Chapter 53 Beggar
The New Year in Jia's Mansion is still going on with dissatisfaction as in the past, the same is the New Year's harvest ceremony, ancestor worship, court congratulations, and banquets.Then there is the family feast on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

At the banquet, Jia Ke saw Aunt Zhang again. She became more beautiful than before, and because of her pregnancy, she still carried the glory of her mother.She used to be considered pretty, but now she can be called beautiful, especially her skin has become white.Maybe people who are often together haven't noticed yet.But someone like Jia Ke, who didn't go home for a year and suddenly saw her once, found that she had changed a lot.

And this year, when Aunt Zhang was offering sacrifices to the ancestors, she entered the inner hall as an aunt and placed sacrifices for the ancestors. This is already the treatment of Mrs. Zhengyin.I don't know how Mother Jia agreed.It seems that in order to make people perish, they must first make people crazy. This sentence is really true.

After the Chinese New Year, Jia Ke hurried back to Cao Zhuang before the first month came out. The reason Jia Kezhi and Jia Zheng had mentioned.

Still under Aunt Zhou's reluctance, Jia Ke left.

Jia Ke returned to Xiacaozhuang, and did not rest for a few days as usual.Instead, he immediately entered the life of an ascetic monk.Practice day and night non-stop, in order to break through.

So I stopped going for a few months, and one night Jia Ke was still practicing Chunqiu Daoyin.I unconsciously entered a trance state, my whole body was flowing rapidly, my heart was beating like a drum, I just felt a burst of relief.

When Jia Ke woke up again, she still had inexhaustible strength all over her body, and her arms were as strong as ten thousand catties.Jia Ke was pleasantly surprised that he had finally broken through his own limit, and had brought his personal potential to the extreme. He was able to open monuments and rocks, pick chariots and horses, give birth to tigers and wolves, and was invincible.It can already be called the enemy of ten thousand people.

Regardless of the lateness of the sky, Jia Ke carried Fang Tian's painting halberd to the courtyard.Dancing the eucalyptus, under the moonlight, I saw streaks of cold light floating around.Only see the light but not the people.He is now able to lift the weight of Fang Tian's painting halberd as if it were light.After using the halberd all the way, I didn't feel tired as usual, I just felt very happy.I just feel that although the current martial arts are not comparable to Lu Bu.But it is also Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others.

The next day, Jia Ke made an exception and took a late sleep.When I got up in the morning and put my arms on, thinking about the hard work during this period, I felt that it was all worth it.Feel the courage of Lu Bu in his body, there is still one third that has not been absorbed, it seems that he will be able to achieve great martial arts in one year.I am afraid that at that time, we will enter the stream of immortals.At that time, you will be able to travel the world, conquer the Quartet, and make contributions.

In the following days, Jia Ke felt much more relaxed.I also have time to chat with Chuncao and Qiaolian every day.On this day, Chuncao and Qiaolian got a message from the servant who gave the monthly money.

Aunt Zhang died, from postpartum hemorrhage.She desperately gave birth to a daughter for Jia She, named Yingchun.

But since Aunt Fang's death, Jia She was out of his mind every day.Not only did he not look at his daughter, but he regarded her as an enemy, thinking that Aunt Zhang would not have died without him.Because the servants spread the rumors everywhere, in the end it was Jia Mu who took Yingchun to her side to raise, and the matter gradually subsided.

After hearing the news, Jia Ke was silent for a while.I sigh in my heart, what should come still has to come.Then he let go and moved on with his life.

Since Jia Ke's breakthrough in martial arts, she is no longer eager for quick success. She is not practicing Fang Tian's painting halberd and spring and autumn Daoyin every day.Just having fun with the two little maids and living a very happy life.

In May and June, when there was no harvest, Zhou Wang was ordered to sell most of the stored grain.Only a thousand dens are left in the warehouse for emergencies.

In the afternoon of this day, Jia Ke finished practicing the Spring and Autumn Daoyin Technique and was sitting on a recliner in the courtyard to rest.Suddenly there was a noise outside the courtyard door.

