Chapter 650 Conspiracy
When Du Lin heard the comments of these officials below, he was secretly happy. It seemed that his plan could be realized.

Wang Jie is also a smart person, he has already understood that Du Lin summoned people like himself this time, probably there is some ulterior plan.

So Wang Jie cupped his hands to Du Lin and said, "Your Majesty, if you have anything to say, just say it, and we will naturally obey your orders."

Du Lin just stood up, bowed his hands to everyone, and said: "The fall of Annan Kingdom is inevitable now, and we have to think about our own family, and we cannot bury Ruan Zhengyu with him."

The eyes of the people below began to flicker after hearing this, and they already understood what Du Lin meant.

Du Lin went on to say: "If I wait and open the city gate to welcome the Central Plains army into the city, I think I can keep my wealth and family intact with this credit. What do you think?"

The other people below also frowned when they heard this. If they did this, then the reputation of a traitor would be indispensable.

As the backbone of the southerners, Wang Jie completely agreed with Du Lin's words.

Because Wang Jie was very aware of their strength in the south, if he wanted to resist the hundreds of thousands of soldiers from the Central Plains, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

"What the boss said is very true, I will naturally obey the boss' orders."

The others saw that Wang Jie had agreed, and after thinking about the current situation, they expressed their support for Du Lin one by one.

So Du Lin said smoothly: "In this case, I will be disrespectful."

"Ruan Zhengyu arranged 4 to [-] of our southern troops at the north gate, thinking that all our southern troops would be consumed in the battle against Jia Ke, but he didn't know that this was giving us a chance, as long as we open the north gate to welcome the heavenly dynasty If the army enters the city, then Ruan Zhengyu will be the turtle in the urn."

Everyone nodded after hearing this. In fact, they also knew what Ruan Zhengyu meant by arranging their army at the north gate.
It was just that Ruan Zhengyu wanted to consume all the southern troops here. When Shenglong Mansion became unguardable and he retreated to the south with a large group of troops, no one could restrain him.

Since Ruan Zhengyu is not benevolent, don't blame them for being unrighteous.

After Wang Jie figured it out, he cupped his hands and said to Du Lin: "Everything is ready now, I only owe one person to report the news, and a certain family is not willing to go."

When Du Lin heard that Wang Jie recommended himself, he was naturally overjoyed.

"Master Wang has done a great service to the people in the south by going here. If this can be done, when I get old, the south will be in charge of Mr. Wang." Du Lin chose Wang Jie as his successor.

Wang Jie's eyes lit up when he heard this. You must know that on the surface, the leader of the South does not have any real power. Emperor of the land.

If it wasn't for this, it would be impossible for the first emperor to let Du Lin serve as Ruan Zhengyu's teacher in order to win over the southern forces.

Wang Jie got this promise, so he didn't delay. He first asked Du Lin to write a letter, and then hid it close to his body. After that, he changed his clothes and dressed up as a servant of Du Lin, and followed him to the north city gate.

And now the northern city is naturally guarded by soldiers from the south on the city wall, but that doesn't mean that Ruan Zhengyu is unprepared against them. There are more than 1 Ruan Zhengyu's cronies under the city wall, there to reinforce them at any time.

When Du Lin brought people to the North City, they were immediately stopped by soldiers patrolling the city, but these people saw that it was Du Lin who came and knew his identity, so they didn't dare to stop them, so they let Du Lin take him with him. People came to the city wall.

Durin let go as soon as he got to the city wall, because he was surrounded by soldiers from the south.

The southern general Du Zhong, who was stationed on the city wall, saw Du Lin coming, and hurried over to greet him.

"My lord, are you still visiting the city wall at this late hour?"

Du Lin glanced at him, didn't say much, but ordered: "Prepare a basket and send a person to the city."

When Du Zhong heard this, without any doubts, he immediately quietly ordered his own soldiers to tie a basket with a rope and put it beside the city wall.

Du Lin winked at Wang Jie who was next to him, and Wang Jie immediately came to the basket in three steps, and then several soldiers of Du Zhong sent the basket to the city by himself.

Seeing Wang Jie disappearing into the night, Du Lin heaved a sigh of relief, echoed and said to Du Zhong: "Nothing happened today."

Du Zhong was originally a member of Du Lin's tribe, so he naturally followed Du Lin's lead, "What did the boss say. Could something else happen today?"

Du Lin nodded with a smile, no longer said anything, and left with the people.

Besides, Wang Jie went down the city wall, looked for the direction, and headed for Jia Ke's camp. As a result, he didn't walk a long distance before he was tied up as a spy by the patrolling soldiers.

Wang Jie didn't panic either. After being tied up, he said to several Central Plains soldiers, "I have an important letter for your lord, please send me to the camp immediately."

