Chapter 64
Jia Ke waited quietly in Jia's mansion, waiting for his opportunity to come.In early June, his opportunity came.

One day, Jia Ke was practicing martial arts in the teaching field.He rode a fire dragon colt with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, and galloped back and forth in the teaching field.

Jia Ke was in the middle of practicing when he suddenly heard someone yelling from the side of the teaching field: "Master, Master told you to go to the study."

Jia Ke immediately stopped and turned to wait and see.It turned out to be Jia Zheng's servant.Jia Ke came to him, got off his horse, handed the fire dragon colt to the groom who ran over, and followed him with Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand.

When they arrived at Jia Zheng's small study, the servants outside saw Jia Ke coming, and immediately went in to report.

Jia Ke stood Fang Tian's painting halberd in the corner, and went into the small study by herself.In addition to Jia Zheng, there are also four of his clean-up guests in the study.

Jia Ke greeted Jia Zheng, and then stood aside, waiting for Jia Zheng's orders.

While drinking tea, Jia Zheng said slowly, "I have already inquired about your future for you. Now there are two shortages, it depends on which one you want."

Jia Ke asked respectfully, "I don't know which two things my father has prepared for me."

Jia Zheng put down the teacup in his hand, and said to him, "One is Qian Zong, the sixth rank, and the other is Ba Zong, the seventh rank. Which one do you choose?"

Jia Ke thought in his heart that one was at the sixth rank and the other was at the seventh rank. If we compare the two official positions with a lot of difference, there must be a big difference.

Jia Ke asked Jia Zheng patiently, "I don't know what the difference is between these two official positions. I also ask my father to explain my child's doubts."

Jia Zheng then patiently explained to him: "The one who is at the sixth rank is Qianhu from Kaipingwei. The one who is at the seventh rank is the general manager of Xuanfu Town. Kaipingwei is the most border guard. , have to face the harassment of the Tatars in the grasslands. The wars are fought day by day, and the previous Qianhu has been killed in battle for several months, and there is no one to take over. This is the reason. The general manager of Xuanfu Town, due to The town is far from the border, so it is safer. If the children of the aristocratic family practice, most of them choose such a place. I think it is your first time joining the army. It is better for you to start from Xuanfu Town as the general manager."

Jia Ke thought about it, and felt that Mr. Kaiping Weiqian was more suitable for him.Kaipingwei is located at the northernmost end of the border, although it often faces harassment from Tatars.But there are many opportunities to gain military merit and climb up, and he doesn't take this danger seriously.I ask myself that I have Fang Tian's painted halberd, and a fire dragon horse under my crotch. I travel across mountains and rivers like walking on flat ground. Who in the world can get close to me?

So he said to Jia Zheng: "If you have learned martial arts, you should serve the country. You can only hide in the back for the sake of peace. Back then, the two old princes shot arrows and killed the enemy in person. Only then did the Rongguo Mansion come into existence. Today, although the son is not talented, he cannot let the ancestors focus on the former. I would like to go to Kaipingwei to serve thousands of households, serve the country, and bring honor to the family."

Hearing what he said, Jia Zheng felt his blood boil.Standing up from the chair, walked in front of Jia Ke, patted his shoulder, and said with emotion: "My son's ambition is ten times greater than that of his father, and he is the unicorn of my Jia family. From now on, I will have no worries."

Jia Ke bowed and said to Jia Zheng: "I can't bear such praise from my father. I just do my best for the country and family."

Jia Zheng saw that he was not arrogant in the face of praise.He was even more happy, so he said to him: "You have been preparing your luggage at home for the past few days. In a few days, the official order will be sent. Don't delay the trip. If you miss the time, you will be dealt with by military law. Be careful gone."

Jia Ke replied, "There is one more thing. Father asked, whether the soldiers in Xiacao Village can be taken with him to the post?"

Jia Zheng replied, "It's common sense for generals in ancient and modern times to domesticate their own soldiers. You don't have to worry about it. When the time comes, you'll gather your own soldiers to accompany you to take office. If those prostitutes don't obey their orders when you take office, you'll still have people available."

Jia Ke felt relieved, said goodbye and left.

