The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 383 Oral Instruction

Chapter 383 Oral Instruction
The emperor's face turned ashen now, he never thought that Liu Wan, whom he trusted, could do such a thing.

"Did Liu Wan embezzle all the money?" the emperor asked with a bad face.

Xia Shouzhong next to him didn't know how to answer, so he stood there with his head bowed, as if he didn't hear the emperor's words.

"You're dumb, why am I asking you something?" Seeing that Xia Shouzhong didn't answer, the emperor kicked him on the head.

The emperor used all his strength to kick Xia Shouzhong away, and now Xia Shouzhong finally knew how angry the emperor was.

He hurriedly crawled over to the emperor, "Long Live Lord, calm down, it's a trivial matter if you kicked the slave, but what if your body is damaged by anger?"

The emperor looked at the old eunuch who had served him for decades, lying humble on the ground, and couldn't bear it, so he calmed down the anger in his heart, and said, "If you want me to be healthy, tell the truth quickly."

"Long Live Lord, it's not that a slave doesn't tell you the truth, but now I'm afraid that after telling you, Long Live Lord, you will be even more angry." Xia Shouzhong also had skill in speaking, and he nodded a little to prepare the emperor.

As soon as the emperor heard what Xia Shouzhong said, his heart began to beat. Perhaps some of the emperor's relatives took the car, and Liu Wan had no choice but to deal with these funeral affairs for him.

So the emperor gritted his teeth and asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Prince Zhongshun." After Xia Shouzhong said this, he lowered his head and didn't dare to lift it, because he was afraid of seeing the emperor's angry expression.

The emperor felt helpless when he heard this name. If it was someone else, he could still control it with all his heart, but he really had no way to deal with King Zhongshun.

After all, he owes the upbringing of Queen Zhongshun, and King Zhongshun also defended him when he was a child, that is, he really regarded him as his biological brother. During the time when King Zhongshun was most favored, at a banquet King Zhongshun personally made a promise to the current emperor in front of his henchmen that once he inherits the throne.Just seal the current emperor as the emperor, even if he rebels, he will not die three times.

It can be said that King Zhongshun has a real deep affection for the emperor, which has almost never appeared in the royal families of all dynasties.

Because of this, the emperor turned a blind eye to King Zhongshun after he ascended the throne, and never strictly controlled him.But I didn't expect such a big thing to happen.

Now the emperor is beginning to feel a little grateful to Jia Ke. If he hadn’t discovered this matter in advance and reported it to himself, when Shaanxi’s crops have failed, and there is no grain in the grain storage roads, the emperor may have to take Zhongshun in order to quell public grievances. Wang performed the operation.

"How long has it been about the Grain Storage Road? Why hasn't anyone reported it to me?"

Xia Shouzhong was terrified now, but the emperor had to answer the question, so he could only say cautiously: "Long Live Lord, the servants got the news that King Zhongshun has been reselling the stored grain and rice for several years. At the beginning, there were still What they have restrained has become unscrupulous this year, and as soon as the new grain came out, they made up their minds to sell almost all the grain in the grain storage road."

The emperor was also shocked when he heard this, he didn't expect King Zhongshun to be so bold, he simply didn't pay attention to the court's laws.

At this time, the emperor also felt a little impatient with King Zhongshun. It seemed that the Supreme Emperor was right.If it continues like this, the court will see if there is any law. This time, Jia Ke found out that nothing serious has happened. If there is no severe punishment, there may be a next time.Then when the time comes without Jia Ke seeking to usurp the throne, his country will be gone. It seems that he will be severely punished, otherwise he will not be able to remember the lesson.

The emperor thought for a while and said, "You go to the Zhongshun Palace now and tell that evildoer. Let him add 500 million dans of grain to my grain storage within two months."

Xia Shouzhong asked helplessly: "Long Live Lord, if Lord Zhongshun refuses to agree, what should the servant do?"

After hearing this, the emperor felt a little scratching his head. King Zhongshun looked so wise when he had a chance to fight for the throne, but now that all hope is gone, all he has to do is earn money and play with women.

"Go and tell him that if he fails to replenish 500 million dans of grain within the time limit, I will imprison him in the mansion." The emperor felt that if he didn't scare him, King Zhongshun would not obediently pay the money.

Xia Shouzhong got the emperor's reply, and then bowed out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

When Xia Shouzhong left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he felt his back was wet.This time he was really frightened, fortunately he was prepared, otherwise, if the emperor asked about this matter, he didn't know how to answer, I'm afraid his position as the eunuch of Liugongdu would be over.

Xia Shouzhong led a dozen eunuchs out of the palace on tall horses, and went straight to Prince Zhongshun's mansion.

At this time, King Zhongshun's mansion is still full of singing and dancing, and King Zhongshun is living a life of drunkenness and dreams every day.

Since Liu Wan came to knock on the door a few days ago, King Zhongshun got the news in advance and refused to accept it behind closed doors. King Zhongshun sent people on the street to inquire about the news of the household department.

