Chapter 58 Exorcism
But it is said that the old monk's Dharma name - Huijing, is an eminent monk who practiced Taoism.If you recite the sutras and practice the law, many strange things can be eliminated, so you are quite famous.

The old monk Huijing followed the young monk to the main hall.There was already a circle of people in front of the treasure hall, and when they saw the old monk Huijing arrived, they hurriedly made way for him and let him enter the treasure hall.

In front of the Buddha, there was a man with a ferocious face, whose limbs had been bound. He was still struggling endlessly, roaring like a wild animal.

All the eminent monks gathered around him to chant sutras together, but it was of no use.All the monks saw old monk Huijing coming.Hurrying to make room for him, Huijing sat cross-legged in it.Begin to recite the Diamond Sutra, hoping to drive away this evil with the wisdom and power of the Vajra.At the beginning, it was effective, but the man's face gradually calmed down. When everyone was happy, the man's face suddenly changed again.There was black air on his face, and the roar in his mouth became even louder.

Huijing saw that reciting scriptures did not work.I also became anxious in my heart, not knowing what to do.At this moment, I suddenly thought of Jia Ke in the meditation room. The benefactor had great luck. In my dream, I saw two golden dragons surrounded by it. Perhaps this was a reminder from the Bodhisattva.Remind yourself that this benefactor is different from ordinary people.How about asking the benefactor to come and have a try.

Instead, he stood up and said to the eminent monks: "You are here later, and I will ask an expert to subdue this monster."

After speaking, he went to his meditation room, and saw Jia Ke still sitting upright on the bed when he arrived in the meditation room.Then he went up and saluted: "Benefactor Jia, I have a difficult matter, please help me."

Jia Ke got off the bed and returned the salute, saying, "Master, if you have any difficulties, just tell us and we can discuss together."

Hui Jing said: "A benefactor who was possessed by evil came to the temple. The temple tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't get rid of this evil spirit. The benefactor has great luck. If the benefactor can go there, he will be able to get rid of the monster."

After hearing what he said, Jia Ke thought to herself, she once heard people say that when martial arts are practiced to the extreme, blood is like the sun, burning the sky and melting the earth, and demons dare not get close.He'd never tried it, and now was the time to try it.

So Jia Ke said to the old monk, "Since that's the case, I'll go and have a look. But I don't know if it will work or not."

The old monk Huijing said gratefully: "It is a favor for the donor to go, and it depends on God's will to succeed or not."

So the two went to the Daxiong Palace together and entered the main hall. The man who was tied up was still struggling so that he wasn't tired at all.

All the monks were surprised to see that old monk Huijing invited a young son.

Old monk Huijing didn't explain to them, and asked them to step aside and asked Jia Ke to come forward.

Jia Ke walked to the side of the bewitched person, those people suddenly shouted loudly, struggling ten times more violently than before.

Jia Ke quickly circulated the blood in his body, and the old monk felt carefully beside him. He seemed to see a faint red flame, as if it was on fire. When he approached Jia Ke, he felt bloody, and there was a faint red flame. He knew that It wasn't the real flame, but the powerful blood and masculinity that he sensed. The old monk felt that the blood and masculinity was overwhelming. At the same time, he also felt endless mystery surrounding Jia Ke.Many rules fell from the sky that he could not see.

And as soon as the bewitched person came into contact with the overwhelming blood and yang, black smoke began to emit from his body, and it was getting faster and faster.After only a few breaths, people suddenly heard a scream, but the old monk felt that it was not the same thing.In his feeling, not only was Jia Ke's vigor and masculinity, but also countless gods and Buddhas, glaring and angry.The kid was beaten out of his wits in an instant.

Looking at the kidnapped man again, his face is peaceful now, his complexion is ruddy, and he has fallen asleep while snoring slightly.At this time, the patient's family members came forward to check, so that the patient was already quiet, so they called softly.After a while, the patient woke up.

When the patient woke up and found that he was tied up, he began to struggle and said, "Why did you tie me up?"

A woman next to him asked him, "Do you know who I am?"

