The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 606 Family Dinner

Chapter 606 Family Dinner
Jia Ke has always been very indulgent towards the young Shi Xiangyun, and she didn't feel any annoyance when she saw him like this, instead she smiled and watched her messing around.

In the end, Qin Keqing couldn't stand it anymore, and went up to drag Shi Xiangyun down.

Qin Keqing was afraid that Shi Xiangyun would continue to mess around here, so she hurriedly asked Li Deshan next to her, "Where do we live?"

Li Deshan hesitated after hearing this. He glanced at Jia Ke, not knowing what to say.

Jia Ke thought for a while and said directly: "The Hall of Mental Cultivation is a bit inconvenient, you go to live in Qianqing Palace."

Li Deshan nodded quickly when he heard this, and then recruited a few eunuchs and asked them to go to the Qianqing Palace to clean up quickly.

Then Qin Keqing took Shi Xiangyun and three concubines to Qianqing Palace surrounded by the little eunuch.

When they came to Qianqing Palace in a soft sedan chair, there was already a large crowd of people kneeling here.

These people had already got the news that Jia Ke's family members were coming to live in Qianqing Palace, so these court ladies and eunuchs naturally rushed out to welcome their new master.

When Qin Keqing was young, after all, she had received some education, so she could handle it well, but Shi Xiangyun and the three concubines behind her couldn't do it.

Although Shi Xiangyun and the others were at a loss, the court ladies and eunuchs who served them did not dare to show any mocking expressions.

When they entered the Qianqing Palace, Li Deshan quickly ordered someone to arrange side halls for them to rest.

When Qin Keqing and others were looking at this splendid palace in Qianqing Palace, a eunuch hurried in from below and knelt down in front of Qin Keqing.

"The slave has something to report to the princess."

Qin Keqing is already somewhat used to this kind of thing.

"Tell me something."

"If you go back to the princess, the two new masters outside will come over to greet the princess."

Qin Keqing's expression changed upon hearing this, he never expected that Jia Ke would have a new love during the time they parted.

But as Jia Ke's main wife, she can't feel any jealousy about this kind of thing.

"Call them in, I want to see what kind of beauties they are."

The little eunuch got the order and immediately bowed out of the main hall of Qianqing Palace.

After a while, he brought in two delicate beauties.

Qin Keqing sat on the top and looked down carefully, only to see these two women, graceful and graceful, like a spring breeze blowing willows.

When the two women came to Qin Keqing, they knelt down together, "Slaves Shao Yuan, Liu Xuan, have seen the princess."

Qin Keqing didn't make things difficult for them, seeing that they saluted, she asked them to stand up.

"When did you serve the prince?"

Shao Yuan and Liu Xuan glanced at each other, and then Shao Yuan said: "The prince has no one to serve him after he returns to the capital, so Eunuch Li ordered the two of us to serve the prince temporarily."

Qin Keqing nodded expressionlessly after listening, and then said: "From now on, you must serve the prince well, and don't be presumptuous."

The two knew that Qin Keqing had recognized their identities, so they were naturally full of joy. They knelt down and kowtowed to Qin Keqing once again. Once again, Qin Keqing sat in the middle and received their three bows steadily before letting them get up.

After sending the two of them away, Qin Keqing asked an eunuch next to her, "Your lord, have you only been lucky with these two women during this time?"

As soon as the eunuch heard Qin Keqing's inquiry about Jia Ke, he immediately kept silent. He still knew what he could say and what he couldn't say.

Qin Keqing immediately understood what was going on.

"Pass down my orders and bring the other women here too."

The eunuch had no choice but to go out to pass on the message, and after a while, he brought a woman with a graceful figure who looked like Xiaojiabiyu into the hall.

As soon as the woman entered the hall and saw Qin Keqing, she immediately knelt down on the ground with a plop, climbed a few steps forward, and then said with a sob: "Slave Ailian, kowtow to the princess."

It turned out that this Ailian was thrown aside by Jia Ke after being favored by Jia Ke for a night, thinking that this would be the case in this life.

Unexpectedly, the eunuch just came to say that the princess wanted to see her, so he naturally understood what the princess meant, and knew that he still had another chance to be promoted, so he was naturally very grateful to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing nodded, that's what she wanted.

"Get up."

Qin Keqing gave an order, and several eunuchs nearby hurried over to help Ailian up.

"My lord has been busy with state affairs and forgot you for a while, so don't hold any resentment." Yin Keqing said a few words of comfort to Ailian.

Ailian is naturally submissive, now that she can return to Jia Ke's side, even if she is a concubine, she is satisfied.

Qin Keqing then ordered the eunuchs to prepare a room for Ailian as well, acknowledging that she was Jia Ke's concubine.

When Qin Keqing sent all these women away, she breathed a sigh of relief, finally taking care of Jia Ke's funeral.

After Jia Ke finished handling government affairs in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, he returned to Qianqing Palace to reunite with Qin Keqing and others.

Jia Ke met Qin Keqing and the others in a side hall where the emperor held a family banquet. When Jia Ke arrived, Qin Keqing and the others had already arrived ahead of schedule. The hostesses were fine, but the two children were on the ground. Run around, touch there to see the inexplicable novelty here.

These two children are followed by two eunuchs, wherever the child goes, the two eunuchs will follow behind, fearing that something will happen to the two little ancestors.

