The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 44 Chapter Family

Chapter 44
Besides, Jia Ke cooperated with Lin Zhixiao to count and put the silver, gold, pearls and jade copied by everyone into the warehouse one by one.Then he took the 3000 taels of silver rewarded by Jia Mu and came to the front yard.Then let the soldiers help, together with the money and other things copied from Li An's house, send them to Aunt Zhou in the backyard.

Aunt Zhou heard that Jia Ke had come back last night, but she waited all night in the house yesterday and did not see Jia Ke came back. She was so anxious that she felt furious.

The next day, at dawn, Xia Mai was asked to inquire everywhere.Xia Mai was quite well-connected in inquiring about news, and soon found out that Jia Ke came back to see the master last night, then went to the front yard, and did not come back all night.

Aunt Zhou waited anxiously in the house until the afternoon before she saw Jia Ke leading a group of people and pulling a few boxes in.

When Aunt Zhou saw Jia Ke, she jumped up and hugged Jia Ke, crying and scolding: "Little thing with no conscience, it has been gone for such a long time without sending a letter, it really misses me."

Jia Ke was also very excited when he saw Aunt Zhou whom he hadn't seen for a long time. He had already regarded Aunt Zhou as his own mother since time travel, and he missed Aunt Zhou very much after not seeing him for such a long time.

He quickly apologized and said, "Don't cry, Auntie, I'm coming back to see you. My son always misses Auntie when he's outside, but he really doesn't have time to come back and visit Auntie."

After some comfort from Jia Ke, Aunt Zhou stopped crying, looked at Jia Ke with a smile on her face, and then started sobbing again for some reason, and said, "If you lose weight, living outside is definitely not as good as at home, Chuncao This dead hoof didn't take good care of you, and it didn't take long to lose weight outside."

Jia Ke saw that there were still many soldiers waiting, and Aunt Zhou's appearance made him very embarrassed. He was only the commander of the soldiers in Xiacaozhuang, but now being rubbed by Aunt Zhou like a child, he felt Very embarrassing.

So he quickly distracted Aunt Zhou's attention.Said: "Auntie, look what I brought back this time."

Only then did Aunt Zhou notice that there were many people around, and she felt embarrassed.Then he spared Jia Ke and said, "Next time if you don't come back to see Auntie for such a long time, let me show you."

Seeing that Aunt Zhou had stopped making trouble, Jia Ke quickly ordered the soldiers to carry the things to the house where he used to live.Then he called Liu Yu into the room and said to him: "Brothers have worked hard these days, you count out 600 taels of silver from these silvers, and each brother will reward you with ten taels of silver. The rest will be paid by you and your father." There is Lin Zhixiao."

How could Liu Yu dare to accept it? He waved his hands again and again and said, "Your uncle's business is our job, so how dare you accept money again. This is absolutely impossible."

Jia Ke said to Liu Yu: "You don't have to refuse. The money is not for you alone, but for the whole army. You just pass it off and don't have to think about it."

Seeing that Jia Ke insisted on asking for a reward, Liu Yu no longer refused. Jia Ke opened a silver box, counted out 600 taels of silver and handed it to Liu Yu.After Liu Yu and other soldiers took the silver and thanked Jia Ke a thousand times, they finally left together.

Aunt Zhou was silent at the side, but her eyes were red with anger when she saw that Jia Ke had given so much money to the soldiers.Looking at this prodigal son, I wish I could go up and slap him awake.

When all the soldiers left, Aunt Zhou came up and wanted to twist Jia Ke's ears. Jia Ke hurriedly dodged around, and Aunt Zhou chased after her, saying, "Look, I'm going to beat you to death, you prodigal son. So much money is worth it." I gave it to others for nothing, your aunt, I have never seen so much money in my life."

Jia Ke hurriedly explained to Aunt Zhou: "These soldiers followed me from Xiacaozhuang to Wangjiatun, and then from Wangjiatun to the capital. These finances are very hard, if there is no reward, who will work with my son in the future."

