Chapter 40
Jia Ke sat in the middle of the hall of Lai's house, thinking about something expressionlessly.There was a chill in his body.

Soon Nanny Lai and Lai Da came in.Seeing Jia Ke sitting in the middle, he hurried over to salute.

Jia Ke looked at them blankly, and Mammy Lai felt something was wrong, Nanny Lai and others thought that Jia Ke was here to ask the teacher for a crime.He got up and went forward and said: "What's the matter with the uncle coming to us, maybe there is some misunderstanding with the little ones."

Jia Ke said: "Madam Lai has created such a big family business, don't you even know what I'm here for?"

Nanny Lai laughed and said, "Brother Ke, isn't it just the matter of Wangjiatun. This matter was done wrong by Da Lai, and I am here to apologize to you on his behalf." Nanny Lai knelt down on the ground.

Jia Ke hurriedly stepped forward to help him up, and said to her, "Mammy has done a lot to my family, but it's just that the children and grandchildren are not up to date, so I can't blame Mammy for this."

Nanny Lai hurriedly thanked her, and said to Lai Da who was beside her: "Come over here and kowtow to apologize to the uncle. It's your luck that the uncle can forgive you."

Lai Da cleverly came over and said in front of Jia Ke, "Thank you for your forgiveness, sir. I did such a stupid thing in a moment of confusion."

Seeing him kneeling down, Jia Ke didn't step forward to help him, but said to Nanny Lai expressionlessly: "There is no rule without rules. If I forgive him now, all future servants will follow his way. Our manor I won't be able to live in the future."

Jia Ke paused for a moment, then said to Nanny Lai expressionlessly: "I was ordered by the old lady to search the Lai family today. If we don't deal with it, the Lai family may already be the masters of our house." .”

Mother Lai was shocked when she heard what he said, and said in disbelief: "Impossible, the old lady can't treat me like this, I'm going to see the old lady." Then she walked out, but as soon as she arrived at the entrance of the hall, she was caught by the guards. blocked.

Jia Ke said to the soldiers: "You invite Nanny Lai to rest in the next room and arrange someone to wait on you. Don't neglect."

Immediately, two soldiers stepped forward and said respectfully to Madam Lai: "Mama Lai, don't make things difficult for us servants, please come with us, it won't look good if we do it."

Nanny Lai looked back at Jia Ke blankly, and said, "Master, everything has been prepared. It seems that our family is doomed, but don't be too happy, sir. It's just a small matter. The uncle is so aggressive, and I have something to say when I see the old lady." After finishing speaking, he went out with the soldiers.

Jia Ke looked at the direction in which Nanny Lai was leaving, smiled contemptuously, and turned to Liu Yu and said, "Gather everyone in Lai's house, shoot a few people and watch them strictly. Others block all roads."

Lai Da was already panicking now, and stepped forward to stop these soldiers.Jia Ke looked very angry, and said: "Someone tie him up first, throw him aside for a while."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, several soldiers came up and tied Lai Da tightly, and put him down on the side.

Jia Ke instructed Lin Zhixiao again, "It's the same as last time. You are in charge of the search of the house. Don't miss anything."

Lin Zhixiao bowed and saluted Jia Ke, and said to Jia Ke: "Don't worry about it, the younger one will definitely handle things properly."

Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, but seemed to think of something, frowning and thinking about it.Then he said to Lin Zhixiao: "I heard that rich and noble families always have mezzanines in their houses. Take a closer look to see if they have them."

Lin Zhixiao said respectfully: "Don't worry, sir, the mezzanines in the house are all hollow, if you tap them lightly with a hammer, you can notice the difference in the sound."

Jia Ke said: "In addition to the mezzanine, we must also pay attention to the secret room set up in the dark. You must also find the location of the silver vault. Otherwise, you will not be able to explain to the old lady."

Lin Zhixiao responded, "I will not disappoint you."

