Chapter 55
Since Jia Ke got this ring, he has thought of many ways to open up the space, but he thinks the most reliable way is to recognize the Lord by dripping blood. This method has been read in many novels about cultivating immortals. Now he can only try to see if dripping blood can work. Recognize the Lord.

But then again, this method is still very useful, after absorbing Jia Ke's blood.Jia Ke could feel a small space in the ring.

In the small space in the ring, many herbs are planted, among which ginseng, ganoderma and other precious herbs are mostly.

There is a clear spring in the center of the space, which must be the spiritual spring.In the past few days, every time Jia Ke secretly drinks a small cup, she feels that her physical strength has improved to a certain extent.And every time I practice the Spring and Autumn Daoyin Technique, sometimes the Qi and blood flow much faster.However, Jia Ke thought that if it is used for many years, its effectiveness will become less and less effective.

Rather, it improves the growth rate of the drug, which is very practical.Although it is impossible to improve the medicine into the spirit grass in Xianxia novels, these medicines are old, and sometimes they can save lives.

Jia Ke didn't think much of this golden finger, but since it was a treasure, she reluctantly kept it.I will always leave this world in the future, the other three treasures, Lu Bu's courage has already been absorbed by me, and the other two are lent to me by others, I am afraid I can't keep them.This ring can be passed down as a family heirloom.

When the first month was about to end, Jia Ke left Jia's mansion again and went to Xiacaozhuang.Maybe it was his last trip to Xiacaozhuang.

Jia Ke has lived in Xiacaozhuang for several years and already has feelings for her.In the last year, he spent a long time asking the veterans in Caozhuang, what happened on the battlefield?How should we deal with it?Inquiries about everything.The veterans also taught Jia Ke their experience without reservation.

Originally, Jia Ke thought that this year would pass peacefully.But in May and June of this year, a strange thing happened on Mount Cao.

A monster was found on Caoshan Mountain. This red monster ran like flying and roared like thunder.The villages near Caoshan organized several joint hunts, but they all returned without success.The villages near Caoshan were in constant panic, fearing that one day monsters would come down the mountain and eat people.

After Jia Ke heard about this incident, she decided to get rid of this disaster for the villagers before leaving.

Now Jia Ke has mastered martial arts, and Lu Bu's bravery has fully integrated into his body.And with these years of unremitting efforts and the strengthening of the spiritual spring water he just got, his current force has far surpassed Lu Bu.

After a few days of preparation, Jia Ke took his own soldiers to Mount Cao, led by a local guide.They went deep into Caoshan and searched around.

Finally, they found this red monster at the junction of Caoshan and Yanshan. Jia Ke looked at it from a distance, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was a horse, but because the mane was too long, it seemed to be running like flames. Because of this, the villagers regarded it as a monster.

Jia Ke asked the soldiers to disperse, surrounded it in all directions, and slowly tightened the encirclement.

At this time, the horse below realized something was wrong and roared at Jack and the others.The roar was like thunder, not the neighing of a horse at all.Its long neck raises a cool head with a pair of piercing eyes, always flashing two spiritual gazes, and a pair of small triangular ears stand high on the forehead, as if Listening to the movements around him at any time, he seemed particularly alert.There are long reddish brown hairs on the top of the neck, and the brown hairs tremble when walking, making it seem to be galloping in flames.It is one foot long from head to tail, and eight feet high from hoof to top.

Jia Ke fell in love with it at the first sight, and the horse started to gallop quickly when it saw people surrounding it.From the middle of the crowd, he ran straight into the mountains, running and jumping on the cliffs like walking on flat ground.Jia Ke saw that the horse was about to run away, how could he let it go, so he chased after it.

Seeing someone chasing him, the horse panicked and ran under a cliff.Seeing that there was no way ahead, the horse turned around and confronted Jia Ke.It kept roaring and warning, and its four hooves kept kicking on the ground.Jia Ke slowly approached it, and the horse backed away slowly, until it reached the edge of the cliff, and there was no way to go back.Jia Ke suddenly stepped forward and hugged its neck, and the horse immediately struggled, its hooves scrambling.

