Chapter 63
Jia Ke came to the old lady's courtyard, and saw that the courtyard was not as lively as usual, it was deserted and deserted.

Jia Ke had no one to inform him, so he went to the door and said to the door: "Grandson Jia Ke came to visit grandma, I wonder if grandma will give me a visit."

Then I heard Jia Mu's voice in the house saying: "Since the eldest brother is here, come in. Why are you polite?"

Only then did Jia Ke lift the curtain and enter the house.After entering the door, I saw Jia Mu lying on the bed.His face was covered with clouds, and the veins on his head were throbbing.Not at all like someone who just had a baby grandson.

Jia Ke came to Jia Mu's bed and kowtowed to him.Mother Jia rubbed her brows with her hands, and said weakly, "There's no need to be polite, just sit down by my bed."

Jia Ke obediently came to the bed and sat down.

Mother Jia closed her eyes on the bed, and said softly: "Your mother gave birth to a boy today. When the grass fell, there was a piece of jade in his mouth, and there were some auspicious words on it. Everyone said it was auspicious, what do you think?"

Jia Ke quickly replied with a smile: "Congratulations to the old lady, grandson. With such auspiciousness, it is a great blessing for our family to be born into our Jia family."

Jiamu opened her eyes suddenly, stared at him and said, "You really think so?"

Jia Ke looked into Jia Mu's eyes and said sincerely, "Yes, that's what my grandson thinks."

Jia Mu said disappointedly: "Since you think so, what do you think should be done?"

Jia Ke smiled and said to Jia Mu: "My younger brother was born with auspiciousness. This is not something ordinary people can have. Only the old lady can bear such a great blessing. Why don't you take him to the old lady to raise him?" In the future, the old ladies will pamper him a bit, and no one else will say anything."

Mother Jia was completely disappointed in Jia Ke, and said to him with dim eyes, "Go out, I have my own reasons."

Jia Ke got up quickly, saluted Jia Mu and left.But I was thinking about Jia Mu in my heart, wondering if I could guess the mystery of what he just said.

When Jia Mu saw Jia Ke leaving, she didn't look at him again.She had high hopes for this grandson, but she didn't expect to be so short-sighted, and he was no different from those ordinary people.

Mother Jia was thinking about today's affairs in bed, and the more she thought about it, the more troubled she became. She didn't know how to explain to the outside world, especially how to explain to the royal family. She couldn't help but think of the conversation with Jia Ke just now. "Take him to the old lady", "The old lady dotes on him too much".

All of a sudden, Jia Mu suddenly realized that she already understood what to do.In the current situation, we can only do the opposite. Instead of hiding it, we have to show it off and put this child on the bright side for everyone to see.Only in this way can the royal family rest assured.

Thinking about what Jia Ke said to him just now, I couldn't help but feel chills running down my back. His grandson is really scheming.Although he did it for the Jia family, why not for himself.

The few words just now pushed a newborn baby out as a target, while he himself hid behind and acted in secret.

It was those few words again, strangling a threatening younger brother in the tenderness.It really deserves to be a big event in the future.

A burst of joy rose in Jia's mother's heart. This is the heir she wanted. Only such a person can bring the Jia family back to glory in the future.It seems that God still favors the Jia family.

The next day, Mother Jia wanted to show her love for the grandson.A large number of medicinal materials and treasures have been bestowed.

Since then, regardless of his old age and frailty, he has insisted on visiting this grandson every day.Everyone in the house knows now.The old lady loved her grandson to the bottom of her heart.

Originally, Jia Zheng wanted to give this child a name that conformed to the rules and was satisfactory.

But Jia Mu resisted all opinions and insisted on naming the child Jia Baoyu.

Because Jia Mu is the oldest and the oldest, with the highest seniority.The crowd couldn't help her, so they started yelling like this after thinking about it.When he grows up, give him an official name.

And one month later, Mrs. Wang's full moon, Jia's family held a grand full moon wine for Jia Baoyu, and invited everyone they could.And he gave porridge outside for seven days to pray for Jia Baoyu.

