Chapter 622
Li Deshan hesitated after hearing Jia Ke's words, and finally asked his doubts: "Master, since this person is double-minded, why didn't he be dealt with?"

Jia Ke shook his head and explained to him: "If there is nothing wrong with him, if I deal with him, an old minister who has been with me since the beginning, what will other people think of me? I am afraid that the literati in the world will be dissatisfied, and we will govern The world still depends on these people.”

After hearing this, Li Deshan hurriedly said flatteringly: "The master is still wise, the slave follows the master's self-consciousness, and sees things much better than before."

Although Jia Ke knew that Li Deshan was complimenting her, she couldn't help but smile.

Let's not talk about Jia Ke's arrangement of future affairs here, let's talk about Jia Yuanchun of Daofengzao Palace.

Although Jia Yuanchun became the empress dowager today, the anger in his heart did not go smoothly. Jia Ke robbed her of all the glory today.

Jia Yuanchun sat in Fengzao Palace, thinking about how to fight Jia Ke in the future.

Dai Quan, who was beside him, looked at Jia Yuanchun's appearance, and stepped forward to remind him, "Mother, Empress Dowager, should we pack up and prepare to move to the palace?"

"Don't worry yet? The Ai family sees that King Yan is still somewhat inconsiderate in the court today. As the queen mother, the Ai family has to make up for him."

After listening to Jia Yuanchun's words, Dai Quan's heart was agitated. It seems that this Jia Yuanchun has just become the Queen Mother, and he has started to fight with Jia Ke for power. Can Jia Ke be suppressed only by his fame?
Jia Yuanchun didn't see Dai Quan's ugly face, but went on to say: "You go to the Kangning Palace to pass the decree on behalf of the emperor, and say that the current empress dowager is the empress dowager."

After hearing this, Dai Quan scratched his head for a while, and then said cautiously: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, we can write the emperor's will, but without the emperor's jade seal, we can't count them in the end."

After Jia Yuanchun finished listening, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said: "One emperor and one courtier, the jade seals before our emperor's enthronement are a bit inappropriate. If you carve another jade seal, use this jade seal to pass the decree." .”

After hearing this, Dai Quan was so frightened that he couldn't stand still any longer, so he knelt down in front of Jia Yuanchun, kowtowing non-stop.

Dai Quan now felt that it was a big disaster for such a master at the booth. If Jia Ke knew about this privately carved jade seal, the Nine Clans would not be able to survive.

Seeing Dai Quan like this, Jia Yuanchun was a little annoyed that he didn't live up to it, but he had no one available in the palace, since everyone refused, he had no choice but to think of other ways.

Jia Yuanchun rolled his eyes and had another idea, "Is the "Tongdaotang" seal used by the former emperor still there?"

After listening to this, Dai Quan understood what Jia Yuanchun meant. This "Tongdaotang" seal was a special seal engraved by the emperor in the palace for convenience after Jia Ke took away all the jade seals from the emperor.

"If you go back to the Empress Dowager, the Emperor's Tongdaotang Seal will still be placed in Fengzao Palace."

"From now on, our imperial edicts will be printed in Tongdaotang."

Dai Quan was a little hesitant when he heard this, and then said carefully: "Should I tell King Yan Qiantui about this matter?"

Jia Yuanchun's face became gloomy when he heard this, "You don't need to tell my eldest brother, anyway, my eldest brother has dozens of square jade seals, and I don't care about the "Tongdaotang Seal"."

After Jia Yuanchun finished speaking, he urged Dai Quan, "Hurry up and write the imperial decree, and then send it to Kangning Palace."

Dai Quan had no choice but to bite the bullet and write an imperial decree, and finally took the Tongdaotang seal from the apse of Fengzao Palace, and stamped it on the imperial decree.

After Dai Quan finished writing, Jia Yuanchun took the imperial decree into his hand, looked at it carefully, and then nodded.

"You go to deliver the decree now."

Dai Quan accepted Jia Yuanchun's order, held the imperial decree in his hands as an offering, and left Fengzao Palace.

After Dai Quan left, Jia Yuanchun's expression became gloomy as he hugged the little emperor.

The emperor's death seemed too strange to Jia Yuanchun. During this period of time, the emperor often rested in her Fengzao palace. She knew the emperor's vigor and vigor.

Since the emperor died strangely, then this matter must have been done by his good elder brother Jia Ke. Since Jia Ke can get rid of the emperor for the sake of power, then he can't guarantee that he will also dispose of his mother and son for the sake of power in the future.

His mother and child are in critical condition now, and it seems that he has to find a way, so Jia Yuanchun thought of the original empress dowager.

Jia Ge didn't confer the title of the original empress dowager this time, probably because she had a second heart when the emperor judged the chaos.

That being the case, why don't you just sell her a favor yourself, the empress dowager is also a straightforward person, and she may make up for it in the future.

Jia Yuanchun knew that after the empress dowager was a general, her father also had some influence in the army, and she had been with the empress dowager for so many years, if she said she had no arrangements, no one would believe her.

Jia Yuanchun just sent word to Kangning Palace, and Jia Ke got the news.

Jia Ke was sitting on the throne in the East Nuan Pavilion, and the pen in his hand was thrown to the ground.

Li Deshan stood aside, trembling with fright, looking at his feet and not daring to raise his head.

