The eldest son of the red mansion

Chapter 674 The Enthronement Ceremony

Chapter 674 The Enthronement Ceremony
Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou's mother and son cried in each other's arms, but in the end Qin Keqing who was at the side came to dissuade her, so Jia Ke stopped her grief and personally helped Aunt Zhou onto the imperial chariot.

After that, Jia Ke didn't get in the sedan chair, and just followed the imperial chariot on foot, all the way to the Compassionate Ning Palace.

Arriving at the gate of the Compassionate Ning Palace, Jia Ke once again helped Aunt Zhou into the Compassionate Ning Palace surrounded by maids and eunuchs.

Aunt Zhou walked all the way and looked at it, she just felt that the Palace of Compassion and Ning was simply resplendent and resplendent like never before, even in her dreams, she never imagined that there would be such a prosperous place in the world.

Jia Ke and Aunt Zhou entered the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace, and then settled down for Aunt Zhou. The mother and son talked for a long time, and then Jia Ke left.

After Jia Ke left, Aunt Zhou still felt that she was living in a dream, and the palace she lived in now was no different from the sky palaces in the dream.

But Xia Mai, who followed Aunt Zhou into the palace with him, was very excited.

Just now, while Jia Ke was talking to Aunt Zhou, Xia Mai went out and gathered the court ladies and eunuchs together for a while to lecture.

The maids and eunuchs all had low eyebrows, which made Xia Mai, who had been serving people, feel so beautiful.

When Jia Ke was there just now, he was embarrassed to say anything, but seeing Jia Ke left, Xia Mai immediately became active.

"Auntie, will you be the Empress Dowager in the future?"

Aunt Zhou was a little embarrassed when she heard Xia Mai's words, but she thought that her own son was already the emperor of the dynasty, so it didn't matter if she was called queen mother.

So Aunt Zhou nodded reservedly.

Seeing Xia Mai next to her, she immediately cheered up, "This time we can really be on an equal footing with those on the other side. That girl Caixia has her nostrils turned upside down every time she sees me, and now they only enter the palace because of our uncle." Let's see how she shows off in the future."

Aunt Zhou kept nodding when she heard this, and now he thinks that these people in the family can enter the palace because she gave birth to a good son, and she is now living in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and she is on an equal footing with Madam Wang, so naturally There is no need to be as cautious as before.

"When you see them in the future, you don't have to be as patient as before. This is our elder brother's place anyway, and it's up to them to see how we look."

Xia Mai listened to Aunt Zhou's order, and nodded beside her like a chicken pecking at rice.

After Aunt Zhou finished the summer wheat one after another, she thought about it again. Now that Jia Zheng lives in Kangning Palace and she is in Compassionate Ning Palace, it is difficult to say it.

So Aunt Zhou said to Xia Mai who was on the side: "Remind me from tomorrow, I have to pay my respects to the master and the old lady every day."

After hearing this, Xia Mai quickly agreed.

One day later, everyone in the capital knew that Jia Ke had put on a yellow robe and had brought the elders of the family into the palace.

At this time, those elders and children who had returned their hearts and moved forward, stamped their feet and beat their chests, and wailed endlessly.

And those ministers of civil and military affairs who followed Jia Ke's plan were even more ecstatic. They can be regarded as the founding fathers of the country. After their lord officially ascended the throne, these people will inevitably have a title.

While the military plane is maintaining order in the capital, it is also making intensive arrangements for enthronement.

Finally, under the calculation of Daolu Division and Qin Tianjian, nine days later will be an auspicious day for the zodiac.

So Sun Yan and others reported the date to Jia Ke.

After Jia Ke found out, she was quite satisfied. The date was neither near nor far, which was just enough for the arrangement, so she agreed to their memorial.

Nine days later, in the morning, Jia Ke got up early, and was dressed neatly under the service of Li Deshan and other court ladies and eunuchs.

What Jia Ke was wearing on this day was not the ordinary emperor's court clothes, but the serious gown.

