Chapter 57 Drugs

This dynasty was founded nearly a hundred years ago, the world is peaceful and the country is prosperous.But it has also become noble and humble, which is why Jia Zhu said this.It seems that he no longer takes Jia Ke seriously, thinking that he will never be as good as himself in official career.It can be seen that he thinks highly of himself.

Jia Ke felt the contempt coming from his bones, and she was also very angry.So he didn't talk to him, bowed his hands to him, turned around and left.

Jia Ke didn't believe in the nonsense of nobles and inferiors, he only knew that the great ancestor of the earth said "government grows out of the barrel of a gun", and he regarded this sentence as the truth.

The rest of the day was just waiting for the New Year. Jia Ke lived in peace every day. After practicing martial arts in the training ground every day, he went to the study to read the military books and war books collected by the two old princes. He lived a very comfortable life.Occasionally meeting with Jia Lian, I heard from Jia Lian that in order to allow Jia Zhu to concentrate on her studies, Mrs. Wang, through the relationship of the Wang family, begged Jia Zhu for a strange medicine called A Furong. Foreign tributes come here, and the price is extremely expensive. The Wang family also obtained this rare medicine through many connections.

Jia Ke finally understood Jia Zhu's body, why is it so strange?It turned out that he had taken medicine, and others didn't know how powerful this medicine was.But how could Jia Ke, who came from modern society, not know?

After Jia Zhu took this medicine, he might be useless in the future.The ancients didn't know how powerful he was, and they really thought it was a good medicine for concentration.That's why he abused it like this, but he didn't know that he was a devil who harmed people.

However, this drug still has a certain effect.It seems that this time Jia Zhu's talent test is set, no wonder people are so defiant.He thought that with this magical medicine, he would be able to make great progress all the way.But never think about it, the higher you climb, the harder you fall.

Now that Jia Zhu is no longer a threat, Jia Ke no longer pays attention to him.

On New Year's Eve, a great event happened, and Jia Amnesty wanted to put Aunt Zhang's spiritual tablet in the ancestral hall.He was strongly opposed by Jia's mother, but this time Jia Amnesty was extremely stubborn. He ignored the opposition and even threatened to resign. Only then did this dispute settle down.

After that, all the programs went smoothly, and nothing went wrong.But Jia Ke saw from it that Jia's mansion had broken another beam. When Jia Ke saw Jia She for the first time, his arrogance and arrogance were not a good thing?But he still has an enterprising spirit, but now his eyes are dim and full of despair, it seems that he has moved his true feelings for this Aunt Zhang.But Jia Ke also felt very strange, how could Jia forgive countless daughters, how could she be tied so tightly by Aunt Zhang.I'm afraid he still doesn't know all about Aunt Zhang's secret.

After that, it was the same as in previous years, until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month before you could rest.

After the new year, I started to be busy with two things, one is Jia Zhu's imperial examination in February.The other is that Mrs. Wang will give birth in April.

During this period of time, Jia Ke always felt that someone was secretly watching their small courtyard. The greetings from Aunt Zhou and Aunt Zhao had all stopped, and Jia Zhu had disappeared from outsiders.

The two of them were protected extremely tightly, for fear that something might go wrong.And Jia Yuanchun has moved back to Mrs. Wang's courtyard, guarding her side day and night.

Jia Ke waited quietly. After these two things were over, he asked Jia Zheng to help him clear up so that he could get a real job in the army.

On this day, Aunt Zhou called Jia Ke to her side and asked him to do something. It turned out that she was the one who heard that the incense in Guangji Temple was the most prosperous and the most effective.So he asked Jia Ke to take her to burn incense and offer tributes, so as to protect Jia Ke from illness and peace of mind.

Jia Ke was very resistant to this matter, not because he didn't believe it, but because he believed it too much, so he was afraid.In the final analysis, he came here by taking home, and he has been to the underworld, and he knows that there are ghosts and gods in this world.Didn't he throw himself into a trap when he went to worship Buddha?But he couldn't hold back Aunt Zhou, so he had to promise him to go tomorrow.

The next day, Jia Ke reluctantly took Qian Mao with him.

Guangji Temple is located in the inner street of Fuchengmen in the west of the capital. It is a famous ancient temple in the capital. It covers an area of ​​35 mu and faces south. On the central axis, there are Shanmen Hall, Maitreya Hall (Tianwang Hall), Daxiong Hall and Yuantong Hall ( Guanyin Temple).Pilgrims gather every day and there are many believers.

