Chapter 679

After hearing what the Great Bright Bodhisattva said, Jia Yan replied with a smile on his face: "The Bodhisattva's words are wrong. If this happens, the present world will definitely be harassed by the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the world will not be peaceful. At that time, the people will suffer. It's unbearable, I hope the Bodhisattva will let go of the obsession in his heart and think about the people of the world."

The Great Bright Bodhisattva was silent for a long while. He knew that what Jia Yan said was right, but he had received the favor of the previous dynasty, so he must not stand by because of this, otherwise he might fall to the fruition status.

But the Great Bright Bodhisattva is very suspicious that there is a huge force behind Jia Ke, otherwise, with Jia Ke, a concubine, he can calm the world and face the south and the north in just a dozen years?
Therefore, the Great Bright Bodhisattva put his hands together again, bowed his head and bowed to Jia Yan, "Almsgiver, the Dragon Court in the previous dynasty was just lingering on its last breath and nothing can happen. Please be magnanimous and considerate of the righteousness of the emperor and ministers, and let him go this time."

After the Great Bright Bodhisattva finished speaking, he raised his head, his eyes shone brightly, and his body shone brightly. Jia Yan was immediately overwhelmed by this Bodhisattva.

At this moment, an auspicious cloud flew in the distance, and an ethereal fairy stood in the auspicious cloud.

I saw this fairy, with her fairy robes fluttering, smelling the fragrance of orchid musk deer; the lotus clothes were about to move, listening to the clang of the ring.Smiling with spring peaches, clouds piled with green buns; lips with cherry blossoms, and pomegranate teeth with fragrance.

If Jia Ke saw this fairy, she would definitely feel very familiar with her, because in her appearance, there are Lin Daiyu's innocence, Xue Baochai's solemnity, and Qin Keqing's charm. Heaven and earth aura in one.

The auspicious cloud of the fairy came not far from the Great Bright Bodhisattva, and said with a smile: "The Bodhisattva can't talk about it, do you want to do it?"

The Bodhisattva looked up, and then smiled contemptuously, "Who am I? It turns out to be the Fairy Jinghuan from the Lihun Heaven. The fairy is not in the realm of illusory illusions. What is the purpose of coming to this Netherland? "

Fairy Jing Huan first saluted Duke Ningguo Jiayan, and then said to Great Light Bodhisattva: "I heard that in the Underworld, the Dragon Court of this dynasty intends to wipe out the remnants of the previous dynasty, so they are here to help."

When the Great Bright Bodhisattva heard this, a flash of anger flashed across his face, but he quickly suppressed it, and then he chanted the Buddha's name and said: "Amitabha, the fairy listens to my good advice and immediately returns to the illusory realm to sit peacefully, otherwise If it is said, I am afraid that thousands of years of Taoism will be ruined in one day."

The Fairy Jing Huan was not angry, but said: "If the Bodhisattva retreats to the west, I will naturally return to sit in the illusory realm?"

The Great Light Bodhisattva heard this and knew that things could not be good, so he didn't say much, and returned to the dragon court of the previous dynasty with the lotus platform.

And it was Jia Yan who was able to talk to Fairy Jing Huan, "My brother is here this time, and our brothers thank Xiangu for her help."

The Fairy Jing Huan hurriedly returned the courtesy and said: "I offended you so much last time, please ask the Duke of the State to speak to me in front of the new emperor to erase my sins."

"What did I think it was? It turned out to be just such a trivial matter. Fairy, please rest assured. After I go back, I will definitely give the new emperor a dream. I think the new emperor is magnanimous and will be able to forgive the fairy."

Only then did Fairy Jing Huan feel relieved.

You can tell me how this Fairy Jing Huan came to be so coincidental. It turned out that Fairy Jing Huan was sitting peacefully in the illusory world, and suddenly received an amnesty order from Chixia Palace, asking her to go to Netherland to help the new Emperor Longting.

