Chapter 397 Candidates

The emperor paused for a while, and then said: "Liu Aiqing, what do you think I should do? Should I agree to this resignation?" The emperor is now a little undecided.

Lei Ying's loyalty to him is now clear. If he accepts his resignation, he will be replaced by a military minister.The emperor can't guarantee that this person is what he wants.

But if he disagrees and Jia Ke has been standing still, then he will live in Jia Ke's shadow forever, and I'm afraid he won't dare to make any rash moves.So is this country his own or that Jia Ke's?

Liu Yu calmed down, and then firmly said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, you have to agree to this memorial no matter what. This is Lord Lei's heart, and this is the only chance for you, Your Majesty, to grow into power. Now, you must not give up because of your smallness. Big loss."

After hearing the words of his chief think tank, the emperor also made up his mind, picked up the vermilion pen next to him, and wrote the word "Zhun" on the memorial.

The emperor seemed to spend a lot of effort to write this word, and he said weakly to Xia Shouzhong next to him: "Show this memorial to Jia Ke, and hope that he can keep his promise and let Xiaoqiying go north as soon as possible."

Xia Shouzhong took the memorial tremblingly, and walked out of Dongnuange holding the regressor in both hands.

When the emperor saw Xia Shouzhong went out, he turned around and asked, "It was already discussed, why did Lei Ying have to make trouble?"

Hearing the emperor's question, Liu Yu lowered his head in shame, and said with a flushed face, "I don't blame Lei Ying this time, it's my humble minister who didn't think carefully. I wanted to urge Jia Ke and test Xiaoqiying's attitude by the way. , I didn’t expect it to be self-defeating.”

"Nonsense, why didn't you report this matter to me, and did such a big thing without authorization?"

When Liu Yu heard that the emperor wanted to blame him, he quickly knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing.

"Long Live Lord calm down, this time it's my fault."

The emperor did not immediately let Liu Yu stand up like before, but sat on the throne and watched him silently.

In fact, the emperor now felt a little bit blaming Lei Ying and Liu Yu, but it was difficult to say so.

Lei Ying and Liu Yu are the two go-getters under the emperor, and they can be said to be devoted to the emperor.At this time of crisis, although these two people did some things wrong, they can't be blamed too much, otherwise, their hearts will be separated when they are chilled.

"Liu Aiqing, get up, this matter is only due to Jia Ke's excessive rudeness, it has nothing to do with you two, don't blame yourself."

After listening to the emperor's words, Liu Yu dared to stand up.

"Liu Aiqing, what do you think Jia Ke will do next? Will the Xiaoqi camp go north?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, from the perspective of my humble minister, Jia Ke has no room to shirk, and the matter of the Xiaoqi camp going north cannot be changed."

"But now that the military aircraft department is short of one person, Jia Ke will definitely not miss this opportunity to let his own people enter the military aircraft department."

The emperor's checks and balances on Jia Ke are getting weaker and weaker. At first, Jia Ke only had some power in the army, but now, he has also attracted a group of people in the court. If Jia Ke is allowed to control the Military Aircraft Department again, he will There is no need to be the emperor.

The emperor calmed down and thought for a while, "Let Sun Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, enter the military aircraft department and fill in this position."

Liu Yu also nodded when he heard the emperor's suggestion.Sun Yan is still capable, and he has nothing to say about his loyalty to the emperor. It is just right for him to replace Lei Ying.

"Long live Lord, don't worry, I'll contact several other ministers of military affairs when I get back soon, and nominate Jia Ke together. Even if Jia Ke objects at that time, I'm afraid I can't just go my own way."

The emperor didn't have anything else to say until now, and he sighed. At this time, the monarch and his ministers were relatively speechless.

Besides, after Xia Shouzhong left Dongnuange, even though it was already April and May, he was still moved by the chill all over his body.

Xia Shouzhong now feels that the emperor is at an absolute disadvantage, and even his trusted ministers cannot be preserved.If I offend Jia Ke again in the future, and Jia Ke gets angry, can the emperor take care of himself?
Xia Shouzhong's eyes rolled around. Although he took care of the emperor for decades and regarded the emperor as his own son, at this time, he had to leave a way out.After all, my family has a big business now, and I can enjoy prosperity and wealth for a long time in the future.

Xia Shouzhong brought a few young eunuchs to the military plane.As soon as he entered the military aircraft, he first came to Jia Ke's side.Hitting a thousand with one leg to salute Jia Ke, this has never happened before.People like Xia Shouzhong used to only salute the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor.

When Jia Ke saw Xia Shouzhong, he actually kissed him with such a big gift.Stand up quickly and step aside.Then he supported Xia Shouzhong with both hands, "Xia Neixiang, what's wrong with you? I can't bear such a big gift to me."

Xia Shouzhong then stood up, and said to Jia Ke with a smile all over his face: "Master Jia, who are you? I'm just a lowly slave, and I should salute you."

After saying this, Xia Shouzhong took out Lei Ying's memorial from his sleeve.Then he held it to Jia Ke with both hands, "Master Long Live, I have already approved this booklet. Let me send it here for you to have a look at it, and then execute it."

