Chapter 645
After Ruan Zhengyu made his decision, he didn't delay anymore. He immediately ordered the civil and military officials to pack their bags and prepare to retreat with him, but the current Shenglong City couldn't leave someone alone.

Otherwise, all the officials would run away, and the ordinary people would swarm away, and the officials would have to be chased by the opponent's cavalry before they ran far.

Up to now, the civil and military ministers are silent, because they know that those who stay behind will lose their wealth and lives.

Li Guangqing looked at the appearance of all the civil and military men, and knew that it was impossible to let them stay. If they were forced to stay, they might surrender immediately.

So Li Guangqing stepped out of the class and said: "I am the prime minister of the dynasty, and now I will be stationed at Longcheng Pass."

Ruan Zhengyu immediately stood up and said, "My lord, don't do this. You are my right-hand man. Without you, an old minister, how will this king explain to the late emperor?"

Li Guangqing shook his head with a smile and said: "Your Majesty, the old minister is already sixty years old. Even if he dies now, he has no regrets. I just hope that Your Majesty will regroup and restore our country."

This old minister has already seen the crisis of An Nanguo. This time the Central Plains went south this time, it is not like before that he will withdraw his troops after a small lesson. Looking at Jia Ke like this, he wants to destroy An Nanguo. Fight to the death now and leave some reputation behind.

Ruan Zhengyu looked at the old official with a smile on his face, but his eyes were extremely firm, knowing that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, he couldn't persuade him anymore.

So Ruan Zhengyu stood up and came to Li Guangqing's side, grabbed his hand, and said emotionally: "Don't worry, the old prime minister. After returning to Shenglong Mansion, I will order the princess to marry into the Li family. From now on, you and my family will share the wealth and honor." .”

Now that Li Guangqing has arrived, he is finally at ease. Even after his death, he will leave blessings to future generations. As long as the Annan Kingdom and the Ruan family are not destroyed, their family will surely be prosperous and prosperous for a long time.

Now that Li Guangqing was relieved, he immediately urged Ruan Zhengyu to leave the city immediately.

"Your Majesty, there is not much time. Please leave the city immediately, and the veterans will bring your troops to try to buy time for your Majesty."

Knowing the urgency of the matter, Ruan Zhengyu didn't say anything else, just grabbed Li Guangqing's hand and shook it fiercely, and then quietly went down the city wall with his own soldiers and ministers of civil and military affairs.

Seeing that Ruan Zhengyu had left, Li Guangqing immediately became indifferent.

At this moment, Zhengbai Qi and Xiangbai Qi ordered the captive soldiers to attack the city again, and this time they were even more courageous.

Because just now, Jia Ke saw the cruelty of the siege battle under the city, so in order to boost morale, he had promised the captive soldiers that they would not seal their swords for three days after the city was broken. Looting for three days.

As a result, these captive infantry became more courageous, and the young men on the top of the city had been exhausted in the previous siege battles, and the only ones who could defend the city were children and the elderly, and although those women also picked up The blade resisted for a while, but these people were born weak, how could they resist these crazy captive soldiers.So not much effort.It was attacked again on the top of the city.

Li Guangqing's face was ashen now, he was carrying a sword, and he brought his own soldiers and reinforcements from left and right.

But as time went by, there were fewer and fewer people guarding the city. Li Guangqing saw that this was not an option, so he immediately ordered a few of his own soldiers to go down to the city and kill all those who could stand up. Catch up with the head of the city.

This only slightly relieved the pressure on the top of the city, but these old men and women were really not made for war, and they were killed and injured in a short time.

Li Guangqing now also knew that it was the last moment, so he fought desperately in order to give Annan King Ruan Zhengyu some time to escape.

But no matter how hard he tried, the number of captive soldiers on the top of the wall was increasing, and within a short period of time, there were only a few of the young children on the top of the wall, including the sixtieth old man.

And those women and children who were forced to go to the city, when they saw the enemy attacking fiercely with knives and guns, they trembled one by one, threw all the weapons in their hands to the ground, and squatted aside with their heads in their hands.

As for the captive soldiers, they didn't have any embarrassment for these women and children who put down their weapons, but they just assigned some people to guard them and prevent them from running around.

It's not that these captive soldiers are kind, but that these women and children are their trophies, and it's time for them to enjoy them after the battle is won.

Li Guangqing has now been surrounded by dozens of people on one side of the city tower, and all his personal soldiers have been killed. He should have died long ago, but these captive soldiers saw that he was a high-ranking official and wanted to kill him. Captured, in order to ask for credit.

Li Guangqing held the sword and watched the enemy army getting closer and closer, and sighed, "Your Majesty didn't listen to my words, and today's misfortune is the result of fighting against the Central Plains. I hope that Your Majesty will work hard and revive the country from now on."

After Li Guangqing finished speaking, he threw the sword in his hand like the nearest soldier, and the captured soldier was pierced through the chest by the sword, and immediately fell to the ground with a scream and died.

