Chapter 667
On the day of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Jia Ke got up early and dressed neatly. Under the service of Li Deshan, he rode an imperial chariot to the gate of Qianqing.

Jia Ke entered the main hall of Qianqingmen through the back door of Qianqingmen. At this time, Wen and Wu of the Manchu Dynasty had already been waiting at Qianqingmen for a long time.

When these ministers of civil and military affairs saw Jia Ke coming in, they knelt down together, "See King Yan Qiantui, Qiantui Qiantui."

Jia Ke waved his hand to them and said, "Everyone please stand up, there is no need to be polite."

Then Jia Ke went up the imperial steps, came to the throne in the center and took a look, and then sat down on the golden chair next to her.

Just as Jia Ke sat down, she heard a eunuch shout, "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager is here."

Immediately afterwards, Jia Yuanchun entered the Qianqing Gate from behind with the little emperor in his arms.

When the ministers below saw Jia Yuanchun and the emperor coming, they also knelt down to salute them, while Jia Ke just stood up without much courtesy.

Jia Yuanchun was used to being rude to Jia Ke, so she carried Huang Xiaohuang directly to the center of the imperial steps and sat on the throne.

Seeing that Jia Yuanchun was sitting still, Jia Ke sat down on the golden chair again.

Li Deshan saw that Jia Yuanchun and Jia Ke had already sat down, and immediately came to the middle of the imperial steps, and shouted to the main floor below: "If you have a book, you will play early, if you don't have a book, you will retreat."

As soon as Li Deshan finished shouting, Sun Yan, the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department, came out of his shift, knelt down on the ground, and said to the above: "Your Minister, the foreman of the Military Aircraft Department, Sun Yan, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, has a copy."

There was a smile on Jia Ke's face at that time, but he still said nonchalantly: "Since there is a book, let's play it."

Sun Yan immediately took out a memorial from his robe sleeve, put his hands on the top of his head and said: "Long live the minister, and a thousand years for the empress dowager. The emperor is too young to rule the world, and the fortune of this dynasty has declined. Please long live!" Abdicate to let the virtuous, and surrender the country to the regent."

Jia Yuanchun had been hugging the little emperor all this time, sitting in the center as a puppet, she thought the matter was over like this, but she didn't expect Sun Yan to surprise her today.

As soon as Jia Yuanchun listened to Sun Yan's words, his face immediately turned white.

When Jia Ke who was next to him heard Sun Yan's words, he immediately became annoyed. He stood up and pointed at Sun Yan and said, "You bastard, do you know that the father and son of the monarch and minister dare to speak such lies in the hall?"

Sun Yan naturally knew that Jia Ke was hypocritical, so Sun Yan also straightened his neck and retorted to Jia Ke: "Since ancient times, the virtuous have lived in it, and the virtuous have lost it. Today's emperor is not enough to inherit the great rule, rule Hundreds of millions of people, naturally should abdicate to make way for the virtuous."

At this time, Jia Yuanchun couldn't bear it anymore, she put the emperor on the throne next to her, stood up, and roared at Sun Yan below: "Well, you are a traitor who has no father and no king, you Don't want to serve the emperor, but dare to speak disobediently. Where are the warriors in front of the palace? Pull this person out to me and execute him immediately."

As a result, no matter how Jia Yuanchun roared, the warriors outside remained motionless.

Sun Yan had expected this kind of situation a long time ago, so he stopped being polite, and said directly to Jia Yuanchun above: "This is not the opinion of me alone, but the common aspiration of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty. Please take care of the overall situation of the empress dowager." , follow the voice of the people."

After Sun Yan said this, the ministers below knelt down and said to Jia Yuanchun together: "Please take care of the overall situation, the Queen Mother, and abdicate for the virtuous."

When Jia Yuanchun saw the situation, he knew that the people below were all in collusion.

So Jia Yuanchun turned around and said to Jia Ke with cold eyes, "King Yan, what do you think of these people?"

Jia Ke heard Jia Yuanchun's questioning, and said nonchalantly: "Although these ministers are a little arrogant, they are after all thinking of the country and the country. This time, the Empress Dowager doesn't have to pursue it."

When Jia Yuanchun heard that Jia Ke excused the following people, he knew that what happened today was probably planned by Jia Ke for a long time.

So Jia Yuanchun could only lower his posture and beg Jia Ke, "Brother, you have already become the regent and live in Qianqing Palace. Please let us mother and son go, don't push us too much."

After Jia Ke heard this, a sorrowful expression appeared on his face. He stood up and walked in front of Jia Yuanchun, helped her back to the throne, and comforted him and said, "Sister, don't worry, brother will definitely not let you go." None of you are going to end up."

After hearing this, Jia Yuanchun breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the throne nervously again.

After Jia Ke settled Jia Yuanchun, he immediately stood on the imperial steps and shouted to the people kneeling below: "Do you still have the law of the king and ministers? How dare you speak nonsense in the court hall? Where is the ex-samurai?"

When Jia Ke stopped drinking, a lot of warriors rushed in from outside.

