Chapter 62
But it is said that two real people sent the stubborn stone into Mrs. Wang's belly.He was about to leave this place in the air, but was suddenly blocked by the colorful air in front of him.Can't help being shocked, the Taoist watched with his eyes, and saw the colorful rays of light rising into the sky in front of him, forming an umbrella cover, blocking their cloud path.

The Taoist was surprised and said to the monk: "I wonder if there is any noble person here?"

The monk was also surprised, and replied to the Taoist priest, "Don't be alarmed, Daoist brother, wait for me to open my eyes to see him." As he spoke, his eyes shone with golden light, and he looked in the direction of the colorful clouds, only to see a young man standing there, with an ordinary appearance. , but also heroic.There is a faint red flame on his body, and he can feel the powerful blood and masculinity.

The monk was shocked, what kind of person is this, he has such luck, and has martial arts to reach the realm of immortality, but his past and future cannot be clearly seen.

The monk didn't give up, and looked forward again with his wise eyes. This time, what he saw in his eyes didn't have any red light or colorful luck.He only saw the infinite mystery, surrounded by him, and he was attracted in without realizing it. All the thoughts in his heart were to merge into this mystery and become one with it.

At this critical moment, a slap on the forehead was suddenly heard, and someone shouted: "Brother Dao hasn't woken up yet, when will it be?"

The monk shivered cleverly, woke up from this wonderful realization, and his spirit returned to his place.Although the monk woke up, he was covered in sweat from head to toe.If the Taoist priest hadn't slapped him awake just now, he would have been integrated into the mystery now.Even if he wakes up, he will still damage a lot of cultivation base.

The Taoist asked next to him: "Brother Dao, what did you see just now? Why is your mind unstable and you want to escape from your body?"

Just as the monk was about to explain it to the Taoist priest, he felt the mystery coiling around him again.Only then did the monk know that this is the way of heaven, and if he is a little careless, he will be punished by heaven.

The monk was silent for a moment, and then said to the Taoist mysteriously: "Buddha said, don't say it, don't say it." But he was thinking in his heart that this time, let the stubborn stone travel around the world, and a group of romantic ghosts arranged by the policeman fairy will come forward. The origin is robbery.But I didn't want such a thing to happen. In the end, I am afraid that all arrangements will come to naught.But he didn't dare to stop it. I'm afraid it was arranged by the way of heaven.My family can only push the boat forward. As for the future, as long as I take care of myself, I don't care about other things.

When the Taoist saw the monk, he didn't say anything, and he didn't ask any more questions.But I was very troubled in my heart. I thought I was just taking advantage of the trend to send the stubborn stone to the world to travel, but unexpectedly encountered an accident again.Just now, the monk just glanced at the young man, and his cultivation was almost ruined.Now he dare not cast spells on that boy at will.I thought it was a family with declining luck, but I never thought that his family has such a lucky person today. The colorful clouds just now are clearly the Qi of the Son of Heaven, and the stubborn stone has traveled in his house. I am afraid that it will be deceived by then. Wisdom, infected by the world of mortals, can no longer come out.

But the matter has come to this point, the monk is not going to take care of it, and he must not cause trouble.The monk saw the truth just now, as long as he listened to his arrangement.Thinking about the friendship of thousands of years of friendship, I don't know how to calculate myself.

So the two real people, each with their own concerns, bypassed the colorful aura on Jia Ke's head and went to Fairy Jinghuan.

Besides, Mrs. Wang gave birth.Wen Po's baby bag was strong, and she went out to show Jia Zheng.And Jia Yuanchun also took the gem and went out with him to Jia Zheng's office.

Jia Zheng had been waiting in the house for a long time. Seeing that Mrs. Wen brought the child, she immediately stepped forward to watch.Seeing Jia Zheng, the Wen woman hurriedly congratulated and said: "Congratulations, master, congratulations to master, the wife gave birth to a son for the master, and now the mother and child are safe. The wife asked me to take the son out for the master to see."

Jia Zheng hurried forward, and Mrs. Wen opened the package, revealing the baby's small face.Jia Zheng was overjoyed to see the baby, but thought that Mother Jia was still there, so don't let Granny Wen take the baby to Mother Jia and let her watch.

This is Jia Yuanchun coming from the side, took out a piece of beautiful jade from his arms, handed it to Jia Zheng with both hands, and said, "Father, this is a piece of beautiful jade that my younger brother was holding in his mouth when he was just born. My mother asked me to show it to my father." .”

Jia Zheng was quite surprised when he heard her words.Take the little jade from Jia Yuanchun.Look carefully, it is really beautiful, with auspicious words on it.Immediately asked happily: "It really came out of the child's mouth?"

Jia Yuanchun replied affirmatively: "There is absolutely no falsehood, I have seen it with my own eyes."

Jia Zheng immediately smiled and said happily: "If it is true, it is a great fortune. This child must have a lot of background. My hometown is also lucky, and it can be auspicious."

Speaking of Jia Mu, Wen Po brought the child over to watch with her. She looked at her grandson's small eyebrows and liked it very much. She took the child from Wen Po's hand and held it like a treasure in her arms.When I was rejoicing, when I heard Jia Zheng and Jia Yuanchun's conversation, I felt ecstasy at first, and then I felt a chill from the soles of my feet to my forehead.The movement of holding the child in his hands also froze.

When Jia Mu looked at the child again, she was no longer as cute as before. She felt that what she was holding was a man-eating demon.

When Jia's mother heard Jia Zheng say that the child was Xiangrui, she almost slapped him in the face.Is this kind of auspiciousness something ordinary people can have?This is not auspicious, it is clearly a disaster.

Looking at the child in his arms, he was disgusted for a while, and handed the child to Mrs. Wen next to him with no expression on his face, and asked her to carry it back to Mrs. Wang.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.Mother Jia was already angry, but she was even more furious when she heard these words.Angrily asked: "What's going on outside? I don't know if Second Mistress is giving birth?"

The little girl next to her hurried out to inquire about the situation, and came back to report to Mother Jia in a short while: "Congratulations to the old lady, the servants outside heard that the lady gave birth to auspicious luck, so they all came to congratulate the old lady."

After hearing her words, Jia's mother felt that the veins on her forehead were popping out.But with a smile on his face, he said to the little girl: "Let's just say this is a big happy event for the whole house. This month's monthly money will be doubled. And everyone will be given ten catties of rice and two catties of meat so that everyone will be happy." .”

After Jia Mu gave her orders, she said she was tired.Then he went back to his room in the backyard.Walking out of Mrs. Wang's courtyard gate, she called a caring old nanny to her.He gave her a secret order and left.

Besides, when the child was carried back to Mrs. Wang, although Mrs. Wang's face was pale, there was still joy in her face.

But he said that the old mother secretly came to Aunt Zhou's yard.Seeing Jia Ke standing silently in the yard, his face was gloomy.

Then he coughed, waking Jia Ke up.Seeing that it was the old nanny in front of Mother Jia, Jia Ke immediately said with a smile, "What's the matter with nanny coming to my place?"

The old nanny smiled and said to Jia Ke: "The old lady hasn't seen you for a long time, so don't worry about it. Let me invite the young master to come over and talk."

Jia Ke said to the old nanny, "Mammy, please report to the old lady. I'll tidy up and I'll be there right away."

The old mother said good-bye and left.Jia Ke stood in the courtyard for a while, thinking about the cause and effect of this matter.I think it should be Mother Jia who noticed something was wrong, so she wanted to discuss it with someone, but why not someone else, but him?This made him very puzzled.

But he went back to the house, changed clothes, and went to the old lady's courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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