Chapter 65 Arrival
After hearing Jia Ke's words, Aunt Zhou also felt that it made sense, so she reopened the package and prepared four seasons' clothes for Jia Ke. This time there were only four or five packages.

For the next few days, Jia Ke didn't go anywhere, chatting with Aunt Zhou whenever she had time.

On the third day, Jia Zheng told Jia Ke to go to the study.Jia Ke knew that there might be some news.

When they arrived at Jia Zheng's study, the servants outside informed him, and Jia Zheng let Jia Ke in to talk.

Only then did Jia Ke dare to enter the study, where Jia Zheng was sitting in the center.There is a document on the table next to it.

After Jia Ke stepped forward to salute Jia Zheng, Jia Zheng didn't say much, so he took the document next to him and handed it to him.

Jia Ke held it in his hand and looked at it, which probably meant: Jia Ke is now appointed as Kaiping Weiqianhu, as well as Jia Ke's age, appearance, body shape, and some other information. Below is the seal of the Ministry of War.

There are also some meanings, that is, to report to Xuanfu Town within a month, and to take up the post at Kaipingwei as soon as possible, such as delaying the military term to serve as a military law officer.

Seeing the letter of appointment, Jia Ke finally felt relieved.Everything has already been decided, as long as we follow the charter step by step.

Jia Zheng said to Jia Ke: "Originally you couldn't get this position. Kaipingwei is from the fifth grade. But because Kaipingwei is located at the border, it is often harassed by Tatars. The past few thousand households were all You died in office, so no one will take over now, that's why you, a sixth-rank battalion Qianhu, can be in charge of this garrison. That’s a matter of course.”

Jia Ke thought for a while, then asked worriedly, "I don't know what happened to Kaipingwei's weapons and soldiers?"

Jia Zheng replied, "Don't worry about this. Kaipingwei is located at the border, so the equipment is excellent, the soldiers are full, and the training is considered elite."

Only then did Jia Ke feel relieved, and said, "I'll set off as soon as the guards arrive."

Jia Zheng nodded and said, "Go to Xuanfu Town to report first, and then to Kaipingwei to take office. There is only one month. It's better to leave early."

Seeing that nothing happened, Jia Ke left.

On the second day after receiving the letter of appointment, the soldiers from Xiacaozhuang arrived.Jia Ke met Liu Yu in the study outside, and asked him about the training situation of the Elite Squad during this period.

Liu Yu reported to Jia Ke: "The personal soldiers have been training every day for the past six months, without a single day off, and they will surely keep you safe on the battlefield."

Jia Ke nodded and said to him, "I have been appointed as Kaiping Wei Qianhu. The military situation is urgent and you can't rest too much. Get a good night's rest today, and we will set off tomorrow. Is there any problem?"

Liu Yu immediately knelt down on one knee, and said proudly to Jia Ke, "I can't miss the important thing about my uncle."

Jia Ke nodded and asked him to go back to rest first, and agreed to gather at the small teaching ground tomorrow, and then set off together.

After sending Liu Yu away, Jia Ke went back to the courtyard and prepared his bags for the departure tomorrow.

What Jia Ke needs to prepare is mainly armor and weapons, as well as the four seasons clothes that Aunt Zhou prepared for him, and there are not many.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke put on the precious unicorn bright light armor for the first time, put on the purple gold crown with phoenix wings, and carried Fang Tian's painted halberd.The whole person looked majestic and murderous.

Aunt Zhou, Qiaolian, and Chuncao personally sent him to the teaching ground. After moving the teaching ground, they found that not only Jia Zheng came to see him off, but even Jia Mu came in person.

Especially Jia's mother, seeing Jia Ke wearing a helmet and a crown, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd.He couldn't help but think of Jia Daishan's scenes every time he went to war.What I saw was old tears streaming down my face, I couldn't help myself.

Seeing Jia Mu and Jia Zheng coming to see him off, Jia Ke hurried forward, knelt down on both knees, cupped his fists and saluted, and said, "It's all the child's unfilial piety. The old lady in labor is sending you off with my father. Please go back first." , bring the child back triumphantly, and see you again.”

The old lady cried and stepped forward to help Jia Ke up, and said to him: "You go to the border to defend the country, don't worry about family affairs, your aunt will be taken care of by me, who else would dare to bully her?"

