Chapter 398
Liu Yu was shocked when he heard what Tian Ye said. He was not disappointed because Tian Ye didn't express his opinion.It was because Tian Ye's statement this time did not stand on the emperor's side, but was completely neutral.

Liu Yu already understood that Tian Ye had become divorced from the emperor, and the emperor's power in the court was weakened by a point.

Liu Yu felt more and more afraid. How did Jia Ke do it?How come there are so many ministers in such a short period of time, either betraying the emperor or taking refuge in Jia Ke.

Liu Yu looked at Tian Ye helplessly, but Tian Ye lowered his head and said nothing.

Liu Yu finally gritted his teeth and said, "It turns out that the two of us are at loggerheads, so it's better to write a memorial and send it to the emperor. The emperor has a choice. What do you think?"

Jia Ke smiled lightly, "Just do as Master Liu said. Master Liu has drafted the memorial in the past few days. After I read it in a few days, we will all sign it together and send it to the emperor."

Jia Ke didn't think there was any trouble in this matter. No matter which one the emperor chooses for these two candidates, they still belong to Jia Ke in the end.It's just that one of these two is in the light and the other is in the dark.

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she called the little eunuch outside, pointed to the memorial on the table, and said, "I have reviewed these, and I think there is no major problem. Send them to the emperor for approval." That's it."

This Jia Ke said to the other people in the military plane, "It's getting late, so I'll go back first. Let's see you tomorrow, my lords."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she left the military plane with her hands behind her back.

As soon as Jia Ke left, Liu Yu didn't care that Old Meng Ming was still there, so he walked in front of Tian Ye and questioned, "Master Tian, ​​what did you mean just now? Could it be that you have already taken refuge with Jia Ke?"

Tian Ye looked at Liu Yu's eyes that were about to burst into flames, and shook his head lightly.Without replying to his words, he stood up and was about to leave the military plane.

How could Liu Yu let him leave like this, and immediately stepped forward and grabbed his sleeve.

Tian Ye twitched twice but didn't pull it away, so he could only turn around and say to Liu Yu with a wry smile, "Brother Liu, don't embarrass me. Listen to my brother, don't worry about anything, just resign and go back to your hometown."

Liu Yu's face turned ashen all of a sudden, he had already heard what Tian Ye meant, which showed that he was no longer optimistic about the emperor.

Liu Yu knew Tian Ye well. This person's intelligence was not inferior to his own, but this person was too good at protecting himself and did not dare to take too heavy a responsibility.That's why he has been serving as the left governor and censor, without specific responsibility for affairs.

Now that Tian Ye judged that Jia Ke had gained an absolute advantage, he planned to withdraw from the emperor's alliance.Then there must be seventy-eight percent certainty.That's why Liu Yu didn't show such a face.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you really see it?"

Tian Ye didn't speak, just shook his head.He threw Liu Yu away and left the military plane, and left the palace without looking back.

Liu Yu stood there dumbfounded at this moment.The old Hanlin Mengming was also shocked when he heard what they said.As the representative of the Supreme Emperor who was about to arrive at the military plane, he thought that his status was almost inferior, even if not comparable to Jia Ke.Unexpectedly, these two supreme beings were cornered by Jia Ke.How can this not frighten him, and at the same time, he can't help but make up his own little calculations.

Old Meng Ming felt that he was old, so it didn't matter if he died.But my son and grandson have only had a good life for a few days. If the whole family is killed because of my own negligence, it would be foolish.It's better not to do one thing, but relying on the fact that I still have some friendship with Jia Ke, I took refuge in his sect.

According to the current friendship between Jia Ke and himself, I think Jia Ke will respect him more, so when Jia Ke completely controls the situation in the future, his offspring can also be favored.

After Lao Mengming made up his mind, he left the military aircraft department without saying a word to Liu Yugong who was still standing there in a daze.

