Chapter 51
After the ancestor worship, everyone retreated to the mansion. Jia Jing, Jia She, and Jia Zheng also withdrew to Rongguo Mansion, waiting to salute Jia Mu.

And Jiamu got off the sedan chair in the main hall of Rongfu.Everyone surrounded and accompanied them to the middle of Jiamu's main hall, which is also the embroidered screen of Jinzu, which has a new look.Pine and cypress incense and lily grass are burning in the local brazier.

As soon as Mother Jia sat in the middle, she heard the old mothers coming and going: "The old ladies from each house are here."Mother Jia chatted with all the old ladies for a while, and each of them paid their respects to the early years. After tea, the old ladies left by themselves, and Mother Jia returned after sending them to Neiyimen.

Jia Mu sat down in the middle again, when Jia Jing, Jia She, and Jia Zheng brought in all the close children to kowtow to Jia Mu to pay New Year's greetings.

Then the men and women of the two mansions, the servants, and the servant girls also salute according to the order of the servants.

After that, Mother Jia made people distribute the lucky money to the men in the mansion.He also took some scattered silver and gave it to the servants of the mansion who came to pay New Year's greetings.

At this time, the crowd dispersed, and Jiamu had to rest for a while.At five o'clock the next day, Jia's mother got up again, brought all the high-grade decorations, and entered the palace again to congratulate her.Only after eating the banquet given by the emperor in the palace can I return to the mansion.No matter how late the talk was, Ningguo Mansion Zhongzu Temple worshiped and comforted the ancestors.After returning to Rongguo Mansion again, the etiquette was completed at this time.

After this trip every year, Jia's mother has to rest for a long time.Then there is nothing else to do, but the relatives pay each other New Year's greetings, treat each other to dinner and theater.

The most lively and relaxing time of the year is the Lantern Festival.On that day, the Ningrong Second Mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the entire Ningrong Street was filled with colorful lanterns.

On the fifteenth night of the first lunar month, fifteen or six tables of banquets were set up in the Dahua Hall. All the disciples of the Ningrong Second Mansion, who were very close to Zhimai, all came to the banquet, and invited a small troupe to play music and sing operas. The lively places were innumerable.

On the seventeenth day of the first lunar month, the ancestor worship is completed again.Only then did the gate of the ancestral hall be closed, and the New Year's event was considered over.

For the first time, Jia Ke participated in the Chinese New Year scene of the ancient wealthy family.He only feels one word, that is tired.I am so tired, I don't have any time to rest, and I don't have the fun of New Year's Eve.

The cumbersome steps and the strong sense of ceremony in Jia's New Year's Eve are really shocking, but too boring.However, such a grand and solemn scene and such a cumbersome and standardized procedure are unprecedented in other nations in the world.

It is said that it is a Chinese New Year rest, but in fact it is more tiring than usual.The real rest and fun is after the Chinese New Year, when the ancestor worship is over.Only then did the whole government relax.

They eat wine and play cards separately, and the masters are not very restrictive to the servants.

At this time, Mother Jia can really start to enjoy herself.

He set up more than a dozen tables of banquets in the hall, and invited everyone back to the house, senior citizens, to come to the banquet, and invited famous opera troupes in Beijing to come and sing operas.

And Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen secretly prepared a large basket of copper coins. As soon as they heard Jia Mu say a reward, they ordered the servants to throw money on the stage. for joy.

Jia Ke saw the long-rumored new aunt during the banquet, she was really just pretty, and her color was similar to Aunt Zhou.But sitting next to Jia She during the whole banquet, Mrs. Xing leaned back.Throughout the banquet, he glanced at Jia Ke from time to time.

Looking at her expression, Jia Ke knew something was wrong, but it was not easy to talk to her in public.However, I became more and more suspicious that this woman was similar to him.I really thought in my heart, I am afraid that I will have many enemies.Among the female protagonists in the novels, which one didn't travel to the big room to hate the second room?But what if he came?In ancient times, what can a woman do, not to mention that he didn't come to play house fights with them on the broken boat of Jia's house.His vision is wide open.Thinking of this, I don't care anymore.Continue watching the drama below.

