The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 49 Chapter Jing

Chapter 49 Returning to Beijing
On that day, Lin Zhixiao paid homage to all the old soldiers one by one as in previous years, and sent him the personnel of Jia's mansion.In addition, gifts were also given to the families of each member of the army, so that each member of the army would be grateful to Jia Ke and Jia's house.

In the evening, Jia Ke hosted a banquet for Lin Zhixiao to clean up the dust.During Lin Zhixiao's stay, he reported to Jia Ke all the big and small things in Jia's mansion.

This year, because of the disposal of Nanny Lai's family, Jia's family.It frightened the heads of big and small villages and all the housekeepers, so they didn't dare to play tricks too much.As a result, the Jia family not only did not make ends meet this year, but also had a slight surplus.

Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang, the housekeepers, were praised by Jia's mother for this incident.And Mrs. Xing, who had been inseparable from Mrs. Wang in the past, became nestled like a quail because of her aunt's miscarriage, without making any sound.

Jia Ke also curiously asked Jia Amnesty's new aunt, what kind of person is she?Could it be that she is a peerless beauty who can make Jia She so fascinated?
Lin Zhixiao smiled wryly and said to Jia Ke: "As for the new aunt, I have seen her a few times, but I can only say that she is pretty. There are many aunts who are prettier than her. For some reason, the old man only Dote on her alone and ignore the others."

Jia Ke couldn't help sighing and said: "Maybe this is the fate of the previous life, and we met again in this life." In fact, Jia Ke was very strange, there was no similar woman in the whole "Dream of the Red Mansions", could it be that she came through time travel like him? .

Jia Ke and Lin Zhixiao chatted for a while, and after the banquet, they went to rest.

Early the next morning, Qian Mao, who was the housekeeper, got up and got ready to load all kinds of items back to Jia's mansion into the car. Among them, you, Jia Ke, wanted to give Jia Zheng and Aunt Zhou the most game. Among them were deer and robes. At most, these were hunted by nearby hunters on Mount Cao.Two of them were live deer.

It was only after dawn that Jia Ke and the others got ready and started to set off.Five or six vehicles moved together, and five or six hundred people came out to see them off together. It was really spectacular.

After bidding farewell to his father and fellow villagers in Caozhuang, Jia Ke and his party headed for the capital in five or six cars.I entered the capital in the afternoon when the sun was getting newer.I can only see the prosperity of the market and the abundance of people in Fu, which cannot be compared with other places.Having lived in Xiacaozhuang for more than half a year, Jia Ke couldn't help but feel joy in his heart seeing the prosperity of the capital.No wonder Chuncao and Qiaolian were so excited when they heard that they were going back to Beijing for the Chinese New Year.

Jia Ke and the others still entered the Rongguo Mansion through the Xijiao Gate, and Lin Zhixiao and Qian Mao handled the transfer of things in the outer courtyard.

Jia Ke turned eastward with Chuncao and Qiaolian, and walked through a large courtyard inside Yimen after the east-west hall and south-facing hall. There were five main rooms above, wing rooms on both sides, deer tops, ear gates drilled into mountains, extending in all directions, and then went east. There is a small courtyard with three main rooms, with side rooms on both sides connected by verandahs.This is where Aunt Zhou lived.

When Jia Ke entered the door, the first thing she saw was Xia Mai sitting on the veranda, embroidering a handkerchief and looking out.

Seeing Jia Ke, Xia Mai jumped up, and shouted into the room: "Auntie, the uncle is back."

As soon as Xia Mai finished yelling, she heard a voice from the main room. Before Jia Ke could reach the door, Aunt Zhou ran out with red eyes.Seeing Jia Ke hugging her tightly, she never let go.

Jia Ke had no choice but to support Aunt Zhou and comfort her softly.At this time, Qiaolian came over, gently tugged at her sleeve, and said to Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, I have been walking for a day, and I should be tired and want to talk, let's talk in the room."

Only then did Aunt Zhou wake up, she looked up at Qiaolian, and immediately recognized that it was his brother's daughter, she immediately grabbed his hand and asked, "Qiaolian, why are you here?"

Qiao Lian said to Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, I'm going to be the uncle's maid now."

Aunt Zhou said happily: "Okay, okay, I will feel at ease with you here in the future." Then she took Jia Ke with one hand and Qiaolian with the other and entered the room.Chuncao followed in with a very unpleasant feeling.As if they were the family and he was an outsider.

