Chapter 666 Contact
Besides, after Jia Yucun returned to his mansion, he spent a whole night thinking in the study, and in the daytime of the second day, he immediately left the mansion in good spirits, and went straight to the house of Fan Kang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites and Minister of Military Affairs.

Fan Kang, who had just had breakfast in the morning with his wife serving him, wanted to rest for a while before going to work at the Military Aircraft Office, but suddenly received a report from his servants, saying that Jia Yucun, the capital of the Nine Gates, was asking to see him.

This made Fan Kang a little puzzled, why did Jia Yucun come to him so early?After thinking about it, I ordered someone to let Jia Yucun in.

The two met in the study room, and after greeting each other, the host and guest took their seats.

Fan Kang cupped his hands at Jia Yucun and said, "Master Jia came to my place so early, what's the matter?"

Jia Yucun put down the teacup in his hand, cupped his hands to Fan Kang and said, "Master Fan, the prestige of the lord is already in full swing, but he is still subservient to others. The lord has suffered such wrongs, and we, the courtiers, naturally have the responsibility to be the lord." Share your worries."

After hearing Jia Yucun's words, Fan Kang's heart suddenly jumped. When Jia Yucun said this in front of his face, was it his own intention or their lord's intention.

So Fan Kang didn't dare to be negligent, and said directly: "Then I don't know what Master Jia means?"

Jia Yucun looked at Fan Kang with two golden eyes, "I might as well persuade the current emperor to abdicate and give way to the virtuous, and give up Jiangshan Zen to our lord."

When Fan Kang heard Jia Yucun's words, a stone fell to the ground. This is something he had been waiting for for many years, and now someone has finally brought it up.

"Master Jia's words are true, but we are alone, so I'm afraid we can't influence the court situation."

Jia Yucun said disapprovingly: "I will contact Zhang Chaoxing, Minister of Industry, and Peng Bi, Minister of Military Affairs, to test the attitude of Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, if he agrees to add these people's former students, then Nothing is impossible."

Fan Kang thought for a while when he heard this. The people Jia Yucun said were all Jia Ke's hardcore, and he would not object to it. In addition, those people on the fence naturally follow the trend. It seems that there is no problem in the court. Then there is the matter of contact.

Fan Kang stood up and walked around the study, turned around to look at Jia Yucun, and said, "In this case, let's contact each other separately. I'll go to the head minister, Sun Yan, and you are in charge of the others."

Naturally, Jia Yucun had no objection, so Jia Yucun bid farewell to Fan Kang and contacted other people.

After Jia Yucun left, Fan Kang sat in the study and thought hard. He felt that this matter should be ordered by their lord Jia Ke, otherwise, Jia Yucun would not dare to openly contact his mansion.

It seems that their lord has endured all these years and is no longer calm.

And because I have persuaded Jia Ke several times not to be impatient, my lord has already distrusted himself, so I let others handle this matter.

Fan Kang is also a little vigilant at the bottom of his heart. Since ancient times, none of the founding kings has been merciful, and most of them will kill heroes after they succeed. This time, he can see that his position in Jia Ke's heart has declined, and he looks careful Be careful, you can't disobey the lord anymore.

After Fan Kang figured it out, he analyzed the current situation again, and felt that if Jia Ke ascended the throne at this time, although there would be some minor twists and turns, there would be no hindrance in major matters.

Fan Kang breathed a sigh of relief after he didn't think of anything that would be unfavorable to Jia Ke.

In the next few days, Fan Kang and Jia Yucun communicated separately.

Jia Yucun visited Zhang Chaoxin, Peng Bi and others. When these people heard the reason for Jia Yucun's visit, they immediately raised their hands in favor.

So these people began to contact their own subordinates, as well as former students and officials. The mansion of these two people was crowded with people these days, and the meeting lasted until midnight.

In the end, the two of them easily convinced the officials under their command and the forces behind them.

Afterwards, these people discussed and planned to build momentum for Jia Yucun together in the next dynasty.

Besides, after Fan Kang got off the Yamen in a military plane, he and Sun Yan walked out of the palace together.

Fan Kang suddenly said to Sun Yan: "Master Sun, have you heard any news these days?"

Sun Yan was taken aback by Fan Kang's question, then thought about the past few days carefully, and found that something was abnormal.

Every time Zhang Chaoxin left the Military Aircraft Department early these days, Sun Yan also heard from those under him that Zhang Chaoxing had been meeting with his disciples and old officials these days, and he was muttering mysteriously.

Originally, Sun Yan didn't take this matter seriously, and Zhang Chaoxin didn't do such things once or twice.

But now that Fan Kang asked such a question, Sun Yan immediately fell in love. Could it be that there is some key point that he doesn't know.

"I also ask Mr. Fan to give pointers."

Fan Kang glanced at Sun Yan with a smile, and then said: "Master Sun, I think this day is going to change."

Sun Yan immediately knew what Fan Kang meant.

Sun Yan pondered for a while, thought about the pros and cons of this matter, and finally felt that this matter was beneficial and harmless, and when he showed his loyalty to Jia Ke, he naturally couldn't lag behind others.