And Jia Ke hugged the horse's neck tightly with a pair of iron arms, and his feet were nailed to the ground like nails. No matter how the horse struggled, it remained motionless.At this time, all the guardsmen had surrounded them, wanting to come over to help.Jia Ke said to them: "You don't need to help me see, I will subdue this horse alone."

So one person and one horse, there has been a stalemate here.The horse was extremely irritable and was struggling all the time.It wasn't until two hours later that he gradually became weak and finally stopped struggling.Jia Kejian stopped struggling, and gently let go of his hands. This time, the horse did not run away, but instead held the head of the horse close to Jia Ke's arms.

Jia Ke gently hugged the horse's head, and stroked the mane on its neck with her hand.The horse didn't resist at all, and even licked Jia Ke's face with its tongue.So far, Jia Ke has truly subdued the horse.

Seeing this, everyone in the personal army team cheered loudly.

When Jia Ke brought the horse into Xiacao Village, everyone in the village was shocked.Everyone came out to look at this rare horse, as if they only looked at the horse's head, they looked more like a lion than a horse.

Taking the horse home, Jia Ke washed it himself.Going into the mud and dirt on the horse, I saw that the horse was red like coals, with no stray hair on its body, and the mane on its neck was loose, looking extremely mighty.

Jia Ke immediately prepared the saddle for him, and the horse swayed from side to side, feeling uncomfortable.Jia Ke went up to kiss and comfort it a few times, and it calmed down.Jacco led it outside the village, got on the horse, broke the reins, and let the horse run.The speed of this horse is extremely fast, Jia Ke is so fast, he is like flying into the sea like flying through the clouds, it is really a good horse.

Jia Ke named the horse Huolongju, and since then she has been inseparable from it, taking it with her wherever she goes.

So it was time for the autumn harvest again, but Jia Ke got an unexpected news that Mrs. Wang was pregnant.

Hearing the news, Jia Ke stayed in the house for a day, knowing that troubled times were coming.He was about to start acting, and then Jia Ke let go of everything.Start practicing martial arts again.

During this period of time, he mainly practiced Kung Fu on horseback.He often wears a helmet and crown armor, rides a fire dragon horse, carries Fangtian's painted halberd, gallops back and forth at the foot of the mountain, and dances Fangtian's painted halberd.So far, Jia Ke's martial arts has finally achieved great success.

At this time, Jia Ke was full of energy and blood, like a rushing river, his body was like iron bones, his arms had infinite strength, his front and back seemed to have a thousand layers of murderous aura, and the majesty of a hundred steps.

In addition, Jia Ke also specially found a blacksmith and made him an iron tire bow. The blacksmith who made this bow had his ancestors who made weapons for Duke Rong. Now the method of making this bow is left by his ancestors. A bow cannot be drawn without the strength of four loads. If it is fully drawn, it can shoot 800 meters.

After practicing with this bow for a few days, Jia Ke became familiar with it, and she was able to shoot through Yang with a hundred steps, all thanks to Lu Bu's sharp shooting.Thinking back to the time when Yuanmen shot a halberd and subdued the heroes of the two groups, in terms of the method of divine shooting, only Huang Zhong could stand shoulder to shoulder at that time.

Before the Chinese New Year this year, Jia Ke called Liu Yu, carefully arranged for the soldiers, and told him to wait for his news while training after the Chinese New Year, and immediately went to the capital to fight with him after receiving his order.Liu Yu solemnly nodded and agreed, because he knew that next year would be a critical moment, and they would go to the army with Jia Ke.

Jia Ke arranged the guards, and took people back to the capital. This time, no one was left to guard the gate, and all his servants were taken away. The house was still entrusted to Liu Hong, the steward of Cao Village, to take care of it.

(End of this chapter)

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