Chapter 54
Jia Ke already fully understood what was going on. Aunt Zhang's final remedy was two ways. One was to please Jia's mother as much as possible, and the other was to eat with Jia Amnesty to prevent being poisoned.No, I'm afraid there is a third aspect in the end. It should be that I have prepared a stable wife to prevent accidents during childbirth.The Wen Po who can be trusted by her should be her close relatives with this body, most likely her mother. Even if her mother is not Wen Po, she has given birth to several children. She thinks that she can save her life .

But she never expected that the problem in the end was exactly with Wen Po.Sometimes in the face of money and power, family affection is nothing.

This Auntie Zhang still misunderstood the matter, but the maid who sent her the letter was loyal, and she should be her confidant to be entrusted by her at the last moment.

If she falsely reports the due date of delivery, she will delay the expected date of delivery on the surface by a few days.He gritted his teeth and gave birth secretly in advance, letting this maid take care of her.Although there are some dangers, the vitality is still great.

At that time, if you want her life, you can only use medicine and food.But at that time, with Jia Amnesty to protect him, there is still room to reappear, and there is still hope of living three or four minutes.

But this Aunt Zhang is still too naive.His remedies are all based on family affection. First, she pleases Jiamu, hoping to influence Jiamu to save her life.Second, they ate and lived together with Jia Amnesty, and they also pinned their hopes on Jia's mother, taking into account Jia Amnesty's safety, and would not attack her.Thirdly, she gave her last hope to her close relatives in her own body.I am afraid that the second of these three items has some effect, and the others have done useless work.

Jia Ke thought of this, and said to Chuncao: "I know everything, you take this girl down to clean up and eat something, and then come to see me."

After Chuncao took the maid down, Jia Ke carefully read the contents of the letter.

The ins and outs of this letter are very clear, and it is similar to Jia Ke's guess.This time-traveling woman can recognize Jia Ke because there is no such character as him in the Dream of the Red Chamber. Now that there is more of him, the second master Bao will become the third master Bao in the future.Aunt Zhang, who is a time-traveling woman, can easily guess that he probably also came from time-traveling.

It's just that Aunt Zhang thought that Jia Ke didn't have golden fingers like herself, so she hid in the countryside to avoid disaster.

Aunt Zhang's letter mainly has several aspects, saying that if the child she gave birth to dies, then her golden finger will be given to Jia Ke for the sake of being a time traveler.If the child she gave birth survived, she would ask Jia Ke to help her with a golden finger as a reward, to take care of her child, so that her child could live a safe life and be happy if possible, with maternal love in every line.And the place where the golden finger is hidden is in Jia's mansion, so it is easy for Jia Ke to take it out.

What Jia Ke is thinking now is whether to accept this golden finger. If there was such a good thing in the past, Jia Ke would immediately agree.But since I walked through the underworld, I am still in awe of karma.

He is like taking over the golden finger, and at the same time taking over Jia Yingchun's future life, he can't let her be as miserable as in the dream of the Red Chamber.

However, I also thought that as long as he has a high position and authority in the future, this small request can be easily fulfilled.In the future, I can find a good family to welcome the spring and take care of it from time to time, that's all.

Now that I have decided, I feel relieved.This golden finger is still very useful, it is a small cave.There is only a space of 200 meters inside, and there is a Wang Xiaolingquan in the middle.This spiritual spring can not only accelerate the growth of plants, but also improve people's physique.

This Aunt Zhang is also a person with strong luck, but after all, she is a woman's heart, and she puts love and love in her heart, otherwise she will not fall into the muddy water with just this golden finger.It is also easy to be rich and prosperous all one's life.During the period when Jia Amnesty married Aunt Zhang, he also almost shook Jia Zheng's position in the Rongguo Mansion because of his luck.

