Chapter 623
After everyone came to the main hall of Rongxi Hall, the little eunuch first came to the incense table, and then stretched out his hand to the other eunuchs who followed him, and an imperial edict was immediately delivered to him.

The little eunuch took the imperial edict and held it high, "Mr. Jia Shi accepts the edict."

After hearing this, Mother Jia was about to kneel down a few steps forward, but the little eunuch hurriedly said: "King Yan Qiansui has already explained that the old lady is old, so there is no need to kneel down."

Jia Mu stood in front of the incense table, but Jia Amnesty, Jia Zheng and others could only kneel behind Jia Mu.

Seeing that everyone had knelt down and opened the imperial decree, the little eunuch recited: "Follow the heavens and carry the emperor, the imperial edict said: Jia's family has made great achievements, and he specially made Jia Daishan, the former Rong Guogong, the honorable king, and the Shi family, the wife of the Rong king, was honored." princess."

Everyone below, including Jia's mother, was overjoyed after hearing this. This item can be regarded as a chicken and dog ascended to heaven, and even the deceased old Rong Guogong was posthumously granted due to the current power of the Jia family.

Mother Jia came back to her senses, and hurriedly said: "My wife, Jia Shi, accepts the order."

The eunuch hurriedly turned around and came to Jiamu, and put the imperial edict into her hands.

Jia Mu took the imperial decree and held it in her arms. Jia Zheng, Jia She and others hurried over to congratulate.

Seeing that Jia Zheng and the others got up, the little eunuch hurriedly said: "Your noblemen, the emperor still has orders for you."

After hearing this, Jia Zheng and others also knew that they might be canonizing themselves, so they hurriedly sent someone to help Jia's mother to the back hall, and then they knelt down on the ground again.

The little eunuch came back again, and after arriving at the incense case, he took out an imperial decree, which was the imperial decree to confer Jia Zheng as Rong Guogong.

Then Jia Amnesty was canonized as Marquis of Jing'an, and Jia Zhen was conferred as Marquis of Shouning.

After the three people below heard it, they were all overjoyed. This time their Jia family has reached a point of glory.

Besides, after these imperial decrees were read out, a golden light fell directly into the Netherland.

The Jia family in the Netherland immediately expanded its area several times under the golden light.

In particular, there was a god among them, whose golden light was originally dim, but this golden light directly sank into his body.

Immediately, the man of God was radiant with golden light all over his body. He was silent for a moment, and he understood the cause and effect, and felt very relieved in his heart.

The man of God came to the side of the two temples in the middle of the Netherland, and immediately released a great light. Next to the temple, a tall and majestic palace immediately appeared.

The man of God looked proud, and then walked into the palace calmly. After the man of God moved in, the newly built palace also began to emit light, which complemented the other two palaces.

Then the other two palaces each released a golden light, and the newly built palace also released a golden light.

These three golden lights merged into one in the sky above the Netherland, and finally turned into a golden canopy, firmly protecting Jia's Netherland.

Not far to the south of them, there is a Netherland that is more than ten times the size of the Jia family. However, this famous map is somewhat dilapidated and dim, but it can't protect the residents of the Netherland.

The most important thing is that at their junction, the laws of the two Netherlands are constantly clashing. Although the huge Netherland has a vast area, it seems that the energy is a bit weak, and it is constantly being eaten away by Jia's Netherland.

In the vast Netherland, roars kept coming out, and a golden figure appeared from time to time. Whenever a golden figure appeared, the speed of encroaching on Jia's Netherland at the border slowed down a bit. .

But just like that, the golden figure became much dimmer.

However, in Jia's Underworld, the three supreme beings never appeared.

The god-man in the huge Netherland saw that there was no movement in Jia's Netherland, so he understood that once the fate of the two parties was separated, there would be no relationship anymore.

The man of God gave Jia's territory a hard look, then took out a pearl from his bosom, threw it in the air, and when the pearl reached the sky above the Netherland, it released a great light, immediately protecting the entire Netherland.

On the side of Jia's Netherland, the one sitting in the center of the palace is Rong Guogong Jia Yuan. He used the sacred wood statue to look at the huge Netherland, and when he saw the bright pearl shining brightly, his heart rose. There was a moment of fear.

This made Jia Yuan's mind, which was still ready to move, calm down again. It seems that he can only solve his serious troubles by waiting for his descendants in this world to succeed.

Besides, in the Rongguo Mansion, almost all of Jia's family received awards, and among them, Jia Amnesty's beard twitched with joy, and he was wronged by staying in the small house next to him for so many years.

Jia Zheng also stroked his beard happily. This time he lived in Rongguo Mansion, which was justified.

Although Jia Zhen was also happy, she was still a bit perceptive. He hurriedly took out a few banknotes from his bosom, stuffed them into the hands of the eunuch delivering the decree, and then led the people to send the little eunuch out of Rongguo Mansion. This is back again.

At this time, in the Rongxi Hall, Jia's mother was sitting in the middle, Jia Zheng and Jia She stood aside, and the three of them laughed and talked.

And Jia Zhen stepped forward and came to Jia Mu's side, "Congratulations to the old concubine."

When Jia Mu heard what he said, the smile on her face became even brighter, "This sounds awkward, but the previous address is more pleasant to the ear, and I can't say that again in the future."