Jia Ke recognized at a glance that this was the resignation letter written by Lei Ying just now.I didn't expect the emperor to be so decisive and you to be so ruthless.How long is this?He didn't even think about it, so he approved it directly.

Jia Ke originally thought that it would take at least a day or two for the emperor to make up his mind.In the end, within a quarter of an hour, it was approved.

Not only Jia Ke felt unbelievable at this moment, but even the old Hanlin Mengming and Zuodu Censor Tianye also felt disappointed.

And Lei Ying himself was not dissatisfied, after all, he had already expected Liu Yu to deliver this memorial.Because Liu Yu is smart, he will persuade the emperor.

Lei Ying saw that the general situation had been decided, so she walked over from behind the desk, cupped her hands and said to Jia Ke: "Lord Jia, the emperor has approved my memorial, so from now on I am no longer the Minister of Military Affairs. In the name of Shangshu, I will report to your lord that I don’t know when Xiaoqi Battalion will be able to go north.”

Jia Ke held the memorial in his hand, with a smile on his face.But I thought with disdain in my heart, you people really think that only the Xiaoqiying Battalion can be completely controlled by me.If I am not completely sure, how dare I let the Xiaoqi Battalion go north.

"Since Mr. Lei is in such a hurry, I will let Xiaoqi Battalion go north in three to five days." Jia Ke said with a smile on his face.

After hearing Jia Ke's answer, Lei Ying finally breathed a sigh of relief.Then he bowed his hands to Jia Ke, then bowed his hands to the other two, and finally turned and left the military plane.

Everyone looked at his back a little bleakly, this man has done his best for the emperor.

Tianye, the censor of Zuodu, is even more afraid now, if Jia Ke doesn't agree to the Xiaoqi camp going north.He still had some confidence to fight against Jia Ke, but now that Jia Ke was so relaxed, he let the Xiaoqi Battalion go north.

If Jia Ke was not completely sure, how dare she be so bold?Tian Ye would not believe that Jia Keli was fainted.Back then, Jia Ke took the little team and went north to the grassland.The beaten Arslen Khan escaped several times. Does this seem like a foolish person can do it?
If this is not counted, then he has gained the absolute trust of the Supreme Emperor in the past two years.Use the Supreme Emperor to control all the soldiers and horses around the capital.Does this seem like a stupid person can do it?

So now I can only explain one problem, Jia Ke has completely controlled the soldiers and horses in the capital.He was no longer afraid of the emperor's petty moves, and he was even looking forward to the emperor's actions so that he could counterattack justifiably.

Zuodu Censor Tianye was covered in cold sweat at the thought of this, and he made a decision in the blink of an eye.From now on, the two will not help each other, and they will never have any close contacts with the emperor.It seems that the emperor can't beat Jia Ke this time.

After seeing Lei Ying go out, Jia Ke said to the two ministers who were still in the military aircraft department: "Now we are short of one person in the military aircraft department. We should choose another person to fill in. Do you have any suitable candidates? If there is a candidate, we will sign it together and play the emperor."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, he heard someone say at the door: "Sun Yan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, is fair and honest, and has a good reputation. I think he is more suitable."

Everyone turned to the door and saw that it was Liu Yu who had returned.

Jia Ke, when you hear the candidate he recommends, you smile secretly.This person is probably not as simple as you imagined.

But Jia Ke is not going to reveal his relationship with Sun Yan right now, and he still has to stop him from becoming the Minister of Military Aircraft so easily, otherwise others will soon find out that something is wrong.

"In my opinion, Zhang Chaoxin, the minister of the Ministry of Industry and the censor of the right capital, is more suitable. Not only has this person been in the Ministry of Industry for many years, he has never made a mistake, and he is also the censor of the right capital. I think he has a very good character. This person is suitable for this position." Jia Ke also put forward his candidate in a timely manner.

Liu Yu knew that Zhang Chaoxin was Jia Ke's confidant. If such a person was allowed to enter the Military Aircraft Department, Jia Ke would be able to cover the sky with one hand in the court. By then, the emperor might really be emptied.

So Liu Yu said: "Although Zhang Chaoxin is a talented person, he has too many positions, and I'm afraid he won't be able to get out. I think Sun Yan is more suitable."

After Liu Yu finished speaking, he said to the other two ministers of military affairs: "My lords, it's time for you to say something. Otherwise, there will be no room for you to speak in the future."

Liu Yu was reminding the two of them that if Jia Ke were allowed to monopolize the military plane, their life would be hard.

The old Hanlin Mengming immediately understood what he meant. If Jia Ke monopolizes the military aircraft department, it will not be a good thing for him, so he said: "I think Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, is not bad."

Liu Yu was overjoyed when he heard his words. If he added Zuodu Censor Tianye to this, then three people from the Military Aircraft Department agreed with him.Now that Jia Ke is alone and alone, he thinks there is no hope.

Liu Yu immediately raised his head to look at Zuodu Censor Tian Ye, but it was Tian Ye who disappointed him, and he just said: "I don't have any consideration for this matter, anyone can be the Minister of Military Aircraft." After finishing speaking Sitting in front of his case silently.

(End of this chapter)

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