didn't care about him, but said to him with a green face: "Today at the military plane, Jia Ke is going to check your household department. It was I who stopped and bought you five days. Inside, if you want your household department to avoid being investigated, you must prepare food. Otherwise, Jia Ke will turn his face and deny anyone, and I will have no way to speak for you anymore."

Liu Yu paused, and continued to warn Liu Wan, "You have to be careful this time, I think Jia Ke is already in a hurry, if you don't get things done, he will kill someone."

Sweat broke out on Liu Wan's face after hearing this. Now his hands and feet are cold, and he can't even stand upright.He has been to the Zhongshun Palace several times these days, hoping that the Zhongshun King can come forward and take this matter down.

King Zhongshun tried to persuade him with kind words, telling him not to worry, and if something happened to this matter in the end, he would stand in front of him.Because of this, Liu Wan was able to work in the household department with peace of mind these days.Now that I think about it, I'm afraid I'll never forget it because I lied to him.

Seeing Liu Wan's appearance, Liu Yu knew that something was wrong, and now he couldn't control it anymore, so he bowed his hands to Liu Wan and was about to leave the household department.

But now Liu Wan grabbed his hand and wouldn't let go, "Brother, don't go, brother, don't go, I'm afraid there will be another catastrophe this time, please give me some advice to save my life."

Although Liu Yu wanted to shake off his hand and leave directly, but he couldn't bear to look at his pitiful appearance.

"You, how could you do such a foolish thing? Since you didn't take the money, why did you cover it up for them? Now I can't tell." Liu Yu knew that Liu Wan would not lie to him, he said that he didn't take money. If you don't have the money, you will definitely not take the money.

"Elder brother, it was also the younger brother who was confused for a while and was afraid of King Zhongshun's power, so he buried it for him." Liu Wan finally said the name of King Zhongshun now.

Liu Yu was startled when he heard the name, and only then did he feel Liu Wan's embarrassment.Although King Zhongshun can only be a prince of Taiping now, with his relationship with the emperor, as long as he doesn't rebel, there will be great things, and the emperor can't do anything about him.

Liu Yu came back and walked around the study floor a few times.Then he said to Liu Wan, "There are only two options now."

"Please teach me, brother."

"The first method, you immediately go and talk to those people in the grain storage road in person, let them raise money separately, and immediately replenish the grain."

"Brother, even if you have money, you can't buy so much grain?" Liu Wan was a little embarrassed. After all, if you buy grain on a large scale now, the price of grain will rise, and they will lose a lot of money by then. How can officials who are used to making money be willing to do so?
"Then you can only use the second method. You enter the palace immediately and confess this matter to the emperor. This matter involves King Zhongshun, and the emperor cannot deal with it publicly. Otherwise, King Zhongshun's life will be lost. I will transfer money from the inner treasury to make up for you."

As soon as Liu Wan heard this idea, he immediately became excited, "This is the way, brother really has a clever plan."

Liu Yu gave him a disdainful look, and said, "If it were me, I would rather pay for the food myself than go to see the emperor."

Liu Wan asked puzzledly: "Brother, what is the reason for this?"

"Now that you have met the emperor, the emperor may have to cover up this matter for you, but you have given all the money of the household department to the emperor. Do you think what the emperor will think when he knows that you are so corrupt and perverting the law? What will the emperor do in the future? Trust you, what will happen to these officials from the Ministry of Households in the future?"

Liu Wan suddenly realized it now. He thought for a while, and his face was so gloomy that it seemed as if water would drip out.Finally, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and said to Liu Yu next to him: "I understand what brother means, I'll call up people and ask them to give me the money, otherwise I don't need to take people from the military plane, I will let them alone tonight One will see Hades."

Seeing that Liu Wan already understood what he meant, Liu Yu was relieved.

"You have to get this matter done as soon as possible. As for King Zhongshun, I'm afraid he won't be involved in any government affairs from now on. Now that something happens to him, he will abandon all these people in his hands. Who will dare to follow him in the future, so you From now on, you don't have to take him seriously." Liu Yu has seen the stupidity of King Zhongshun, and after this incident, who else in the world can buy his face?

Liu Wan nodded fiercely and said, "Brother, I understand. This little brother of King Zhongshun can't afford to be tainted."

