Chapter 651
Although Jia Ke read the letter, he didn't immediately agree to the other party, but pondered for a while, and then said: "I have wanted to merge the Annan Kingdom into the Celestial Dynasty since I went south. Since you have come to surrender, you will be a citizen of the Celestial Dynasty in the future." , all incoming and outgoing taxes must be handled according to the rules of the Celestial Dynasty, maybe you can do it?"

When Wang Jie heard this, he naturally agreed, because as long as Jia Ke didn't deprive them of their power in the south, they naturally had nothing to object to this tax.

Seeing that the other party had accepted his conditions, Jia Ke said straight to the point: "Three days later, at the third watch, hold fire as a sign, if you can open the city gate, I will bring soldiers into the city, and I will have nothing to do with you officials in the south." No offense."

After Wang Jie heard this, he was not pretentious, and said directly: "Then I will go back and inform the Taifu to prepare. I will be at the South Gate in three days, and I will wait for the prime minister's arrival."

Full of joy, Jia Ke stood up and sent Wang Jie out of the tent in person. He didn't return to the tent until his figure disappeared.

After Jia Ke returned to the big tent, Sun Yan had been waiting there for a long time.

When Sun Yan came back, Jia Ke hurriedly cupped his hands, and asked impatiently, "Does my lord believe what this person says?"

"Why don't you believe it?"

"My lord, if there is any fraud in it, we will definitely suffer heavy losses."

Jia Ke smiled and said, "Didn't I think there was a fraud in it? Three days later, send wolf soldiers to ambush three miles away from Shenglong Mansion. When the opponent's torches are lit, they immediately order the wolf soldiers to enter the city. At the same time, send cavalry nearby to respond." , Once the opponent is tricked, immediately send cavalry to attack the opponent's city gate."

Sun Yan only nodded when he heard this. In this way, even if he couldn't break through the city gate, he could guarantee that his losses would not be too great.

Besides, after Wang Jie returned to Shenglong Mansion, he came to Du Lin's mansion overnight, and made a detailed report to Du Lin about his meeting with Jia Ke.

After hearing this, Du Lin also had a happy expression on his face. No matter who rules Annan, as long as they can guarantee the interests of nobles like them, it doesn't matter who they submit to.

Du Lin excitedly walked a few steps in the hall, and then echoed to Wang Jie: "Go back and have a good rest, don't miss the schedule, we will meet on the tower of the North City in three days, when the time comes, open the city gate and welcome Jia." The prime minister is entering the city."

Ruan Zhengyu didn't know anything about all this, he was still patrolling upstairs every day to boost morale, and he didn't feel anything about what was about to happen.

Three days passed quickly, and on the night of the third day, Du Lin brought several representatives of the southern nobles to the wall of the northern city.

Since these people came, it was already tacit understanding here, and the tens of thousands of southern soldiers with them on the city naturally wanted to see them follow suit.

When it was three o'clock, Du Lin ordered Wang Jie to light a torch and shake it constantly on the top of the city. At the same time, he ordered his clansman Du Qing to lead his troops to the gate of the city, open the gate, and welcome Jia Ke's troops to enter. city.

And outside the city, Liu Zhi, the general soldier of Yunnan, had been waiting for a long time at a place three miles away from the north gate of Shenglong Mansion with [-] wolf soldiers.

At this time, they suddenly saw the torches on the city wall lighting up and shaking constantly, and they knew that the time had come.

Liu Zhi immediately rushed towards the city gate with his people, and when they arrived at the city gate, they saw that the Qianjin gate had been pulled up and the city gate opened.

When Liu Zhi rushed into the city gate with the wolf soldiers, he saw the sound of shouting and killing at the gate shaking the sky.

It turned out that the men sent by Ruan Zhengyu to monitor the southern troops had already discovered that the southern troops had opened the city gates. They were not fools, and immediately knew that it was the southerners who wanted to surrender.

So Ruan Jingtian, the commander of this army, after receiving the news, sent someone to report to Ruan Zhengyu, and at the same time ordered his own troops to the gate of the city, intending to regain the gate and block the Central Plains army from the gate.

And Du Zhong, who was stationed at the gate of the city, could not let him ruin his own affairs, so he brought thousands of people to stop Ruan Jingtian.

The team led by Ruan Jingtian was not comparable to those farmers who had just gathered together.

This army is one of the few elite Ruan Zhengyu left in Shenglong Mansion.

So as soon as the two armies fought, Du Zhong's thousands of troops couldn't hold on anymore, and Ruan Jingtian quickly compressed them at the gate of the city. At this critical moment, Liu Zhi arrived with the wolf soldiers.

Liu Zhi, you knew what was going on when you arrived at the gate of the city, so you immediately joined the battle group with the wolf soldiers.

With the addition of this new force, Ruan Jingtian's men were immediately at a disadvantage both in terms of quantity and quality, and within a short time, they were driven out of the city gate a long way away.

At this time, the cavalry of the Manchu Eight Banners also rushed to the city gate. As soon as they entered the city gate, they immediately seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. Resistance is gone.

At this time, Ruan Zhengyu also arrived with reinforcements. When he came to the scene, he was a little disheartened. It turned out that he was in Beicheng and was almost occupied by the Central Plains troops.

What Ruan Zhengyu can say now is to lead the soldiers and charge upwards.

Ruan Zhengyu joined the battle group with his troops.The two sides launched a brutal street fighting in the city.Due to the narrow terrain, the troops on Jia Ke's side were also unable to move, but the people on Jia Ke's side were very brave. When the soldiers in front fell down, the people behind would immediately make up for them.

