The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 52 Clear Water and Ink

Chapter 52 Clear Water and Ink

Jia Ke took people back to Xiacao Village and resettled at home.After a day or two of leisure, he started to practice martial arts again.

In this way, the new year has started again, and spring plowing has started in various villages. Zhou Wangli reported from Wangjiatun, saying that he recruited a few men and subdued the people in Wangjiatun. Now everything in the village is normal.Let Jia Ke rest assured.

Half a year passed in a flash, and Jia Ke's martial arts improved day by day, and his physique became stronger. With the integration of Lu Bu's bravery, the blood in his body became stronger.

The current Jia Ke has condensed internal strength in his body, and the burst of strength can collapse mountains and rocks, break life, and destroy people's internal organs, which is just an understatement.But Jia Ke felt that he had reached a limit, and if he didn't break through this limit, it would be a different world.

In the past six months, news from Jia's mansion has also been distributed through Jia Ke, and the family members from a month ago have spread to Jia Ke one after another.In fact, it was not that Jia Ke wanted to inquire about it on purpose, but that Chuncao and Qiaolian were really bored. Every time someone came to Jia's house, they had to inquire up and down, and then they could talk about it for a month.Jia Ke listened to it even if she didn't want to, and she didn't know whether she wanted to know or not.

The most important news is that Jia Amnesty's new aunt opened a small workshop with her own money. What kind of soap does she sell?It can be said that it is making money every day.But Jia Amnesty didn't know what evil he had fallen into, and he started to compete with Jia Zheng for the right to be the housekeeper of Rongguo Mansion.

For these Jia Ke just smiled, these are all the routines of time-traveling women, nothing new.

For Jia Amnesty and Jia Zheng's struggle for power, Jia Ke felt that it was even more nonsense, and there was no possibility at all.Jia She went out of the mansion to live in another place, not living in Huayuanzi as mentioned in the time travel novels.Come to think of it, what big mistake did Jia Amnesty make?Otherwise, they would not be separated from each other, and Jia Zheng did not dare to live in Rongxi Hall openly.If Jia Amnesty wants to return to Rongxitang, it will be impossible in this life.

And Jia Amnesty has been honest for decades, and now he is starting to earn power, I am afraid that the time-traveling woman is behind the fuel.This time-traveling woman is so naive, she doesn't know the horrors of ancient times, and she is not bound by the three obediences and four virtues.At this rate, Jia Ke saw that she would not have a long time to live.

When a drop of water drops into a whole bottle of ink, one should not think about how to assimilate the whole bottle of ink into water, but should find a way to become ink like the surroundings.If you are always different from others, then you are different in the eyes of others, especially in the feudal dynasty, if you are different, you will not live long.

Seeing that it was autumn again, Zhou Wang sent news from Wangjiatun, saying that it was a bumper harvest this year.It can collect three or four thousand but grain rent.Ask Jia Ke how to deal with it?

Jia Keke is now very familiar with the feudal dynasty, and has long been aware of the measurement of those grain merchants.So he replied that he only sold [-] taels of food for his daily expenses, and the monthly money for Wangjiatun's employees.The rest are all dried in the sun and put in the warehouse, and will be sold when they are out of harvest next year.

Since returning from Jia's mansion last year to now, Jia Ke has never set foot in Caozhuang.He felt that he was about to break through, so he practiced day and night, not daring to relax a bit.Especially the Spring and Autumn Daoyin method, which is practiced the most frequently, almost every time I have time.

Aunt Zhou asked someone to bring letters for him to go back several times, but he refused heartily. He knew that as long as he broke through this time, he would be able to reach the level of ten thousand people, a super-class warrior.At that time, although it is still not as good as when Lu Bu was at his peak, it is not far off.So he didn't dare to relax, Jia Ke decided to break through the current state before the new year.

But hope is beautiful, reality is cruel.Entering the twelfth lunar month, Jia Ke still showed no signs of breaking through.Jia Ke completely put other things behind her now, and concentrated on practicing martial arts.Even obsessively forget the time.

Until Lin Zhixiao came to Xiacao Village again to condolences to the old soldiers.Only then did Jia Ke realize that the Chinese New Year is coming up again.

