Chapter 42 Dialogue
Jia Mumu looked at the account book expressionlessly, as if he didn't care, but his hand was grabbing the account book more and more forcefully, and veins appeared on his hands.

Mother Jia always thought that Nanny Lai and Lai Da were just greedy and petty, but unexpectedly, they almost moved Jia's house back.These copied properties are almost the same as the money in Jia's mansion.

Mother Jia looked at the account book, and a cold light gradually appeared in her eyes.

After reading the account book, Mother Jia said to Jia Ke, "You did a good job in this matter. Check the things again and put them in the warehouse."

Jia Ke repeatedly agreed to Jia's mother's words.

Jia's mother then said to Jia Ke: "There are many things at home now, and there is no one reliable to take care of. I think Lin Zhixiao can't stay with you anymore. You should come back and be a big housekeeper."

Jia Ke went back to Jiamu and said, "Lin Zhixiao is very capable. It's really a shame for me to manage a small village. Now is the right time to come back to our house."

Lin Zhixiao heard Jia's mother and Jia Ke talk about letting him return to Jia's mansion to be the housekeeper.He quickly knelt down and kowtowed like Jia Mu.

Mother Jia said: "In the past, you were an honest person, and you were a very good person. Everyone in the house knew about it. But power can make people ambitious. Lai Madam's family is a lesson from the past. You must learn from it. "

Lin Zhixiao knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Jia Mu and said: "I will never be able to repay the old lady's kindness to me. Our family has worked in the house for several lifetimes, and there has been no mistake, just because my father did not entrust it to me." For other skills, just tell me that greedy words are the most harmful. Please rest assured, old lady, I will do my best to help the second wife manage the house well."

Jia's mother said to Jia Ke again: "You have done a good job this time. After the handover, I will reward you with 3000 taels of silver from the treasury."

Jia Ke hastily declined and said, "I don't dare to ask for the old lady's reward anymore. My father already rewarded me yesterday."

Jia Mu said to him: "His reward is his, today is my reward, don't refuse."

Jia Ke knelt down and thanked Jia Mu for the reward.

Jia Ke saw that Jia Mu had nothing to say, so she and Jia Mu left.

Seeing that they were about to leave, Mother Jia told them again: "You should take the account books back and store them carefully, and don't be late for business trips."

Jia Ke and Lin Zhixiao agreed and withdrew.

Seeing Jia Ke and the others leaving the room, Mother Jia said to the maid serving in the room, "You all go out, I want to have a quiet time."

Mother Jia was lying on the bed alone thinking about things, thinking about how Lai Momo had become like this, she didn't want to deal with Lai Momo in her heart, but the fact that Lai Momo committed something was too great, and she was forced to be punished by others. So much gold and silver was copied from the family.

When Jia's mother thought of so much gold and silver, she became more and more angry. Jia's income has been decreasing in recent years, and it is almost unable to pay. I am afraid that the Lai family's role in it is the most important.But the other housekeepers are innocent?But it's not as arrogant as the Lai family.Mother Jia thought, since this is the case, let's deal with this matter today.

Jia Mu said to the outside: "Come here and prepare some dishes and two jugs of wine for me."

After a while, several exquisite dishes and two jugs of wine were placed on the table.Several little maids came forward to serve Jia Mu for dinner.

Jia Mu didn't eat, but asked the little girl to put the wine and vegetables in a food box, and then let the little girl back down.She carried the food box by herself and went to Madam Guan Lai's room.

Nanny Lai was lying on the bed thinking about something, she felt that there was nothing serious about this matter, and there was no danger of her life.Suddenly seeing that it was Mother Jia coming, with a food box in her hand, she quickly got up from the bed to salute.

After Jia Mu sat on the bed, she asked her to get up, sat opposite her, and then put out the wine and dishes herself.

Then he said to her: "It's been a long time for us, master and servant, and we haven't talked carefully. You are also an old lady in Lai's house, and you are also pampered and talkative. I'm afraid Yijing doesn't respect me like before. .”