Jia Ke said to Lin Zhixiao: "You go and do things with peace of mind. I'm here as the township. You go and bring the housekeeper of Lai's mansion and let him show you the way. He must know the secret room of Lai's house. Tell him, if he is honest Just give him an explanation, if not, the whole family will be sold to black media kilns after the incident."

Lin Zhixiao took the order to go down to work.

Lin Zhixiao found it among the servants, the butler of the Lai family.This is a little old man in his fifties with a shrewd look in his eyes.

Lin Zhixiao looked at him and said: "Thinking about what happened today, you can understand it. I will give you a way out now. If you wish, cooperate with me to find the Lai family's bank and secret room. The uncle said, and I will give you an explanation. , if not, the whole family will be sold to a black media kiln. Can you hear me clearly?"

The housekeeper had already realized that things were not going well today, and after listening to Lin Zhixiao's words, he seemed to be grasping at straws, and swore without hesitation, "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I will fully cooperate. I know the address of the seller's bank. I will lead you there, and I must copy it clean."

Lin Zhixiao nodded in satisfaction and said, "You lead the way ahead, let's go to the bank first."

The butler hurriedly led the way ahead, Lin Zhixiao and others followed behind with their own soldiers.Soon came to a rockery in the back garden, in a secluded place, there is a small cave.

The housekeeper said to Lin Zhixiao: "Sir, this may be the entrance to the bank. I followed Lai Da to deliver silver taels inside. But there are two doors inside, and each door has several locks. I don't have a key."

Lin Zhixiao said: "It is only to guard against those thieves. We are going to raid the house and not to open his locks, but to smash something."

The housekeeper continued: "This road is very dark, you need to light a torch to see the road ahead."

Lin Zhixiao ordered someone to light a few torches, and the housekeeper led the way. Lin Zhixiao followed him into the cave, and soon there was an iron gate with four or five locks in front of it.

Lin Zhixiao ordered someone to go forward and break all the locks, and pushed open the big iron gate, and there was still a dark secret passage behind.Everyone walked a little further, and found that there was another iron gate ahead, with four or five locks still hanging on it.As usual, Lin Zhixiao had someone break the lock, pushed open the door and entered the bank.

Lin Zhixiao had someone light it up with a torch and watch carefully. Inside his fingertips were dozens of large black wooden boxes, neatly placed together.

The housekeeper said to Lin Zhixiao: "My lord, these black wooden boxes contain silver."

Lin Zhixiao looked dumbfounded, thinking that the money might not be 10,000+ taels.

Lin Zhixiao didn't dare to delay, so he was lightened immediately, and he stood aside to supervise.At the same time, he ordered a soldier to report to Jia Ke and let him come and have a look.

Not long after, Jia Ke came to the bank. Lin Zhixiao stepped forward to greet him. Jia Ke waved to him and looked at the opened boxes on the ground. They were full of white silver, and even a few boxes were bright yellow gold. Even shaking Jia Ke couldn't open her eyes.

Seeing Jia Ke coming, the housekeeper said to Jia Ke, "Master, money is not a big deal. The Lai family still has tens of thousands of acres of land outside. I don't know where the title deed is hidden."

Seeing that the housekeeper was so knowledgeable, Jia Ke said happily to him, "Don't worry, it's over this time, you and your family will be fine."

Jia Ke said to Lin Zhixiao again: "Don't worry about it here, you and the housekeeper go to check other places, and I will watch here myself."

Lin Zhixiao agreed, and led the butler back out.

Jia Ke was here in person, watching them tap to finish. By then, the sky had already begun to brighten.At the final count, there were 18 taels of silver and more than 30 taels of gold.All together, there are about [-] taels of silver.

Jia Ke wondered how he had saved so much silver, which was probably more than the silver in Jia's treasury.

Jia Ke ordered people to lock the two gates again, and sent soldiers to guard the gates.Then go back to the front hall and wait for Lin Zhixiao's news.

(End of this chapter)

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