Seeing the samurai coming in, Jia Ke immediately ordered: "Take down these rebellious officials and thieves, and put them in the sky prison to listen and deal with them."

After hearing Jia Ke's order, the warriors who came in immediately took down all the ministers who were kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Tian Ye, who was standing aside without opening a mouth, stood up, knelt on the ground and clasped his fists to Jia Ke and said, "I want to report to King Yan, I have a book to play."

"Since you have the book, let's play it in court."

"I would like to report to King Yan Qiantui that the ministers who met with them are all thinking of the court and have no self-interest. Although they forgot the principle of monarch and minister for a while, but for the sake of their public hearts, I ask Yan King Qiantui to give them a light sentence."

Jia Ke didn't intend to deal with these people at first, but now that Tian Ye came out to plead for mercy, he said smoothly, "Since Mr. Tian pleads for mercy, let them go this time."

Then Jia Ke waved his hand down, letting the warriors retreat.

Then Jia Ke walked down the imperial steps and came among these people, "You all go back today, take a look at Mencius, and see what the sage taught?"

After Jia Ke said this, he walked away, ignoring Jia Yuanchun, who was sitting on Bao Bao, and the ministers kneeling below.

Seeing Jia Ke leaving in anger, Jia Yuanchun, who was sitting on the throne, finally felt relieved. Then he stood up holding the little emperor, and glared fiercely at the rice dumpling kneeling below. After serving, I returned to the Compassion Palace.

Seeing that Jia Ke and the Empress Dowager Jia Yuanchun had left, the ministers kneeling below stood up in twos and threes, and then these people left the Qianqing Gate and gathered around Jia Yucun to ask for advice.

Jia Yucun is famous for having a lot of ideas, and he understood Jia Ke's meaning as soon as he thought about it.

If Jia Ke was really angry, why didn't the ministers go to read the classics of Confucius, but let them go back to read Mencius.

Mencius has a saying: The people are the most important, the country is second, and the king is the least.That's why you get the people of Qiu to be the son of heaven, you get the son of heaven to be a prince, and you get the princes to be a great official.If the princes are in danger of the country, they will change their positions.

Jia Yucun explained to everyone there, and everyone suddenly realized that they were not angry with the lord, and they were trying to play a trick of persuading him three times.

So these ministers went back to contact each other again, thinking of speaking to Jia Ke again.

And what happened today, it didn't take long for it to spread throughout the capital.

Everyone is talking about this matter, some people say that Jia Ke is trying to cover up, some people say that Jia Ke is a loyal minister and good general, but most people think that Jia Ke should be replaced.

Don't talk about the discussion in the court, but talk about Rongguo Mansion.

It didn't take long for what happened in the court that day, and an official who took refuge in the Rongguo Mansion passed on the whole story to Jia Zheng.

When Jia Zheng got the news, he stood up from his seat in shock, followed by a burst of joy. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

After Jia Zheng got the news, he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to the back house to see Jia Mu.

When Jia Zheng entered Jia Mu's room, he couldn't wait to ask all the nuns and maids in the room to go out and wait.

Seeing that Jia Zheng was in such a hurry, Jia's mother knew that he had something serious to do, so she didn't say anything about Jia Zheng's experience.

After all these people had retreated, Jia Zheng came to Jia Mu, and said in a bowed voice: "Old lady, there was news from the court just now. Please Yuanchun surrender the throne to our elder brother."

Mother Jia was also agitated when she heard this, but she immediately calmed down, squinted at Jia Zheng, and asked, "What's that girl Yuanchun's opinion?"

After hearing this, Jia Zheng said helplessly: "After all, Yuan Chun was poured out by a married girl. How could she agree to this matter and refute the opinions of all the ministers in court?"

After Jia Mu listened, gloom flashed in her eyes, what a great opportunity this is, as long as Jia Yuanchun agrees in court, then their Jia family will fly to the sky immediately.

If that's the case, Mother Jia doesn't care about raising Jia Yuanchun's mother and son, at least she can save the lives of the two mothers and sons.

Since this is the case, then there is nothing to say, and their lives will be in peace in the future.

Mother Jia was silent for a while, and immediately threw away the family affection, and said to Jia Zheng fiercely: "Go back and tell your daughter-in-law, let him go to the palace to persuade Yuan Chun, don't miss our important event, or when the time comes I have no family to talk about."

After Jia Zheng heard Jia Mu's words, he immediately fell silent. He knew what Jia Mu meant, but Jia Yuanchun was his own flesh and blood after all, and if there was anything good or bad, he would feel uneasy.

When Jia's mother saw Jia Zheng's indecision, she became very angry.

"Worthless thing, now it is related to the great cause of our Jia family. We can't retreat. If you really think about Yuanchun, then you should persuade her to stop fighting with your eldest brother."

After hearing this, Jia Zheng hurriedly agreed, and then bowed and retreated. Now he was thinking about it, the Jia family had no way out.

If the powerful ministers from ancient times to the present have not succeeded in usurping the throne, there are a few who will end well.

Let’s just talk about Huo Guang, he can be regarded as a famous official who has left his name through the ages. He helped the two emperors.He was beheaded as soon as he died.

(End of this chapter)

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