Chapter 675

That night, Jia Ke held a grand banquet in the palace, and all the high-ranking civil and military ministers were invited. This time, the banquet also saw the new emperor's win over the civil and military ministers.

At the banquet, Jia Ke didn't have any big airs, but frequently toasted to the civil and military ministers below. This approachable appearance was completely different from when Jia Ke was the King of Yan.

Not to mention Jia Ke enjoying a drink here, but also Mrs. Wang in the Kangning Palace, now she is out of breath.

This morning, Mrs. Wang was still waiting for Jia Ke's will to make her the Queen Mother. As a result, after waiting all morning, even Aunt Zhou was named the Queen Mother, but there was no news from her.

In the end, the enthronement ceremony was over, and Jia Ke's imperial edict had not been sent to her.

Mrs. Wang felt that she couldn't take it anymore, so she broke into the main hall of Kangning Palace regardless of 21, and wanted to ask Jia Zheng for an explanation.

As a result, as soon as he entered the main hall, he saw Jia Zheng hugging Aunt Zhao and making promises there.

"What are you worried about? My eldest brother has just ascended the throne today, so I don't have time to take care of your trivial matters. I'll go and say hello to him when I'm free in a few days. Your position as a concubine is not a matter of course."

Hearing this, Aunt Zhao also had a charming face, holding Jia Zheng's head and treating him tenderly there.

And it was at this time that Mrs. Wang came in.

When Aunt Zhao saw Mrs. Wang coming in, she immediately jumped out of Jia Zheng's arms reflexively, stepped aside, then gave Mrs. Wang a guilty look, and then saluted her.

When Jia Zheng saw Mrs. Wang, he broke into his main hall, and none of the court ladies and eunuchs reported it, so he immediately became unhappy.

If Jia Zheng could endure it in the past, but now that he is a majestic, overlord, apart from Jia Ke, he is the biggest in the palace, how could he be able to endure it.

So Jia Zheng glared, and shouted at the eunuch next to him, "You idiot, why didn't you report the madam's arrival?"

The eunuch was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and trembled.

Mrs. Wang took a look at Jia Zheng, stepped forward to salute him, and then said: "If you go back to the Supreme Emperor, it's the concubines who didn't let them come in to report."

Seeing that Mrs. Wang opened her mouth, it was not good for Jia Zheng to say anything else, so he could only wave his hands, telling all the eunuchs and maids in the palace to retreat, and then said sullenly, "It's so late, you are not resting in the palace, come What's the matter with me here?"

"Returning to the Supreme Emperor, the concubine came this time to ask the Supreme Emperor for an explanation."

As soon as Jia Zheng heard Mrs. Wang say this, he understood what he meant. After all, what Jia Ke did today was indeed a little too much, and it had a big conflict with the ancient people's concept of concubines.

So Jia Zheng could only clean up the mess for Jia Ke, "Madam, you don't have to worry, I've made a note of this matter, and I'll tell the emperor after a while, and I'll give you an explanation."

After Mrs. Wang heard Jia Zheng's words, the tears in her eye sockets could no longer be held back, and immediately rolled down like pearls with broken strings.

Jia Zheng was shocked when he saw Mrs. Wang crying. You must know that Mrs. Wang has been taking care of family affairs for herself since she followed him. A strong woman who has never shed a tear in front of her can cry like rain. I couldn't help but feel a little sour in my heart.

But Jia Zheng has nothing to say about this matter. On the one hand, his most promising son, who is now the Ninth Five-Year Master, and on the other hand, his wife who followed him, with fleshy palms and backs. Now he can What I did was just to reconcile in the middle.

After Mrs. Wang left, Jia Zheng was also a little sad, and Aunt Zhao, who was next to him, saw that Jia Zheng was troubled, so she could only rush over to help Jia Zheng resolve it.

But now Jia Zheng is not in the mood, he waved his hand and made Aunt Zhao retreat.

At this time, Gao Huai, the chief eunuch of Kangning Palace, who was serving Jia Zheng on the sidelines, came to Jia Zheng's side with a few steps, and said with a smile on his face: "I will report to the Supreme Emperor, the servant has prepared several sets of songs and dances. If the Supreme Emperor Trouble, it is better to let them come up to solve the problem for the Supreme Emperor."

Jia Zheng was originally a gentleman of Taoism, and he didn't want to listen to Eunuch Zhao's slander, but after all he hadn't been in the palace for long and didn't know the rules in the palace, he was afraid that this battle might make Eunuch Zhao laugh, so he nodded.

Seeing Jia Zheng nodding, the high eunuch immediately bowed and retreated. After a while, he heard the sound of silk and bamboo outside, and then seven beautiful dancers came to the hall and danced gracefully.

Jia Zheng pretended to be nonchalant, and watched from below, only to see that these women were only wearing tulle in this cold weather, and now they were dancing an enchanting dance, which made Jia Zheng blush , The education he received in the Rongguo Mansion, where has he seen such a performance.

