The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 646 Raising Food

Chapter 646 Raising Food
From the second day of Jia Ke's order, the Eight Banners cavalry came out in full force. They took hundreds of thousands of captive soldiers and began a large-scale sweep in the direction south of Longcheng Pass. Nothing.

Jia Ke is no stranger to this kind of thing. These Eight Banners cavalry inherited the tradition from the Tatars, and it is not so easy to change. If it was in the Central Plains, Jia Ke would naturally restrain them, but now Since they are on the enemy's land, there is nothing wrong with letting them relax.

Jirigla and the others lost Jia Ke's restraint, so they were naturally unscrupulous. In the villages they passed through with the captive soldiers, all the food was collected, all the young women were tied up, and they were brought back to the camp to be eaten by the adults. .

And all the money plundered was also collected by the Eight Banners commanders.

When they made a fuss here, they naturally lost their hearts. Many people moved to the south with their families in the direction of Shenglong Mansion with hatred.

When Jia Ke saw this situation, instead of being angry, he became happy.

When these ordinary people left, they were already poor. When they arrived at Shenglong Mansion, they would have to rely on King Annan to send them food. With so many mouths to eat for free, King Annan's little food might not last long. Come on, the time for him to raise the army and gather the old troops will be prolonged.

Jia Ke originally wanted a quick battle, but if it wasn't for the shortage of food and grass, he would have led the army south.

Although it is said that Yunnan and Guangxi have concentrated a large amount of food and grass, which is enough for the army to feed, Jia Ke is also a little stingy, thinking that since he is in the enemy country, he should try to eat as much as possible from the enemy, so the progress of the war has been delayed.

The people in Annan in the south of Longquanguan caused the Manchu Eight Banners to suffer a lot, and almost everyone who could see them became slaves.Not to mention, all the money that could be found was searched by them.

This area around An Nanguo can be said to be three feet high.

As for the leaders of the Eight Banners, they also lived in a very chic and comfortable manner during this time, enjoying delicious wine and beauties every day.

This made the generals and soldiers of other troops in the barracks very envious and jealous, so there was even some turmoil in the barracks.

And the commanders-in-chief of Guangxi and Yunnan, Wu Lu and Liu Zhi, also came to challenge Jia Ke several times, wanting to replace the Manchu Eight Banners and go outside to have fun.

However, these requests were firmly rejected by Jia Ke, because Jia Ke felt that the army in the Central Plains should be strictly disciplined and become a mighty army.

And these dirty and tiring tasks can be done by the servants. You don't need to dirty your hands, and you can't ruin the majesty of the Central Plains army because of a little profit.

The news of the turmoil of the generals in the camp quickly reached the ears of the commanders of the Manchu Eight Banners. They discussed together for a while, and felt that the generals in the camp were jealous of their good harvest this time. A good job depends on the wishes of their master, Jia Ke.

After Jirigra understood the cause and effect, he said confidently to the others: "You don't have to worry, I have a treasure that I want to give to the master. If the master gets this treasure, he will definitely protect them."

That day, Jia Ke was in the big tent, entertaining with a book.

Suddenly a soldier came in and reported that it was Jirigra who had come to see him.

Without any question, Jia Ke asked Jirigra to come in and answer.

Jirigla had been waiting outside the tent for a while, when he saw the soldier coming out, he immediately stepped forward to hold his hand, and then stuffed a silver coin into his arms.

"My little brother, how is our master feeling now?"

Jirigla has been with the Central Plains people for a long time, and he is already familiar with these habits of the Central Plains. He knows that if he wants to inquire about news, he must first send some money.

If the personal soldier was someone else's money, he would not dare to accept it, but it would be fine for him to accept Jirigala's money, because he knew very well that this man was their master's slave, and he was as close as they were. Soldiers are closer.

"Don't worry, Commander, Master is in a good mood now."

After hearing this, Jirigla finally breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the Eight Banners had been arguing a bit too much during this period. Although Jia Ke didn't say anything to stop them, they were still a little uneasy.

After Jirigla entered the big tent, he saw that Jiajia was reading a book leisurely there, and there was no sign of anger on his face, so he put his heart in his stomach again, and he stepped forward and knelt down on the ground.

"Slave Jirigra, kowtow to the master."

"Get up."

Ji Rigra got Jia Ke's words, and then stood up, and then looked at Jia Ke cautiously, and then expressed his intention.

"Master, the slaves have gained a lot during this period of time."

"I know this. You have worked hard during this time. I heard that the food and grass you brought back is enough for our army for half a year. This time, you did a good job."

When Jirigla heard that Jia Ke not only didn't blame him, but praised him, he couldn't help but smile naively, "This is all well cultivated by the master."

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things, what's the matter with you?"

