The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 50 ancestor worship

Chapter 50 ancestor worship
Not to mention that Aunt Zhou was talking to Qiaolian, but only that Jia Ke went back to her room.Seeing that I have been away for many days, the room is still clean and tidy. I think it is Aunt Zhou and Xia Mai who clean up every day.

As soon as Jia Ke sat down in the room, Chuncao came in to pour tea and water for him.Jia Ke and Chuncao glanced at each other, with smiles on their faces, without saying anything.

After dinner, Jia Ke went to Mrs. Wang's place to greet her and Jia Zheng.

When Jia Zheng came back from the Yamen, he knew that Jia Ke had arrived home. He was also very happy to see him come to say hello, and talked to him a lot.Seeing that it was getting late, Jia Zheng asked Jia Ke to retreat.

The next day, Jia Ke visited Mr. Li in the study.

As the Chinese New Year is approaching, the classes in the study have been suspended.But Mr. Li did not relax, and was still studying hard.

Seeing Jia Ke coming to visit, Mr. Li let him into the house.After entering the room, Jia Ke first greeted Mr. Li respectfully, which is the due meaning of a student.Mr. Li asked him to excuse himself, and then the two sat down as guest and host.

Mr. Li first asked Jia Ke: "You can study during this time, don't forget my words again." Mr. Li asked him about reading every time he saw him, which shows that he attaches great importance to reading.

Jia Ke replied, "Thank you sir for your concern. During this period of time, the students have been reading poems and books in their spare time, and have dabbled in military books and war books."

Mr. Li nodded in satisfaction, and said to him: "You haven't completely forgotten what I said. Knowing that reading is a good thing, even if it is not suitable for a while, there will always be something to gain after a long time."

Afterwards, Jia Ke asked Mr. Li again: "It's time like this, Mr. is still studying hard, do you want to participate in next year's Chunwei?"

Mr. Li said: "Ten years of studying hard in the cold window is to go to the examination room."

Jia Ke said to Mr. Li: "The students are here to wish you in advance, and the title on the gold list will be the best."

Mr. Li replied with a smile: "With your good words, I think I should be somewhat sure of my experience." There was a little pride in his words.

Mr. Li should have won last time, but he was demoted because he forgot to avoid a word.This time, it was another three years of hard study and three years of preparation, so I thought there would be no big problem.

The teacher and the student said something else, and Jia Ke was afraid of delaying Mr. Li's study, so he left.

Withdrew from Mr. Li, and now kowtows to Jia Mu in Nei Nai.As for Elder Master Jia She, as a concubine, he is not qualified to visit him.

After kowtowing to Jiamu, when he came back, he met Jia Zhu in the small garden of Rongxi Hall. He didn't change much from before, but the exhaustion on his face was obvious at a glance.

Jia Zhu saw Jia Ke go up to salute him, Jia Ke returned it and asked, "I went to Mr. Li just now, and he said that he will end next year. Mr. Li's knowledge, I think he can be on the list. I don't know Mr. Li." After leaving, my father can hire another famous teacher."

Jia Zhu replied: "I went to see my father just now, and my father said that after the new year, he asked me to go to the family school to study first. I will invite famous teachers later when I have the opportunity."

In her heart, Jia Ke disagreed with Jia Zheng's decision, because in the Red Chamber, Jia Zhu was only selected as a scholar.Before he passed the examination, he died of illness.The quality of teaching in ethnology is still average.

And the teacher in ethnology is Jia Dairu. Although he is an old Confucian with many years of experience, I have never heard of him having any fame, and I have never heard of him teaching students of fame in the Dream of the Red Chamber.Presumably he wasn't a famous teacher, but just an ordinary Confucian scholar.

Jia Ke intends to remind Jia Zhu, but there is a voice in his heart that stops him, because if Jia Zhu fails in repeated trials, Jia Zheng will be disappointed and invest more resources on him.You must know that Jia's mansion is in decline now, and the resources they have are limited. He and Jia Zhu can only support one person with all their strength.

If he reminded Jia Zhu, with Mrs. Wang's energy, Jia Zheng would definitely invite a famous teacher for him.At that time, if Jia Zhu passed the exams, as Jia Zhu's direct son, the resources of the Jia family will definitely be tilted towards Jia Zhu in the future, and he will lack support at that time.

Although he is pregnant with a golden finger, the time for his success will be greatly delayed. At that time, he wonders whether he can form a force that can control the court and preserve the Jia family.

