Chapter 621
Li Deshan, who was beside Jia Ke, was taken aback when he heard his order, but immediately recovered, and walked a few steps forward to Jia Yuanchun's side.

"Empress Dowager, I also ask your empress to hand over the little prince to the servants."

Seeing Jia Ke being so arrogant and rude in public, Jia Yuanchun also felt a lot of pressure in his heart. It seemed that it would not be a good thing for his son to become emperor.

But people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and Jia Yuanchun finally handed over the child to Li Deshan.

Li Deshan stepped back a few steps with the child in his arms and came to Jia Ke, holding the child with both hands and handing it to Jia Ke before he died.

Jia Ke hugged the child into her arms expressionlessly. What could the little prince know at such a young age?From mother's arms to this big man's arms, can it be the same?So he started crying.

Sitting there watching his son cry, Jia Yuanchun felt a little anxious, stood up hastily, and wanted to come to Jia Ke's side, but he was blocked by Li Deshan just after he took a step.

Jia Ke looked at Jia Yuanchun who was standing there, and said expressionlessly: "Please sit down next to the queen mother."

Li Deshan got the order, and immediately supported Jia Yuanchun to sit on the golden chair next to him.

But Jia Ke himself came to the throne in a few steps, and then sat in the middle with peace of mind.

The ministers waiting to pay homage to the new emperor saw Jia Ke's appearance, although they were not angry, but no one dared to refute. They saw that Jia Ke and the little prince had already taken their seats, so they could only be stubborn. Scalp, fell to his knees, and shouted long live three times.

If people didn't know the inside story of this scene, they would think they were kneeling down to Jia Ke.

Jia Yuanchun, who was sitting next to her, was already so angry that she knew Jia Ke's arrogance, but she never thought that Jia Ke had reached this point.

Jia Ke, who was sitting in the middle, accepted the worship of the ministers with the little prince in his arms, and then said: "Your honor is flat."

All the ministers stood up and lined up on both sides.

It was the first time for Jia Ke to sit on this throne, and now looking at the ministers below, she felt an unprecedented momentum generated in her body.

When Jia Ke was intoxicated, Li Deshan who was standing next to him quickly reminded Jia Ke: "Master, what should we do next?"

Only then did Jia Ke wake up, so she hugged the little prince who kept crying in her arms, and said to the people below: "Your Majesty is taking the throne before the spirit. From now on, all the ministers should keep their duties and be loyal to the Emperor. Don't mess around." measure."

After listening to Jia Ke's words, all the officials below clasped their fists and cupped their hands together, "I would like to obey the sacred edict."

Jia Ke hugged the little emperor and lived on the throne, thought about it for a while, and then said to the people below: "King Gongshun has evil intentions, and dares to instigate credulous people to seek the throne, which is disrespectful."

At this time, all the ministers standing below understood that Jia Ke was looking for something later. A few days ago, the teacher of King Zhongshun took Jia Ke's face in public. It seems to Jia that Ke also has a grudge against King Zhongshun mind.

"Order King Gongshun to go to the mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor to guard the spirit of the Supreme Emperor. Without my will, he will not leave the mausoleum for half a step for the rest of his life."

All the ministers below shouted long live three times together after listening, which was agreed.

Jia Ke sat on it and nodded, with a smile on his face, "It is the emperor's decree that the concubine Xiande, the birth mother, will be named the Holy Mother Empress Dowager."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, Jia Yuanchun, who was sitting next to him, showed some smiles.

Then Jia Ke continued: "Jia's family is of great merit, so we specially make Jia Daishan, the former Duke of Rong, the King of Rong, and the wife of King Rong, Shi Shi, the Princess of Rong."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, the people below began to discuss how Jia Daishan died. Ever since Jia's mother told the story in front of the Supreme Emperor's spirit, the city has been full of uproar. King Rong, didn't that slap the face of the former emperor on the ground?

Jia Ke saw that the people below were talking a lot, and knew that they disagreed, but in this situation, there was no room for them to talk.

Jia Ke continued expressionlessly: "Jia Zheng is the father of the empress dowager. He has served the country day and night all these years, and he has made a lot of contributions. He was specially granted the title of Rong Guogong. Jia Amnesty took good care of the empress dowager when she was at home. He is specially granted the title of Marquis of Jing'an. Jia Zhen is the patriarch of the Jia family and has made a lot of contributions, so he is specially granted the title of Marquis of Shouning."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, the officials below understood that Jia Ke had sealed off all their relatives.

After listening to these gifts from Jia Ke, although many people were dissatisfied and thought that Jia Ke's gifts were too much, no one dared to speak.

Jia Ke saw that these people were silent, so he continued, "Emperor Daxing passed away suddenly, and the new emperor was young, so this king had to temporarily take over the affairs of state for him. The king will handle it himself."

The people below this issue did not show any dissatisfaction. After all, Jia Ke had essentially left the emperor aside, and he handled the government affairs alone. Now it is just more legitimate.

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she turned her face again and said to Jia Yuanchun who was sitting next to her, "The Empress Dowager, I don't know if the Empress Dowager will live in Fengzao Palace or move to the Compassionate Palace."