The patient cursed: "You are my mother-in-law, why don't I recognize you? If you tie me up, you must find a better one."

The woman was extremely ashamed and scolded him: "I don't know where you went last night? You were haunted by ghosts, so I sent you to Guangji Temple and asked the eminent monks to do it to drive away the ghosts. Just scold people when it's done. Yes." What's the point?"

When everyone saw that the man was awake, they loosened the rope for him.The man got up and knew what was going on, so he knelt down to thank the old monk and Jia Ke.

People asked him why, but he couldn't explain it himself. He only knew that he was drunk with someone last night, and he was here when he woke up.

Seeing that the matter was over, Jia Ke said goodbye to the old monk, and the old monk respectfully led all the monks in the temple to send him outside the mountain gate.Watching him go away, and then come back.

On the way back, the abbot of the temple asked the old monk, "Master Uncle, what kind of noble man is this? I want to work on your big frame. Send him outside the gate personally."

The old monk Huijing replied, "This man must be one of the gods, and he has come here to reincarnate after many calamities. You don't need to ask any more questions." After speaking, he took out the names of Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou, and said to the host: "Take these two Please put it in front of the Buddha and pray for him every day, and it will definitely benefit you in the future." After finishing speaking, he went back to the meditation room.

Jia Ke was in a very excited mood on the way back home. Today's experiment showed that these ghosts and ghosts would immediately turn into ashes under the infusion of his own blood.For all kinds of nightmare magic in Dream of Red Mansions, I don't seem to be afraid of it.

Think about Jia Baoyu and Wang Xifeng in the Dream of Red Mansions, who were killed by Ma Daopo's nightmare magic, and in the end it was the vast master and Miaomiao real person who took the initiative to get healed, which shows how powerful this method is.

I am full of energy now, I just experimented with that little devil, and it turned into ashes in an instant, I think I am no longer afraid of that harmful spell, it seems that today's trip is worthwhile.

Back home, he concealed the ghost exorcism from Aunt Zhou.He only told her that the old monk in the temple said that Aunt Zhou was a source of great blessings and that she would definitely enjoy great blessings in the future.The coaxed Aunt Zhou smiled and was happy for several days.

In the blink of an eye, it was February, and when Jia Zhu was about to end, Mrs. Wang dragged her pregnant body to busy with him.But Jia Zhu himself is full of confidence, thinking that he is sure to hit.

Jia Ke agrees with Jia Zhu's ideas. Jia Zhu is indeed smart, and there should be no problem with being a scholar.But what restricts Jia Zhu is not his knowledge, but his body.

It was not obvious when the scholar took the test, and the scholar had to take the test three times, namely the county test, the government test, and the hospital test.Most of these are divided into several exams, and each exam is completed in one day. Even if there are five county exams, they will not stay overnight in the exam room.So Jia Zhu's body can still support it.

But when it came to the three exams in the township examination (examination for Juren), each one lasted three days. .

If Jia Zhu could still give it a go before.So now Jia Zhu is completely hopeless.For a person who has eaten Afulan, it is as difficult as going to heaven to let him not take Afulan for three days.

Jia Zheng was also very busy these days, so he asked someone to find a guarantor for Jia Zhu.Because every child who takes the exam must have a guarantor.In the examination room, every time a Confucian boy's name was read, and then Gu Baolinsheng's name was pronounced, then the linsheng would step forward to confirm whether it was him, and if the confirmation was correct, the linsheng would respond: "So-and-so person Bao. "To prevent others from taking the exam.And Jia Ke also has the task, which is to follow Jia Zheng's order to take care of Jia Zhu along with him.

In a blink of an eye, on February [-]th, the Shuntianfu County Examination officially started.Jia Zhumao got up at the beginning of his childhood, cheered up, and led by Jia Ke, he got into the carriage and went to the examination room. Zhou Rui carried a long-eared bamboo basket to the side of the carriage. And a few delicious snacks to satisfy your hunger.There is no paper.Because in the examination room, a piece of paper is not allowed to enter the dragon gate.

(End of this chapter)

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