Chapter 41 Shocked
Jia Ke waited until after ten o'clock in the morning before seeing Lin Zhixiao and the butler come back.Lin Zhixiao walked in front, and the butler followed behind holding the account book.

After Lin Zhixiao went forward to salute Jia Ke, he said, "Master, the Lai family has all been searched. There are more than 2 mu of land alone, not counting those in Wangjiatun. There are hundreds of pieces of gold and silver jewelry. Others There are also hundreds of valuable antique calligraphy and paintings. The copied things have been placed in the yard next door, do you want to go over and have a look?"

Jia Ke said: "Of course I have to take a look. I haven't seen so many valuable things piled up together." After speaking, she got up and walked out. go.

When everyone came to the gate of the courtyard, they saw a few soldiers guarding the gate, and when they saw Jia Ke coming, they all saluted him.

Jia Ke excused them, and then went into the yard.As soon as I entered the yard, I saw all kinds of things piled up like a mountain in the yard.

Jia Ke stepped forward to look through them one by one, and the housekeeper hurriedly took the account book beside him and gave Jia Ke instructions one by one.Jia Ke opened the box, looked at it and asked the housekeeper beside him, "What's your name, and how many years have you been working here?"

The butler said excitedly: "The young one is called Qian Mao, and he has been a housekeeper in Lai's family for 20 years."

Jia Ke said: "You have made meritorious service this time. I promise you that you will not slip your word. You will be my man from now on. I will pick out your family members and put them in an empty house first. I will have more after I finish the work." Great reward."

Qian Mao was overjoyed, he used to be a member of the Lai family, separated from Jia's house by one floor, now that the Lai family is in trouble, he originally thought that he would follow suit.I don't want to have such an opportunity, not only jumped out of the fire pit but also climbed the high branch, he will be regarded as the real servant of Jia's mansion in the future.

Jia Ke didn't care about Qian Mao's thoughts, and continued to walk forward. When he got to the side, he saw a pile of silver jewelry piled on a table, all of which were relatively rough, and looked like they belonged to maids.

Jia Ke asked Qian Mao, "What's going on here?"

Qian Mao said quickly: "Although these are the jewelry of the maids, they are also considered to be dependents of the family after all, so I took off these jewelry and put them here to see what the masters want."

Jia Ke said, "Let's pile it up here first, and we'll talk about it later."

Then I saw small wooden boxes one after another on the tables next to me.Jia Ke opened a wooden box and saw that inside was an exquisite piece of jewelry, which was studded with pearls and emeralds.It is worth a lot of money at first glance.

Jia Ke asked Qian Mao: "Are all these boxes like this?"

Qian Mao replied: "Your uncle's words are all like this."

After Qian Mao finished speaking, he led the way for Jia Ke.When you reach several large boxes, go forward and open the boxes.He said to Jia Ke, "Master, this is the most valuable thing."

Jia Ke stepped forward to take a look, and it turned out to be a piece of scroll calligraphy and painting.Jia Ke knew that in troubled times, gold and antiques were flourishing, and now the dynasty is in its prime, every piece of calligraphy and painting of celebrities is very expensive, and the value of calligraphy and painting in these boxes probably exceeds the price of silver in the treasury.

Jia Ke didn't move forward after reading these calligraphy and paintings, but turned to Lin Zhixiao and said, "Let the master's servant go back and tell the master, and invite him to come and have a look." Lin Zhixiao agreed and went out immediately.After Jia Ke finished giving her orders, she took Qian Mao back to the lobby and waited for Jia Zheng's reply.

It was getting late, so Jia Ke said to Liu Yu, "Take someone to pick out the people in the kitchen, and let them cook some hot rice and hot water for the brothers, so that the brothers can eat and drink enough. , Tell the brothers not to relax, everyone will be rewarded after today's business is over."

Liu Yu quit after listening to Jia Ke's words, and prepared meals for the inland project.

Besides, Jia Zheng, today he filed a leave in the yamen and did not go to the yamen.I have been waiting in the small study for news from Jia Ke.It wasn't until almost noon that the servant he sent to help Jia Ke came back to report that Jia Ke had asked Jia Zheng to go over and take a look at the scene.

Jia Zheng looked at the boy and asked, "Does the Lai family really have that much money?"

That hour replied: "I don't know about other places. I looked in the yard next to the hall, and the things there couldn't be piled up."