Jia Ke opened her eyes and asked, "What's going on outside? Are you letting people sleep? Chuncao went out to have a look."

After a while, it became quiet outside, and the spring grass also came in from outside.Walking up to Jia Ke gently, he said, "Master, there is a beggar outside who insists on seeing you. He also said that if he doesn't see you, he will die at our door. I asked my father to temporarily put him in the porter's office." gone."

Jia Ke opened her eyes and thought about it, and said, "Anyway, I'm fine today. I'll just see this beggar and see what's up with him. If you lie to me, let's see how I deal with him."

Chuncao asked, "Then bring him in?"

Jia Ke said, "Bring him in."

Soon, a beggar was brought in by the spring grass.Look at his tattered clothes, yellow and thin face, muddy body, and messy hair.It seems to have suffered a lot.

When the beggar saw Jia Ke, he threw himself down in front of Jia Ke, crying loudly.

Jia Ke saw that his situation was different, so she said to him gently: "If you have something to tell me, don't be afraid, just say it."

The beggar finally stopped crying, and said to Jia Ke: "Master, I am not an outsider. I am Aunt Zhang's personal maid."

Jia Ke was taken aback when he heard his words. Looking at the person's appearance, he looked like the personal maid of the pampered Aunt Zhang.Even men and women are almost indistinguishable.

Jia Ke didn't believe him, and asked him, "You say you are Aunt Zhang's personal maid, what proof do you have?"

The beggar said: "When my aunt was about to give birth, she gave me a letter and sent me out, saying that if she died, she would come to you, but if she was fine, she would go back in two days. He also said that the letter It's evidence, you can see it when you look at it."

Jia Ke saw that he didn't seem to be telling a lie, so she said to him, "Where do you believe it now, let me see it."

The beggar was turned away, took out a small brocade bag from his closet, held it with both hands, and presented it to Jia Ke.

Chuncao next to him took it and handed it to Jia Ke. Jia Ke took the small brocade bag and opened it layer by layer. There was indeed a letter inside.

Jia Ke took out the letter and carefully looked at the outer cover of the letter, there was no trace of damage at the glued place.It appears that no one has opened the letter.

Jia Ke tore open the envelope, and there were several pieces of letter paper inside, but the writing on them was not Chinese characters.It seemed to be English letters, but when Jia Ke spelled it out, she found out that it was Chinese Pinyin.

It seems that just as he thought, this Aunt Zhou is a time traveler just like him.And he was very thoughtful, the last letter was also written in pinyin, if he was also a time traveler, he would naturally be able to understand the content of the letter.If he wasn't a time traveler, but it was just an accident, he naturally couldn't understand the content of the letter.

It seems that Aunt Zhang wrote all his last secrets in this letter.But the strange thing is that he didn't tell Jia She the secret, but wrote him a letter.

In this way, Aunt Zhang should have woken up at the last moment, knowing that Jia Amnesty was unreliable.Maybe he also knows that he made too much trouble before, and this catastrophe may not be able to pass.

When Aunt Zhang first came here, she probably thought of herself as the heroine in a romance novel, thinking that she could change everything, and she might have some golden fingers like space.So he became unscrupulous, and judging by Jia She's appearance, he might have to be with Jia She for the rest of his life.But when she realized that she could not fight against the entire feudal ethics alone, it was already too late.

But after all, this piece of auntie came through now. After reading too much Zhai Douwen, she still has some scheming.Must have made a remedy at the last moment, made a final struggle.That servant girl was probably the last foreshadowing she made for fear of failure in the final remedy.

Jia Ke thought of this and asked the maid: "What did your aunt often do in her last days?"

The servant girl said: "In the last few days, our aunt dragged her body every day to pay respects to the old lady. She also took out many precious medicines from her private room and dedicated them to the old lady."

"Anything else, that's all?"

The servant girl thought for a while and said: "There is another strange thing. In the end, my aunt's diet is always shared with our master. Except for the master's food, I don't eat anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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