Chapter 59
Jia Ke led the way on a horse, Jia Zhu followed behind in a cart, Zhou Rui sat on the side of the cart, and two servants followed behind.

When we arrived at the examination room, there were already students waiting outside the examination room. A few lanterns were hung under the eaves outside the examination room, making the originally dark space dim.Outside the examination room, there are not only young handsome men like Jia Zhu, but also many old men in their 60s and [-]s with gray hair.But he was still called a boy and came to take part in the county examination.Looking at it makes people feel very pitiful.

After a while, a team of yamen servants came out of the yamen to guard the gate, and a man who looked like a master called the candidates' names on it. He called one person, and one of them went up. The yamen servants searched carefully, but the master held Documents, observe candidates carefully, there are portraits and posture descriptions of candidates on the documents.

After a while, Jia Zhu's name was called. Jia Ke stared at Jia Zhu anxiously from behind. Seeing the yamen gate, she first touched Jia Zhu's whole body, then opened the basket, carefully inspected every item, and finally put it in the basket. The pastry is also cut into several pieces, and that's it.The master also observed Jia Zhu carefully, and saw that he matched the portrait and description.Only then was he allowed to enter the Dragon Gate.

Next, candidates one after another entered the dragon gate after strict inspection.When all candidates enter the Longmen, the Longmen will be closed by the officials.Only after the exam is over will it be opened again.The first thing for candidates to enter the examination room, but under the leadership of the county magistrate, is to kowtow to meet the most holy teacher Confucius.

But Jia Ke and the others were waiting outside, and the specific situation was unknown.

Jia Ke and the others waited until late in the evening, when the dragon gate opened again, and the examinees came out in single file.Jia Ke and Zhou Rui hurriedly searched for Jia Zhu among the high school candidates, and finally found him in the middle, and hurried forward to pull him out.

Jia Ke observed Jia Zhu's complexion was relatively good, but she was a little tired.So they sent Jia Zhu to the car and went back to Jia's mansion together.

Jia Zheng had been waiting in the study for a long time, and there were several scholars in the room. When Jia Zhu came back, he prepared a pen, ink, paper and inkstone beside him, and asked Jia Zhu to write today's paper silently.Then let a few literati look at it.These literati have already won the Juren. Looking at Jia Zhu's papers, you can estimate his approximate ranking.

After reading Jia Zhu's paper, all the people said that there is no problem with the top few who answered well.Jia Zheng was overjoyed and asked Jia Zhu to go back to rest.

I and Jia Ke accompanied several people to the banquet. During the banquet, I expressed my gratitude to them many times, and said that I will work on several people in the next few times.After all the guests were polite, the banquet was broken up, and Jia Zheng personally sent them to the door.

When the incident happened the next day, Jia Ke and Zhou Rui went to watch it in person.On the wall outside the yamen, there was a piece of red paper pasted. On the red paper, the seat numbers of the candidates were written in order according to their rankings.

And Jia Zhu's name topped the list. Although Jia Ke thought that Jia Zhu's ranking should be good, he didn't expect that it would be number one.Jia Rui who was next to him shouted excitedly: "I won the second young master and won the first place." So the middleman hurried back to the house to report.

Jia Zheng had been waiting for news from them in the study, and when Jia Ke came back to report that he had won, he got No. 1 in the first test.Jia Zheng was extremely excited, as if he had passed the exam himself.However, in Jia Ke's view, Jia Zheng regards Jia Zhu as his substitute to fulfill his unfulfilled wish.

Early the next morning, it was still Jia Ke and Zhou Rui who sent Jia Zhu to the examination room.Before the examination room, the number of candidates was only more than half of that of last time.The others were rejected in the first round, and if this continues, by the fifth round, there are probably only a dozen or so people who can be shortlisted for the government exam.

At the end of the exam, Jia Zhu was brought back again, but this time Jia Zhu's face was obviously not very good-looking.When Zhongju people looked at his test papers, they all said that it was not as good as last time, but it was still among the best.Sure enough, Jia Zhu won No.3 in the second game.

Then came the third game, Jia Zhu's ranking dropped to No.5.When Jia Zhu came out of the examination room, she was already on the verge of collapse.