Nanny Lai hurriedly knelt down and said, "How dare I show the slightest bit of disrespect to the old lady. If I want to think like this, I will be struck with thunder."

Mother Jia ignored her curse and swore to continue: "I have always felt that the two of us are suffering together, and we should share prosperity, so I am very grateful to promote the two boys of your family. They are now the chief stewards of Ningrong Second Mansion. .I'm not being mean to you."

Nanny Lai knelt on the ground and dared not get up. Hearing Mother Jia speak like this, her tone was a little off.She couldn't help crying and said: "Old lady, please forgive this slave this time. This is my foolishness. I will definitely change it in the future."

Mother Jia watched Lai Mama crying and weeping bitterly, she was also sad, and tears flowed unconsciously.

Jia's mother said to her: "Don't cry yet, get up and eat some food, and the two of us will chat later."

Mammy Lai thought that Mother Jia had relented and let the family go, so she got up and sat opposite Mother Jia, and Mother Jia poured wine for her herself.

Nanny Lai quickly signed it and said, "How can I let the old lady pour me wine? What is my name?"

Jia Mu said: "I'll pour it for you and you can drink it. We have been friends for so many years. We say that we are masters and servants, but we are actually sisters. If you hadn't been with me for so many years, I don't know if I would have survived. I'll pour it for you." This glass of wine is what it should be."

Mammy Lai just picked up the wine and drank, and then had a few mouthfuls of food, and Mother Jia also ate a few mouthfuls of food with her.Afterwards, the two chatted about the past while drinking and eating vegetables, but Madam Lai didn't realize that Jia's mother only ate vegetables and didn't drink a sip of wine (maybe she had discovered it long ago, but she didn't say it).

After thirty days of wine and five flavors of food, Mammy Lai seemed to have let go, and said to Mother Jia: "Miss, we have been together for so many years, and now we have nothing to say, so I will leave these few years alone." I want to tell you what’s on my mind.”

Mother Jia hasn't heard anyone call her Miss for many years, and now it's Mammy Lai who calls her Miss, Mother Jia also feels a pang of sourness welling up in her heart.

Enduring the soreness in her heart, Mother Jia nodded and said, "Tell me, I'll listen, I've wanted to hear what's on your mind for a long time."

Nanny Lai said to Mother Jia: "Miss, don't blame me for talking about you. You have raised and disabled our two masters. I'm afraid they can't even defend the city. The elder master only knows how to drink and play with women. If you don’t do serious things, and you have made mistakes before, there is no hope in this life. The second master is still good, but his vision is too narrow and his heart is not good. I think this will be the case in this life.”

Mother Jia nodded and said to her, "You're right, the second brother of their brothers is not bad enough to guard the city in this house. Otherwise, the old Duke would not have let the second child live in Rongxi Hall when he went there. Let the boss go out of the mansion to the nearby yard, and the boss made a mistake back then and couldn't live in Rongxi Hall."

Nanny Lai said to Mother Jia again: "Miss, let's not talk about who was right and wrong in those years. Now let's talk about the third generation of the Jia family. Promising, but he is too young to wait for the emergency. When he grows up, the Rongguo Mansion may be ruined. As for the eldest brother and brother Lian, one of them is at most a martial artist and cannot become a hero. The other may not be as good as the eldest brother. Just like the master, he is also a drunkard."

Mother Jia was already a little angry at her criticizing all the men and women in the mansion for being useless, but she didn't refute, because he knew what Lai Nanny said was true, and she had nothing to refute, Lai Nanny had already put Rong Everyone in the government sees it through.But when he said that Jia Ke was just a martial artist, Mother Jia showed a mysterious smile on her face.She thought to herself that Nanny Lai was a slave after all, and there were some things she couldn't know.She thought that he knew all the secrets of the Rongguo Mansion, but how could he know, what he understood was only superficial, the deepest secrets of the Rongguo Mansion would never be told to her a servant.

(End of this chapter)

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