Jia Ke entered through the mountain gate, ready to worship as soon as he met the temple.He is a lonely ghost who enters the gods and Buddhas dojo. If he doesn't worship more often, if he offends some god, he will have a hard time.

However, something went wrong when he passed the Hall of Heavenly Kings. He had just entered the Hall of Heavenly Kings and was about to kneel down and salute Maitreya Bodhisattva enshrined in the hall. At some point, an old monk suddenly appeared beside him.

Seeing that Jia Ke was going to worship Maitreya Bodhisattva, he immediately stepped forward to support him.Jia Ke didn't know why, and looked at the old monk.

It turned out that this old monk was not an ordinary person, but the oldest and most senior monk in Guangji Temple.I have practiced meditation all my life, and I have never stepped out of Guangji Temple. I was restless in the meditation center yesterday.At night, I dreamed of a person emitting golden light, surrounded by two golden dragons, surrounded by countless gods. I came to Guangji Temple and bowed to Maitreya Bodhisattva in front of the Hall of Heavenly Kings.With just one bow, the statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva was shattered.When I woke up, I was sweating all over my body, so I specially came out today to wait in front of the Palace of Heavenly Kings.Of course, he didn't stop him when he saw other people. When he first saw Jia Ke, he was vaguely like a person in a dream. Seeing that he wanted to worship Maitreya Bodhisattva, he stepped forward to support him and prevented him from worshiping Maitreya Bodhisattva.

Jia Ke asked the old monk: "Master, I came to the temple to pay homage to the Bodhisattva. This is what I should have meant. Why did you stop me?"

The old monk replied: "The benefactor came with great luck and great merit. If Maitreya Bodhisattva is worshiped by you, this clay body will be destroyed. Therefore, the old monk came to stop it. Don't blame the benefactor."

Jia Ke didn't understand what the old monk was talking about at all. What kind of luck and merits did he have?What's going on?It turned out that at this time Jia Ke was carrying the Dao of Heaven with him, and his worship represented not only himself, but also a part of the Dao of Heaven in this world, so if he bowed down, the clay body of Maitreya Bodhisattva would definitely be destroyed.

Seeing that Jia Ke was puzzled, the old monk said, "Don't bother to think about it, this matter will surely come true in the future." After that, he didn't say anything else, and invited Jia Ke to his meditation room for tea.

Jia Ke couldn't postpone it and let him go.When they arrived at the meditation room, the old monk invited Jia Ke to sit up.How could Jia Ke dare to postpone it?The two declined, but no one would take the seat, so they could only sit opposite each other on the old monk's bed.

After sitting down, the old monk asked, "Why did the benefactor come to Guangji Temple?"

Jia Ke replied, "My mother is a devout Buddhist. She can't come, so let me offer incense and pray on her behalf." After speaking, he offered incense money and tributes.

The old monk clasped his hands together and said: "The old lady is devout in Buddhism. There will be great blessings in the future. I will offer the tribute to the Buddha right now. Please give the name of your mother, so that I can pray for her in front of the Buddha."

Jia Ke then told her in the name of Aunt Zhou.The old monk wrote down with a pen seriously.Set aside with the tribute.

Then the old monk asked Jia Ke's name, and Jia Ke told the truth.

The two were talking when they heard loud noises outside the meditation room.This was reported by the little monk.It is said that there is a benefactor who has been enchanted by evil spirits and has tried all kinds of methods to no avail.Hearing that Buddhism in Guangji Temple is the most spiritual, he sent him to Guangji Temple to ask eminent monks to practice it, so as to avoid disasters and avoid evil spirits.

But all the eminent monks in the temple used the method, but it was useless, so I came to the patriarch and asked the patriarch to do it himself.

The old monk was perplexed, looked at Jia Ke, and said to the young monk, "I have a distinguished guest here, let them wait for a while."

Seeing that the old monk had something to do, Jia Ke said to him: "Master, just go and do something. I'll just wait here for a while. The most important thing is to save people."

Hearing what Jia Ke said was reasonable, the old monk saluted Jia Ke, "I'm so offended, please wait here for a while, the benefactor. I'll come as soon as I go." After finishing speaking, he went with the young monk.

(End of this chapter)

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