After hearing his explanation, Aunt Zhou let him go, but she still muttered that it would not cost so much money.

Aunt Zhou was born in a poor family, she was an aunt to Jia Zheng, and she only had two taels of money a month. She always wanted to save more for Jia Ke. Your life is also very simple on weekdays, so you are very sensitive to money .

Jia Ke was very touched by Aunt Zhou's devotion to him, and took her hand into the house. After entering the house, she opened the wooden boxes for her to see. Aunt Zhou saw that there were as many boxes as there were silver in the boxes.Already completely dumbfounded, the hand holding Jia Ke kept trembling, and his body would be so weak that he couldn't stand up. If it wasn't for Jia Ke's support, he would have collapsed to the ground.

It took a long time for Aunt Zhou to wake up, and she said to Jia Ke, "Where did the money come from, does the master know? Nothing will happen."

Jia Ke comforted her and said, "Some of these properties were rewarded by the master yesterday, and some were rewarded by the old lady today. Auntie just don't worry. The money is all out of the blue."

Only then did Aunt Zhou let out a long breath, and then she went up to touch one box after another, turned her head and said to Jia Ke with a smile, "With this money, you don't have to worry about it when you separate your family from now on." There is no money to live on."

At the beginning, Jia Ke, watching her touch one box after another, thought that Aunt Zhou liked money very much, but now after hearing her say this, she realized that he was planning for his future, and was even more moved.

Jia Ke stepped forward and said to Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, don't worry about your future life. Please use the money as you like. My son will definitely achieve greater achievements in the future, so that Auntie will be ten or a hundred times more prosperous than she is now."

Aunt Zhou said: "I don't want any glory, I just hope that you will get married soon and give me a grandson, that would be beautiful." As she spoke, her eyes were looking forward to a better life in the future.

At this moment, Xia Mai's voice was heard outside the house: "Auntie, it's getting late, shouldn't it be time to cook?"

Only then did Aunt Zhou realize that it was getting late and Jia Ke hadn't eaten yet.

Aunt Zhou shouted to the outside of the house: "Wait, I'll come out right away." After finishing speaking, she locked every box, but she didn't feel at ease and checked it again.Only then did he go out with Jia Ke, and when Xia Mai saw Jia Ke, he hurriedly saluted and said, "Hi, young master."

When Jia Ke saw Xia Mai, she took out an ingot of more than one or two taels of silver from her pocket, threw it to Xia Mai, and said to her, "Let the kitchen cook a few more delicious dishes, and the rest of the silver will be rewarded to you. "

Xia Mai excitedly took the money, turned around and ran out.

Aunt Zhou complained to him again unconsciously: "Copying a few more dishes doesn't cost so much money, Xia Mai is also real, you dare to take it if you give it to her."

After hearing Aunt Zhou's nagging, Jia Ke didn't refute, but just listened quietly with a smile on her face.Jia Ke felt that such a scene was very warm. It was a mother's concern for her son who had returned from afar.

Before Xia Mai called for dinner, Jia Zheng came.Jia Zheng became more and more satisfied with Jia Ke, and he paid far more attention to Jia Ke than Jia Zhu.

Aunt Zhou was even more happy to see Jia Zheng coming.It has been a long time since they had a reunion dinner together.

Soon the food was served, and Jia Zheng sat in the middle, with Aunt Zhou and Jia Ke on both sides.Although Jia Zheng is very satisfied with Jia Ke, he is not born to praise others.Therefore, at the dinner table, he just said some words to let him continue to work hard and not slack off.Jia Ke naturally agreed.

Aunt Zhou looked at the harmony between their father and son, she couldn't close her mouth with a smile.At the banquet, he kept urging wine and food, and Jia Zheng became drunk before he knew it.Seeing that Jia Zheng was drunk, Jia Ke said goodbye and went back to the room to rest.And Aunt Zhou waited for Jia Zheng to sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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