Chapter 60

When Jia Zheng heard everyone's praise, he felt a kind of joy welling up in his heart.I remembered that when I was going to be an official through the imperial examination, but my father left a watch, which cut off my path to the imperial examination.Now his son is going to be an official from the imperial examination, and it seems that the county examination is no longer a problem, it depends on tomorrow's ranking.So everyone was relieved and began to set up a banquet to thank everyone.

The next day when the rankings were released, Jia Zhu insisted on going there in person to see the rankings.Jia Zheng was worried, so he asked Jia Ke to accompany him.

When they arrived at the gate of the yamen, there was already a sea of ​​people. Although some candidates had already failed the rankings, they still had to wait for familiar candidates to go back together, so there were not many people watching the rankings this time.

After waiting for more than an hour, everyone was a little restless, and only one yamen servant came to post the long paper. In the last round of the county examination, the candidates are not ranked according to their seat number, but their names, so it is also called long case. , while No.1 is known as the desk.

Seeing the long scroll posted by the yamen servant, everyone moved forward together to check the rankings.Jia Zhu was weak and couldn't squeeze in, but Jia Ke was skilled in martial arts, how could these frail scholars squeeze him in?He opened the way in front, opened his arms and pushed to the side, and everyone was pushed aside, allowing him a way, and he led Jia Zhu to the front with ease.

When he got to the list, Jia Zhu anxiously searched the list. He looked back and forth on the list, and the more he looked, the more anxious he became, because he didn't find his name.In the end, he was already trembling with anxiety, but Jia Ke still couldn't stand it anymore, patted him, pointed to the front with his finger, and said to Jia Zhu, "Congratulations to my second brother for being the first in the list."

Only then did Jia Zhu see her name at the top of the list.There was a sigh of relief in my heart, and then I was overjoyed.

Jia Zhu took Jia Ke's hand, trembling non-stop, speaking incoherently, she just said: "I won, I won." It seems that the imperial examination and Mrs. Wang's expectations still put a lot of pressure on him .Now that I have finally passed the first level, the pressure is a little relieved, so I am incoherent.

But when Jia Zhu said that she was hit, she was not talking nonsense.

According to the regulations, No. 1 in the county examination and No. 1 in the government examination do not need to take subsequent examinations, and are directly designated as scholars.

So Jia Zhu is already a scholar now, and he is only 14 years old now. In which dynasty he was a scholar at this age, he can be regarded as a child prodigy.If there is no accident, it is possible to raise a scholar.

So everyone hugged Jia Zhu together, got into the car and went back to Jia's mansion. Just now, a boy had reported back to Jia's mansion. At this time, when people saw Jia Zhu coming back, they immediately set off firecrackers. hour.

And Jia Zhu happily went to Jia Zheng's study to announce the good news.As soon as they arrived at the door of the study, they saw Jia Zheng waiting for them at the door.As soon as Jia Zhu saw Jia Zheng, she knelt down and said, "The unfilial son lives up to his father's expectations. This time he ranked first in the county examination. I have won a scholar, so I come here to tell my father." The meaning of the heroes of the world is here.

But Jia Zheng stepped forward to help him up, and happily said to him: "My son will live up to everyone's expectations, and he will be honored in the future, but don't be proud. Next year's provincial examination will be the time for you to show your skills."

Jia Zhu replied proudly: "I would like to follow my father's teachings, but it's okay for my son to think about it."

Jia Zheng pretended to be angry and said, "You ignorant child, how dare you make such wild words. If you don't go to the inner house and report to your mother and old lady, they have been waiting for you for a long time."

Jia Zhu then bid farewell to Jia Zheng and went to the inner house to report to Jia Mu and Mrs. Wang.

Seeing that Jia Zhu had left, Jia Zheng called Jia Ke into the study, and the father and son took their seats.

Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke, "You've been exhausted these days, so go back and rest for a while. I've already asked someone to take care of you. There will be good news after a while. You don't have to worry."

Jia Ke was ecstatic when he heard what Jia Zheng said. For a while, Jia Zheng didn't mention this matter.He was still worried, wondering whether Jia Zheng deliberately suppressed him or forgot.Now that Jia Zheng mentioned it, I feel relieved.