It is not easy to wear the Dagon Mian suit, and one person really cannot wear it. This costume is mainly composed of a crown, a black garment, a skirt, a white belt, a yellow knee cover, a plain yarn, and a red skirt.The legend has existed since the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Although there have been slight changes in successive dynasties, the general style has not changed.

Then Jia Ke waited in the Qianqing Palace. In the morning, Fan Kang, who was the Minister of Rites, came to the Qianqing Palace in person and invited Jia Ke to ascend the throne.

Then Jia Ke came to the Hall of Zhonghe on a chariot in the Qianqing Palace. First, he was seated in the Hall of Zhonghe, and officials at all levels saluted.

After the ceremony, the officials took their positions, and Fan Kang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, invited the emperor again.So Yiwei and others followed Jia Kelong to the Palace of Supreme Harmony.

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Jia Ke was ascended to the throne, that is, the throne of emperor, and then all civil and military officials performed three kneeling and nine knocking rituals.At this time, according to the regulations of the ceremony, the Zhonghe Shaoyue band will play, and the bells and drums will ring at the Meridian Gate.

Then the ministers continued to pay respects to the congratulations, and all the succession etiquettes were basically completed at this time.

The next step is for Jia Ke, as the new emperor, to issue an enthronement edict to the people of the world.

First of all, Sun Yan, the chief minister of the Military Aircraft Department, took out the edict, handed over the edict to Fan Kang, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and placed it in the cloud tray (wooden tray decorated with cloud patterns) with the official of the Ministry of Rites. Zhihuang Gai walked out of the Taihe Gate from the middle path together, and then blew the whip, and Jia Ke returned to the palace.

Civil and military officials followed the imperial edict out of the Meridian Gate through the Zhaode Gate and Zhendu Gate on both sides of the Taihe Gate, placed the imperial edict in the Dragon Pavilion, and carried it to the tower of Tiananmen Gate for promulgation.Jia Ke returned to the Duanning Palace, at the Military Aircraft Office, the foreman Sun Yan led all the civil and military personnel, and handed over the "Emperor's Treasure" and stored it in the palace.

Now Jia Ke is considered a legitimate emperor.

After that, Jia Ke sat on the main hall of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and once again accepted the worship of civil and military officials.

After Jia Ke let all the civil and military men die, he sat on the throne and said to the people below: "I have first ascended to the Great Treasure, and the name of the country is "Yan" and the name of the year is "Kangshun."

Next, the minister of civil and military worshiped again, and Jia Ke then made a gesture to Li Deshan, who had been following him all the time.

Li Deshan immediately took out an imperial decree from above the imperial case, raised it respectfully over his head, came to the imperial case, unfolded the imperial edict, and announced to the bottom: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the edict said: My grandmother, with all my heart and soul, Supporting the Jia family has never been slack in the past decades. Now that I have ascended the Great Treasure, I will raise it with the riches of the world, canonize it as the Empress Dowager, and raise it in Ningshou Palace.

After Li Deshan announced the imperial edict, naturally a young eunuch came to the imperial steps, took the imperial edict with both hands, then retreated out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and passed the edict to Mother Jia in Ningshou Palace in the harem.

Next, Li Deshan presented the imperial decree again, one was to confer Jia Zheng as the Supreme Emperor. After Li Deshan finished reading, it was still the little eunuch who presented the imperial decree, left the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and delivered the decree to the Kangning Palace.

Just when everyone thought it was over, they did not expect that Li Deshan once again presented an imperial decree.

His Highness' civil and military officials looked at the scene and thought that Jia Ke was Jia Zheng's first wife, Mrs. Wang.

Who knows, when Li Deshan opened his mouth to read the imperial decree, everyone was stunned. It turned out that the imperial decree did not mention Mrs. Wang at all, but conferred Jia Ke's biological mother, Zhou, as the Queen Mother, and gave her to live in the Palace of Compassion and Peace for the elderly.