"Lord Fan, I think the right time, place and people are on the side of the lord, so the lord's actions are absolutely foolproof. As subjects, we must do our best to assist the lord."

Fan Kang already knew that Sun Yan would say that, so he also replied with a smile: "Master Sun's meaning is exactly what I want, why don't we just speak at the next court meeting, and Master Sun, as our leader, speaks like the current emperor."

After hearing Fan Kang's words, Sun Yan didn't refuse, "It's natural, please go back and tell Zhang Chaoxin and others, Mr. Fan, let's jointly write a memorial, and I will personally present it to the current emperor at the court."

Fan Kang nodded and stopped talking.

After Sun Yan returned to his mansion, he felt cold sweat all over his body. Fortunately, he had expressed his heart to the lord early on, otherwise Fan Kang would never have contacted him this time.

At the same time, Sun Yan also felt sad for the little emperor. It seems that there are not many royal families left in this dynasty. I hope Jia Ke can see that the little emperor can live in peace for the sake of brother and sister.

After Sun Yan thought about these things, he thought about the next time he stood in the court. After the lord ascended the throne, the real battle in the court would start, and he was alone. It seemed that he had to find an ally .

So that night, Sun Yan quietly left the mansion and went to the mansion of Zhao Shu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

To be honest, Zhao Shu is living a very comfortable life now. Although he is also the subordinate of that young master, after he took refuge in Jia Ke, he never contacted the young master wholeheartedly, so he gained Jia Ke's trust , otherwise, he would not hold the important position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Although he has not yet joined the cabinet, his power is not much worse than those cabinet ministers.

When Zhao Shu heard that Sun Yan was visiting late at night, he frowned a little. What was he doing here at this time?In case the lord suspects that the two of them have some kind of plot, then all the sacrifices he made before will be in vain.

But after all, Sun Yan is the head minister of the Military Aircraft Department. He came to visit him and had to see him, so the two met alone in the study. This was the only time the two met alone in the past few years.

After the two were divided into guests and hosts, Sun Yan didn't have any opening remarks, and said directly: "The turmoil in the court these days, do you know?"

Zhao Shu naturally knew the situation in the past few days well. Jia Yucun had contacted him several times, and he had agreed to sign, draw and deposit together last week.

Zhao Shu sat on the main seat and nodded. He didn't say anything, but looked at Sun Yan with his eyes, which meant that if you have something to say quickly, there is not much time.

Sun Yan smiled, "My lord's success is something that is as stable as Mount Tai, but after my lord's success, I'm afraid the court will not be as peaceful as it is now."

Zhao Shu had been in the officialdom all his life, and he knew what Sun Yan meant when he heard what Sun Yan said.

Zhao Shu lowered his head, thought for a while, and felt that this matter was a bit risky. On the surface, Sun Yan was still the foreman of the military aircraft department, but who knew what the lord was thinking.

Besides, both of them are left behind by Prince Yizhong, and both of them had ties to that young master before. If the two of them join forces, the lord may not feel at ease.

Zhao Shu is now determined to be a lone minister and not to join any faction.

"My lord knows the overall situation in the court. As long as we are dedicated to our duties, my lord will be able to see it. Why bother to form gangs like those villains."

This made Sun Yan blush, and the direction was too clear, so Sun Yan didn't say anything, put down the teacup in his hand, and said goodbye.

After Sun Yan left Zhao Shu's mansion, he took a sigh of relief. From now on, he might have to continue to be a loner in the court.

In the next few days, dark clouds surged in the capital, Jia Yucun kept shuttling among the ministers, and the mansions of the ministers were often brightly lit.

These days, the weird atmosphere has even spread to the people, and there is no impenetrable wall for this kind of thing. Those officials will talk to their family members if they don't keep it together after returning home. As a result, the people also start talking crazy in the end.

However, the evaluation of Jia Ke among the people is very good. In the Celestial Dynasty of the Central Plains, since Jia Ke came out of the mountain, Jia Ke has been fighting in the south and the north, blocking the east and killing the west, and caring about the suffering of the people. The life of the people is much better than before. Even The sharecroppers were also able to barely make ends meet and had enough to eat.

So now everyone has no objection to Jia Ke's intention to ascend the throne, but instead has heated discussions, thinking about the benefits to the people of the world after Jia Ke really becomes the emperor.

However, this weird atmosphere calmed down a few days before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Those who are scheming in this situation will immediately know that the ministers in the court have reached an agreement.

And Jia Ke hasn't been idle these days. On the surface, he is sitting peacefully in the Qianqing Palace. Regardless of the right and wrong of the outside world, in fact, he will meet Jia Yucun every night.

Jia Yucun reported the situation of the contact during this period to Jia Ke every day.

And there are more and more people on the list supporting Jia Ke, while those diehards are getting fewer and fewer.

In the end, almost all civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty supported Jia Kechendi, and there were not many diehards left except for one or two Lengtouqings.

Seeing this situation, Jia Ke knew that the general trend had come, so he ordered Jia Yucun to ask Sun Yan and his officials to present a memorial to Jia Yuanchun on the [-]th day.

(End of this chapter)

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