After entering the house, Aunt Zhou asked about Jia Ke's basic necessities of life during this period.Seeing Jia Ke, there was nothing wrong during this period, so I was relieved.

Then Aunt Zhou said to Jia Ke: "After a day's journey, hurry back and have a rest, and I will teach you how to eat later." Then she said to Chuncao: "I don't want to serve your uncle to rest." Then she pulled Qiao Lian spoke.

Jia Ke followed Aunt Zhou's orders and went back to the house. Chuncao followed Jia Ke and went out. Before going out, she saw Qiaolian giving her a provocative look.But Chuncao didn't take it seriously, they were serving the uncle, so if they had to follow him closely, they wouldn't be treated badly if they thought about it.

Chuncao has been in Jia's house for so many years, and she has long understood.Aunt Zhou has no say in Jia Ke's marriage, and Jia Ke has the final say on concubines.So even if Qiaolian flatters Aunt Zhou, she might not get what she wants.And I have already got Jia Ke's personal promise, as long as I serve Jia Ke honestly and don't make any mistakes, I think it is safe.

Not to mention Jia Ke going back to rest, but also Aunt Zhou and Qiao Lian, seeing Jia Ke and Chuncao left, they began to talk about their hearts.

Aunt Zhou asked Qiaolian: "Didn't you want to go to the mansion to serve others? Why did you become your cousin's maid again?"

Qiao Lian replied, "Can serving others be the same as serving my cousin? I have heard that my cousin is capable. He will definitely have great achievements in the future."

Aunt Zhou was also very happy when she heard Qiaolian praise her son.

Aunt Zhou said to her, "Then you don't tell me either."

Qiaolian replied, "Isn't it too late? My father was assigned to my cousin suddenly. I was not there when you came home, and I didn't see you. I went to Caozhuang together. I don't have time to meet you."

Aunt Zhou asked: "Then why did you go to serve him?"

Qiaolian replied to Aunt Zhou and said, "Auntie, don't tell me. I asked my father to stuff me in your name."

Aunt Zhou didn't understand what she said, she pointed her finger at Qiaolian's forehead and said: "I knew it was your idea as soon as I heard it. Your father is a little clever, but he is not so clever." Big guts."

Qiao Lian shook Aunt Zhou's arm empathetically, and said, "Auntie, will you promise me? Can you? Can you?"

Aunt Zhou had nothing to do with her, she petted her hair and said, "Okay, what's wrong? If someone asks you later, I'll just say I sent you there. Is that all right?"

Only then did Qiaolian feel relieved, but immediately thought of another thing.Ask Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, do you know anything about Chuncao?"

Aunt Zhou asked suspiciously: "Chuncao, what's the matter with her?"

Qiaolian hurriedly said to Aunt Zhou: "My cousin has promised Chuncao to be his aunt. Don't you know?"

Aunt Zhou, you have to ask seriously immediately: "How do you know?"

Qiaolian replied: "I heard it from my cousin, and Chuncao himself said it."

After hearing what she said, Aunt Zhou thought about it but didn't take it to heart.Said to Qiaolian: "It's no big deal. When a man is always enlightened, the women around him always pay more attention. Even if he becomes a concubine in the end, he is just a concubine." Just after finishing speaking, Qiaolian's expression was wrong. .Uncertainly asked: "Qiaolian, what are you thinking? Tell your aunt."

Qiaolian couldn't say anything, she just blushed, grabbed her sleeves, and bowed her head in silence.

Aunt Zhou looked at her expression and didn't know what it meant.

Aunt Zhou said to Qiaolian: "My aunt already understands your thoughts. But Qiaolian, you have to understand. Even if my aunt helps you, you can only be a concubine in the end. Being a concubine is not so easy."

Qiao Lian blushed and said, "Being a concubine to someone like my cousin is better than marrying a farmer."

Aunt Zhou looked at her and sighed, "Then what does your father mean? I agree with you."

Qiao Lian lowered her head and said, "He wishes I could marry my cousin as a concubine. What can I think?"

After hearing what she said, Aunt Zhou had nothing else to say.Although Qiaolian is going to marry her son as a concubine?But apart from experiencing the difficulties of being a concubine, who can know?Don't look at him as Jia Ke's biological mother, but after all, she was born by her aunt, and it will be Jia Ke's future wife who will determine Qiaolian's fate in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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