This New Year's Eve, Jia Ke did not go back to Jia's mansion with Lin Zhixiao.Instead, he first detoured to Wangjiatun to see how his Zhuangzi was doing.

When we arrived at Wangjiatun, and the atmosphere here was much better than last year, we saw Jia Ke's motorcade.Many children ran around and watched curiously.It's not as numb as it was last year.

Zhou Wang heard from the villagers that Jia Ke had come, and hurried out of the house to greet him.The first thing he saw at the entrance of the village was the 13-year-old Jia Ke, who was extraordinary in martial arts.Almost as tall as an adult.And he is accompanied by his daughters Qiaolian and Chuncao.

Zhou Wang hurriedly stepped forward and knelt down to salute, "I wish you well, my master. How is your health?"

Jia Ke looked down at Zhou Wang who was kneeling on the ground. It had been a year since he had seen him, and he had already put on weight.His clothes are not the same as before, he looks like a servant, and now he looks like a rich family in the countryside.

Jia Ke asked Zhou Wang to lead the way and entered the mansion in the middle of the village, which was originally Li Ang's house.Back then, Jia Ke only stayed outside for one night, but now it truly belongs to Jia Ke.So he took Qiaolian and Chuncao to visit this house back and forth, and it felt ten times more luxurious than their house in Xiacaozhuang.Chuncao didn't really feel much, but Qiaolian looked eager to try, wishing to move in right away.But he will be very disappointed, because Jia Ke is not going to move here at all.This luxurious house is too much to kill my fighting spirit.

After visiting the house, Jia Ke went to the warehouse to look again, and saw that the food inside was piled up like a mountain.It seems that Zhou Wang is not playing tricks on the rented house for him.

After resting in Wangjiatun for a day, early the next morning, he took the filial piety that Wangjiatun gave him, and went to the capital to return to Jia's mansion.

When I arrived in the mansion, the process was the same as last year, first go to Aunt Zhou and put down my things.Then go to greet Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang.Then I went to pay my respects to Mother Jia the next day, and then I waited at home for the New Year every day.

Because Jia Ke didn't come back for a year, Aunt Zhou complained very much, she never stopped crying when she saw Jia Ke, Jia Ke repeatedly comforted her, coupled with Qiao Lian's non-stop help, she finally persuaded Aunt Zhou to be okay .

The process of celebrating the New Year is still the same as last year, the only difference is that Jia She is now in high spirits, and Aunt Zhang is always next to him, and Mrs. Xing can almost be said to be an invisible person now.

The servants in the mansion are rushing to curry favor with Dafang, the servants of Dafang are now with their nostrils upturned.Now in Dafang, there are probably only two people who are unhappy.

One is Mrs. Xing, she is now called a housewife, but she is suppressed, even worse than a concubine.

The second one is Jia Lian, because Aunt Zhang is pregnant again, he began to feel scared instinctively.During the meeting with Jia Lian again, Jia Lian was frowning. He was afraid that if Aunt Zhang gave birth to a boy, his father would abandon him.

And Jia Ke took the lead in persuading him that such a thing could not happen, but he didn't believe Jia Ke's words.

But he didn't know that what Jia Ke said to him was serious.Because Jia Ke guessed that Aunt Zhang's life would not be long, and she might die on the day of childbirth.This time-traveling girl is still intoxicated in the beautiful dream she wove, but she doesn't know that the giant beast of feudal ethics has opened its fangs to her.

Although they are both time-traveling people, why meet each other before.Although she is very sympathetic to her upcoming encounter, Jia Ke is not prepared to interfere with Aunt Zhang's upcoming fate, because Aunt Zhang's actions have already violated the interests of the second room.In the face of such major issues, he firmly stood on Erfang's side. This was for profit and had nothing to do with feelings.

Sometimes Jia Ke also thinks that her own personality has become completely unknown to her.The former self can be said to be kind, and he has kindness to everyone.But now, to put it nicely, it is resolute and decisive, but to put it badly, it is inappropriate means.Jia Ke knew that she had become a drop of ink.So he can survive.And Aunt Zhang is working hard to turn the people around her into clear water like her, so she is about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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