Hearing what he said, several soldiers looked at each other, and then walked towards the camp with Wang Jie in hand.

After a while they entered the camp, a young general came over to inquire about the situation.

These soldiers, like this small school, explained what happened just now in detail.

After the young general finished listening, he came to Wang Jie, looked him up and down, and saw that although he was dressed as a servant, he was a bit dignified, and he seemed not an ordinary person.

So the young general cupped his hands and said to Wang Jie, "What is the gentleman doing in my camp?"

Although Wang Jie was tied up, his waist was straight, "I'm from Shenglong Mansion, I have something important to see your commander in chief."

After the young general heard this, his eyes finally brightened, and then he said with a smile: "Sir, if you don't make a name for yourself, how can I report it to you?"

Wang Jie knew that if he didn't tell the reason, this young general would not report to his superiors, so he said: "I am ordered by a certain adult in the city to see your commander. Stop asking."

As soon as the young general heard what he thought, he ordered several soldiers to look after Wang Jie, and at the same time sent a soldier to report to him.

After a while, the soldier who had gone to report hurried back. He came to the young general and whispered a few words in his ear.

The young general nodded after listening, waved his hand to make the soldier stand aside, and then he came to Wang Jie and untied him personally, and then said: "Sir, please also invite Haihan, the rules in the army have always been like this."

Wang Jie didn't have the time to care about these things now, so he asked directly: "What's your reply?"

The young general said with a smile: "Our commander is waiting for sir in the tent, please come with me, sir."

After finishing speaking, the young general took Wang Jie to the depths of the camp. They turned around three times, and Wang Jie lost his head.

"How come this is not enough?"

"Sir, don't worry, it's just ahead."

As soon as the young general finished these few words, an open area appeared in front of him, with a precious tent in the middle.

The junior officer brought Wang Jie to the front of the formation, and a few Qing soldiers came up to block their way. The young general smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Why are you on duty these few days?"

Those soldiers obviously knew the young general, so they also cupped their hands and said, "Brother Wang, you are guarding the gate of the camp today."

The young general smiled and said: "Today is our Qianhu on duty, the brother went in and reported, and said that I was waiting outside the tent with the person whom the commander wanted to see."

The soldiers on duty nodded after hearing this and sent one of them into the big tent to report. After a while, the soldier came out and said to the young general with a smile: "Brother Wang, the master asked you to bring someone in."

The young general nodded, and then led Wang Jie into the big tent. At this time, a young general was sitting in the middle of the big tent.

When the young general who came in on behalf of Wang Jie saw the general, he kowtowed and saluted immediately.

It was Jia Ke who was sitting in the middle, and he waved the young general back out, then he stood up, and said to Wang Jie, "I don't know where you come from, sir, what advice can you give me when you come to my tent?" ?”

Standing below, Wang Jie looked up at the general above, and saw that although he was ordinary in appearance, he had a strong back and a murderous look in front of him and behind him. He looked like a battle-tested general.

When Wang Jie heard the other party's question, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "No, Wang Jie, an Nanguo Imperial Academy lecturer, has met the commander."

Before Jia Ke conquered Annan, he learned about the official system of Annan Kingdom. Annan Kingdom has been a vassal state of the Central Plains since ancient times, so the system of the imperial court was also copied from the Central Plains.

An Nanguo not only has six ministries, but also other yamen such as the Imperial Academy, and its official positions are almost the same as those in the Central Plains.

When Jia Ke received the other party's visit, he knew that An Nan Kingdom had split, and the faction represented by Wang Jie probably wanted to join him.

That being the case, then Jia Ke must treat each other with courtesy, showing the appearance of a courteous and virtuous corporal, so as to rest his mind and let him do things for him sincerely.

"It turned out to be Wang Hanlin. Wang Hanlin came to my camp. What advice do you have?"

Wang Jie was also a little moved when he saw that Jia Ke treated him very politely, although he signaled to the general of the army.

"General, I am here to deliver a letter for the general under the order of An Nanguo's grand tutor."

"Where is the letter?"

Wang Jie quickly took out the letter from his underwear, and handed it to Jia Ke with both hands.

After Jia Ke took the letter, she didn't open it to read it immediately. Instead, she gave Wang Jie to the side seat, and then returned to the main seat, and opened the letter to read the contents.

Seeing this, Jia Ke was immediately ecstatic. It turned out that this letter was written by Du Lin.

It is clearly written in the letter: Although my servant Du Lin is the Grand Tutor of the Annan Kingdom, Ruan Zhengyu, the king of Nanannan, is cruel and ruthless, and has repeatedly bullied the south. Now I am willing to open the city and welcome the heavenly army into the city. I beg the prime minister to take some credit for it. , treat Annan Nannan a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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