Although it was Mother Jia who said so, Jia Zhen saw that the forehead lines on Mother Jia's face were all open, so naturally she didn't take it seriously.

"Yes, I will follow the order of the old concubine."

While they were laughing and talking here, someone came from outside and said, "Grandma is back."

As soon as Jia Mu heard this, she ordered the National People's Congress to open the middle door and win Qin Keqing into the Rongxi Hall.

Qin Keqing entered the Rongxi Hall, and hurriedly saluted Jia's mother, "My grandson has seen the old concubine."

"Why do my family say these things? I still want to make my ancestors happy."

Qin Keqing smiled and saluted again, "I have seen the old ancestor."

"Oh, does this make sense?"

Then Qin Keqing quickly saluted Jia Zheng, Jia Amnesty and others.

After everyone saluted, Mother Jia asked Qin Keqing to sit next to her, and then asked, "You are not staying in the palace, what's the matter when you come back this time?"

After listening, Qin Keqing said with a smile: "Didn't our family all get gifts this time? It was our aunt who was left behind. The uncle asked me to come back and give my aunt a copy of the imperial decree. Why didn't those little eunuchs pass it on?" Purpose, just thinking about it is not easy to make too much noise."

After listening to Qin Keqing's words, Jia's mother thought that Jia Ke did a good job this time, and did not embarrass Mrs. Wang in person.

"Then what is the will for your aunt this time?"

"Back to the ancestors, this time the emperor is merciful and conferred the title of Mrs. Qin on our aunt."

After hearing this, Mother Jia's face became a little displeased. This time, Jia Ke's title was a bit too much. Mrs. Qin is already on the same level as Duke Rong. Isn't it a little confusing, using a concubine to suppress a concubine?

Qin Keqing naturally saw Jia's mother's displeasure, and she was actually unwilling to do this matter, but Jia Ke had spoken, and she had to come.

So Qin Keqing thought it was better to finish the matter quickly and go back to the palace. Otherwise, it would not be good-looking to meet some people again, after all, this matter violated the law.

"Old lady, you rest first, I will go to the back to meet our aunt."

Qin Keqing bowed to Jia's mother and left without waiting for his consent.

Seeing that Qin Keqing had left, Jia's mother took a deep look at Jia Zheng who was next to her and said, "In this family, it's better to be poor or poor, and it's better to be rich or rich."

Jia Zheng naturally understood what Jia Mu meant, but he couldn't say anything, so he could only stand aside and smile awkwardly.

But Jia She, who was on the side, spoke for him, "I don't think it's nothing, isn't it just that the elder brother rewarded his aunt a bit too much? I think the second younger brother married a flat wife, so this matter was settled .”

Mother Jia could only nod her head when she heard this, and this was the only way to go. After all, Jia Ke's face still had to be taken care of.

"Second, in a few days, you set up a few tables of wine and put this matter in the light."

Jia Zheng nodded hastily when he heard this, and he had no loss in this matter, on the contrary, he gained benefits. After all, even if Aunt Zhou was arrogant and domineering, she couldn't surpass his husband.

Jia's mother then said to Jia Zhen: "Brother Zhen, please go to the ancestral hall and change the identity of Aunt Zhou in the genealogy."

"Don't worry, old lady. I already understand. I will go into the ancestral hall today and change the identity of Aunt Zhou in the genealogy."

Jia Zhen is now classified as Marquis of Shouning because of Jia Ke, and she is full of ambitions in her heart, how can she refute Jia Ke's face now.

Besides, Qin Keqing left Rongxi hall with her maid and eunuch, and came to Aunt Zhou's courtyard after several turns.

As soon as I came to the courtyard, I heard the maids inside talking about it.

"I heard that our master has been named Duke Rong."

"Yes, yes, I saw Caixia just now, and I was a little angry seeing her upturned nostrils."

"Hmph, it's not because of our uncle's status, otherwise why would Madam get the title of Madam of this country?"

"Why? Just because she is the wife of the big house, no matter how hard our uncle strives, the benefits will fall to the wife in the end."

These people were chattering there, and in the end it even became more and more outrageous. Qin Keqing felt that something was wrong, coughed outside, and the voice inside disappeared immediately.

Only then did Qin Keqing enter the yard, and Qin Keqing hurried over to salute her about the little maids in the yard.

Qin Keqing looked at these little maids with displeasure and said, "Master, you guys can talk about this too? Forget it this time, if I run into it again, I won't spare you."

It was the first time for these little maids to see Qin Keqing so angry. In the past, Qin Keqing greeted both her master and her family with a smile. agree to come down.

Seeing that they were all honest, Qin Keqing brought them to Aunt Zhou's room.

As soon as Qin Keqing entered the room, she saw Aunt Zhou weeping secretly, and Xia Mai stood there with an expression of no anger.

Seeing this, Qin Keqing hurried forward and sat next to Zhou Yinyang, took her hand and said, "Auntie, what's wrong? Okay, why are you crying?"

Aunt Zhou hadn't spoken yet, but Xia Mai, who was standing beside her, gasped, "What else could it be? Madam called Auntie into the room just now, and taught her a good lesson, so that others can see the joke."

After Qin Keqing heard this, she also felt a little annoyed. This Mrs. Wang is too ignorant of flattery. Her glory is all thanks to Jia Ke. Now she treats Jia Ke's biological mother so contemptuously. Let Jia Ke know. And her good.

(End of this chapter)

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