Jirigla carefully looked at the carapace, then took a few steps forward, and said in a low voice: "The slave saw that the master was lonely, and this time I got a few who can serve others outside, so I want to bring it to the master. They serve the master during this time, and they don't know what the master wants."

The corners of Jia Ke's mouth turned up after hearing this, "Why ask me such a thing."

After Jia Ke finished speaking, he stopped talking to Jirigla, but continued to read with his idle book.

Jirigla was not an idiot either, so he naturally understood what Jia Ke meant, and now he also smiled and bowed out of the big tent.

That night, two young and beautiful women were sent into Jia Ke's battle.

Jia Ke didn't refuse the beauties she sent, and she became unhappy that night.

The next day, when Jia Ke opened her eyes, it was indeed warm jade and warm fragrance in her arms.

After breakfast, Jia Ke questioned the two women.

It turned out that these two women were a pair of sisters, one named Li Lu and the other Li Li, daughters of a rich man in the country. Because they were really beautiful, their father was really afraid of being remembered by others, so he sent them to the village. The two were raised in a deep boudoir.

This time, Jiri Gela led troops to raid, and happened to arrive at their father's village, and Jiri Gela discovered the two of them.

When Jirigla saw these two women, she was astonished. Although these two women were still inferior to Qin Keqing, their beauty was comparable to those of the girls in Rongguo Mansion.

Such a woman is not something that Jirigla can enjoy, so he sent these two women into Jia Ke's tent.

And the fathers of these two women were able to save their lives by virtue of this relationship.

Jia Ke got two beauties, so naturally he stayed in the camp for a few days.

As for the matter of changing out to wipe out the troops, Jia Ke didn't mention it. This made the Eight Banners tribe very excited, thinking that this time the gift giving was the right one.And Jia Ke also enjoys this gentle hometown in the camp with peace of mind.

But Ruanrou Township is not a place where heroes last forever. After the food was raised, Jia Ke immediately called all the generals to discuss and prepare to go south.

In Jia Ke's big tent, all the civil and military personnel stood on the left and right, and Jia Ke sat in the middle. He glanced at the civil and military personnel below with his sharp eyes, and then said slowly: "This time the soldiers of the Eight Banners have worked hard. It is for us to raise food and grass for ten months, and it is a great credit."

Jia Ke first made a qualitative statement here, and then covered up all the immoral things that the Eight Banners soldiers and those captive soldiers did in the south.

In the big tent, except for a few civil servants, no one else paid much attention to this matter.

"Today we have all the food and grass, we can't delay any longer, we should go south immediately, and we will finish our work in one battle."

After Sun Yan listened to it, he hurried out of the class and bowed and said: "My lord's words are very true, we can't delay any longer. I got the news that the king of Annan, Ruan Zhengyu, has gathered more than [-] horses in the south, and is going to fight in the Thang Long Mansion. Fight with us."

After Jia Ke finished listening, he said contemptuously to the generals below: "This Ruan Zhengyu really cares about eating but not fighting. We have just wiped out his three 10,000+ elites. Now he has gathered hundreds of thousands of mobs and wants to fight with us." Fighting, isn't this a fool's dream?"

After Jia Ke finished speaking, all the generals below laughed. These generals followed Jia Ke to fight in the north and south, and their experience on the battlefield was not comparable to Ruan Zhengyu's small troubles in the south.

They naturally knew that these young men who had just been recruited were useless at all, as long as the incident came to a fight, these people might have already fled by themselves.

After Jia Ke made a joke, he immediately became serious, and said to the following: "This time we will go south immediately, and we must capture Ruan Zhengyu alive. I want to make his country a province of our Central Plains."

"Xiao Yue, once you were the striker, you don't have to worry about leading the team, fight steadily, don't fall into the opponent's tricks."

Xiao Yue received Jia Ke's military order, and nodded with a serious face. Now he also knew what Jia Ke was worried about.

The people in Annan are all mobs. If it is a head-to-head confrontation, they must not be opponents of arrogant soldiers like Jia Ke. If they want to win, they will definitely use a trick.

Then sneak attack and ambush is the best way, so Jia Ke told Xiao Yue to be careful.

Jia Ke then ordered: "Wu Lv, the commander-in-chief of Guangxi, this man is the left side, protecting the left side of the army."

"Yunnan General Soldier Liu Zhi, your troops are on the right side of the army."

Wu Lu, the commander in chief of Guangxi, and Liu Zhi, the commander in chief of Yunnan, came out of the squad immediately after hearing this, and handed over their hands to receive the order.

Jia Ke didn't give them the command arrow immediately, but told them: "This time we march, we will definitely be harassed by the other party. If you encounter a small group of enemy harassment, don't worry about him. If you encounter a large group If the enemy is coming, defend on the spot and wait for my reinforcements, and never attack without authorization.”

(End of this chapter)

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