When Jia Zheng heard this, he fell silent. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want Mammy Lai to end up like this when she was old.

Jia Zheng was silent for a while before leading a few people to Lai's house.When I arrived at the gate of Lai's house, I saw several soldiers holding hands, letting anyone in and out.When the soldiers saw Jia Zheng coming, they saluted quickly and made way for him to enter.

Jia Ke had heard the report that Jia Zheng was coming, and had already been waiting outside the hall.Jia Ke welcomed Jia Zheng into the hall, and asked Qian Mao next to him to show Jia Zheng the account book.

Although Jia Zheng heard from the boy that he had copied a lot of property from Lai's house, he didn't expect there to be so much.He couldn't believe it and asked Jia Ke: "Is this true? Why are there so many? Is it because I remembered it wrong?"

Jia Ke returned to Jia Zheng and said, "Father is absolutely true, there is nothing wrong with it. I personally took someone to take stock of the treasury. I have also checked other things with my own eyes. Due to time constraints, there may be some small discrepancies. There will be no problems in the big aspects."

Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke: "Take me to the bank to have a look. I still don't believe it. Madam Lai is sincere to my family. How could she embezzle so much money? It's like moving our family's bank. .”

So Jia Ke took Jia Zheng to the silver vault, went through two doors, and entered the silver vault. Looking at the boxes of gold and silver on the ground, Jia Zheng completely believed it.Jia Zheng felt that his anger could no longer be suppressed. Jia Zheng felt that this was the most shameless betrayal. He trusted the family so much that he almost handed over all the affairs of the Jia family to his family. He did not expect the Lai family to trust him so much.

Except for the silver vault, they went to the east and west yards to look again.Looking at the antiques, calligraphy, paintings, and jade stones all over the yard, Jia Zheng was so angry that he had nothing to say.The value of these things has far exceeded the value of the silver in the treasury.Not to mention that there are more than 2 mu of land lying outside.Even the Jia Mansion couldn't raise so many things at once.

Originally, Jia Zheng wanted to say something nice to the Lai family in front of the old lady, but seeing this situation, he didn't care.

Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke with no expression on his face: "I don't care about his family's affairs, and I can't. You can report to the old lady yourself." He left without looking back.

Jia Ke sent Jia Zheng out of the gate, then returned to the hall, asked Lin Zhixiao to prepare all the accounts, and then prepared to go with him to see the old lady.

Jia Zheng led Lin Zhixiao, and asked two soldiers to press Nanny Lai to enter through the corner gate of Rongguo Mansion, stopped in front of a hanging flower gate, and asked the gatekeeper's wife to go in and report to Jia's mother. Seeing Mammy Lai, she knew that the matter was serious and dared not neglect it, so she hurried in and reported it to Mother Jia.

After a while, several women came out and took over Nanny Lai from the soldiers.Then Jia Ke brought Lin Zhixiao into the inner courtyard of Jia's mansion.

When they arrived at Jia Mu's Courtyard, the wives locked Nanny Lai in the foot room next to her. Seeing Jia Ke coming, the maid on the steps went up to open the curtain and said to Jia Ke, "The old lady has been waiting for the uncle. It." Then I heard someone in the room say: "The uncle is here."

Jia Ke led Lin Zhixiao into the house, and saw the white-haired Mother Jia, sitting on the bed and wiping tears, with a few maids comforting her.

Both Jia Ke and Lin Zhixiao stepped forward to salute Jia Mu. Jia Mu looked at them and said weakly, "Is there any result? Tell the truth."

Jia Ke stepped forward and reported: "The copied silver was 18 taels, more than 2 taels of gold, more than [-] mu of land, and other antiques, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, jade, and ornaments. They are all in the account book. I reported it to the old lady." After speaking, he asked Lin Zhixiao to hand over the account book.

A little maid took over the ledger and passed it on to Mother Jia.Mother Jia took the account book and carefully read it page by page.Jia Ke and Lin Zhixiao did not dare to make a sound, and waited quietly below.

 I read the book review this morning, and some readers said that if they don’t double update, they will send me the plague pork, and I still feel a little scared.So I decided to start double updating from today.Due to work, the update time is set at: noon, around 2:30
  At night, around 21:00.

  It may be a little earlier or later. Thank you for your encouragement. Since this is the first time I am writing a book, the grammar of the chapters and paragraphs may be somewhat unsatisfactory. I apologize to everyone here.

(End of this chapter)

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