Therefore, after hearing Jia Ke's words, Jia Ke kept silent.After that, the two chatted for a few more words, and let go of each other.

Jia Zhu, with Jia Ke's back turned, walked away, as if their future paths were going in opposite directions.At this time, Jia Ke only had a few old sayings in his mind: if a man does not do it for himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth.I can only bear the people of the world, don't ask the world to bear me.

At this time, Jia Ke thought that sometimes bad people are not inherently bad, maybe they are forced by the situation, and he has to do so.

In the next few days, Jia's house began to prepare for the New Year.

First, Zhuangzi from all over the country sent tribute items for the New Year.Like deer, roe deer, roe deer, Siamese pig, soup sheep, dragon pig, wild boar, domestic pig, wild sheep, green sheep, domestic soup sheep, domestic sheep, sturgeon fish, live chickens, ducks and geese, wind chickens, ducks and geese, Bear paw, deer tendon, sea cucumber, deer tongue, beef tongue, dried razor clams, hazelnut and apricot pulp, large prawns, dried shrimps.Silver frost charcoal, charcoal, as well as Yutian rouge rice, binuo, white glutinous rice, slightly steamed rice, variegated beams, dried vegetables of various colors and so on.

And Wangjiatun also followed the examples of previous years and sent Jia Ke a New Year's tribute.It's just some deer, deer, sheep, etc., and some rice noodles.Aunt Zhou happily handled these matters herself.Just these sent things are enough for them to eat for a year.Aunt Zhou kept sighing that it was different to have her own Zhuangzi.Now their lineage is already considered wealthy in the whole family. Not only does they have an income of two thousand silver a year, but they also have filial piety during festivals.In the past, Aunt Zhou never dared to think about it.

Next, it was time for the Jia Mansion to open the ancestral hall and worship the ancestors.In the entire Jia family, the Ningguo Mansion has inherited the patriarch for many generations, so the Jia Family Ancestral Hall is in the Ningguo Mansion.The sacrifice to ancestors is also organized by Jia Zhen.

But on Jia Zhen's side, the ancestral hall was opened, and people cleaned it, packed up the offering vessels, invited the gods, and cleaned the upper room to prepare the images of the remaining offerings.At this time, the inside and outside of the Rongning Second Mansion are all busy, and they dare not neglect in the slightest.

The sacrifices to ancestors in the Ningrong Second Mansion are different from other families.The second ancestor Ningrong was worshiped as an ancestor god, and his status has surpassed that of the so-called elders of the family. Jia Ke didn't know why.

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, the two houses began to be busy, changing the door gods and Spring Festival couplets, and then opening the main gate, and lighting two rows of vermilion candles on both sides, with extraordinary momentum, just like "two golden dragons".

On the [-]th day, Mother Jia and other wives who have been awarded the title will first enter the palace to celebrate the New Year, and then come to Ningguo Mansion, and together with the clansmen waiting here, start the official New Year's Eve ancestor worship ceremony.

In the ancestor worship ceremony on New Year's Eve, everyone stood in a fixed order, and there was no confusion at all. Playing music, presenting the title, saluting, burning incense, and toasting, each procedure was strict, and no one dared to neglect.

All the male members of Jia's family attended, even Jia Jing, who devoted himself to cultivating Taoism and didn't care about secular affairs at all, rushed back to preside over the ancestor worship on New Year's Eve.

Firstly, the men of the Jia family Ding officiated, Jia Jing officiated, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng accompanied the sacrifices, Jia Zhen presented the title, Jia Lian and Jia Cong presented the silk, Jia Ke and Jia Zhu held the incense, Jiachang and Jia Ling exhibited the worship blanket and guarded the burning pond.Music in Tsing Yi, three tributes to the lord, the end of worship, the burning of silk and libations, the end of the ceremony, the end of the music, and withdrawal.

Then there is the offering, which is also in order, and there should be no confusion.When each dish arrived, it was passed to Yimen, and Jia Yun and Jia Zhi took it, and passed it to Jia Jing one by one.The women's relatives are in the sill, and every family comes with a respectful dish, and all the people in the house pass it directly to the altar, and then pass it on to Mrs. Wang.Mrs. Wang passed it on to Jiamu, who held it on the table.Mrs. Xing stood on the west side of the altar, facing east, and she made offerings with Jia's mother.

After that, Jiamu held incense and bowed down, and everyone knelt down together, and it was considered complete when they came here to worship their ancestors.

But the ancestral hall is still closed, and the main entrance is not closed until the [-]th day of the first lunar month.

(End of this chapter)

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