Seeing that the two eunuchs were doing their best, Jia Ke smiled and said to Qin Keqing, "I think these two servants are fine, why don't you just keep them by your side to serve the two children."

Qin Keqing and Qiaolian quickly thanked Jia Ke after hearing this.

Next, Jia Ke sat in the front seat, and asked the living room and Shi Xiangyun to accompany her on both sides, and then came the three concubines Lan Xiang, Qiao Lian and Chun Cao.

But standing below them were Shao Yuan, Liu Xuan, and Ailian.

Jia Ke glanced at the three of them, then at Qin Keqing and said, "Why are the three of them here?"

Qin Keqing said with a smile: "At any rate, they have served the prince for a while, so it is reasonable for them to participate in such a family banquet."

After hearing this, Jia Ke was quite satisfied. He didn't hear any dissatisfaction in Qin Keqing's tone, so he smiled and said to the three women standing below: "Since the princess said so, you can sit down."

The three of them were naturally happy to hear that, and from then on, the three of them officially became Jia Ke's concubines, so they saluted Jia Ke and Qin Keqing before they dared to sit down under Chuncao and the others.

They ate at the top, and Li Deshan hurriedly ordered the dancers in the palace to start playing, playing and singing to cheer them up.

It was already late at night after this dinner, and then Jia Ke rested at Qin Keqing's place, and the day was over.

The next morning, Jia Ke went back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation and began to deal with official duties without mentioning it.

Besides, Mrs. Wang in the Rongguo Mansion didn't close her eyes all night when she came back yesterday. She saw Jia Ke's current glory, which could not be compared with her two children.

In the early morning of the second day, Mrs. Wang had just finished packing up, when a person came in to spread the word, saying that it was Jia Yuanchun from the palace who had sent someone to deliver the message.

Mrs. Wang recruited people in, and after asking, she found out that Jia Yuanchun already knew that Jia's mansion and others had returned to the capital, so she couldn't wait to let Mrs. Wang come to the palace to meet her.

After Mrs. Wang heard this, she was silent for a while. She naturally knew the reason for looking for her, but after all, it was her own daughter and she couldn't ignore it.

So Mrs. Wang could only send this person away, then tidy up and go to Jiamu's place to say hello to her before entering the palace.

Mrs. Wang came to the middle of Jiamu's house and greeted Jiamu. After the greetings were over, Mrs. Wang said like Jiamu: "Old lady, we have never been in the palace to see the concubine Xiande in this period of time. I heard that The palace has been really dangerous for a while, I am a little worried, I want to go to the palace to visit, but I don't know if the old lady will allow it."

Who is Jia Mu?As soon as Mrs. Wang said this, she understood what Mrs. Wang meant. This was entering the palace but wanted to discuss the future with Jia Yuanchun.

Although Jia's mother understood, she didn't say it out loud, thinking in her heart, you just negotiated with Jia Yuanchun for a flower, and if my elder brother and I disagree, you are in vain.

So Jia Mu and I agreed to Mrs. Wang's request.

When Mrs. Wang saw that Jiamu agreed, she couldn't help but be overjoyed. After she came out from Jiamu's place, she ordered her people to prepare a vehicle for her.

Mrs. Wang arrived at the gate of the palace in a car, but she was naturally stopped by the guards in front of the gate. After Mrs. Wang revealed her identity, the guards knew that they were from the Rongguo Mansion. report.

The little eunuch first went to the gate of the palace to check the news. After confirming that it was Mrs. Wang who wanted to see the virtuous concubine, she hurriedly sent someone to report it inside.

Originally, the family members of the concubines in the harem wanted to report to the empress first if they wanted to see them. The queen agreed, and only the family members of the harem could enter the palace.

Now the queen has been poisoned by Jia Yuanchun, the harem has no owner, and the emperor is a puppet, unable to be the master, so they can only go to Qianqing Palace to report to Qin Keqing.

Qin Keqing was talking to Shi Xiangyun in Qianqing Palace, teasing Jia Zhi, when suddenly someone from below reported that Mrs. Wang wanted to go to the palace to see Jia Yuanchun.

Qin Keqing thought for a while, and then ordered someone to go to Dongnuange to ask Jia Ke for advice.

After about a stick of incense, the little eunuch came back and said that Jia Ke had agreed with Mrs. Wang to go to the palace to see Jia Yuanchun.

Only then did Qin Keqing and Jia Qing tell the people below to let Mrs. Wang enter the palace.

Since Mrs. Wang is Jia Ke's aunt, Qin Keqing didn't dare to be negligent, so she went out of the Qianqing Palace in a soft sedan chair and waited outside the Qianqing Gate.

Mrs. Wang saw Qin Keqing in the sedan chair, and said with a smile: "They are all from my own family, and you need to pick them up."

Although Mrs. Wang said so, her eyes were full of jealousy. Now that Qin Keqing lives in the Qianqing Palace, she can almost be said to be in charge of the affairs of the palace. She is almost no different from the queen. Just think about it. People are jealous.

Qin Keqing didn't dare to be negligent and went up to laugh with her and said, "There's no such reason, I will naturally go out to meet my mother when she comes."

Mrs. Wang originally wanted to discuss something with Jia Yuanchun this time, but naturally she didn't want Qin Keqing to follow her, so she said, "You have something to do, you don't need to accompany me, just let the little eunuch lead me the way."

After hearing this, Qin Keqing could only agree, and then sent a young eunuch to lead Mrs. Wang, and returned to Qianqing Palace by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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