In the fourth round, Jia Zhu did even worse in the exam, only hovering in the top ten.Jia Zhengda was frightened and furious. If this continues, the fifth game will definitely be no name on the list.

Jia Zheng was extremely angry at Jia Zhu for not being as good as the other. If he hadn't considered that he had another exam to take, he would have been served by family laws long ago.And Jia Zhu himself felt great pressure. He thought that the county examination would be within easy reach, but he didn't expect that the county examination was about to capsize.

In the Xiucai examination, the fifth round of the county examination is the most critical, because No. 1 in the fifth round is directly a scholar.Other passers have to take the government examination and the hospital examination.

When participating in the fifth game, Jia Ke found that Jia Zhu was very different from before, and was very excited.Jia Ke then knew that he had taken too much drugs.To fight to the death in the fifth game.

Looking at Jia Zhu's condition, Jia Ke thought that after this time, he might never be able to do without Afurong again.For him, no matter whether he hits the target or not this time, the gain outweighs the loss.

Jia Ke was in no mood to bother him, and sent him to the examination room as usual.At the end of the fifth round, the candidates came out of the dragon gate, Jia Ke and Zhou Rui, but Jia Zhu was not found among the candidates.

Jia Ke was very anxious. He was not worried about Jia Zhu, but worried about Jia Zhu's violation of the rules and ruining Jia's reputation.

When they were in a hurry, some yamen servants in Longmen carried a man out.When everyone saw that it was Jia Zhu, Jia Ke, Zhou Rui, and a few servants hurried forward to take Jia Zhu over.

Jia Ke took out a silver coin from her bosom, and secretly handed it to the yamen servants, before asking, "Big brothers, I don't know what happened to my younger brother? But is it important?"

The yamen servant took Jia Ke's money, and patiently explained to him, saying, "It's okay, nothing happened, it's just that he was paralyzed and unable to walk in the examination room, the magistrate ordered us to help him out and hand him over to his family. "Jia Ke was relieved after listening to him.Jia Ke and the others helped Jia Zhu to the car and let him rest in the car.The people drove their cars and hurried back to Jia's mansion.

After entering the corner gate of Rongfu, Jia Ke personally carried Jia Zhu to Jia Zheng's study.As soon as he entered the study, everyone in the study was taken aback.Seeing that Jia Zhu was carried in by Jia Ke, she was confused.Jia Ke put Jia Zhu down, stood aside and listened to his orders, and did not join them.In the end, it was Jia Zheng who forcibly calmed down and stepped forward to look at Jia Zhu. Although Jia Zhu was weak physically, his eyes were full of spirit.

I saw Jia Zhu pointing to Zhou Rui, everyone didn't understand why, but Zhou Rui understood what was going on.But it's not easy to say clearly in public, so I had to say to Jia Zheng: "The second master has been feeling unwell for the past two days. Madam found a pill, and it is very effective after taking it. Now the second master is not feeling well. I think you want me to go find it." Madame is looking for this pill to take."

Jia Zheng was even more moved by the side, thinking that Jia Zhu went to the examination room sick, which is why he did not do well the first few times.He hurriedly ordered people to go to the inner house and ask his wife to bring the medicine for him to take.

Not long after, I saw Zhou Rui's family, and came in with a small box of sandalwood, and came to greet Jia Zheng first, Jia Zheng said to her anxiously: "Don't worry about it, give Zhu'er the medicine quickly."

Only then did Zhou Rui's family open the box, and saw dozens of pills neatly placed in the box.She took out one and put it near Jia Zhu's mouth. Jia Zhu opened his mouth and ate it.After a while, Jia Zhu was able to get up, and first kowtowed to Jia Zheng to make amends. Jia Zheng thought that he was sick to take the exam, but kowtowed when he saw him.He hurriedly stepped forward to help him up and let him sit aside.

Seeing that Jia Zhu was fine, everyone asked him about today's exam. Jia Zhu was very confident this time, and wrote the exam paper silently in front of everyone.All the people took the examination papers to ponder carefully, and then congratulated Jia Zheng together: "Your Excellency's papers are really well written this time, and I will be the first name if the examiner decides." After finishing speaking, they congratulated Jia Zheng together.

(End of this chapter)

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