Jia Ke went back to her yard, and when she entered the door, she saw Aunt Zhou sitting on the bed sullenly.Jia Ke went up to ask the reason, and Aunt Zhou said, "It's all because of my incompetence, and you don't live up to it. You see, Brother Zhu, he won the top spot at the age of 14 and won the title of scholar. You are several years older than him." It's been a month, but now it's useless, although I know some martial arts, I don't know if I can get an official job in the future."

Jia Ke's aunt this week is because of this trouble.Don't comfort him and said: "Auntie, don't worry about it, my father has already told me just now. He has already taken care of me, and I think there will be an official for me soon."

Aunt Zhou said in surprise: "But it's true? Your father really said so?"

Jia Ke smiled and said, "I have the guts to tell my father's lies. What my father said to me in the study just now, there must be no falsehood."

Aunt Zhou was putting it away calmly, and happily went out to talk to Aunt Zhao. She said she was going to talk to Aunt Zhao, but she was actually showing off with Aunt Zhao.

Besides, Jia Zhu went into the inner house and went straight to Mrs. Wang's room.Mrs. Wang was already sitting in the main room waiting for him, and when she saw him coming in, she was about to get up.Jia Zhu hurried forward to support Mrs. Wang and let him sit down on the bed.

Mrs. Wang sat on the bed, holding Jia Zhu's hand.Seriously looking at it, the more I look at it, the more I love it, and I feel that my son is good at everything.Jia Zhu blushed when she saw it, full of embarrassment.

Jia Zhu said awkwardly to Mrs. Wang: "Mother's son won the first place this time. Fortunately, thanks to mother's help, otherwise there would be no such great improvement in studies."

Mrs. Wang looked at him and said, "I am your mother, who else can I help if I don't help you? Now that you are a scholar, you can be a little more relaxed. It is better to take less medicine."

Jia Zhu didn't take Mrs. Wang's words seriously, but she still promised her: "What mother said is that my son must control the amount of medicine in the future and take as little as possible."

Mrs. Wang felt at ease now, because his elder brother Wang Ziteng bought the medicine from overseas through his relationship. He only said that it is okay to take it in small amounts, but if it is taken in excess for a long time, there will be great hidden dangers.Therefore, Mrs. Wang did not give Jia Zhu much medicine each time.

Just now when Jia Ke asked someone to come in to get the medicine, she was very worried, but now that Jia Zhu is fine, she feels relieved.

It's just that she couldn't guess that Jia Zhu had been taking the medicine for too long, and she couldn't do without the medicine, and even her xinxing had changed.It is believed that as long as there is this magic medicine, he will become a prosperous and prosperous, and he can only be an official and a butcher in his hands.How can I still listen to her words.

After Jia Zhu announced the good news to Mrs. Wang, she went to the back house to announce the good news to Jia Mu.Jia's mother didn't know the reason, but she only said that he was talented and intelligent, and he was the head of the county's case at a young age, and he was selected as a scholar.Happy to give rewards again and again, and also passed an order that all the monthly money for this month will be doubled, so that everyone in the Hefu can have a good time.

In the next few days, the Rongguo Mansion hosted a big banquet for guests, including four kings and eight princes, old relatives and close friends.Since Jia Zheng was impatient with common affairs, this matter was handled by Jia Zhen of Ningguo Mansion. This Jia Zhen entertained guests and sang operas.The future is limitless.

At Jia's mother's place, it wasn't that a noble lady came to ask whether Jia Zhu was a relative, but if there was a suitable candidate.Mother Jia knew this well, so she reasoned that she was too old to be the master of her son.This matter has to be discussed with Jia Zheng.

These days, Jia Zhu is proud of the horseshoe disease in the spring breeze, and he can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.Not only in ethnology, he is admired by all the students, but even people from inside and outside the capital visit him from time to time.The heads of the rich and powerful mansions in the capital all believed that the next generation of Rongguo Mansion would be able to prosper for at least a few decades with Jia Zhu around.They were all envious of Rongguo Mansion having an heir like Jia Zhu.

But Jia Ke was in the dark, watching him silently, watching him build a tall building, watching him entertain guests, watching his building collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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