An Nanguo's army did not have such strict discipline, after all, they just got anxious.So soon he was at a disadvantage in this cruel fight.

At this critical moment, I suddenly heard a loud shout from behind: "Don't panic, everyone, I'm coming."

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Ding Hao. They saw him wielding a broadsword and swinging his bow left and right.

Although those wolf soldiers in Guangxi were brave and brave, when Ding Hao came in front of him, they were killed by him.

And those peasants who had just been summoned saw their chief general so brave, so their morale was greatly boosted.

These people rushed forward following Ding Hao's back, and the wolf soldiers couldn't resist for a while, and started to retreat.

At this time, those people in the south of An Nanguo were a little surprised to see that the soldiers from the Central Plains were repelled by a group of farmers.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Du Lin immediately said to Du Zhong, the general in command of his tribe, "Hurry up and reinforce, it's a big deal that can't be broken."

That Du Zhong didn't hesitate, and immediately led the soldiers from the south down the tower. He mounted his horse with his guns, straightened his armor, and went straight to Ding Hao.

Ding Hao was killing happily there, when suddenly he saw another group of troops coming in front of him, and the addition of these people immediately stabilized the formation. She looked up and looked carefully, it turned out to be those rebels from the south.

Now Ding Hao is full of anger. It is these traitors in the south who are greedy for life and afraid of death, which made An Nanguo get so out of control.

So Ding Hao became cruel, urged the BMW under his crotch to wield his sword, and led the people, and rushed straight to these southerners.

Du Zhong didn't show any weakness when he saw Ding Hao rushing over. Although he had heard of Ding Hao's bravery, he thought he was also an immediate general, so he was not timid.

As soon as these two people met, they fought together with swords and guns. Who knew that Eucommia would be overwhelmed without three or four rounds.

It was only now that Du Zhong knew how powerful Ding Hao was, and his reputation was indeed well-deserved.

So Du Zhong didn't dare to fight any more, and wanted to leave as soon as he swayed the horse, but Ding Hao's horse was a good BMW, and he caught up behind him with three strokes, and Du Zhong kept paying attention to the horse behind him. He didn't dare to be negligent when he saw that the opponent was slashing with a knife, and tried to lie on the horse as much as possible, so the knife only slashed through his head, splitting his helmet in two.

But at this time, Du Zhong didn't dare to neglect any more, and ran directly to the side of the wolf soldiers. Liu Zhi, the general soldier of Guangxi, who was following behind the wolf soldiers, rushed to the front during this time.

This Liu Zhi saw that his side was in a weak position, while the other side's general was really powerful, leading his troops to rush left and right, unexpectedly preventing his wolf soldiers from advancing an inch.

But this Liu Zhi also belonged to some cities, he saw that the opponent was so powerful, he might not be the opponent's opponent, so he turned his eyes and thought of a way.

He, Liu Zhi, first sent a general to lure Ding Hao, and then arranged for archers before the battle.

Ding Hao didn't know what it was, he saw that the wolf soldiers from the Central Plains were reinforcing again, and the leader in front was a general, so he led the troops to confront the enemy again.

The general from the Central Plains only fought him for a few rounds before running away.

Ding Hao didn't know what it was, because when he confronted this general, he had already seen the opponent's strength.

So Ding Hao chased after him, and the soldiers under his command also rushed forward after him, and they had reached the gate of the city, and they could drive the people from the Central Plains out of the city gate with a little more effort. Now Ding Hao is even stronger uplifting.

Unexpectedly, when they were about to catch up with the general, those fleeing wolf soldiers stopped suddenly, and then separated to the left and right, revealing rows of archers right in front.

When Ding Hao saw this situation, he was shocked immediately, knowing that he had been tricked by the other party, but it was too late to leave now, and he could only see bows and arrows shot at him like dark clouds.

What a Ding Hao, at this critical moment, he didn't even panic. He swung his big knife and covered the knife like a snowflake.

This is Liu Zhi standing behind the formation. He was surprised to see that he didn't shoot Ding Hao to death for a while, but now he doesn't care about benevolence and righteousness.

This Liu Zhi took out the precious carving from behind him, drew the bow and set up an arrow, and aimed at Ding Hao with an arrow.

The arrow Liu Zhi shot was fast and hasty, Ding Hao didn't pay attention to the shoulder, although this was a small injury, but it made his movements slow down, facing this wave of incoming arrows, he moved quickly. Slow down, that is the time of death.

Sure enough, Ding Hao was hit by arrows one after another, and in the end he was hit by dozens of arrows before falling off his horse.

At the beginning, the farmers who followed Ding Hao in the battle were still somewhat bloody. Now that the general died, they immediately showed their true colors. They were beaten by the Guangxi wolf soldiers and ran away.

These peasants began to think carefully. After all, no one wanted to die, so some people hid secretly. As long as there is one such thing, it will immediately form a scale, so these peasant soldiers can no longer resist the Central Plains troops. After attacking, they quickly dispersed, leaving Ruan Zhengyu and his soldiers at the forefront.

At this time, Du Zhong, who was following Liu Zhi and showing the way for the army of the Celestial Dynasty, saw Ruan Zhengyu and was immediately overjoyed.

"General Liu, look at the man in the yellow robe, that is Ruan Zhengyu, king of Annan."

Liu Zhi looked forward, and sure enough, a pair of elite soldiers was evacuating a well-armored middle-aged man.

Liu Zhi is ecstatic now, he never thought that such a great contribution would be given to him, as long as he captured King Annan, he would be granted the title of Marquis.

(End of this chapter)

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