Sitting on the throne in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Jia Ke listened to the imperial decree conveyed below, thinking of the oath she made when she was still young, that Aunt Zhou must be placed above Mrs. Wang.

Today, Jia Ke ascends the throne and sits in the palace, ruling China.This wish can also be realized. From now on, let's not say that Mrs. Wang meets Aunt Zhou and salutes, at least let them be equal in the true sense.

The civil and military ministers below did not dare to ask about these royal affairs, so they all kept silent, so this imperial edict was also taken out by the little eunuch and sent to the Palace of Compassion.

Here today's enthronement ceremony is completely over, and Jia Ke can justifiably call himself a widow from now on.

After the Great Dynasty, Jia Ke returned to Qianqing Palace on a royal chariot.

At this time, Qin Keqing brought all of Jia Ke's concubines and had been kneeling here for a long time.

Jia Ke got off the imperial chariot, and instead of going to help Qin Keqing up as usual, she nodded to her, and then went straight into the Qianqing Palace and sat on the throne.

Qin Keqing hurriedly brought these women of Jia Ke into the Qianqing Palace, and knelt down at the imperial steps to congratulate Jia Ke.

Jia Ke sat on it and did not make them flat, but let Li Deshan declare the decree again.

Then Li Deshan took out a copy, stood there and read again: "Fengtian Chengyun Emperor, the imperial edict said: The Qin family can be young and obedient, long and wise, follow the etiquette scriptures, and respond to the history of the picture. Inheritance of Qi Li Hua Zhou, promoted to the high rank of the back court, expensive but not relying on, modest and bright. Bow with the way, and catch with peace. The four virtues are both beautiful, and the six palaces are not. The law is already there, and the capital is worn , Be frugal and transform people, and take the lead in saving money. Specially established as the queen. I respect this."

Qin Keqing knelt down, she was already smiling, and she couldn't hide it no matter what, she replied in a trembling voice: "My concubine, Qin Keqing, thank you Lord Long En, long live, long live, long live."

Then an eunuch sent the imperial decree to Qin Keqing, and another eunuch next to him sent the queen's gold seal and gold book.

The most important thing among them is this precious seal. In the future in the imperial palace, Qin Keqing will rely on it to rule the six palaces.

The next step is the imperial decree to confer the title of noble concubine. Jia Ke only conferred the title of two noble concubines, namely: Shi Xiangyun and Xue Baochai.

But everyone already knows this well, because among Jia Ke's wives and concubines, these two have the highest status, and they are both relatives of Jia Ke, so they have nothing to say about being a noble concubine.

At the same time, Jia Ke granted Shi Xiangyun to Zhongcui Palace, and Xue Baochai to Chengqian Palace.

Below is the title of the fourth concubine, which is the focus of competition among women like Jia Ke.

The other wives and concubines all looked at Jia Ke eagerly.

And Jia Ke still sat there expressionless, nodding again to Li Deshan.

It was Li Deshan who hurriedly took out the imperial decree again and announced: Chuncao, Qiaolian, Lanxiang, and the third sister You were divided into four concubines: Xian, Liang, Shu, and De.

They were entrusted to live in the four palaces of Yanxi, Jingren, Tihe and Yikun respectively.

It was the other women that Jia Ke accepted, Shao Yuan, Liu Xuan, Li Lu, Li Li, and Ailian, all were conferred by Jia Ke as concubines.It can be regarded as worthy of them, and followed Jia Ke early.

Then Jia Ke handed down two more edicts, assigning his eldest son Jia Zhi as the King of Chu, his second son Jia Mao as the King of Wu, and his daughter Jia Xuan as Princess Anle.

Hearing these two semicolons, Qin Keqing was naturally a little unhappy. She thought Jia Ke would make Jia Zhi the crown prince, but she didn't expect to make Jia Zhi the king of Chu.

Qiaolian was not as disappointed as Qin Keqing, and she was very happy to know that her son was named King Wu.

(End of this chapter)

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