But now there are three people who are most likely to kill Aunt Zhang. The first one is Mrs. Xing, so I won't say much about it.Because Aunt Zhang has become an invisible person.Jia Amnesty is simply pampering his concubine and destroying his wife.The second one is Mrs. Wang. Aunt Zhang instigated Jia Amnesty to attack the second room continuously.That's the reason to do it.But this reason is very reluctant.And the third one is Jia Lian. He is afraid that Aunt Zhang's child will shake his status, so he also hopes that Aunt Zhang will die.

As for Jia's mother, who actually controls Jia's mansion, she doesn't have to do it herself at all, she has to reveal a little bit of dissatisfaction.The above three people can do this with confidence and boldness.

Jia Ke put away the letter and continued to sleep on the couch.But he was even more vigilant in his heart, and he couldn't relax in this world.The entire Dream of Red Mansions is full of dead people from beginning to end.If you don't want to die, you must be more vigilant than others.

The incident just passed away, and Jia Ke never mentioned it again.In Jia Ke's house, there is only one more maid named Qiao Ling.

In this way, it was time for the autumn harvest again, and the harvest in Wangjiatun was almost the same as last year.With the example of last year, it will be business as usual this year.

After that is the Chinese New Year, and the process of celebrating the New Year is the same as in previous years, without any changes.As programmed, nothing changes.The only thing that changed was Jia Yingchun, a new life, when Jia Ke went to greet Jia Mu.Seeing this poor little girl, she still doesn't know anything, lying on the bed and babbling.Thinking of what happened to Jia Yingchun in the future, I felt very sorry for her.

Now since I want to collect Aunt Zhang's things.If you don't help, you can't justify it.So when I saw Yingchun's nanny once, I seemed to touch her unintentionally. In fact, she was brushed by Jia Ke. Although she didn't leave any trauma, she hurt her tendons. It didn't take long for the injury to flare up. walk.

Sure enough, in just three days, I heard that Yingchun's nanny, Wang Shi, fell to the ground after getting drunk and couldn't move half of her body.After that, Jia Ke mediated among them and chose a kind-hearted nanny for Yingchun.This can at least guarantee the Spring Festival and ten years of peace.As for other things, we can only talk about it later.

During the Chinese New Year, Jia Ke also met Jia Lian and found that he had moved to Rongguo Mansion.But there are no rumors outside.Based on just a little bit of Jia Ke, he concluded that Aunt Zhang's death must have something to do with Jia Lian.Jia Lian took refuge at Jia's mother.Otherwise, based on Jia She's love for Aunt Zhang, Jia Lian might not be able to keep his life.

But Jia Zhu, another young master of Jia's mansion, rarely showed up, and people said that he was studying hard day and night.Throughout the Spring Festival, Jia Ke only saw Jia Zhu twice.

Counting it, both Jia Ke and Jia Zhu are already fourteen years old.According to Dream of the Red Chamber, Jia Zhu will end next year, and this should be the most glorious time of his life.

And next year, Jia Ke should also achieve great martial arts and achieve the so-called immortal body (the body reaches the limit of human beings), by then he should also join the army.

But this year Jia Zheng has one more person beside him, an aunt named Zhao. This aunt Zhao is beautiful, young and beautiful, and has a hot temper, which is completely different from these gentle and virtuous women in Jia's mansion.

Now Jia Zheng mostly rests at Aunt Zhao's place, which is just a matter of face to Mrs. Wang. As for Aunt Zhou, although she often cares and greets her, she doesn't stay overnight at her place.

Aunt Zhou was very disappointed at the beginning, but she gradually became less optimistic. Now her son is doing well and has a village of several thousand mu.There are thousands of taels of silver in the house, and the daily food and drink expenses are no worse than Mrs. Wang.There is no idea of ​​competing for favor.Instead, she gets along very well with Aunt Zhao now.It may be that Aunt Zhao often came to talk to her because she was not threatening, had a gentle temper, and was born in the same family.

And Jia Ke also took out Aunt Zhang's gold finger, a very modern ring.

(End of this chapter)

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