Jia Ke's matter should give Jia Yuanchun more face, after all, Jia Yuanchun was a bit embarrassed just now.

Sitting there, Jia Yuanchun's expression improved a lot, and after thinking for a while, of course he would go to live in the Palace of Compassion and Ning. The Palace of Compassion and Ning was specially built to serve the Empress Dowager. The interior is exquisitely decorated and quite luxurious, isn't it? Fengzao Palace can be compared, and the empress dowagers who live there are all legitimate.

"It's better for Ai's family to live in the Compassionate Ning Palace."

Jia Ke nodded after hearing this, "In that case, the Empress Dowager will live in the Palace of Compassion and Peace from now on."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he stood up and sent the little emperor back to Jia Yuanchun's arms. As soon as the little emperor returned to Jia Yuanchun's arms, he gradually stopped crying, hugging Jia Yuanchun's neck, There was very aggrieved sobbing.

Next, Jia Ke took Jia Yuanchun's mother and son, as well as the civil and military ministers, to the emperor Daxing's spirit again, and began to sacrifice to him.

After these things were over, Jia Ke sent someone to send Jia Yuanchun's mother and son back to the harem.

And Jia Ke also arranged manpower to serve the emperor to guard the spirit of Emperor Daxing. Of course, the emperor was still so young that it was impossible to come to guard the spirit of Emperor Daxing. Instead, his personal eunuch and nurse were there to guard the spirit of the emperor.

Then all the ministers went to deal with their own affairs, leaving only those small officials waiting to pay homage to Emperor Daxing.

Jia Ke returned to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. At this time, several military ministers were already waiting here.

When they saw the jacket entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, they hurried forward together to salute Jia Ke first, and then stood on both sides, listening to Hou Jiake's lecture.

Jia Ke sat on the throne of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, looked at the few people below, and then said: "Emperor Daxing went suddenly, I think it's very lonely down there, I saw other concubines of Emperor Daxing go to the mausoleum, Keep the spirit of Emperor Daxing."

As soon as Jia Ke finished speaking, the people below all agreed.

Even old Meng Ming, who had some heart towards this dynasty, agreed, because since these concubines were asked to go to guard the spirit, then these concubines would be considered to save their lives.

Because this dynasty is a little different from the previous dynasty. In the previous dynasty, human sacrifices had been abolished, but the emperor Taizu of this dynasty was born as a commoner. Before he died, he ordered all his concubines who were born as princes to be given to him. Sacrifice.

So this practice has been handed down. After all the emperors die, their concubines who have not given birth to children will be buried with the emperor.

Now Jia Ke just asked the concubine of Emperor Daxing to go to watch the coffin, which was obviously compassionate and let them live.

After listening to Jia Ke's words, Zhang Chaoqing, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, stood up and praised Jia Ke for his kindness.

In fact, some Confucian civil servants have long been very disgusted with the matter of human sacrifice, but because of the majesty of the royal family, they dare not make irresponsible remarks. Now that Jia Ke can get rid of this bad habit of the city, it is naturally approved by these Confucian scholars.

Jia Ke sat on the top and squinted his eyes, enjoying the flattery from below. In fact, Jia Ke was not really that kind. To keep these concubines alive is mainly due to the education Jia Ke has received now, although he has been The feudal society has almost assimilated, but the education of more than ten years is still deeply rooted in his heart.

Therefore, Jia Ke is very disgusted with the death of these people in his heart. When the Supreme Emperor passed away, Jia Ke did not dare to make big moves to break the rules in order to appease the people. Now that he is finally in charge of the world, he can rest assured. Boldly did something that complied with my heart.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, and continued to say to the following: "Emperor Daxing has just passed away, so there is no guarantee that those people below have some unruly intentions, you must pay more attention, and don't mess up your position."

After hearing Jia Ke's words, all the ministers of military affairs agreed together.

"We have had some troubles with the court this year. We just went to the Supreme Emperor, and now the Emperor Daxing has passed away again, so this time the matter of the Emperor Daxing should not be fussy. After the Emperor Daxing stopped for 27 days , let him die in peace."

Everyone has no objection to this matter. When the Supreme Emperor was inactive for more than 200 days, the ministers were exhausted. After only a few days of rest, the emperor died again. If this toss continues, the health of many veteran officials I can't take it anymore.

Jia Ke then arranged: "I ask you to take care of the court affairs."

Sun Yan hurriedly brought everyone together to salute the jacket again, "The ministers are duty-bound."

"Since this is the case, everyone, go back to the military aircraft department first, and I will inform you when I have something to do."

After listening to Jia Ke's order, these people in the military aircraft department saluted and retreated.

Seeing them retreating, Jia Ke said to Li Deshan next to him, "Among the people in the Military Aircraft Department, you have to keep an eye on Sun Yan. Although he has completely become one of our people now, there is no guarantee that the people over there will look for him. You have to find an opportunity to follow the vine and get rid of this hidden danger for me."

(End of this chapter)

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