The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 605 Jia Mansion Zhang Jing

Chapter 605 Jia Mansion Returns to Beijing
So Wang An quickly ordered the gate to be opened, and the vehicles of Rongguo Mansion entered the inner house directly along the gate.

Then there was a meal arrangement, and finally Mother Jia and the others were able to get off the vehicle and take a rest again.

After everyone made arrangements, Mother Jia ordered the dinner to begin.

This matter naturally fell on Wang Xifeng, and Wang Xifeng was always very willing to do these mundane matters.

Soon under Wang Xifeng's help, a table of delicious food was served.

Mother Jia brought Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing to the dining table and just sat down firmly, Wang Xifeng smiled and said to Mother Jia: "The old lady eats what's left, after all, it can't be compared with our house, but you can eat something fresh." .”

Mother Jia nodded and began to eat under the service of Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Xing.

After everyone had eaten, Mother Jia said that she was tired and asked them to go back to rest.

In the front, Wang An, the magistrate, was entertaining Jia Zheng, Jia She, and Jia Zhen, the three heads of the Jia family.

If Jia Zheng was still a bit reserved, the other two didn't think so. They accepted all the compliments from Wang An.Fortunately, these two people are still a little sensible, and they didn't make an official appointment to make a wish, otherwise Jia Ke would have to clean up the mess for them.

Not to mention that they had a feast here, but Jia Ke received the news that night that the people from the Rongguo Mansion had arrived in Baoding, and hurriedly ordered Li Deshan to prepare to go out of Beijing to meet the people from the Rongguo Mansion.

Li Deshan got an errand, so naturally he didn't dare to neglect, he immediately ordered his eunuchs to carry out all the luanjias from the palace, and prepared for Jia Ke to go out.

Not to mention that, he immediately sent a message to the people in command of the infantry in the yamen, telling them to prepare for the day when clear water was poured on the street and the road was paved with loess, so that the people from Jia's mansion could return to Beijing.

On the third day, Jia Ke got up early from the Hall of Mental Cultivation. After taking a bath and changing clothes, she put on the boa robe and the crown under Li Deshan's service.

Then he drove out of the palace in a luan, surrounded by guards of the Imperial Army, covering the street.

The common people are also watching from a distance on both sides of the road.

Most of the common people just watched the excitement. After all, Jia Ke's trip this time was not a small one, and it was almost the same as the emperor going out of the palace. Such a new thing was rarely seen in a lifetime.

But some old scholars couldn't understand Jia Ke's ostentation, and there was a lot of discussion there.

"This Jia Ke is becoming less and less like a courtier."

Another person shook his head and said, "I heard that the emperor has been imprisoned again."

"What a traitor, I think it's better for us to go to the gate of the palace together and let him return to the emperor."

And the person next to him, although he complained a few times, he still knew the seriousness of it. When he heard this person say such words, he immediately took a few steps to the side, as if he was afraid of being contaminated.

And when the speaker saw the look of the old man next to him, he also rubbed his nose and remained silent, which meant that he knew that his words were a little reckless.

Besides, Jia Ke's Luanjia drove out of the west gate along the avenue, and then stopped at a long pavilion ten miles away from Xizhi gate.

Jia Ke was waiting on the Luanjia, and after about two hours, he came back from exploring the horses and reported that it was the Jia family's convoy, which was less than three miles away.

At this time, Jia Ke got off the Luanjia, and with the support of Li Deshan, she came down to the edge of the road, waiting for the vehicles of Jia Mu and Jia Zheng to arrive.

After about another stick of incense, there was the faint sound of vehicles coming from ahead. Jia Ke looked up and saw dozens of large vehicles coming up ahead, each of which was ornately decorated, but looking at it It's all dusty, and I know it's a long way to go.

The convoy saw Jia Ke and others parked by the side of the road, and also stopped near Jia Ke.

Seeing the car stop, Jia Ke hurriedly said, "Unfilial to grandson, King of Yan Jia Ke, welcome the old lady back to Beijing."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, the people on the motorcade hastily sent a message to Jia's mother.

After a while, a big car overtook other cars and came to Jia Ke's side.

Then the car curtain began to chat, and Jia Mu was sitting inside.

Seeing Jia Ke kneeling by the side of the road, Mother Jia hurriedly ordered her maids to help Jia Ke up, and then said, "You are so busy, why do you still come to welcome me?"

Jia Ke said with a smile: "The matter of the sky is not as big as the matter of welcoming the old lady. Even if the sky falls, he has to let him go and wait for the old lady to return to Beijing."

Jia's mother looked at the grandson in front of her, and she was pleasing to the eye no matter how she looked at it. Over the years, Jia's mansion has become more and more prosperous because of him, and it seems that it will become the first in the world.

"Well, you hozen, you'll make my old lady happy."

While they were talking, Jia Zheng and Jia Amnesty also came over.

Jia Ke hastily saluted the two of them again.

Mother Jia saw that this was on the road and not a place to talk, so she hurriedly ordered: "This is not a place to talk, let's go back to the house first, it's not too late to talk."

So Jia Ke hurriedly ordered the convoy to move forward again, and Jia Ke also got on the Luanjia and followed behind the convoy.