But Liu Yu didn't know that his momentary excitement just now made another military minister lean towards Jia Ke.He is still shocked by Tian Ye's judgment.

Liu Yu thought for a while, and felt that he had to talk to the emperor again when he had time.I can't bother the emperor anymore today.He saw the emperor twice today, which frightened the emperor a lot.If I tell the emperor about this news again, I don't know if the emperor can persist.

It seems that the plan he made for the emperor during this period of time has been quickly implemented again. Otherwise, almost all the people in the military aircraft department are Jia Ke's people. It just empties the emperor.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu let out a long sigh, feeling a little resentful in his heart that he was the emperor. It was because he favored Jia Ke too much at that time and didn't believe in the emperor, that's why today's catastrophe happened.

Besides, at this time, the Supreme Emperor, whom Liu Yu was obsessed with, had just woke up from a deep sleep.

The empress dowager, who was serving the emperor next to him, saw that he had woken up. She was very surprised and hurried over to grab his hand and asked, "Long live, how are you doing today? What's wrong?"

The Empress Dowager stared at her with barely open eyes, and said with a smile: "Today is okay, let them bring some porridge while I'm a little hungry."

When the empress dowager heard what the emperor said, she was also very pleasantly surprised. During this period of time, the emperor never felt hungry. This was the first time she wanted to eat.

Before the empress dowager gave orders, Dai Quan, who was next to him, had already made the arrangements. After a while, eunuchs came in with four or five trays.

The Supreme Emperor took a look at the messy porridge, frowned, and finally chose the ordinary millet porridge.

After finishing his meal, the Supreme Emperor sat half-sitting on the bed under the service of the Empress Dowager, and asked Dai Quan beside him, "How is the Emperor doing these days?"

Dai Quan was very embarrassed when he heard the question from the Supreme Emperor. Now he has handed over the hidden guards to the emperor, and he has no reservations. He can only listen to gossip about the affairs in the palace, and doesn't know anything else.

The Supreme Emperor just asked out of habit, and when he saw Dai Quan like that, he understood what was going on.

So the Supreme Emperor turned his head and said, "Is Xiao Li there?"

Just as the Supreme Emperor finished asking, a handsome young eunuch walked out from the side. He walked a few steps to the Supreme Emperor's bed and knelt down on the ground, "Slave Li Deshan, please greet the Supreme Emperor."

"How is the palace these days? Has the emperor made any moves? Is Jia Ke very honest?"

"Returning to the Supreme Emperor, these few days are relatively peaceful, but Lei Ying, Minister of the Ministry of War, resigned from the post of Minister of Military Aircraft today."

The Supreme Emperor frowned when he heard this, "What's going on?"

"For the emperor's words, the slave seems to have heard that Lei Ying overstepped his authority and issued orders to Jia Ke's Xiaoqi battalion, so Jia Ke was furious. In order to protect the emperor, Lei Ying had to resign as Minister of Military Aircraft."

When the Supreme Emperor heard this, he was anxious and out of breath immediately. The Empress Dowager next to him quickly patted his chest and touched his back, which made the Supreme Emperor calm down.

After Taishang Huang regained his strength, he thought about it.He asked again, "Is Jia Yuanchun pregnant?"

"For the Supreme Emperor, the Xiande Concubine is still not pregnant."

The Supreme Emperor sighed in disappointment when he heard this, then waved his hand, and Li Dequan quickly stepped aside.

The Supreme Emperor paused for a while, and said to the maids and eunuchs below: "You all go down."

After listening to the Supreme Emperor's order, these people immediately withdrew from the palace.

Seeing that these people had retreated, the Supreme Emperor said to the Empress Dowager, "I think our country is in danger again."

The empress dowager knew that the current situation was not good, and as a descendant of a general, the empress dowager also had some abilities.

"Your Majesty, don't worry too much. My father still has some former disciples in the court, plus my father's generals. As long as I call, these people can fight to the death for us."