Although Jia Zheng wanted to drink these women away, he couldn't help but stare at the leading dancer in the middle because he was very close, and couldn't take his eyes off him.

Gao Huai, who was standing next to him, had served so many masters in the palace. He had never seen any kind of person. He could tell what he was thinking right now with just one look at Jia Zheng.

So under the arrangement of this Eunuch Gao, Jia Zheng got lucky with the dancer that night.

The next day, there was another Master Feng with the surname Feng in Kang Ning Palace.

Don't talk about the things in the palace, just say that in the Rongguo Mansion, Jia Lian is now drinking with Jia Zhu.

Jia Zhu can't drink alcohol, so he just accompanied Jia Lian to taste it for a while, but Jia Lian was different, he was drinking one cup after another.

"Second brother Lian, alcohol is bad for your health, you'd better drink less."

Jia Lian didn't care about this, and poured another glass of wine into his mouth, "Second Brother Zhu, what do you mean by the one in the palace? It's been a few days, and we haven't seen any titles given to us."

Jia Zhu just smiled slightly and didn't say much. In fact, he knew that Jia Ke was just letting them down.

If these children of the Jia family are just having fun, that's okay, but they have bullied men and women over the years and done a lot of bad things. If they are granted titles now, then they still haven't turned the capital upside down.

"Second brother, don't worry. I think you should calm down and don't go outside. I think if this is the case, there will be good news after a while."

As soon as Jia Lian heard it, he looked at Jia Zhu with drunken and blurred eyes and asked, "Second Brother Zhu, do you have any news? Let me reveal it to my younger brother so that I won't have to guess."

"During this time, these relatives of our Jia family have made the capital a mess. What do you think will happen if they have titles again?"

Jia Lian was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "I understand. From today on, I will not go out of the door, and I will cultivate myself at home."

"If you still want to go faster, let your Second Sister You go to the palace and say something nice to her sister. I was thinking of my elder brother, and I didn't mean to embarrass us on purpose. If someone passes the steps, he will naturally down."

As soon as Jia Lian heard it, she really thought it was polite. There is also Third Sister You in the palace. She is the younger sister of Second Sister You. She is one of the two people Jia Ke favors the most. As long as she establishes a relationship with her, she will be next to Jia Ke in the future. There is nothing that can't be done by blowing on the pillow.

Since Jia Lian discussed Jia Zhu's idea, he left happily.

But Jia Zhu looked at Jia Lian who left with a smile on his face, but there was a sneer of disdain on his face. This time, if he was asked to play forward for himself, if even Jia Lian was also banned, then he would have nothing to say when he came here .

After the banquet was over, Jia Lian really didn't go out to fool around with others, but returned to his small courtyard.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, Jia Lian heard his new concubine, Qiu Tong, standing in front of Second Sister You's room, pointing fingers at Sang and Huai Huai.

This Qiu Tong was originally Jia She's maid, but Jia She gave it to Jia Lian for some reason. Because she is a new beauty, Jia Lian still loves and takes care of Qiu Tong during this time, even the second sister You does not. Dare to compete with her.

If it was before today, when Jia Lian saw this, he would just pretend to reprimand him and then let go.

But now Jia Lian's mind has been fascinated by wealth, seeing Qiutong insulting Second Sister You, he thought of what would happen if Third Sister You knew about it in the palace.

If it was Third Sister You who blew a few words of pillow wind in front of Jia Ke, then the throne that he was about to obtain would not know how long it would take.

So Jia Lian pretended to be furious, and went up and kicked Qiutong somersault.

"I didn't care about things before, but you really put on your face, and you didn't even look at where this is, how dare you behave like this?"

Qiu Tong had been scared by Jia Lian for a long time, and now she got up and knelt in front of Jia Lian, trembling.

There was a trace of love and pity in Jia Lian's eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

"Do you know who lives in the house? This is my flat wife. Even your second grandma can't be so presumptuous, let alone you, a picky bastard."

When Jia Lian was scolding vigorously, Wang Xifeng brought Ping'er out of the back room at some point. She glanced at Qiu Tong, then immediately came to Jia Lian's side, dusted him off, and then smiled. He asked, "Yo, what's the matter? Make our second master so angry."

As a result, Jia Lian gave Wang Xifeng a hard look, and then said, "Are you deaf or dumb just now? Didn't you hear the chaos in the yard?"

When Wang Xifeng heard what Jia Lian said, her face was a bit ugly. Although she deliberately provoked this incident, Wang Xifeng did not expect that Jia Lian would be rude to her in front of so many people.

So Wang Xifeng was also annoyed, "The ones who are arguing are all your sweethearts. I'm an old man, how dare I get involved."

After Wang Xifeng finished speaking, she flicked her sleeves, ignored Jia Lian, and went straight into the house.

Jia Lian was even more furious now, and regardless of Qiu Tong who was kneeling on the ground, he just tossed her and went into Second Sister You's room.

(End of this chapter)

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