So this pair of people walked straight into the capital from the west gate, and then re-arrived on Ningrong Street just like that.

When Jiamu returned to Ningrong Street and looked at this familiar scene, she felt warmer. She has lived here almost all her life, and she really misses this trip.

At this time, the gate of Rongguo Mansion had been opened, and Mother Jia's convoy arrived at the gate of Rongguo Mansion. Mother Jia lifted the curtain and looked around, and saw that there were many stones and timber piled up in front of Duke Yan's Mansion.

So he asked someone to stop the car and asked the person next to him, "What's the matter? Isn't the mansion just repaired? Why is it breaking ground now?"

At this time Yuanyang had already arrived at Jia Mu's car, and now hearing Jia Mu's question, she hurriedly gave the little maid next to her a wink, and soon the little girl disappeared, and ran back in a hurry, Said a few words in Yuanyang's ear.

After hearing this, Yuanyang came to Jiamu's car and said, "Go back to the old lady, didn't our uncle be promoted to the king of Yan? The mansion was originally only the size of a marquis, but it was slightly changed later, and there was no major ground breaking. It does not match the identity of King Yan, so the Ministry of Industry will rebuild it again."

Mother Jia nodded after hearing this, and then lowered the curtains.

The convoy started to move forward again, and when it entered the second gate of Rongguo Mansion, a small sedan stopped beside it.

Yuanyang helped Jiamu get out of the car, and then Jiamu got into the sedan chair. The group walked forward for a while and came back to the courtyard where Jiamu lived.

Jia Mu just got out of the sedan chair, and was supported by Yuanyang into her main room.

Mother Jia returned to the familiar room, sat down on the kang in the main room, looked at the familiar room, and felt so at ease.

At this time, Yuanyang came to report again, saying that Jia Zheng and Jia She were waiting outside with the younger generation, and they wanted to come in to kowtow to the old lady.

Mother Jia nodded and agreed.

Then the door curtain opened, and Jia Zheng led the people of Jia's mansion into the lobby, knelt down in front of Jia's mother and kowtowed to her.

Jia's mother sat in the center and looked down and knelt down. The dark area was full of young people from the Jia family.I feel very honored, which is also a sign of the prosperity of the Jia Mansion.

"Get up."

Mother Jia gave an order, and these talents stood up again.

Next, Mother Jia looked at Jia Ke and waved to him.

Jia Ke hurriedly came to Mother Jia and said with a smile, "What orders does the old lady have?"

Mother Jia stretched out her hand to pull Jia Ke to sit next to her, "When I came in just now, I saw that your house has started construction. Where do you live?"

After hearing this, Jia Ke replied with a smile: "For a while, I will live in the Hall of Mental Cultivation and the Palace of Qianqing."

Mother Jia's eyes lit up when she heard this, and she said, "Since that's the case, since you don't have anyone to serve you, then let Keqing and the others go into the palace, so you can have someone to take care of you."

Jia Ke thought about it for a while and felt that it was nothing. Anyway, the story of her overnight stay in the palace had already spread throughout the world. If she took her family in to live there for a period of time, there would be no more rumors.

Now that Jia Ke had figured it out, she said to Mother Jia: "The old lady is more thoughtful, so let them live in the palace with me today so that they can take care of my life."

Mother Jia nodded after hearing this, and then said to the people below: "Everyone is tired these days, so let's go back and rest."

So everyone left, and Jiamu went back to her room to rest.

And Jia Ke came out of Jiamu's courtyard, watching Qin Keqing waiting with Shi Xiangyun and three other concubines.

Qin Keqing saw Jia Ke approaching, and hurriedly gave Jia Ke a blessing, and then said with a smile: "Master, this time is good."

With a smile all over her face, Jia Ke grabbed Qin Keqing's hand and said, "Everything is fine, but you're not here, so I'm a little flustered."

Qin Keqing blushed when she heard this.

At this time, Shi Xiangyun came to Jia Ke's side first, grabbed his other arm and asked, "Master, shall we live in the palace today?"

Judging by her eager expression, it seems that she is very yearning for living in the palace.

"Of course, you should prepare some luggage and take your maids with you. Let's go to the palace right away and enjoy the treatment of the emperor Lao Tzu."

As soon as Jia Ke finished giving the order, everyone below cheered together.

Not long after they were ready, Jia Ke went to Jia Zheng's place to bid farewell to Jia Zheng, and then took his wife and children in a luan car, entered the palace, and came to the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

As soon as Jia Ke got off the Luanjia, a group of eunuchs immediately surrounded him to serve him.

But Li Deshan looked at the people surrounding him, hurriedly drove them away, and then helped Jia Ke down from Luanjia himself.

After Jia Ke got off, he ordered his eunuchs to help Qin Keqing and the others out of the car.

Qin Keqing and others got out of the cart and looked carefully, only to see a piece of resplendent and magnificent building, which was indescribably magnificent.

And it was the first time for Shi Xiangyun to come to such a place. Regardless of the non-stop tugging and tugging by her maidservant Cuiyu, she jumped up and down in the Hall of Mental Cultivation to observe left and right. She was very curious about everything, and finally even sat down. On the throne in the main hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he pretended to look down.

(End of this chapter)

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