"What else is there for Jia Yuanchun?"

Hearing Jia Ke's question, Li Deshan quickly replied: "The Empress Dowager thinks that she will use the seal of Tongdaotang in order to issue imperial edicts in the future."

After listening to Jia Ke, she knew that Jia Yuanchun was fighting for power with her, and she wanted to replace Yuxi to give orders based on her seal of fellowship.

"Pass my order. From today on, Tongdaotang will not be able to get out of the palace gate. If anyone in the world respects such an imperial edict, I will punish him for the crime of falsely passing on the holy order."

After hearing this, Li Deshan quickly agreed. Regarding this matter, Li Deshan also felt that Jia Yuanchun was acting a little nonsense. Did she really think that the little jade seal was the only way to rule the world?
Jia Ke still felt puzzled after delivering this order, and continued: "From now on, the Empress Dowager will be taken care of in the Palace of Compassion and Peace, nothing will happen, and no one will disturb her."

After Li Deshan listened, he immediately asked: "Master, if the wife of Duke Rong comes, should I let him go?"

"Stupid, I told no one to bother."

Li Deshan understood now that Jia Ke wanted to put Jia Yuanchun under house arrest, and it seemed that he was already very angry with Jia Yuanchun's struggle for power.

Jia Ke thought for a while, and then said: "Since the Empress Dowager has withdrawn the title of the Empress Dowager, let's not worry about it. However, I do not recognize this imperial decree, so the Empress Dowager will not issue the golden seal and gold booklet." , and some offerings remain as usual."

Li Deshan listened and immediately understood what Jia Ke meant.Jia Yuanchun made the empress dowager the empress dowager, but without the gold seal and book, it was just a name without any real benefits, and even outside the palace, others might not recognize it.

Their master looked like this and wanted to give the new empress dowager a blow and let her know who was in charge of the world.

Not to mention them, let alone in the Rongguo Mansion, in the morning, all the masters of the Rongguo Mansion knew that Jia Ke was going to help protect the little prince to succeed to the throne today, so they all waited for the good news in Jiamu's room.

Sure enough, there wasn't much time, and Lin Zhixiao reported that he wanted to see Jia's mother for something.

After getting Jia Mu's consent, Lin Zhixiao entered Jia Mu's room cautiously. He kowtowed first when he saw Jia Mu, and then carefully stood aside after Jia Mu asked him to get up.

"What do you want to say?" Although Jia's mother knew that Lin Zhixiao must have come to announce the good news, she still asked reservedly.

"The servant congratulated the old lady."

"The emperor just passed away, where does my joy come from?"

"If you go back to the old lady, there are eunuchs outside who have come to our house with the imperial edict, and asked the old lady and others to receive the imperial edict in Rongxi Hall."

After hearing this, Jia's mother showed a smile on her face. After Jia Zheng and Jia She came back from the court this morning, she told her the whole story and gave Jia Ke the title of King Rong and Princess Rong. Things are naturally clear.

Although Jia's mother knew it well, she still had to be reserved, so she said to Jia Zheng who was next to her, "Since the new emperor has passed down the imperial decree, then we can't neglect it, you guys hurry to the Rongxi Hall to prepare."

The two of them naturally knew that this was a happy occasion, so they bowed to Mother Jia, and then left the room of Mother Jia, and then brought the close relatives of Jia's family to Rongxi Hall, where Lin Zhixiao had been ordered, and the servant We are ready for the incense table.

Seeing that all the preparations for the ceremony had been completed, Jia Zheng and others hurriedly ordered people to go to the back to invite Jia Mu.

Then Jia Zheng, Jia Amnesty and Jia Zhen came to the gate of Rongguo Mansion in person.

At this time, the little eunuch in front of the door had been waiting for a long time. Seeing the three heads of the Jia family coming out, he didn't dare to be arrogant, so he hurried forward to salute them.

Jia Zheng took a step forward, helped the young eunuch up first, and then said: "My father-in-law came from a long way, so there is no need to be polite, let's talk in Rongxi hall before it's too late."

So this group of people came to Rongxi Hall, and in Rongxi Hall, Jia Mu was already sitting in the middle.

When the little eunuch saw Jia Mu, he immediately went up to kowtow to Jia Mu cleverly. Jia Mu smiled and asked the maid next to him to help him up.

Then the little eunuch stood next to Jiamu and said: "Old ancestor, this servant served the emperor's imperial decree this time, and sealed several people in the mansion."

Mother Jia smiled and asked, "I don't know what my eldest girl is like now."

The young lady listened, and hurriedly replied with a smile: "The emperor has made Concubine Xiande the empress dowager, and she lives in the Palace of Compassion."

Mother Jia nodded after hearing this, and Mrs. Wang who was standing beside her was already smiling, and now he was elated.

Jia Zheng saw that everyone had finished talking, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said to Jia Mu: "It's getting late for the old lady, it's better to let this little father-in-law hurry up and pass the decree."

"I'm so old-fashioned that I forgot about it. Is the incense case ready?"

"If you go back to the old lady, the incense table has been set up."

"That being the case, let's go to the front."

So this group of people surrounded the old lady and came to the main hall of Rongxi Hall. The incense table and offerings had been set up here, and they were waiting for the eunuch to deliver the decree.

(End of this chapter)

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