After Jia Ke left, Wang Zuomei, Jia Zheng's guest, said to Jia Zheng, "Dong Weng, the eldest son is still young. Is it a little too hasty to let him go to Kaipingwei?"

Jia Zheng said flatly: "I know my son's martial arts skills, and I also know his ambition. Since he has chosen this path, he cannot back down in any way."

After hearing Jia Zheng's words, the four guests were a little puzzled, not knowing what Jia Zheng meant.But now that Jia Zheng has made a decision.They didn't mention it anymore.

Besides, Jia Ke left Jia Zheng's small study.Picking up Fang Tian's halberd, he went back to his study in the front yard, wrote a letter to the soldiers in Xiacaozhuang, and then asked someone to call Qian Mao.

After a while, Qian Mao arrived. Jia Ke handed the letter to Qian Mao, and said to him, "You should send this letter to Xiacao Village yourself, and give it to Liu Yu of the personal army, so that he can take the letter with you immediately." Soldiers come to join me in Jia's mansion, don't delay."

Qian Mao took the letter, put it in his arms carefully, and assured Jia Ke, "don't worry, sir, I'm leaving now. I will deliver this letter to Liu Yu tonight. I will never delay my business." .”

Jia Ke nodded in satisfaction, gave him a few words of encouragement, and let him go.

At night when Jia Ke returned to the small courtyard, Aunt Zhou was talking with Qiaolian, since Qiaolian became Jia Ke's maid.Because Qiaolian is Aunt Zhou's niece, Aunt Zhou was greatly comforted in the mansion.I am no longer as lonely as before, chatting with Qiaolian whenever I have time, and my personality is much more cheerful.

Jia Ke walked up to Aunt Zhou, thinking of what to say to her, she didn't know how to speak, stood there silently watching them chat and laugh, at this moment Qiao Lian first realized that the price was wrong, got up and went to hold his hand, Came to Aunt Zhou.Aunt Zhou also noticed that something was wrong, and immediately realized that it must be Jia Zheng who got the official position for him.

Aunt Zhou first asked in surprise: "The job your father sought for you has come down? Where is it? It's close to the capital."

Jia Ke didn't know how to answer her, thinking about how she took care of herself since time travel, thinking about the motherly love she gave her, thinking about how many years she had been going like this, she wanted to be alone at home to worry about herself, and she didn't know how much she would have to go through. That sleepless night, Jia Ke couldn't bear it anymore, and the tears couldn't be controlled anymore.

Jia Ke took a step forward, knelt down in front of Aunt Zhou, hugged her leg, and cried bitterly.

Aunt Zhou was terrified by his appearance, what happened to you?Quickly squatted down, hugged his body, patted his back and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, no matter what happens, Mother is still there. As long as Mother is still here, I won't let you suffer a little bit. What do you have? Tell mother about it, even if mother puts all her life into it, she will do it for you."

Jia Ke vented for a while, then gradually calmed down, wiped away her tears, and helped Aunt Zhou up.Let her sit on the chair next to her, knelt down again, and said: "Auntie, father has hired a sixth-rank real job for his son this time, and the son has been away for several years and has not seen his aunt, so he returned the favor. I couldn't help crying."

Aunt Zhou heard what he said, and it was exactly as she had guessed. Her son was really going to take office, and she was crying because she missed her mother. She thought that her son was only 15 years old, and he had to go out to work alone. Think again. Of these men in the mansion, which one is not drunk every day, only his own son has to suffer so much, and he can't help but feel sad.The mother and son couldn't help crying again.

In the end, it was Aunt Zhou who knew that time was running out, so she got up and asked Qiaolian to call Chuncao, and everyone packed Jia Ke's bags together.

This busy work lasted until midnight, looking at the bed full of packages, Jia Ke was really embarrassed this time.This time is different from going to Caozhuang before. This time, I am going to the military camp. I brought so many things. What do you think?

So Jia Ke said to Aunt Zhou: "Auntie, it's different from before when I go this time. I can only bring some clothes for the four seasons. If there is a shortage in the place, just spend money to buy it."

(End of this chapter)

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