Jia Ke shook her head again and again at the scene of Mother Jia rewarding money below, thinking that such wealth is too much.If Rong Guogong was fashionable and capable, but now it is just an empty shelf, and he still enjoys such extravagance, I am afraid it will not last long.

But now the Jia family is still not on the shelf, if this shelf is also overthrown, no one in Beijing will know who the Jia family is.

Others only said that the Jia family was extravagant and ostentatious, they didn't know how to restrain themselves, and they were wanton and extravagant.But I don't know the difficulties of the Jia family.The Jia family was just exchanging extravagant ostentation, so their power would not fall too quickly.

The first month is almost over in a blink of an eye, Jia Ke decides to spend the first month in the mansion, and then bids farewell to Jia Zheng.On this day, Jia Ke was chatting with Jia Zheng in Jia Zheng's small study.Strange to say, in Jia's mansion, the son and father are rarely so close.Even Jia Zhu, Jia Zheng's favorite son, was only respectful, but had nothing else to talk about.

Jia Ke is not the case, he found that there is nothing but poetry and books.He and Jia Zheng can still chat about other government affairs and life experiences.It may be because he was in his thirties before crossing, and he is about the same age as the current Jia Zheng.

The father and son chatted just right, and overheard the boy below reporting that it was Mr. Li asking to see him.Jia Ke knew what was going on right away. I am afraid that Mr. Li came to resign from the museum.

Jia Zheng ordered Mr. Li to come in. As soon as Mr. Li came in, Jia Ke stood up and saluted Mr. Li, then stood aside.

Mr. Li saluted Jia Zheng, and Jia Zheng got up to return the salute.Then the two were divided into guests and hosts.

After taking the two of them to sit down, Jia Zheng asked, "Sir, you don't know the venue and the important things when you come here."

Mr. Li replied: "It's not that I want Chunxie, I'm afraid I can't continue to sit in your mansion, he came to report to Dong Weng."

Jia Zheng said regretfully: "I know the talent and learning of the master, and he will definitely pass in this subject. It is a great pity that the children in the house cannot be taught by the master."

Mr. Li hastily said politely: "Dong Weng is too famous."

Jia Zheng waved his hands and continued, "We can't delay Mr. Wang's future. I have no objection to Mr. Wang's resignation." After finishing speaking, he ordered the servant to take 200 taels of silver from Mrs. Wang.

After a while, the silver taels were taken, and Jia Zheng personally delivered them to Mr. Li.Said: "Farewell to send some money to the gentleman, don't refuse, sir."

Mr. Li couldn't postpone it, so he took the silver taels, but he said a little thank you, so he didn't say any more.After that, he bowed his hands and said goodbye. Jia Zheng personally sent him outside the door, and he just came back reluctantly.

Just as Jia Zheng was sitting down in the room, Mr. Li came back.

Seeing Jia Zheng, Mr. Li said rudely: "Just now I left in a hurry and forgot an important matter. The second son of your mansion is extremely talented. He will definitely be named on the gold list in the future. Dong Weng must be good at teaching, so that he can't let it go to waste."

Jia Zheng stood up, and Mr. Li said rudely, "Thank you for your concern, sir. My son is only a little smart, and I owe it to my teacher's teaching. After my husband leaves, I will definitely supervise him, and I will not let him waste his studies."

Jia Ke listened to their conversation and thought in his heart, with Jia Zheng's seriousness, even without Mr. Li's reminder, he would have strict requirements on Jia Zhu. This reminder may be even stricter. Jia Zhu's fate is doomed. up.I'm afraid it will be the same as in the original book, and he will die as soon as he reaches the crown (men in ancient times get the crown at twenty).

A few more days passed, and it seemed that the first month was about to pass.Jia Ke bid farewell to Jia Zheng, saying that he was going back to Xiacao Village and continued to practice martial arts hard.At that time, it was approved by Jia Zheng.

On the second day, Jia Ke bid farewell to Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang.

On the 28th day of the first lunar month, under the tears of Aunt Zhou, she led people away from Jia's mansion and went back to Caozhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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