Liu Yu wanted to ask about the savings and said to him: "This matter can't be so vague. You will go to Zhongshun Prince's Mansion in a while and tell King Zhongshun about this matter clearly. If he pays the money, then the grain storage will do other things." Those people will also give out the money happily, and they can be regarded as having an explanation for this matter."

Liu Wan heard the burst of crying and laughing here, "Brother, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. That King Zhongshun is an iron rooster, and now he is penniless. If you ask him to pay for the money, it is better to expect those people in the grain storage road to pay for the money."

Liu Yu glared at Liu Wan fiercely and said, "Idiot, don't I know that King Zhongshun is an iron cock? I want you to tell him clearly that you will have nothing to do with him from now on. If he If you dare to meddle in the affairs of your household department, you can beat him back in an open and honest manner."

Only when Liu Wan heard this did he understand that Liu Yu was asking him to have a showdown with King Zhongshun.

Liu Wan heard this and thought about it for a while. This King Zhongshun is extremely stupid now, and he can't tolerate anything other than money in his eyes, so there is no need to have any contact with him.

Liu Yu left in a hurry after giving Liu Wan instructions. After all, he still had other things to do.Even if the Military Aircraft Department was dismissed in the morning, he had to go to the Ministry of Officials to work in the afternoon.

After Liu Yu left, Liu Wan walked around the study a few times, and finally gritted his teeth.Directly ordered people to be called to Zhongshun Palace.

When Liu Wan arrived at the gate of Prince Zhongshun's mansion, he saw that the gate of Prince Zhongshun's mansion was closed tightly, and there was not even a person on duty at the gate.

Liu Wan was shocked when he saw this. It seems that King Zhongshun got the news from somewhere, and now he is keeping the door closed.The matter has become very clear, and it is impossible to ask King Zhongshun to pay for it now.

But Liu Wan still had hope in case, and ordered his servants to knock on the door.But the servant knocked on the door loudly, but there was no answer from inside.

Seeing this situation, Liu Wan gave Zhongshun Palace a hard look.From now on, there will be no contact with King Zhongshun.

That night Liu Wan's house was brightly lit, and the lights did not go out all night.Many important officials from the Ministry of Housing and the heads of the grain storage road kept coming in and out.

And Liu Wan didn't know what method he used, so he got together nearly 200 million silver the next day.

In the next few days, the food supply near the capital began to skyrocket, and the common people complained.Many censors have already begun to gear up, wanting to participate in those hoarding profiteers.

In the palace, the emperor also heard about this incident. The emperor is now very concerned about the stability of his regime. Hearing that the food in the capital is not stable, he immediately recruited Xia Shouzhong.

"What's going on? The capital is a place of all kindness, but there are such profiteers. How did you investigate?" The emperor was furious when he saw Xia Shouzhong.

"Long live God calm down, the servant has already checked almost everything."

In fact, Xia Shouzhong had already found out the truth of his cause and effect, but he never dared to report this matter to the emperor.

After all, King Zhongshun was involved, and the relationship between the emperor and King Zhongshun might embarrass the emperor in the end. If the household department could handle this matter quietly, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds, and save the emperor from causing trouble.

Unexpectedly, there was such a big commotion in the household department, even the emperor was alarmed.It seems that the Ministry of Finance is also in a hurry, and is now wiping King Zhongshun's ass.

"Tell me, tell me what's going on? Who dares to be so bold?"

"Long Live Lord, this matter was done by the Ministry of Household Affairs. They bought a large amount of grain on the market, which caused a shortage of grain in the capital, and the price of grain began to rise." Xia Shouzhong now decided to tell the whole story. It seems that the matter of King Zhongshun cannot be hidden. , since that is the case, no wonder he.

The emperor asked suspiciously: "What is the Ministry of Household doing to buy so much grain at this season? I haven't heard that the Ministry of Households is going to collect grain recently."

Xia Shouzhong took a sneak look at the emperor's face, and then he said hesitantly: "Didn't the emperor decree in the past two months that the grain storage department of the household department must collect 150 million dans of grain before the fifth day of June? They are now It is to collect these grains, not only to collect grains in the market, but also the wind has spread to several counties near the capital."

The emperor was not an idiot either, he immediately understood that there might not be a grain of grain in the warehouse of the Forbidden City’s grain storage road, and he was forced to be anxious these two times, so he pooled money to buy grain in the market, and wanted to give him an explanation .

(End of this chapter)

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