The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 43 Confrontation Chapter 2

Chapter 43 Conversation 2
Seeing that Mother Jia is silent, Lai Momo thought he was talking about Mother Jia's weakness, and then said with a smile: "Miss, seeing that the Rongguo Mansion can't hold on for many years, I also have a family, and I want to do it for you." My own children and grandchildren make plans. How will I live without some money.” Then he laughed, looked at Jia and said, “Miss, Rongguo Mansion is no longer the Rongguo Mansion it used to be, but it still has to support the Rongguo Mansion’s airs. In the end, you're not much better than me. I'm afraid I'm just going ahead."

Mother Jia looked at her and said, "It's over? It's time to go on the road." Seeing her proud look, she felt a little annoyed, and laughed and said to her, "You really think that you know everything about Rongguo Mansion. Secret? You are too self-sufficient, without some backers, how can you be regarded as a nobleman who founded the country. Our Jia family will be rich in the future, how can you, a servant, know?"

Nanny Lai had already gone all out, and said to Mother Jia: "Miss, you don't have to hold on. The current situation in Jia's mansion, as long as you are not blind, no one can see it. I am leaving too, you tell me these things What's the point of coaxing?"

Jia Mu said to her: "You are right, it's already this time, what's the point of me coaxing you."

At this time, Mammy Lai suddenly felt a pain in her abdomen. She covered her stomach with one hand and looked at Mother Jia calmly.As if to read something from her face.

Mother Jia looked at Nanny Lai, her face seemed calm, but the veins on her forehead were bulging, and the hand holding her stomach was shaking all the time.

Mother Jia couldn't bear the sourness in her heart anymore, and two lines of tears flowed out of her eyes involuntarily.

Mother Jia couldn't bear to let her leave in such a daze, and asked her with tears in her eyes, "Yulan (Nurse Lai's name when she was young) do you believe that there are gods in the world?"

Nanny Lai endured the pain, shook her head and said, "I don't believe that there are such evil spirits in the world. If there were, I would have killed so many people, and some evil spirits would have come to me long ago." After finishing speaking, she looked up. Looking at Jia Mu, she saw Jia Mu looking at her with a serious face, she didn't have to tremble in her heart, she looked at Jia Mu with a face full of disbelief and said, "Is there really such a thing in the world?"

Jia's mother said to her seriously: "You don't know, it doesn't mean that there are no such things in the world. Some things are not known to outsiders if they are not at a certain level of duke. What do you mean, is it really just to eliminate his sins and do good deeds for him? You don’t think so like those fools, do you?”

Madam Lai asked incredulously, "Isn't it?"

Mother Jia said to her contemptuously: "You are still a slave after all, even if you are rich and rich, there are some things that you can't know? For the sake of our master and servant, I say I will tell you at the end."

Nanny Lai couldn't hold on any longer, she clenched her teeth and insisted on listening to the secret.

Jia Mu said slowly: "I don't know if there are really immortals in this world, but there are some who cultivate immortals and visit Taoism. That Taoist priest is such a person, and his Taoism is not low."

Nanny Lai was speechless at this moment, holding her stomach with one hand and supporting her body with the other, she opened her eyes wide and looked at Mother Jia, wanting to keep everything in her mind.

Jia Mu stared at the roof and said to her, "Do you remember that Taoist Zhang came to our house a few months ago?" Without waiting for her answer, she continued, "He came to our house to hope for a person, and this person is Brother Ke you look down on. Do you know what he saw?"

At this moment, Mammy Lai had only one breath left, but she still insisted on listening to the last words.

Jia Mu went on to say: "Brother Ke, the aura is colorful, shaped like a canopy, and blessed by two dragon veins in the body, this is the aura of the Son of Heaven."

Nanny Lai has reached her final deathbed.

Mother Jia looked at Nanny Lai who was about to die, with tears in her eyes, but a bright smile on her face, choked up and said to her: "Yulan, our family is about to have an emperor, and Yulan is in this house. I can cover it for you if the sky turns upside down, but you can't offend Brother Ke, and if you offend him, I have to punish you, because I can't let him separate from his family."

Nanny Lai was completely plunged into darkness, but she could still hear Jia Mu's voice. She now fully understood why Jia Mu treated her like this. Their family fell into the abyss.Now she fully understands why Mother Jia didn't worry about her two sons and ruined the Jia family, because now she just has to wait quietly, waiting for Jia Ke to become the emperor, and their family will be prosperous and rich without end.But before this, there must be no mistakes, and Jia Ke must not be dissatisfied with the Jia family.

At this time, Mother Jia said the last words to her: "Yulan, you are too impatient, and your vision is too low, otherwise, when Brother Ke is successful, your family will not lose the reward of being a marquis."

Nanny Lai is completely out of breath now, but her spirit is still in the final stage of activity.She finally thought that if their family was honest, maybe she would become an old feudal monarch who could enjoy endless wealth like Jia's mother.She was never heard from again after that.

Seeing that she was no longer angry, Mother Jia suddenly threw herself on Nanny Lai, crying bitterly, cursing at the same time: "You stupid woman with no eyesight, why are your eyelids so shallow? You have always pretended to be smart for so many years, you Just don't trust me once."

Mother Jia cried for a while, got up to calm down, smoothed her clothes, wiped away her tears, and became that stable and kind old lady again.

Mother Jia got up and walked to the door, turned her head and glanced at the dead Nanny Lai, as if saying goodbye to her former self, and walked out the door resolutely.In fact, Jia's mother still has doubts about Zhang Taoist's words, but she still has to go on firmly, because this is the last hope of Jia's family. Without this hope, she can only die in despair in a drunken dream.

Mother Jia returned to the main hall and asked her confidants to inform Jia Zheng that Nanny Lai committed suicide in fear of crime and asked him to dispose of the body.

When Jia Zheng heard what Jia Mu sent someone to pass on, he led people overnight and buried Lai Nanny on the messy grave of you.

The next thing was that Lai Da's family was sold to the black coal mine, and other maids and servants in his family were also sold, and then there was no sound about this matter.Only after getting drunk, the old servants occasionally talked about the scenery of Lai's family back then, and lamented his terrible greed.

This matter is nothing to others, Jia Zhen of Ningguo Mansion knew about it, and he would disturb three points if he had nothing to do, let alone such a big thing happened, I heard that the West Mansion copied Lai Da's house , Copied out several 10 taels of silver, and he was ready to move.

And Lai Er has spent the past few days like a year, hesitating all day long, every day you show courtesy in front of Jia Zhen, and keep giving good things, but you still haven't escaped bad luck.

On a dark and windy night, Jia Zhen led people to surround Lai Er's house, turned Lai Er's house upside down, and found out about [-] taels of silver, as well as antique calligraphy and paintings.But Lai Er was beaten to death by Jia Zhen on the spot.Finally, Jia Zhen took these things and returned with a full load.

At this point, the servants of the Ningrong Second Mansion began to be cautious, not daring to be as unscrupulous as before.The mood of Jia's family has definitely improved.

However, Rongguo Mansion got Lai Da's fields and the situation of shops started to improve. They no longer had to pay for income as before, and their income and expenditure were barely balanced.And Jia's mother also began to believe that this was the circulation of luck, because Jia's luck began to rise.

(End of this chapter)

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