As the information kept coming back, knowing that Liu Wan had forced the people in the grain store to pay for the money, and now he was buying grain on a large scale near the capital, King Zhongshun felt relieved at this time, thinking that the matter was over. .

King Zhongshun now also feels that he is very wise. Once he does this matter, those people in the household department not only collect the food, but also give the emperor a job.And I didn't lose a penny, so I can sit back and relax.

No, it's almost noon now, he just got up, and after he got up, he threw a big feast.While drinking wine, while eating delicacies from mountains and seas, there are groups of singers dancing beside them.

In addition, there are many actors, waiting there, just waiting for these singers to go down, and then go up to sing a few well-known songs for King Zhongshun.

That's not to mention, besides one or two beauties, beside King Zhongshun, there was also an actor disguised as a woman. Stop to persuade King Zhongshun to drink.

But King Zhongshun didn't care about the two beauties, he just held onto the actor's hand and kept stroking it.And the actor also acted shyly, and kept cooperating with King Zhongshun.

When King Zhongshun was watching happily, suddenly several eunuchs broke in, and the leader was Xia Shouzhong.

When King Zhongshun saw that Xia Shouzhong dared to break into his palace without notifying him, King Zhongshun's face was full of anger at this moment. This Xia Shouzhong used to be a dog in front of him, but now he dared to break into his palace without calling. It was simply lawless.

"Xia Shouzhong, you dog slave is so courageous now. Believe it or not, I will kill you right now. Let's see what the emperor can do to me." How many glasses of wine did King Zhongshun drink?Some couldn't see the situation clearly, and he didn't want to think about how Xia Shouzhong would dare to be so bold if he hadn't obeyed the emperor's order.

"My lord, return your feelings and appease your anger. This time, this slave is here at the emperor's order to deliver a message to your lord." Xia Shouzhong said expressionlessly.

Xia Shouzhong knew that King Zhongshun had caused a catastrophe this time.Although the emperor covered it up for him, I'm afraid his relationship with the emperor would fade.

When King Zhongshun heard Xia Shouzhong said that he came here at the order of the emperor, he immediately became sober.

He hurriedly stood up from the wine table, and staggered to Xia Shouzhong's side, "You didn't lie to me, did you? The emperor really sent you to deliver a message."

"Even if the servant is very courageous, he would not dare to falsely preach the imperial decree. It is indeed the emperor's oral order to the prince."

"Then just tell me, my brother the emperor has something to tell me." King Zhongshun didn't care about anything now, and only wanted to spend his life in eating, drinking and having fun.

"The emperor's oral order." After Xia Shouzhong said this, he glanced at King Zhongshun, and the meaning was very clear, that is to ask him to kneel down to accept the order.

King Zhongshun could only stagger and kneel on the ground.

"The emperor ordered King Zhongshun to raise 500 million tons of grain and send it to the grain storage road within two months. If he fails to do so, the palace will be banned from now on."

As soon as King Zhongshun listened to the emperor's oral order, he immediately sobered up all the wine.It seems that the emperor knew about the fact that he had secretly bought grain for storage and roads. During this period, Liu Wan, Minister of the Household Department, had visited his mansion several times, but he shirked it for various reasons. A few days ago, he also heard that Liu Wan ordered his subordinates to The man pooled money and planned to make up for the food in the grain store. He thought he could rest easy, why did the emperor suddenly issue such an oral order?And seeing the emperor's stern tone, it seems that this time the matter is not small.

King Zhongshun himself is also talented, but he had given up on himself before and didn't think about it at all. Now that he wakes up and turns his head, he knows that this is the emperor's last compromise.Otherwise, if something goes wrong, the emperor will have to take his head and explain to the people all over the world.

"My lord, this servant has already finished speaking the emperor's oral instructions, so you can do it yourself. I have something to do in the palace, so I'll go now." Xia Shouzhong didn't want to stay in Zhongshun Palace any longer, so he wanted to leave.

But King Zhongshun suddenly got up from the ground at this time, grabbed Xia Shouzhong and asked, "Why does the emperor suddenly care about the matter of the grain storage road, please explain to me clearly."

Xia Shouzhong was grabbed by the wrist by King Zhongshun and couldn't get away. As soon as he heard his question, his eyes rolled up, and an idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone sounded immediately.

This King Zhongshun is now a jerk, arrogant and lawless, using such a person to give Jia Ke a bad start, and let him know that the current world still belongs to the emperor.

Xia Shouzhong smiled when he thought of this, only he could think of such a thing, and the emperor would reward him greatly if he knew about it.

So Xia Shouzhong showed a helpless expression on his face, "My lord, nothing happened at first. But a few months ago, Mr. Jia Kejia, the chief minister of the military aircraft department, suddenly asked the grain storage road to deliver more than 100 million dans of grain to the capital. You You know, now that Jia Ke is in power, even the emperor has to give him three points, so the matter of the grain storage road was exposed."

Xia Shouzhong had no choice but to speak ill of Jia Ke to King Zhongshun. After listening to Xia Shouzhong's words, King Zhongshun was so angry that his teeth itch.

(End of this chapter)

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