Seeing that the old man was dishonest in the end, the other captive soldiers immediately became furious and stepped forward one by one, intending to stab him to death.

Li Guangqing looked at some of these traitors contemptuously, then suddenly turned around and jumped down the tower.

Seeing this situation, the other captives hurriedly looked down at the top of the city, only to see that Li Guangqing had fallen to the ground and turned into a pulp.

Next, these captive soldiers who broke into Longcheng Pass began to rape and plunder unscrupulously.

And Jia Ke was not in a hurry to continue the attack. He took the Manchurian Eight Banners and wolf soldiers and stationed outside Longcheng Pass. After all, Jia Ke had agreed to not seal the sword for three days, so naturally he could not break his promise to these captive soldiers.

After three days, the Eight Banners of Manchuria were ordered to go in and collect these captive soldiers.

Originally, Jia Ke thought it would be good if half of these captive soldiers could be recovered in the end, but when the Eight Banners of Manchuria came back, none of these captive soldiers escaped.

It turns out that these people from the Eight Banners of Manchuria have already had experience. They blocked the front and rear gates of Longcheng Pass, and let these captive soldiers act recklessly in Longcheng Pass.

Although some of these captive soldiers wanted to escape, most of them didn't have this thought, because since they had already participated in the siege and killed so many An Nanguo soldiers, they would have no way out even if they went back. The dynasty of the Central Plains served.

Now that these people had no thoughts, the captive soldiers began to vent their anger unscrupulously in Longcheng Pass. This time Longcheng Pass immediately became a hell on earth, almost all the women were violated, and the remaining ones None of the old and weak men can survive.

All the houses in Longcheng Pass were looted, and even the treasury was completely robbed by these people.

After Jia Ke gathered the soldiers, he ordered people to clean up the inside and outside of Longcheng Pass, and buried all the corpses to prevent the plague.

When Jia Ke entered Longcheng Pass with a large group of people, he saw many disheveled women sitting or lying on both sides of the street. It looked like they had just been tortured by those captive soldiers.

Jia Ke led all the civil and military personnel into the Longchengguan General Military Mansion, and then took a seat in the lobby, with all the civil and military personnel lined up on both sides.

"Everyone, this time we have occupied Longcheng Pass, which is considered to be an advantage. Further south is the Yima Plain. What do you think the next battle should be fought?"

Everyone looked at each other. They really didn't have much experience in such large-scale strategic matters. Some people have been following Jia Ke. Where did Jia Ke point to? up.

Only Sun Yan closed his eyes and rested for a while, then opened his eyes, cupped his hands and said to Jia Ke: "Master, the people in Annan have always been rebellious. I think it's better to support a puppet to facilitate our rule."

Jia Ke didn't know if it was right after listening, and then looked at the young general Xiao Yue and said, "Xiao Yue, you are also the leader of the Fenwu Battalion now, let me tell you what you think."

When Xiao Yue heard Jia Ke's question, he knew that Jia Ke was cultivating him, so he didn't shirk it. He first stepped out of the class, then cupped his hands and said, "My lord, if we want to withdraw from Annan after this battle, It is also good to keep a puppet, but our combat goal is to annex the entire territory of Annan. If we support a puppet, then the Annan people will have a backbone in the future. When we want to annex Annan, I am afraid it will be even more difficult. It would be better if we attack on a large scale this time and kill all those who resist, so that these people will be afraid of us from the bottom of their hearts and dare not resist."

After Jia Ke finished listening, a smile finally appeared on his face, "Xiao Yue's opinion is exactly what I want."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, she immediately slapped the table and said to the following: "We are currently at Longcheng Pass with more than [-] soldiers. It will not be good for us if we continue to confront each other for a long time."

After talking about this, Jia Ke looked at the Manchu Eight Banners, and then said to them: "From today onwards, each of your Eight Banners will take the captive soldiers under your command and go out to attack the Annan villages on the plain. Raise as much food and grass as possible, and then capture Some strong men, deliver food and grass to us."

The eight commanders of the Eight Banners all smiled together after hearing this. This is their old profession, and this time when they went out, Jia Ke didn't say what to do with the looted money.

"Master, don't worry, the slave will not disgrace the master's order when he goes this time." These eight people promised Jia Ke together.

Among them, as the leader of the Zhenghuang Banner and Jia Ke's absolute loyal servant, Jirigla is now thinking of handing over all the harvested food and grass this time to the army, so that everyone can use all the silver to belong to the Eight Banners, and then divide the money Half of them went out and handed over to their master Jia Ke, and the rest could be brought back for use by the Eight Banners tribe.

Jia Ke naturally saw their careful thinking, but he didn't point it out. Instead, he continued: "This time, you go out and take a closer look at the captive soldiers. If there are some who are really loyal to us, you might as well promote them. And set an example for others.”

(End of this chapter)

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