Jia Zheng also came over at this time, supported Jia Ke's shoulders and said, "No one from my Jia family has fought against the enemy for many years. You should be more careful when you go. Don't be brave, keep yourself useful, and you will be fine in the future." loyal to the country."

Jia Ke nodded and said back to Jia Zheng: "My child is on the front line, fighting enemies for the country, and my father will take care of me at home. My aunt is not young, so if there is any mistake, my father will take care of it."

Jia Zheng replied, "Don't worry, I will take care of your mother after you leave."

Jia Ke nodded for Jia Zheng, but did not speak.Instead, he turned around and said to Liu Yu, "Bring me the Fire Dragon Horse."

Liu Yu led the fire dragon horse to Jia Ke's side.Jia Ke got on the horse, clasped hands again to Mother Jia, Jia Zheng, and Aunt Zhou, and said, "I'm leaving now, grandma, father, and aunt. I hope grandma, father, and aunt stay at home and take care of yourself. I'm waiting for the news of my son's achievements."

After speaking, he turned his horse's head and walked out of the teaching ground, followed by the personal soldiers. Jia Ke never looked back until he walked out of the teaching ground and Jia's mansion.

Jia Ke secretly swore in her heart that she would be successful and famous when she left, and she would definitely have a high position and authority when she came back.

Jia Ke went all the way to Xiaoxing and stayed overnight, so he didn't dare to delay a little bit. It took Jia Ke seven days to travel about [-] miles from the capital to Xuanfu Town.

Because Xuanhua Township is located on the main traffic road and the main pass, the city wall is particularly tall and thick, about ten meters high and three meters wide.It is one of the most important pass defenses in the northern part of the capital, defending the thirteen hundred miles north of the capital.

Xuanfu Town is a border fortress, heavily guarded.Jia Ke led his troops into Xuanfu Town within a hundred miles, and encountered more than a dozen barriers.Every time, the documents from the Ministry of War were presented to pass.

When we arrived at Xuanfu Town, it was not as heavily guarded as before, like an ordinary county town larger than a military fortress. Jia Ke easily entered the gate of Xuanfu with the documents from the Ministry of War.

I found an inn in the city to stay, and then asked the innkeeper about the location of Jiedu Mansion.

Early the next morning, Jia Ke dressed neatly and asked his soldiers to wait in the inn, while he brought Liu Yu to Jiedu Mansion.

After a while, he came to the gate of Jiedu mansion, and saw eight strong soldiers standing outside the gate, each with distinctive armor.

Seeing Jia Ke and the others, one of the soldiers stepped forward and asked, "Who is he? What's the matter in front of the Jiedushi's mansion?"

When Jia Ke saw him cross-examine, she was afraid of misunderstanding. You know, the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister.What's more, Xuanfu Jiedu Shi is his immediate superior.So I didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly cupped my hands and replied: "This is the official of Qianhu who came to report, and he came here to meet Jiedushi. He will check his body and receive the seal of the token. Please report to the inside and say Qianhu Jia Ke, the household officer, begs to see me." The twins took out a certain amount of silver from their pockets, and secretly handed it to the soldier.

It was the silver tael that was touched in his arms, and he said to Jia Jiake with a smile: "It turns out that it is Mr. Qianhu who just took office. I don't know Mount Tai with my eyes. Don't take offense, sir. I will go in and report to Mr. Jiedushi. "After speaking, he greeted several other soldiers and entered the Jiedu Mansion.

After about a stick of incense, the soldier came out from inside.Seeing Jia Ke, he cupped his hands and said, "Master Jiedu please invite Master Jia to meet you in the flower hall."

Jia Ke thanked him again and again, so the soldier led the way, and Jia Ke followed behind, all the way to the flower hall of the General Military Mansion.

In the flower hall, the Jiedu Envoy of Xuanfu Town had not yet arrived, so the soldier asked Jia Ke to wait here, and went in to report again.

After the soldier went in again, Jia Ke didn't dare to sit down, but stood aside and waited.Jia Ke found out along the way that the Jiedu Envoy of Xuanfu Town was surnamed Wang Mingtao, who was over forty years old, and he was in the prime of life, guarding the border for many years.He also went deep into the grassland several times, and the attack was not hairy.He is a well-known general in this dynasty, but in the past ten years, he has not used swords anymore.

But Jia Ke didn't dare to be slight in her heart, nor did she dare to be rude.

(End of this chapter)

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