When Mrs. Wang appeared in front of everyone with Jia Baoyu in her arms, she would take out that piece of jade from time to time for everyone to see?People were amazed when they saw it. They never thought that someone would be born with jade in their mouth. They all said that Jia Baoyu had a history.

On the second day of the full moon, Mother Jia discussed with Jia Zheng that Baoyu should be raised by her side on the grounds that she could not do without Baoyu.

Jia Zheng was extremely filial to his mother, and his mother's request was not too much, it was just that the old man loved his grandson and was reluctant to part with him.

That night, Jia Zheng discussed with Mrs. Wang.Ask her to send Baoyu to Jia Mu, Madam Wang is not willing to give birth to this Baoyu, not to mention that this child has a history and will definitely have great promise in the future.

So Mrs. Wang made a big fuss with Jia Zheng, which made Jia Zheng furious. He scolded her for not being filial, and said that the family did not send the child to the old lady to be raised. Mrs. Wang didn't say a word.

The next day, Jia Baoyu was sent to Jia's mother to be raised.Mrs. Wang was so heartbroken watching the child being sent away that she couldn't make a sound from crying.

It was Jia Yuanchun who came to comfort her and said: "Mother, don't worry too much, I am also growing up with the old lady now. Baoyu will be sent to the old lady, and I will definitely take good care of my mother."

Only then did Mrs. Wang feel a little comforted, and said to Jia Yuanchun: "Your brother left his mother at such a young age. At the old lady's place, you are the only one who knows what's cold and what's hot. Your brother depends entirely on you."

Jia Yuanchun agreed with tears in her eyes. In fact, she also felt that the old lady was a little unreasonable.But the old lady is the god of the Jia family, and she can't have any objections.

So Jia Baoyu was carried to Jiamu's place, and Jiamu arranged Jia Baoyu in the green gauze cabinet, and immediately invited several nurses to breastfeed Baoyu in turn.And specially arranged for four or five servant girls to take care of Baoyu day and night.You also have time, don't hold Baoyu in front of you.Not for a moment to leave.

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Wang was relieved.And Jia Zheng took this matter to Mrs. Wang whenever he had a chance, saying how much his mother loved Baoyu, and her previous worries were completely groundless.

And Mrs. Wang gradually began to be convinced of Jiamu, and went to Jiamu's place to see Baoyu from time to time.Every time I see Baoyu, she is white and fat, very cute.The servants took good care of her, and Jia Yuanchun was there to help her own daughter.Don't worry.Although there were still some complaints, they faded away.

Jia's mother's love for Jia Baoyu caused great waves in Jia's mansion.

But for Jia Ke, there is no need to worry at all, because he is a concubine and does not have much inheritance right to the Jia family.

What is really worrying now is Jia Zhu, who was just now a scholar.The whole family regards it as the heir of the Jia family.And he himself considers himself an heir.

But now there is an extra Jia Baoyu, who was born with auspiciousness, and Jia Mu's love for him is obvious to all.So Jia Zhu is getting more and more gloomy now, but the pressure has also brought him motivation, and he studies more diligently every day.Every day, I get up at five o'clock and climb to midnight, studying day and night.Prepare to pass the exam as soon as possible to stabilize your position.

When Jia Zheng saw Jia Zhu, he studied day and night. Instead of stopping him, he often encouraged him.

Only Mrs. Wang looked at Jia Zhu's appearance and was always worried.To be honest, although Mrs. Wang also loves Jia Baoyu, she raised Jia Zhu herself and taught him for more than ten years.In terms of feelings, Jia Zhu surpassed Jia Baoyu.Seeing Jia Zhu's appearance, Mrs. Wang often went to persuade him not to act too hastily.But Jia Zhu was so focused on the imperial examination that she couldn't listen to other words now.On the surface, the promise is very good, but in fact everything remains the same.

Jia Ke watched coldly from the sidelines, fully understanding what Jia Zhu was thinking. Jia Zhu was competing with her newborn younger brother.

Sure enough, it has nothing to do with family affection in front of interests.

(End of this chapter)

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