The Supreme Emperor shook his head and did not speak. These people did not come out to speak for the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor during the period when Jia Ke was in charge of the government, and their attitudes were self-evident.

"My concubine, I don't know when I can't wake up, I have a few words to tell you, you have to remember them clearly."

The Empress Dowager looked at the Emperor Taishang like this, as if she was confessing her funeral, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

The Supreme Emperor doesn't have the energy to comfort the Empress Dowager now. He just gritted his teeth and said, "If Jia Yuanchun becomes pregnant, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl. You have to declare that the child is a boy. If Jia Yuanchun gives birth to a Girl, just secretly exchange for a clan child."

The Taishanghuang was a little sad when he said this, he didn't expect that his country would need a child to maintain it.At the same time, he was even more indignant at Jia Ke's ungratefulness.

"After Jia Yuanchun waits for the child to ascend the throne, let's deal with the emperor. If he is here all the time, Jia Ke won't be relieved for a while. If the person sitting in that seat is a baby, Jia Ke may look at it for Jia Yuanchun's sake." It can keep our family's country alive. When Jia Ke is old in a few decades and Jia Yuanchun really becomes the empress dowager to control the power, for his own prosperity, wealth and power, he will definitely suppress the Jia family. After all, at that time , the power of the Jia Mansion will be boundless, and in this way, our country may be able to continue."

After hearing these words, the empress dowager agreed one by one with tears in her eyes.

The Taishanghuang seemed to be relieved now, and his spirit was a little weak. Finally, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

The empress dowager looked at him from the side, feeling very distressed. It's this time, and she is still worrying about Jiangshan Sheji, can't she take a break?

But it is said that Jia Ke left the military aircraft office and came to the infantry commander's office leisurely all the way. Now, every time Jia Ke leaves the military aircraft office, he will go to the infantry commander's office first, because there is his military advisor Fan Kang here. At this critical moment, Jia Ke Every day, I have to tell Fan Kangxue what happened in the court.

Jia Ke, as the chief officer of the yamen commanded by the infantry, was naturally unimpeded as soon as the infantry commanded the yamen, and all the subordinate officials kept bowing to him along the way.

Jia Ke was in a good mood today, and greeted them one by one, sometimes standing there with a smile and greeting them with some words of encouragement.

When Jia Ke came to the lobby of the infantry commander's yamen, Fan Kang had already been waiting at the entrance of the lobby.

Jia Ke smiled and cupped hands with Fan Kang, and then led him into a study in the yamen of the infantry commander.

Jia Ke naturally sat in the main seat, with Fan Kang accompanying him.Then came the servants of the infantry commander's yamen who brought up the fragrant tea.

After Jia Ke dismissed these people, she said to Fan Kang, "The matter at the Military Aircraft Department is quite interesting today."

"What exactly happened, please come slowly, my lord."

"Today Lei Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, resigned from the position of Minister of Military Aircraft in order to let my Xiaoqi Battalion go north. What do you think these people are going to do?" Jia Ke had a smile on his face, but the cold light in his eyes kept flickering.

Fan Kang also said with a gloomy expression: "It seems that the emperor is becoming more and more intolerable to the lord. After the transfer of the Xiaoqi battalion this time, I am afraid that he will put a nail in the capital's army."

But Jia Ke said indifferently: "As long as I still control these troops, none of the people he puts in will survive a month."

Fan Kang said worriedly: "My lord, don't take it lightly. After all, these troops have been in the capital for decades, and the relationship inside is intricate. Who knows if there is anything tricky?"

Jia Ke thought for a while, and felt that what Fan Kang said was reasonable.However, he also thought that the hundreds of households in these armies belonged to him, and the commanders of these people were also his confidantes. Even if the emperor wanted to install people, he could only start with the middle-level generals, and he had to get his consent.No matter how you think about it, the emperor has no chance to control the army.

(End of this chapter)

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