That Fairy Jing Huan was worried that she would not find a chance to wash away her sins and seek refuge with the new emperor, so now she accepted the pardon order and naturally obeyed it.

It's just that she was stopped by a crane just when she got close to the illusory realm.

The crane flew to Jing Huan Fairy's place, and when it rolled on the ground, it turned into a fairy boy.

The fairy boy came to Fairy Jing Huan, took out a treasure from his bosom, and offered it with both hands.

"Fairy, my princess, I heard that Fairy is going to the Underworld to help the new emperor, so I am specially ordered to deliver this item to protect Fairy."

Fairy Jing Huan took the treasure, her eyes lit up, thinking that with this thing in her heart, she will surely make meritorious deeds by going this time.

Only then did Fairy Jing Huan come from Lihentian to Netherland.

After Jia Yan and Xiangu Jinghuan talked about the past, Bian ordered the Yin soldiers and ghost generals under his command to attack the Netherland from all directions.

The Taizu of the previous dynasty did not show weakness, and immediately ordered the Yin soldiers under his command to meet him under the command of all the officials and barbarians.

This time the two sides fought with ghosts crying and gods howling, the Yin Qi was turbulent, there were Yin soldiers constantly, and they turned into balls of Yin Qi and dissipated into the space.

At the beginning, the two sides could still hold each other, but it didn't take long for Jia Yan's side to be at a disadvantage.

It's just because the opponent has too many loyal ministers and good generals. These people were nourished by the dragon spirit of the previous dynasty, and they became gods in the underworld one by one.Now the power of these people is not comparable to that of ordinary ghost generals.

Seeing this situation, Jia Yan was very angry, and immediately ordered Jia Daishan and Jia Daihua to go to help.

Forget about Jia Daihua, although he was nourished by the dragon energy of the dynasty, but his relationship with Jia Ke was far away.

That Jia Daishan is no small matter, as Jia Ke's direct ancestor, he has a very cohesive dragon aura, almost as good as the emperor of a dynasty.

Seeing Jia Daishan come out, the dragon energy on his body immediately turned into a golden dragon, circling around him.

The Taizu of the previous dynasty frowned when he saw this situation. He was very clear about the power of the dragon.The gods can be canonized at the top, and the gods who have attained the Tao can be knocked out of the dust below.

The Taizu had no choice but to order the three emperors under his command to fight immediately to stop Jia Daishan.

These three are the only three emperors in the previous dynasty except Taizu, but they were destroyed by the Southern Dynasty. The dragon spirit can no longer last. If they fight alone, they may not be Jia Daishan's opponents, so Emperor Taizu decided Order these three to shoot together.

After these three people came out, three golden dragons also flew up from their bodies, but these three golden dragons were in a trance, and they were in danger of dissipating at any time.

Seeing this scene, Jia Daishan laughed and immediately fit himself together, jumped on the golden dragon that was with him and jumped into the air, and went straight to the three weak little dragons.So these people fought in one place.

I can only see: the golden dragon soars into the sky and dances to the country, and the sky and the earth are dark when the precious light rises.

When Jia Yan saw that the three emperors on the other side were resisting Jia Daishan, there was nothing he could do.After all, my background is still a bit weak. If I didn't rely on the constant flow of dragon energy in this world to nourish me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be qualified to fight against the former Taizu.

At this moment, Fairy Jing Huan on the side saw the Dragon Court and couldn't resist, so she stood up and said to Jia Yan who was next to her: "You don't have to worry, Duke, wait for me to go and cast my magic power."

Fairy Jing Huan left the army after she finished speaking, and flew up to the sky above the territory. She took out a jade bottle from her bosom, opened the cork and went down.

At this moment, the color of the underworld immediately changed. It turned out that the jade bottle was filled with rolling sea water. This sea water was not a mortal thing, but the sea water of Lihentian and Mochouhai.

As long as you get wet by the sea water, you will immediately lose your mind and get lost in the grievances of men and women.

The sea water from the Mochou Sea poured directly into the Dragon Court, no matter whether it was a god made by a loyal and good general, or an ordinary ghost general who was in the army, his expression immediately became trance, his face was alternately happy and sad, and he was suddenly mad and resentful.

Seeing this situation, the Taizu was shocked immediately, and said to the Great Bright Bodhisattva next to him, "This is the sea water of the Mochou Sea, and the Bodhisattva will help you quickly."

After the Bodhisattva looked at it, he smiled slightly and said to Taizu: "This is a foreign skill, nothing to worry about. Let the poor monk break him."

After the Bodhisattva finished speaking, he came to the front of the formation, and his body radiated light.

This light is transformed by the bodhisattva's mind, and as soon as the light comes out, it immediately illuminates the world.

The already polluted Yin soldier ghost will be illuminated by this light, and immediately regain his consciousness.

The Great Light Bodhisattva solved the crisis, came to the stage with a smile, and said to Fairy Jing Huan, "I advise Fairy, you should hurry back to Li Hentian, otherwise I'm afraid this time you will be in a catastrophe."

After hearing the words of Great Bright Bodhisattva, Fairy Jing Huan was not annoyed, she just smiled and said: "If I dare to come here, I will not be afraid of you, Bodhisattva."

After the Fairy Jing Huan finished speaking, she took out a treasure from her bosom, and the Great Bright Bodhisattva took a closer look, and it turned out that it was a jade wishful.

Seeing this jade ruyi, Great Brightness Bodhisattva felt nervous for a while. It turned out that he recognized this ruyi. This is the treasure of Chixia Palace. How did such a treasure fall into the hands of Fairy Jing Huan?

But now he is not allowed to think too much, only Fairy Jing Huan took out Ruyi, and threw the spell in the air.

The jade ruyi flew into the mid-air, its brilliance burst out, and then it rose against the wind. Fairy Jing Huan then pointed at the Great Bright Bodhisattva, and the jade ruyi smashed it down on the great bright Bodhisattva.

Seeing this scene, the Great Bright Bodhisattva did not dare to be negligent, and immediately recited a mantra on the lotus platform, and the lotus platform under his feet also released immeasurable golden light to protect the Great Bright Bodhisattva.

This jade ruyi smashed onto the golden light in an instant, and the golden light swayed in just one hit.

Fairy Jing Huan saw that one blow was not effective, so she immediately recited the mantra again, and tapped on the Great Bright Bodhisattva three times in a row.

Immediately, Yu Ruyi flew into the air again, and smashed it at the Great Bright Bodhisattva three times.

At the beginning, the pure golden light of the Great Bright Bodhisattva could still protect it, but when it was smashed for the third time, the golden light immediately dispersed and disappeared without a trace, and even the golden lotus at the feet of the Great Bright Bodhisattva was damaged.

As soon as Fairy Jing Huan saw the golden light that broke through the Great Light Bodhisattva, she immediately made persistent efforts and chanted the mantra, and Yu Ruyi flew into the air again, and was about to fall again.

The Great Light Bodhisattva saw that it was not good, and immediately turned into a golden light and returned to the Dragon Court.

The Taizu of the former dynasty in the Longting, seeing this scene, hurried up to greet him.

"Bodhisattva, what kind of treasure is that on the other side? It's so powerful?"

The Great Light Bodhisattva said solemnly: "This is the treasure of the Chixia Palace in the Heavenly Palace. It is extremely powerful. My lotus stand was bestowed by the Buddha himself. I didn't expect it to be able to stop the opponent's three blows."

When the Taizu of the previous dynasty heard this, his face changed a little. On their side, the Great Bright Bodhisattva is the most powerful. Now even he has been defeated. Could it be that the Dragon Court will be destroyed today?

(End of this chapter)

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